May 29, 2010  •  In Information, Web

Is Your Personal Data on Spokeo?

My blogging friend Fabulously Broke alerted me of Spokeo this morning.

According to their website, Spokeo is a “people” search engine that aggregates all publicly available data (including but not limited to: phone directories, social networks, marketing surveys, mailing lists, government census, real estate listings, and business websites).

While a quick name search will bring up cursory information, paid members can access even more detailed data.

I knew that after being active on social networks for years, my information would most likely be listed. What surprised me is that they had the wrong information. More specifically, their information was vastly outdated — they had me listed as still living with my parents, circa 1999! And NO, my parents’ house is not worth $1 million (we wish!).

They did not have any phone numbers or emails listed, which is a common complaint by most visitors of the site. However, the information they did have bothered me, so I clicked on over to their privacy page and asked to be removed from their public search engine.

IMPORTANT: Since Spokeo gets their data from third-party sources, removing your information from their searches does NOT mean you’re in the clear. You would still need to contact those third-party sources separately and ask to be removed (or change your privacy settings).

I did a search for J and was pleased to see that he was not listed. The same for my sister. However, some close friends were listed, so I will be emailing them shortly to let them know.

I highly recommend that all my readers click on over to Spokeo to see what personal information is out there for all to see!

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May 28, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Personal, Sports

2010 World Cup Murals

There are exactly two weeks left until I become a soccer widow.

While J and I share enthusiasm for basketball and football, there is one sport where we do not stand on common ground: soccer.

Having grown up in Hong Kong and attended boarding school in England, J is a HUGE soccer — ahem, football — fan. His team of choice is Manchester United and he will be avidly cheering for England in two weeks. He even had a friend in Hong Kong find, and ship over a vintage England jersey for the event!

Me? I can care less about soccer. (According to J, I am too “Americanized” to appreciate the sport.)

Since the FIFA World Cup only takes place every four years, I am fully prepared to take the back seat to soccer for a month and let J enjoy his favorite sport. He will be hosting and attending parties, staying up late to catch games that are playing live, and partake in the drunken debauchery that usually accompanies the most popular organized team sport in the world.

Is anyone else looking forward to the 2010 World Cup?

While it is clear that I am not a big soccer fan, I will try my best to root for my home country, South Korea. I may be an American citizen but I will always have pride for my native country. And besides, S. Korea has had the most success and holds the most promise of all the Asian teams.

My favoritism (and bias) for Korea has already reared its ugly head. Earlier this week, J and I noticed the new 2010 World Cup murals posted on the side of the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Times Square. J let out a chuckle as soon as he located the England one.

“Why is that funny?”

“The three people on the poster, the number 66…nevermind, you won’t understand. You need to know the history of the England team.”

I shrugged off his answer, and my eyes started roaming for the Korean mural…

…and there it was. It was easily the most striking and powerful mural of the collection. At least in my eyes.

Take a look at the rest of the 32 murals, commissioned by ESPN and illustrated by the South African design studio AM I Collective.

Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
New Zealand
New Zealand
North Korea
North Korea
South Africa
South Africa
South Korea
South Korea

Which mural is your favorite?

Which team will YOU be rooting for in two weeks?

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May 28, 2010  •  In Twitter, Web

Uniqlo’s Color Tweet

The Japanese retailer Uniqlo has released a completely useless but fun web app called Color Tweet. Just enter your username or keyword(s) to a dazzling animation filled with music, your icon, and tweets!

Via Boing Boing.

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May 28, 2010  •  In Baby, Christianity, Touching, Web

A Priceless Moment Caught on Video

Baby Jonathan was born deaf. At the age of 8 months, he received a cochlear implant. Watch the implant be activated for the first time…

I totally bawled my eyes out watching this video!


ETA: Some of the comments on the YouTube video page can be upsetting/offensive to theists. I personally praise God for granting us wisdom and technology. Religion and science can co-exist. And that’s all I’ll say about that.

