Dec 16, 2009  •  In Movies

The Film Tim Burton Was Born to Make

If the movie is as good as the trailer, Alice in Wonderland may replace Big Fish as my favorite Tim Burton flick!

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Dec 16, 2009  •  In Personal

One Single Line

This morning I decided to pee on a stick.

I was so certain I was pregnant again. I had all the symptoms of the first pregnancy: constant nausea, never-ending fatigue, irritability, and sore, swollen boobs.

Nevermind the late period.

Or the fact that J and I had been having consistent unprotected sex for the past two months.

So I peed on a stick. And I waited. And waited some more.

I gave it some extra time, just to make sure that the test would be ready.

I took the test in my hand and looked down, fully expecting to see two lines.

There was only one.

One single pink line, mocking me.

I broke down in tears.

I remember reading that women are extra-fertile in the few months just following a miscarriage.

I guess this is not true in my case. Rather, I want a baby so badly that my body seems to be producing phantom pregnancy symptoms.

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Dec 12, 2009  •  In Cute, Geek, Marketing/Advertising, Web

This Google Chrome Ad Makes Me Feel Warm and Fuzzy Inside

I love everything about this ad. The concept, the execution, everything.

It only takes 4 minutes and 31 seconds to brighten your day.

Via The Next Web.

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Dec 11, 2009  •  In Personal

A Haunting Dream

It starts with a night out on the town with friends, drinks, and laughter.

We commence our drive back home. It is 4am. The roads are predictably clear and we cruise along at a carefree speed.

We exit the tunnel and continue on to the big curve ahead. We have made this drive hundreds of times before. Just one big curve on the road, adjacent to a magnificent cliff overlooking the Hudson River and the Manhattan skyline. Just one big curve before our exit.

I then realize that we are going too fast. Before I can warn J, inertia takes ahold of the car. We crash through the metal railing and fly off the side of the cliff.

This is it. We’re going to die,  I think.

Contrary to what I had believed, my life does not flash before my eyes. I am afraid for a split second before a sense of calm and acceptance overwhelms my being. I know I have lived an imperfect life, but I also am certain that I will soon be with God.

Most of all, I am happy. I am happy that my last moments here on earth will be spent with J.

I turn to him. We grasp each other’s hands. He opens his mouth as if to say “I’m sorry” but never gets a chance. Because at that moment, I decide to interrupt him once again. Except this time around, I am positive that what I have to say is more important any ‘sorry’s or ‘goodbye’s combined.

“I love you.”

We crash, and I open my eyes.

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Dec 9, 2009  •  In Home, NYC

Get Your Own NYC Subway Station Sign

Brooklyn-based company Underground Signs has a licensing agreement with the NYC MTA which allows them to sell replica subway station signs, or custom signs based on the iconic white-Helvetica-on-black pieces.

The prices aren’t cheap at $400 for an 8′ sign ($310 for 5′, $99 for 12″) but they would make wonderful additions to any New York loving home.

The best part about their website is that you can preview your custom sign as you type in your desired text.

Next stop…Geek in Heels Avenue.

Except if this were true-to-life all you’d hear is, “Nefgr sfhotfp gretnanfs abamn…”

Via Core77.

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Dec 9, 2009  •  In Geek, Web

Google Chrome for Mac Beta Released Today!

Dear Firefox,

I have enjoyed our time together but lately your mood swings* and weight gain** have started to take a toll on our relationship. As a result, I have decided to leave you for someone younger and more attractive. Today, I leave you for Chrome.

*crashes and random slowdowns
**bloated code

So far I am loving Chrome! I only wish I took J’s advice and switched over earlier!

(And for all Mac users who are hesitant to make the change because you can’t live without extensions, there’s already a workaround for it!)

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Dec 8, 2009  •  In Art/Design, Career, Personal

The Ultimate in Graphic Design

One of the biggest gripes shared by most creative professionals is that essentially, they’re working to create other people’s visions. And that your client’s design aesthetics may not always agree with yours…or worse, they may have no taste at all.

via BuzzFeed

It is precisely for this reason that websites such as Clients From Hell have gained so much popularity in such a short span of time, or how pieces like How a Web Design Goes Straight to Hell turn viral; fellow creative professionals have been granted a means to laugh and sympathize as we all sacrifice our own visions to pay the rent.

I have been pretty lucky in that most of my clients/supervisors have been understanding of my vision and abilities. There are those like the ladies of JAC Beauty, whose website I am currently redesigning, who are a delight to work with (even giving me cupcakes!) and trust me enough to give me almost full creative control.

But I would be lying if I said I have never crossed paths with clients who refuse to listen to my suggestions — even when they are the de facto standard — and seem to be hell-bent on achieving the most outdated, unprofessional, and flat-out ugly visual representations of themselves.

How do you deal with creative differences, or with people who seem straight out of a Clients from Hell entry? Do you suck it up and take it, or do you stand up for what you believe?

P.S. — I wrote two private posts today (request access here) that run along this line.

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Dec 8, 2009  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

Revelation 21:4

Dear Tater Tot,

Today I would’ve been 21 weeks pregnant with you. I would’ve officially passed the halfway mark, would undoubtedly have a sizeable bump, would know your gender, and have felt you moving inside of me.

Yesterday was my 29th birthday. I did not have a candle to blow out, but if I were granted any wish in the world I would ask for you to come back to me. My only condolence lies in knowing that I will meet you, one day, when “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

I love you, and I miss you so very much.

Your Mother

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Dec 8, 2009  •  In Personal, Relationships, Sports

My idea of a romantic dinner involves debating basketball and football at a four-star restaurant.

I don’t know about other girls, but I find it incredibly sexy when a man can spew off sports trivia.

And that is exactly what J did during my birthday dinner tonight at my favorite steakhouse. What made it even more special was that after some supreme pwnage, he proceeded to egg me on.

The Ever-So-Considerate Hubs:  And THAT’s why. BAM! (Emeril style)

The Defeated Geek:  I apologize for my ignorance. Please forgive me.

The Arrogant Hubs:  Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.

The Defensive Geek:  Hey! How many other girls do you know recognize, and can tell the difference between the SportsCenter theme music and the Monday Night Football theme?

The Reconsidering Hubs:  [pause] I gotta give you that.

The Not-So Defeated Geek:  Da-da-daa, da-da-daaa! (to the tune of the SportsCenter theme)

The Mollified Hubs:  And that’s why I love you.

The Jubilant Geek:  I love you too.

Thank you for a wonderful birthday.

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Dec 7, 2009  •  In Personal

The Last Year in My Twenties

…starts today.

Happy birthday to me.

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