Mar 11, 2010  •  In Food, NYC, Personal, Weird

Would You Try Human Breast Milk?

Last week, a NY chef made headlines by adding cheese made of human breast milk to his menu.

The dish caused quite a stir and even managed to make its way to national news outlets. Those who tried the dish found it quite tasty; however, the general public found the mere idea of healthy adults consuming human breast milk disturbing.

As an avid Friends fan, I couldn’t help but be reminded of the episode where Ross, Chandler, and Rachel freak out upon witnessing Phoebe and Joey try Carol’s breast milk.

I think that once I start breastfeeding my children, I wouldn’t mind trying a bit just to see what it tasted like. I asked J if he would try my breast milk, and he said, “Sure, why not?”

That being said, I can’t imagine trying someone else’s breast milk.

Are you comfortable with the idea of dishes made of human breast milk? Would you ever try a family member or a friend’s breast milk?

(And if you’ve tasted breast milk, does it really taste like cantaloupe, as Susan and Joey state?)

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Mar 8, 2010  •  In Pregnancy

Week 10

Dear Baby,

Congratulations on reaching week 10! I celebrate each new week with a prayer and renewed hope. You are truly a gift and I can not be thankful enough.

You are now the size of a kumquat, or a small prune as pictured to the left. The best news? You have now passed the most critical stage of development! From now on your tissues and organs will only continue to grow and mature.

All of your vital organs are in place and starting to function. Last week I mentioned that you have started to urinate…well now you’re beginning to poop as well. It’s a bit gross when you think about it, but I’m happy to know that this is all normal.

They say that if I could take a look inside my womb right now, I will be able to see tiny fingernails developing. Fingernails, baby! I would also be able to see tiny peachfuzz developing on your body.

One last big milestone — you are developing reflexes! It may not seem like a big deal, but knowing that you are now able to instinctively protect yourself (no matter how small of a movement) makes your momma smile like an idiot.

As for your mom? Some of the most attractive parts of pregnancy — bloating, gas, and constipation — are now in full effect. My stomach looks to be about 4 months pregnant just from the excess gas and bloating. Sometimes it is so painful that I have to contort myself in various yoga-like positions in order to even let out a little burp. As for constipation, I sometimes go for days and days without being able to relieve myself…and I could swear that I pack on an extra 5 lbs on days like this!

Note to self: seek pregnancy-safe remedies ASAP.

Despite these discomforts, I am loving pregnancy. I am not complaining about the above symptoms; I was just stating the mere facts. I know how blessed I am to be carrying a baby…and especially in light of my last loss, I have nothing but joy and thankfulness for this miracle.

I love you, baby, and keep growing well!

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Mar 5, 2010  •  In Pregnancy

The Second Prenatal Visit

I just returned from my second visit and everything went well! Praise God!

We were able to see the baby moving around, and the heart was flickering like crazy. The baby looked like a gummi bear!

I hate these ultrasound pictures because you can barely see anything. The doctor we had today didn’t seem to be as interested in getting us a good ultrasound picture, as our last doctor had been. I also thought I would be getting a vaginal ultrasound again, but this was done abdominally. Hence the less details.

Our next OB appointment isn’t scheduled for another 4 weeks, but in-between I will be having my first trimester screening (more technically known as the nuchal translucency scan, or NT scan) at the hospital. I will be about 12 weeks along then, so we will be able to see the baby’s features and even get the famous profile shot!

I know that I am still not in the clear, and that I won’t be until I deliver a healthy child. They say that the real worrying comes when the baby is born…but if I’m this worried and anxious now, how will I be 7 months down the road?

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Mar 5, 2010  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

Nervous as a Cat

We will be leaving shortly for our second prenatal appointment. I am so nervous that hardly slept last night. I’m so scared that the doctor will once again tell us, “I’m sorry, but there is no heartbeat…”

Please wish us luck! I will update as soon as I return.

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Mar 4, 2010  •  In Entertainment, Personal, Pregnancy

Psyched for “The Office” Baby Episode Tonight!

Yesterday, I received a sample diaper in the mail. I’m not sure where they got my name and address (probably from one of the many online pregnancy communities to which I belong), but the gesture was appreciated nonetheless.

“Do you know how to change a diaper?” I asked J.


“Why don’t you practice on this teddy bear? Or the dog?”

He looked at me like I was crazy.

