Nov 4, 2009  •  In Toys

The Most Popular Christmas Toys by Year Since 1960

Boy, does this bring back some fond memories..

What do you predict the most popular Christmas toy of 2009 will be? My money’s on the PS3 Slim.

Via Permuto Discoveries.

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Nov 2, 2009  •  In Art/Design, Blogging, Giveaways, Web

Custom Illustration Giveaway!

Do you like what you see on this blog? Did you enjoy my Halloween theme, or my change in hairstyles?

Now you can have your own custom illustration, designed by yours truly!

One winner will receive a custom illustration in the style of the Geek in Heels. The pose, props, and color scheme may all be chosen by this lucky individual.

The illustration will be delivered in EPS and PNG formats so you can choose to do whatever you want with it! All I ask in return is that you let me post it online here on this site.

You can enter in two ways:

  1. Leave a comment below
  2. Tweet about the giveaway, tagging @geekinheels and inserting a link to this page

The deadline to enter is Friday, November 6th at 12pm Eastern Time so be sure to get your entries in before then! The winner will be chosen at random and announced here later that night.

Good luck to all!

ETA: The avatar in my header is not 100% original, as I have written about several times in the past (see here for an example). It is an illustration from iStockPhoto which I edited a few years back when I first started the Geek in Heels blog, and never changed because it fit so perfectly with the premise of the site. Please be assured that the illustration I will do for the winner of this contest will be an original.

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Nov 2, 2009  •  In Funny, Geek, Science

Genetic Diagram

And this, kids, is how genetics work.

Can you believe J and I have made many a such diagrams in order to work out the probability traits of our future kids? Yep, because we’re a geekily fabulous couple like that.


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Nov 2, 2009  •  In Funny, Movies

Movie Narrative Charts

xkcd has done it again. This is too amazing not to share. (Click to view large)

This must’ve taken forever to put together and finish. But I’m sure Mr. Munroe (the artist and brains behind xkcd) had fun with 12 Angry Men and Primer.

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Nov 1, 2009  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

Another 5-6 Months?

Yesterday my mother took me to a doctor who specializes in Eastern medicine.

After the precursory examination of my eyes, hands, nails, and taking my pulse for a long, long time, the doctor asked me, “Why are you so stressed out?”

She went on to say that everything seems physically fine…it is just my mental state that is in trouble.

“Your pulse sounds so tired. Were you this stressed out when you were pregnant?”

Um, let’s see. Unemployment? Check. Health insurance woes? Check. Additional stress from family matters? Check. Catching the flu which left me bed-ridden for 5 days, 3 of which were marked with a high fever? Check and check.

However, these were just superficial sources of stress. I have always been a super-sensitive person who is perpetually weighed down by the worries of the world. I have struggled with depression and anxiety throughout my adult years — so much so that sometimes I have trouble imagining my life without it.

“You are physically well; there is no reason for you to have lost the baby. I’m guessing that your mental state was a big contributing factor in your miscarriage.”

My mind immediate flashed back to last summer, when I suffered partial facial paralysis (i, ii, iii). The Asian holistic doctor who treated me with acupuncture had warned me that unless my stress levels subside, I will not be able to have children (or at least have very difficult pregnancies).

Was my inquietude the source of the miscarriage?

“You need to find ways to relax yourself. Pursue hobbies. Go exercise. Think for yourself and act for your happiness.”

The doctor then recommended that I come in for a few sessions of acupuncture, where she will insert needles into my abdomen in addition to (sorry if TMI) blowing smoke up my vagina. Seriously. According to her, a D&C procedure can only clean the uterus so much. The needles, in addition to the smoke from the burning of a special mixture of herbs, will help clean and purify my uterus in preparation for another child.

She also said that we shouldn’t try to get pregnant for at least another 5-6 months.

“Otherwise, there is a good chance that you will miscarry again.”


J and I had been talking about trying again very soon, especially now that our financial situation has taken a positive turn. And after having had the baby take away from us at 3 months, all I want now is to get knocked up again and have a healthy baby.

But 5-6 months? Really? I had already gotten the go-ahead from my OB.

“A woman’s uterus has memories. We have to treat miscarriages as if you’ve just given birth. You need treatment to cleanse. You need time to heal and recover fully.”

What do you think of this doctor’s opinions? Would you wait the minimum of 5-6 months to try to conceive again, or would you take the advice of my OB who informed me that we can start trying again as soon as we feel ready?