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May 28, 2010  •  In Funny, Geek

Superhero Term Papers [Peter Parker is a Suckup]

Via Comics Alliance.

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May 28, 2010  •  In Geek, Information, Web

The 1000 Most Popular Sites in the World

Today, Google released a list of the 1000 most popular sites in the world.

The list isn’t entirely accurate, as they left themselves off the list (they would’ve been #1). However, it comes to no surprise that Facebook and Yahoo easily take the top two spots by a large margin.

Browsing through the list, I couldn’t help but notice three things:

  1. The most popular category seems to be “Social Networks.” We are all connected, people!
  2. I was surprised to see that the most popular porn site — — is at a disappointingly low #135. Then I read that adult sites are excluded from the list…so how did make the list? It turns out that it’s an adult fanfic site. I guess fanfic doesn’t count as “adult content” in Google’s eyes? But the question still remains: what is the most popular porn site in the world?
  3. There are NO personal blogs on the list. Is the personal blog dead?

Are you surprised by anything on the list? 

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May 27, 2010  •  In Baby, Cute, Web

Iron Baby

I know this video has been everywhere today, but I couldn’t resist sharing…


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May 27, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Asian, Personal

Teabag Coasters

Being Chinese, J and his family are the ultimate tea snobs. My in-laws bring with them fancy, expensive tea whenever they come to visit and rarely does a day go by without their drinking at least a few glasses of an infusion. They even specify which types of tea to drink with different dishes, and even the best types of tea to drink at different times of the day!

Me? I can’t even tell the difference between green tea and black tea.

I have never seen J drink tea from teabags (“Tea connoisseurs NEVER use bags!”) but I like to think that he would appreciate the beauty of this packaging design as much as I…

Via Yanko Design.

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May 27, 2010  •  In Personal, Wedding

Cake Envy

When J and I were planning our wedding, we were pleasantly surprised to find that our venue would provide a cake at no extra cost.

SCORE! We thought. One less thing to plan, one less vendor to deal with, and one less thing to worry about.

We chose our cake from an album of “typical” wedding cakes, chose the flavor and filling, and that was that.

photo by Danny Weiss

At the time, we thought that spending the extra money for a spectacular wedding cake was a waste of money. Cakes are to be eaten, not admired. We were sure that no one would even notice if we were to spend an extra $1,000 on a cake.

And you know what? I’m sure that 99% of our guests did NOT notice. Most of them did not get within 5 ft of the cake, and even if someone noticed the slightly uneven frosting, they certainly did not say anything.

However, I cannot help but experience a little cake envy whenever I see a sensational wedding cake. And with the growing popularity of over-the-top, unique, and/or whimsical wedding cakes (and with Carlo’s Bakery from the TLC show Cake Boss just down the street), it’s hard to avoid such images.

What kind of cake did/will you have at your wedding? Were you happy with it?

If I had the extra money, I probably would’ve invested in a nice groom’s cake for J — something geeky like video games, or somehow related to his favorite sports team. I’m sure he would’ve loved even a gruesome cake like this, designed after the game Left 4 Dead:

via Nerd Approved

At the end of the day, I force myself to remember that a cake does not make or break a wedding. And that if we had gotten a magnificent cake, we would have been reluctant to cut into such a work of art — even if it meant cutting into zombie parts.

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May 26, 2010  •  In Geek, Movies

It Must Be ‘Back to the Future’ Day [Great Scott!]


SCI FI Wire has re-produced five famous sci-fi movie quotes in my favorite data representation format: the infographic.

My favorite? “Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need…roads.”

Hit up the link for more, including quotes from The Matrix and Ghost Busters.


I can’t think of anything better to say about this, so I’ll directly quote The Best Article Every Day:

The ‘Back To The Future’ Mind F*ck, 25 Years Later

That’s right, Back to the Future just blew your mind 25 years later. Anyone who says they’ve noticed this before is a liar.

Seriously…DID anyone notice this before?

You can’t help but feel bad for the people who thoughtfully included this detail, because I’m sure that more than 99% of the population completely missed it.

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