May 13, 2010  •  In Baby, Personal, Pregnancy

3D Ultrasound Pictures!

Earlier today, we went in for our second 3D ultrasound (we got a free repeat session because the baby was in an unfavorable position the first time). While the baby cooperated a bit better this time around, she still had her hands in front of her face for most of the session, causing much poking from the ultrasound technician, my rolling over to either sides, and downing an entire Snapple bottle to get her movin’.

We also discovered that I have an anterior placenta — where the placenta is positioned in the front side of my uterus with the baby behind it — which makes it more difficult to get good ultrasound pictures.

Nonetheless, I was happy to see my little girl active and thriving inside my belly. We confirmed that she is, in fact, a girl, and managed to get a few good shots (out of 61!).

The top of her face is covered here, but this one is my favorite because you can clearly see that she’s smiling!

An alien-esque profile shot:

She almost looks contemplative here…

This picture is from our first session. I decided to include it because of the cute little fingers!

The ideal time to have 3D/4D ultrasounds is in the low 30th weeks. By then, the baby will have developed enough fat to have the cute chubbiness associated with babies, and will actually look similar to how he/she will look when born. Earlier than that, and the baby may not look like he/she will when born; later weeks may pose a problem getting a good shot as the baby will not be able to move around as much.

Although the ultrasound facility gave us a $50-off coupon for a later session, we will most likely forgo it. The main purpose of this elective ultrasound was to find out the sex of our baby a few weeks early. Getting to see how she looks inside the womb was just an extra treat.

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May 12, 2010  •  In Comang, Personal, Science

Let Me Sniff Your Stinky Paws

This post is dedicated to my sister, with whom I have had many conversations about how we love to sniff our dogs’ stinky paws.

I’m sure that all dog owners can agree: there is a certain (irresistible) aroma about our furry friends’ paws.

It’s not a bad scent, per se. The closest description I’ve heard is “corn chips.” Except you know how when you apply self-tanner and end up smelling like corn chips?…This smell is better than that. It’s more of a satisfying, settled smell.

Today, I learned that there may be an explanation for “Frito feet” (as the author affectionately calls the phenomenon):

Bacteria and yeast naturally reside on the skin of all animals, including cats and dogs. The feet of both species contain many folds and pockets, such as the areas between toes and the spaces between the foot pads. These areas have increased levels of moisture and decreased air circulation at the level of the skin.

The increased moisture and decreased air circulation in these environments enables the resident bacteria and yeast to proliferate exuberantly. These micro-organisms give off odors, and I suspect that they are the cause of Frito feet. Because cats groom themselves more thoroughly than dogs, they are less likely to have foot odor.

One bacteria in particular is famous for smelling like corn tortillas. That bacteria is called Pseudomonas. It is often associated with skin or ear infections, and I can’t promise that it has anything to do with causing Frito feet. But I am a bit suspicious.

See, not all stink-inducing bacteria is bad! And seeing as it only encourages me, along with other dog owners, to purposely position our heads near our napping friends’ paws in order to fully take in that calming scent, who is to judge our pets for being a bit dirty? (Or judge their owners for prolonging that bath one extra day?)

Let’s hear it, folks. Does anyone else love to sniff their dogs’ paws?

Via Boing Boing.

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May 11, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Food, Geek, Information, Personal

Nutrition Facts, Redesigned

While I am a foodie, I’m not the healthiest person in the world when it comes to eating.

Alright, I eat like crap. (Don’t worry, I’ve gotten a lot better since I got pregnant.)

So it should come to no surprise that I hardly ever pay attention to nutrition facts labels. Ingredients. Vitamins/minerals. Measurements. Percentages. Yawn.

Maybe if it were prettier…

Oh, wait.

How GORGEOUS are the re-designed nutritional facts on this milk carton?

While it is only a concept, I would buy this carton of milk (even if it cost a bit more) and enjoy ogling it — not just to learn exactly what goes into my body, but to admire its lovely, educational design.

Via FlowingData.

P.S. — I am slightly burned, but only on one side of my body (where the sun was at its strongest). Will I end up with an uneven tan? Is there anything I can do?

P.P.S. — After spending some time in HOT weather, I’m thinking of cutting my hair to a shoulder-length, wavy bob. J says that he prefers long hair on me, but that it’s ultimately up to me. What do you think? Should I go for it and chop off 5 inches?

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May 10, 2010  •  In Comang, Personal, Travel

I really, really miss Comang.

That is all.

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May 10, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Colors, Geek

New Pantone Matching System Released!

Most of my readers may brush off this news, but I have some exciting news for all my fellow color lovers and print designers…

Today, Pantone released the Pantone Plus Series, an update to the ubiquitous Pantone Matching System!

The new series does not only include 566 new colors, it also hosts a myriad of new features such as the chromatic arrangement of colors for more intuitive selection, an expanded palette of spot colors, the addition of new premium metallics, and a broader range of neons.

The Plus Series also brings with it digital tools such as the Pantone Color Manager software and a new sexy iPad app. You can see it in action in the video below…and dang I would buy an iPad just for that app!

According to the video, Pantone released just 500 colors with its first color guide in 1963. With the release of the Pantone Plus Series, that number is now 5,024.