Can you guess where I got the idea from? If you guessed the promo clip for tonight’s The Office one-hour special event, you’re correct!

I am so, so excited to see Jim & Pam’s baby. When I first became pregnant last August, one of the first things that popped into my head was, “Ooh, I’m gonna be pregnant at the same time as Pam!” I was devastated when I lost my baby, but continued to cheer on the Halpert baby. And now that I’m pregnant again, I’m extra psyched and extra excited for my favorite TV couple.

Is anyone else looking forward to tonight’s The Office?

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Mar 4, 2010  •  In Movies, Pregnancy, Reviews

My Thoughts on “The Business of Being Born”

Yesterday I watched what many women claim the must-see movie for all expectant mothers: The Business of Being Born.

My take on this documentary is that while it was informative and had some valid points, but it cast hospitals and OB-GYNs in a very harsh light. I fear that many women who watch this movie will be scared into not trusting their doctors (who are apparently only there to push drugs/procedures on you so they can get home before dinner).

Many times throughout the movie I felt like I was being lectured into thinking drug-free is the only way to have a “natural” birth and the “best” way to birth. Although it was never directly stated, the feeling I got was that giving birth in a hospital was the “wrong” way to birth and women who would choose that were not making the “right” choice for them and their babies.

I fully trust my OB and that she will make the right decisions for me. If your doctor were ever to push a procedure on you that you are not comfortable with, it’s time to find a new doctor and that’s that.

I believe that giving birth is a natural process and that a low-risk pregnancy should not be treated as a medical condition that needs to be “cured.” However, I have no problem with being given drugs, or to have a c-section if my baby’s life was in danger.

And personally, I really can’t imagine giving birth at home. I just can’t.

I want to make it clear that I have nothing but respect for women who choose to give birth at home with midwives. It’s only when they try to push their agenda on me that I get annoyed. Birth plans are very personal choices; once a woman has done her research and made her choice, she should not be tried to be persuaded otherwise (unless she is putting her or her baby’s life in danger).

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Mar 3, 2010  •  In Personal, Relationships

The Death Folder

The last time my sister came to visit, she asked if she could use J’s laptop to check her email.

“Hold on, I’m almost done with my stuff. Why don’t you use my laptop instead?”

“It’s ok, J’s laptop is right here; I’ll just use this one.”

“Ermm…I don’t know the password to unlock his computer.”


Obviously my sister thought it weird that I didn’t know my own husband’s computer password.

J and I have always been like this. We do not know each other’s passwords, PINs, social security numbers, account numbers, etc. We do not have a joint bank account. Heck…we don’t even open each others’ mail!

I had a slight problem with this in the earlier stages of our relationship, but it no longer bothers me. We have nothing to hide from each other, and if one person ever needs the other’s information, we just simply ask (and forget).

In an old episode of HIMYM, Marshall and Lily create “death folders” for each other in case one of them dies unexpectedly. Each death folder contains all important account information, passwords, PINs, and instructions. J and I will be making death folders as well, but we have yet to do so out of sheer laziness (we will soon — I promise!).

If you are in a committed relationship, have you created a death folder for your significant other? Or do you just openly share passwords, etc with each other?

Do you think it’s weird — as my sister does — that a husband and wife do not openly share this important information with each other?

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Mar 3, 2010  •  In Books, Pregnancy, Reviews

Pregnancy Book Reviews

As an avid reader and a book whore, one of the first things I did after getting a positive pregnancy test was to head to the bookstore and buy a pregnancy book!

I have since bought quite a few more (and been gifted a great one) so I thought I’d share my thoughts on them with my readers…

What to Expect When You’re Expecting, 2 stars

Widely considered a “must-have” book for all expecting women, this was one of the first books I purchased.

My personal thoughts on it? Eh. Everything in the book can be found online. In fact, I’ve found that online resources like BabyCenter have much more information than this book. I really think it’s overhyped and not organized well.


Your Pregnancy Week by Week, 3 stars

I personally found this book to be better than What to Expect. But, as with What to Expect, nothing in the book can’t be found online.


The Girlfriends’ Guide to Pregnancy, 2.5 stars

I was really excited about this book because it’s gotten such great reviews. But I have to say I was disappointed. The author isn’t that funny, nor is her writing that great. As for the advice? There was nothing I read in this book that I haven’t heard before.


Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth about Pregnancy and Childbirth, 3.5 stars

I really, really liked this book. It made me laugh, it made me cry, and it also made me make a copy of a page and post it on the fridge for my husband to see.

This is not the book to go for if you are seeking cold, hard facts, but it is certainly an entertaining read and a great introduction to “my body will do what?” questions.


Baby Bargains, 8th Edition, 4 stars

My sister bought this for me when I first found out I was pregnant. Her boyfriend’s sister had claimed it as the “best baby book ever” and I can’t agree more!

As I’ve stated in above reviews, practically everything you need to know about pregnancy can be found online. This book goes into what you will need to prepare for the baby. Not only does it distinguish between the essentials and the frivolities, it gives you the best items in multiple price levels, as well as reviews for every brand.

J and I are pretty practical when it comes to purchasing things for the baby (for example, we will rely on a lot of hand-me-downs and we’re perfectly fine with that) and I can’t imagine myself ever spending over $1,000 for a stroller that the baby will never really appreciate. This book has really cut the clutter and helped me budget. I very, strongly recommend it for all new mothers!


What to Expect When You’re Expected: A Fetus’s Guide to the First Three Trimesters, 1 star

I had high hopes for this book; I really did. But the fact of the matter is, the book is not funny and not worth the money.


Do you have any recommendations for pregnancy books?

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Mar 2, 2010  •  In Asian, Education, Korean, Personal

The Curse of the Model Minority

Last month, I came across an article titled “Do colleges redline Asian-Americans?” and I still haven’t been able to get it out of my mind.

Do colleges really set a higher standard for Asian Americans? If this is true, as the article implies, the same must hold true for places of employment, no?

When I applied for colleges, or whenever I applied for jobs, I always happily volunteered my ethnicity on application forms. After all, my last name is nothing but Asian. But at the same time, I knew that being Asian gave me a slight disadvantage.

(Going slightly off tangent, I have always envied my Filipino-American friends for their Hispanic-sounding surnames. You can’t deny that they are more likely to be offered an interview because the college/company would like more diversity in their communities.)

Berate me all you want, but I have never been a fan of affirmative action for this reason (ETA: to be more specific, afirmation action based on race.). I strongly believe that people should be accepted to colleges and be offered jobs based on merit, not ethnicity.

Previous generations of Asian Americans have given up so much so that their kids (and grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc) can have the same opportunities as the Caucasians of this country. I know Asians have come a long way in America, but what is the point if we are considered “model minorities” who are held to a higher standard solely based on our race?

It sucks that my kids will have to earn better grades than their white friends just to be accepted to the same schools. Or that I, as well as my many intelligent, creative, and outstanding Asian-American peers have been subjected to this reverse discrimination all our lives.


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Mar 1, 2010  •  In Comang, Personal

Pip the British Schoolboy

When we first got Comang his previous owners handed over all his grooming supplies (including an electric trimmer) and I was sure that we would be able to groom him ourselves.

Our first grooming experience was the stuff of legends. Fur flying everywhere. Sneeze attacks from the fine fur that refused to settle to the ground. J shouting “Be careful!” every time I got within an inch of Comang’s manhood. Then…a blackout.

Yes, our neighborhood experienced a power outage midway through our first grooming session. What timing! Trying to locate a flashlight in the pitch black dark is never fun. Try doing that in the midst of a crazed dog grooming session. Needless to say, Comang got loose in the dark and we found his fur in every conceivable corner of the apartment for the next few months.

It was a sign. We called it a loss and decided to have Comang professionally groomed from then on.

Luckily, there is a fantastic dog groomer (they call themselves a “pet spa”) just two blocks from our house. I love them, because not only do they have a top-notch groomer, they are a local business and I am always apt to support “the little guys” over the likes of Petsmart.

Comang loves it there too. He’s quite girly and loves to be pampered, petted, and be made pretty. Everyone fawns over him at this groomer and they constantly tell me that he’s one of the best-behaved dogs on their clientele list.

Since our monthly grooming session was today, I decided to take some “before” and “after” pictures…

Before. When it is time for a haircut, Comang tends to resemble an old drunk. Here he has some horrific bedhair from the nap I interrupted.

After. For about a week following his haircut, J and I call our dog “Pip.” Pip the British schoolboy. Doesn’t he look like a Pip, all prim and proper?

All he’s missing are a waistcoat, a hat, and a walking stick!

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