I am still torn on this point. J says it is 100% up to me. On one hand, I want to minimize the risk of another miscarriage as much as we can. On the other, I became a mother as soon as I saw the ‘+’ sign on the pregnancy test. I want a child as soon as possible, dammit!

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Oct 31, 2009  •  In Art/Design, Blogging, Personal, Web

IE Rendering Problems Fixed

Umm…why didn’t anyone tell me that this site looks like crap on IE7 and below???

I made the change to the new layout back in July and according to my traffic stats, a whooping 18% of my visitors use IE7 when viewing this site.

I don’t know why it never occurred to me to check on Internet Explorer before, as I always do cross-browser testing when designing other people’s sites. Frankly I am a bit ashamed and disappointed in myself for not having noticed this problem earlier. And for that, I apologize.

But while we’re on the subject…

***stepping onto the soapbox***

While doing a more thorough evaluation of my visitors, I was shocked to discover that a large majority of my traffic stemmed from those using OUTDATED BROWSERS. Even worse, there was an appalling amount of people using IE6.

If you are not doing so already, please start using Firefox, Safari, or Chrome for a more pleasant web-surfing experience.

If you must use IE, please update to the latest version.

I realize that many people are confined to earlier versions of IE due to the laziness/ignorance of their IT departments at work. If so, please encourage your IT department to upgrade, ESPECIALLY if you are still using IE6.

Simply put, IE6 is an outdated P.O.S. in a rapidly-changing internet landscape. Not only is it a nightmare for all web developers/designers, it does not support the latest in internet technology (like HTML 5) and its security flaws are enough to keep all antivirus companies in business.

Go check out IE6 No More, where web developers and popular sites have banded together to spread the word about the horror that is IE6.

***stepping off the soapbox***

Where was I? Oh yes. So I’ve updated my coding to please IE7.

I repeat: now renders correctly on Internet Explorer 7.

So go check out my new Halloween theme now. Because it’ll be gone come Sunday.

I did my best on IE6, but it’s not perfect (but then again, how can a website be perfect on an imperfect browser?). And screw the earlier versions. YES I’M TALKING TO THE PERSON WHO VISITED MY SITE ON IE3 EARLIER THIS MONTH.

And PLEASE, in the future, if you see any rendering problems with this site, shoot me a message right away!

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Oct 30, 2009  •  In Art/Design, Blogging, Personal

Dressing Up My Blog for Halloween

Call me a party pooper, but I have never been into Halloween. In fact, the last time I donned a costume on October 31st was back in middle school.

I was tempted to go all out this year — dress in a slutty outfit (because when else can I dress like a streetwalker and not be judged?), crash multiple parties, and drink myself to oblivion.

However, lack of planning on my part and total exhaustion from the past week has me rooting for a quiet night in instead.

So since I will not be dressing up this All Hallows’ Eve, I have decided to dress up my digital persona instead.

Then I asked myself: why not take it a step further and dress up the entire blog?

The original dressed up for Halloween:

If you are reading this post via RSS, be sure to click on over before November 1st to see the full effect!

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Oct 30, 2009  •  In Funny, Star Wars

If Storm Troopers Had Access to Google

Via Gizmodo.

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Oct 29, 2009  •  In Personal

The Cost of a Miscarriage…

…when your insurance provider refuses to pay for it:


Only now do I truly understand how it feels to be stuck with massive medical bills after a beloved one has passed away. Oh wait, that’s essentially what happened.

This post is not a means to whine about my medical bills. It is a way for me to officially mark my signature in support of healthcare reform.

It is easy to be happy with the status quo when all is well. We always had good healthcare coverage through employers. It was only when, through a series of unfortunate events, we were no longer eligible for group plans and were forced to traverse the inhumane world of individual health insurance, then denied coverage for being pregnant, that my eyes flew open.

We received good — no, GREAT news this week. J was given a fantastic job offer and he will begin his new job next week. The new position comes with great health benefits and I will undoubtedly be included under spousal coverage.

But I refuse to be complacent again. Because I know that for every story that is like mine, there are hundreds, if not thousands, that are worse. Because there are models that work. Because there has to be a better way.

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Oct 28, 2009  •  In Funny

The Governator Gives California Legislature a Hidden Finger

Intentional or not, this is too funny not to share.

Now that‘s a way to veto a bill!

Via TechCrunch.

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