I know that no one can really own color, but Pantone comes pretty close, don’t you think?

Read the full press release here.

Via Core77.

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May 9, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Cute, Toys

Lego + Muji = Brilliance [I Want!]

Muji has launched some remarkable kits combining paper cut-outs with Lego pieces.

I have no idea when these will become available stateside, but I have no doubt that they will follow in the success of Muji’s minimalist (but highly functional) stationery, as well as their popular City in a Bag wooden toy sets.


Hit up the link for more samples!

Via Core77.

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May 9, 2010  •  In Personal

Happy Mother’s Day!

Today, my mother is spending the day resting at home and playing with Comang, whom she had graciously agreed to watch for us while we are away.

When I called her to wish her a Happy Mother’s Day and she enthusiastically replied, “Happy Mother’s Day to you too!”

(FYI, J doesn’t think that this Mother’s Day “counts” for me because the baby’s not yet born. Poo on him.)

We had booked this vacation without realizing it fell on a holiday, so I will be celebrating Mother’s Day with my mom next Sunday instead. I asked her what she wanted to do, and she said she wanted to go baby shopping so that’s that (should we go to Babies”R”Us or buybuyBABY?). I also hope that we can watch the much-blogged documentary Babies as well.

J and I are having a fantastic babymoon so far. I can’t remember the last time I slept this well — I haven’t even woken up in the middle of the night to pee! In the two days that we’ve been in Palm Beach, we haven’t done anything that we can’t do at home (sleeping in, eating in bed, surfing the web, going to the movies to watch Iron Man 2, etc).

However, this morning, as J opened the sliding door to our balcony and the fresh ocean breeze wafted into the room, it finally set in. We are on a dazzling getaway. We are expecting a beautiful baby girl. We are both healthy and happy, surrounded by wonderful friends and family.

We are SOOO blessed.

We plan on hitting the beach today to get some sun and frolic in the beautifully clear (and warm!) ocean. Can you believe that in the seven years we’ve been together, this is J and my first time together at a beach?

I hope everyone has a great Mother’s Day. And as my friend Shortcake so eloquently said,

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers out there – with babies in their arms,
tummies, or in their memories and hearts.

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May 7, 2010  •  In Personal, Travel

Off to Our Babymoon!

Early tomorrow morning, J and I will be boarding a plane to…

This is our first real vacation together since our honeymoon two years ago. I can’t help but be giddy with excitement!

I know that most couples choose to babymoon late into the second trimester, but we decided to go a bit early since summer in NY is hot enough (and I wanted to go to a beach destination).

And because this will most likely be our last vacation for a looooong time, we decided to splurge a bit. I had visited West Palm Beach in 2000 and loved the more relaxed and “adult” atmosphere (as opposed to Miami), so we chose The Omphoy Ocean Resort in Palm Beach.

I’m not sure if I’ll have time for blogging, but I’ll try to squeeze in a few posts here and there when J is remotely called in for work.

Until then, please wish us a happy and safe trip!

(Some people may frown upon my announcing our vacation plans to the world, which may open our empty home to burglars/vandals. Fear not, as my in-laws are still in town and will be safely guarding the premises.)

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May 6, 2010  •  In Music, Personal

Where Were You When…

Yesterday I read that the Nevermind baby is now grown up and working for the artist who designed the Obama Hope posters.

The Nevermind-wha?

This CD cover may help jog your memory:

It’s hard to believe that this much time has passed since the release of Nirvana’s ground-breaking album.

I once read that our generation’s Kennedy assassination — meaning the prompting and universal understanding of the question “Where were you when Kennedy was shot?” — is the late Princess Diana’s tragic car crash.

I disagree.

Among my group of friends, among those who lived out our angst-ridden teenage years in American suburbia, the better question would be, “Where were you when Kurt Cobain committed suicide?”

And to answer my own question, I was at school. More specifically, I hurrying through the hallways in an effort to make it to 2nd period algebra on time when I noticed students huddled in corners, whispering in front of lockers, and crying.

At the time I knew who Kurt Cobain was but was not a fan of Nirvana. It was only within the next year that I became further entrenched in the growing alternative movement and saw Nirvana for who they were: an iconic band that spearheaded the grunge genre of music and became the flagship band of Generation X.

Hence, I did not grieve Cobain’s death with the rest of my generation. I only grieved for his death months and years after the event, additionally mourning my earlier overlook of his talent.

Where were YOU when Kurt Cobain committed suicide?

…or do you believe “Where were you when Princess Diana died?” is a better question for my generation?

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May 5, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Books, Geek, Personal, Video Games

Zombie Street Fighters

J and I have a thing for zombies. We love zombie flicks, zombie video games, and even zombie books (I personally think Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is overrated but believe World War Z to be one of the best books of the past decade).

And we’re pretty sure that if there were ever to be a zombie apocalypse, we would be able to survive.

So how could I resist posting these Zombie Street Fighter illustrations by Manuel Augusto Dischinger Moura?


Chun Li








I can definitely see some Resident Evil influence in the Zombie Blanka (holy tongue-whips, Batman!), and like to think that Chun Li and Guile look especially gruesome in their undead states.

Which is your favorite?

Are you a fan of the zombie genre as well?

Via Geekologie.

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