Jun 23, 2014  •  In Books, Entertainment, Funny, Geek, Infographics, Personal, Sports

3 Flowcharts [Sleep, GoT, and World Cup Edition]

My head is a royal mess right now. Packing. Cleaning. Making sure the girls don’t kill each other. Laundry. My 15th rendition of “Do-Re-Mi” (C&A’s favorite song at the moment) today. More cleaning (because I can’t leave for a trip without cleaning first).

In case you have more free time than me today, here are three flowcharts you may enjoy…

This first flowchart/quiz, brought to you by Simmons, is titled “Is Your Sleep Personality Messing With You?”. And just as I expected, I am an “Plugged ‘In’somniac.” I know that I should cut down on screentime before bed, but it’s hard when it’s the only uninterrupted free time I have to goof off online, and to catch up TV shows and movies. 😛

Via Design Milk.

The next flowchart comes courtesy of the comics over at Dorkly, and simply predicts whether you would survive in the world of Game of Thrones. I would stay alive — would you?


The last chart is useful for non-soccer fans like myself. J was livid and depressed that his beloved England team was kicked out after the first round, but I could care less. Are you following the World Cup? Who are you rooting for?

Via imgur.

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Jun 19, 2014  •  In Books, Entertainment, Geek, Infographics

“Why Did They Have to Die?”, Game of Thrones Edition [Infographic]

Although the most popular complaint against A Song of Ice and Fire series is the callous and unexpected ways in which George R.R. Martin kills off beloved characters (have you seen this?), my biggest complaint is that there are just too. Many. Damn. Characters.

And as someone who is horrible with names — especially names that are difficult to pronounce (you should hear how I butcher some Westerosi names in my head) — you can bet that I have trouble keeping track of everyone.

At least now, I have this handy infographic to help me keep track of the deceased. Sat TV Depot has combed through the many deaths in the first four seasons of HBO’s Game of Thrones to succinctly present the major deaths, and the reason(s) for their demise. 

It should go without saying that the below infographic contains some major spoilers. 😉  Enjoy!


Via GeekTyrant.

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Jun 18, 2014  •  In Facebook, Funny, Geek, Video Games

Honest Video Game Box Art

Honest Video Game Box Art is a Facebook page that edits video game covers to more accurately depict its gameplay, and/or what it does to the people playing it. As you can imagine, it hosts some pretty funny revisions.  😆  Here are some of my favorites — the Contra cover has to be my favorite!




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Jun 16, 2014  •  In Beauty, Food, Personal, Reviews, Sports

More Products I’ve Been Diggin’

You know me — whenever I come across an item that enriches my life, I want to tell everyone about it! So here it is: five more products I’ve been enjoying lately.

1. Jergens BB Body Perfecting Skin Cream

jergens_bb_body_creamI’ve been reading (and seeing great before-and-after photos) of this cream online, so I decided to give it a try once the weather warmed up and my limbs were no longer covered in thick clothing.

There are two versions of this cream: light skin, and medium-deep skin tones. Although my skin is pretty fair, I decided to get the darker version because I had read that this produces more visible results.

And…I love the Jergens BB Body Perfecting Skin Cream! I apply a generous amount to my legs after showering, and its effects seem to last until my next shower. While the cream is thick, it absorbs and dries quickly (with no transfer to clothes). My skin is soft and more even and just looks better.  🙂

I have read that this BB body cream contains trace amounts of self-tanner — I’m not sure if this is true or not — but after about a month’s use, my legs seem slightly darker.

The only thing I don’t like about the Jergens BB body cream is the smell. I’m pretty sensitive to scents in beauty products, and while some reviewers have stated they love the smell, I hate it. It’s not a big deal though, because I just wash my hands immediately after applying, and the scent no longer bothers me.

2. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer, Eden

urban_decay_eyeshadow_primer_edenI know that the UD eyeshadow primers have been around for a while and that it is a stable in many women’s makeup collection.

However, I hardly have time to apply eyeshadow anymore so I don’t need an eye primer. What do I use this product for, then?

A concealer. 😆

I had been looking for a good concealer for years. Since I hardly break out, I don’t need to cover up pimples; I require the coverage under my eyes and around my nose.

The Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer is obviously not meant to be used as a concealer. But because it is formulated to provide light coverage and stay put, it is the ONLY “concealer” that lasts the entire day for me. I am very lucky that Eden’s “matte tawny” color is slightly lighter than my skin tone, which is what you should use for concealers.

3. Aurorae “Synergy” Yoga Mat

aurorae_synergyIf you practice hot yoga, or if you sweat a lot doing an activity that requires a yoga mat, I highly recommend these yoga mats.

It’s a no brainer that your mat can get pretty slippery when you’re contorting your body to unnatural positions in 100°+ temperatures and sweat flows out of your every pore in protest. Most hot yoga studios require a towel on top of your mat for this purpose, and there even exist microfiber towels — like the popular Yogitoes — that are designed to lie on top of your mat and collect sweat.

When I began to go to hot yoga regularly, I purchased one of these towels and immediately noticed how they were superior to the beach towel I had been lugging to class. However, as I began to explore other styles of hot yoga in addition to Bikram — styles that require more movement — the microfiber towel became a nuisance as it kept sliding and bunching under my body.

The Aurorae “Synergy” Yoga Mat is different in that the towel is bonded to the mat. Additionally, it is designed so that the more you sweat, the better your grip becomes! My practice has gotten so much stronger now that I no longer have to worry about what’s going on under my feet.

The Synergy mat dries quickly and is machine-washable as well. It’s an investment, for sure, but completely worth the money in my opinion.

4. Essence Long-Lasting Eye Pencil

essence_long_lasting_eye_pencilLong-time readers will recall that I prefer long-lasting makeup. And although I am, for the time being, perfectly happy with my Milani Infinite Liquid Eyeliner in Unlimited (to replace my discontinued HG eyeliner, MAC Liquidlast), sometimes I just don’t have the full minute required to carefully apply the thick liquid eyeliner.

And on those days, I turn to pencil liners because let’s face it, they’re the easiest to apply.

I have used pencil liners since I first started wearing makeup at the age of 16, and I’ve probably tried dozens of different brands and formulations over the years. Hence, you know that a liner needs to be exceptional to shoot to the top of my favorites list.

While the Essence Long-Lasting Eye Pencil certainly does not have the staying power of the Milani Infinite or the MAC Liquidlast, it is the best pencil eyeliner I have tried. It glides on easily and lasts a long, long time…even requiring an eye makeup remover at the end of the day. It performs just as well — if not better — than department store brands, and it costs less than $2.50!

That’s right. You can purchase one for $2.49 on Ulta. If my endorsement alone doesn’t persuade you, the price surely should!

5. Starbucks VIA Ready Brew Coffee, Italian Roast


While we have a nice coffee maker at home, I don’t like using it much because I’m the only one who drinks coffee at home. (J gets free gourmet coffee at work.) Instead, I prefer the convenience of instant coffee — in conjunction with our trusty Panasonic Electric Thermo Pot.

The only problem is that instant coffee usually tastes like crap.

My taste in coffee is not too discriminate, so I used to purchase, and experiment with, whatever instant coffee was available at the grocery store. However, I couldn’t deny that whenever I drank store-bought coffee then returned to my instant coffee, I would cringe in disapproval.

That’s when I decided to research instant coffee, and continually found that the Starbucks VIA line usually rated the best.

And I can verify the reviews. Because the Starbucks VIA Ready Brew Coffee in Italian Roast is, by far, THE best instant coffee out there. Even J, the coffee snob, commented with a “Hmm, not bad…” when he first tasted it.  🙂  

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Jun 15, 2014  •  In Cute, Funny, Parenting

Happy Father’s Day!

May all the dads I know feel loved and appreciated today.  🙂






Via Incidental Comics.

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Jun 14, 2014  •  In Art/Design, Cute, Entertainment, Funny, Movies, Video Games

Marvelous Street Fighter + Minions Mashup

When Despicable Me‘s minions collide with the world of Street Fighter, you get these hilariously adorable illustrations by Esty user Minion Me.

They are set to appear at the Game Over art show, opening June 18th 2014, at Giant Robot. I can’t decide if I like Chun-Li, Guile, or Cammy the best…but then again, I’ve always had a soft spot for Street Fighter‘s original female character since last Halloween. 😉



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Jun 13, 2014  •  In Art/Design, Cute, Entertainment, Funny, Movies, Web

Grumpy Cat Meets Disney

Digital artist Eric Proctor imagines how the internet’s crabbiest cat would fit into the world of Disney. All the illustrations in the series are delightfully amusing, and a few are laugh-out-loud funny.  😆  Be sure to check out the titles for each piece as well for a nice diversion this dreary Friday the thirteenth!

“Part of Your No”

“Some Day My No Will Come”

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Jun 12, 2014  •  In Aerin, Claire, Personal, Reviews

Green Meadows Farm

This past Memorial Day, we decided to visit Green Meadows Farm, a “petting farm” 45 mins from Manhattan.

My daughters seem to be city girls. Aerin wasn’t too impressed with the farm animals, while Claire was scared of most of them. We weren’t able to get too many pictures because we had to keep holding the girls (Aerin to keep her from running into the woods, and Claire to calm her down), but we were able to get a few memorable snapshots.


We started the tour with chicks and ducklings. I have an irrational fear of birds, but I managed to keep my composure.



DSC00949_ Continue reading »

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Jun 7, 2014  •  In Random, Science

How Well Can You Read Others’ Emotions? [The Eye Test]

I can be awkward in social situations, but I like to think that I’m sensitive to people’s moods and emotions. So when I happened upon this “mind behind the eyes” test by University of Cambridge professor Simon Baron-Cohen, I expected myself to score well…

And I did.  🙂  I got 33/36, which indicates that I am “quite good at understanding someone’s mental state based on facial cues.”


I’m sure the test isn’t without its faults — after all, the eyes aren’t the only indicators to one’s emotion — but it was fun and informative nonetheless. If you have a few minutes to spare, try it out, and let me know how you scored!

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Jun 6, 2014  •  In Personal, Reviews, Shopping

Comfy Jeans Rave: Gap 1969 Sexy Boyfriend Jeans

We interrupt this self-imposed, life-is-damn-busy-and-hard blogging break to bring you an item of frivolity.

(You can scroll down to the bottom of the post for a tiny update on my going-abouts.)

Once again, I am waaayyyyy late to a fashion trend. I remember borrowing J’s jeans a few times when I was pregnant, when none of my regular jeans would fit and I didn’t think my still-expanding belly yet warranted maternity jeans. I didn’t like the look too much at the time, so I eschewed the boyfriend jeans mania when it started to become popular a couple of years ago.

Thinking back, I hated my pregnant body (both times) and I didn’t like the way anything looked on me back then, so I probably didn’t give boyfriend jeans a proper chance.

So when I finally tried on my first pair of boyfriend jeans at a local Gap…

And saw just how comfortable they were…

I became hooked. ADDICTED, I tell ya!


The Gap 1969 Destructed Sexy Boyfriend Jeans, to be exact. The Gap where I purchased these jeans didn’t carry petite sizes, but it didn’t matter because I knew I would be rolling them up. I know I’m not the best model, but seriously these jeans are soooo comfortable! I’ve even found myself reaching for them over my yoga pants!

Boyfriend jeans are meant to be loose, so I recommend you size down if you’re looking for a slimmer fit. The ones I’m wearing in the picture above is a 26 (I don’t know why online sizes are regular number sizing while at the stores, they go by waist size) and they’re comfortably loose — not baggy — on me.

Blogging has been difficult lately because the girls have been keeping me plenty busy. Claire also stopped napping a couple of months ago…but she’s at that transitional stage where she still needs a nap but refuses to sleep, thus becoming a cranky mess at around 5pm every day. So not only has my “quiet alone time while both girls are napping” gone bye-bye, I’m dealing with a kid who is full into her terrible twos and a “threenager” who becomes overtired every evening.

I’ve also become uninspired. Even things I find interesting online — stuff I would have shared on this blog without a second thought in the past — I figure that a popular site like BuzzFeed or Reddit has already picked it up so there’s no use in my re-sharing it. (Or do you like it when I share random stuff I find on the interwebz?)

But I want to blog more frequently again. There have been, and will be a lot of change and excitement in my life this year (including a trip to Korea later this month!), so I am crossing my fingers that this desire to become a better blogger will stimulate some motivation and creativity.

Hope to write again soon!

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