Sep 9, 2009  •  In Blogging, Personal

Major Apologies!

I’ve made a huge, significant boo-boo.

Remember the winner of the tagline contest? Well, I had compiled the list of entries incorrectly.

While I admit that I’ve had a major case of Pregnancy Brain this past week, that is no valid excuse. I have no one to blame but myself.

The winner of the tagline contest is Jen, not Sara.

I extend my upmost apologies to both ladies. Please forgive me!

Jen will be receiving the prizes, and I will think of something to gift to Sara as well as a small way to express my regrets.

Lastly, I am sorry to all my readers. I promise the next contest/giveaway will be better organized (and I’ll get J, the dog, and Tater Tot to make sure nothing like this ever happens again!).

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Sep 8, 2009  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

Pregnancy Update, Week 7

I wish I had something exciting to report this week, but I don’t. Sometimes I want to fast-forward and get to the exciting stuff, like finding out the sex of the baby, feeling it kick…even distinguishing its body parts on the ultrasound!

But I guess this is the trade-off for finding about the pregnancy so early on (unlike my mother, who didn’t know she was pregnant with me until she was 3 months along!).

My nausea is getting better, but I have my good days and bad days. I have also found that there are certain foods and smells that set me off – for example, yogurt. I used to love yogurt (especially Greek yogurt with a drizzle of honey) but the baby seems to hate it. Thinking the first time was a fluke, I tried again a week later and spent the afternoon bent over the toilet. Sigh…and yogurt is supposed to be good for pregnant women!

I’m also a bit ashamed to admit that I’ve already gained 5lbs. I’m sure it has to do with my gorging on food when I have my nausea-free days. Bad Jenny! However, I know that it can’t all be fat because my lower tummy is feeling firmer and rounder. Is it normal to gain this much weight already at 7 weeks?

I guess slowly gaining weight can’t be all that bad. I was talking to a woman at church who said she didn’t gain any weight until her 21st week (because of the horrible nausea). Then, she finally started to put on some weight…and by the end of the pregnancy she had gained 40lbs! She said she would’ve definitely preferred to have started packing on the pounds earlier because gaining that much weight in such a short period was a shock to her body.

According to BabyZone, this is what the baby looks like now:

It’s now the size of a pencil eraser!

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Sep 8, 2009  •  In Blogging

Winner of the Geek in Heels Tagline Contest!

“That is what she said.”
   -submitted by the lovely and talented Sara

Thank you everyone for submitting your entries! I really had a tough time deciding between the top three, and even asked the dog which he likes the best (he licked his balls in response).

At the end, I felt that this simple and humorous phrase said it best. And as anyone who knows me in real life can attest, I can never get enough of “That’s what she said” jokes.

The winning tagline has been added under my site name, and I will be contacting Sara shortly so that I can mail her the prizes.

Look for more contests and giveaways in the future. I have a fabulous prize in mind for a giveaway (hint: it’s a fantastic piece of software), and if all works out you will be seeing it in the next couple of weeks!

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Sep 5, 2009  •  In Entertainment, Music, Web

The Best Michael Jackson Video

Since the passing of the late King of Pop, I have watched endless tributes, medleys, and arrangements made in his honor.

This has to be the best one yet.

Perhaps it’s because the entire piece is done a cappella – and who doesn’t appreciate pop music turned the most simple form of melody?

Or is it the “O” that will inevitably overcome your face as you realize that all the performers (save one) are the same person?

Either way, it’s AWESOMENESS defined.

Via The Next Web.

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Sep 5, 2009  •  In Books, Home, Personal

Neil Gaiman’s Personal Library

I have been a long-time fan of Neil Gaiman, whom I consider the contemporary master of fantasy literature. So today, when Boing Boing featured a picture of his personal library, I couldn’t help but sit up straight and pay extra attention.

photo by Shelfari

I stared. I drooled.

It was exactly how I pictured his bookshelves.

And it’s how I envision my future personal library – in a place and point where I have the space, time, and monetary funds to build something so magnificent.

Because you see; I’d read my way out of a mountain of books, if I could.

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Sep 5, 2009  •  In Cute

RIP, Scooter the Tiny Dog

Remember when Rupert, the “living, breathing chocolate chip cookie with a halo” died last October?

Today the world became about 10x less adorable with the death of Scooter, the world’s smallest dog.

Scooter the Maltese was a mere 8 cm tall. That’s 3 inches, people.

Please excuse me while I go cry in the corner.

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Sep 3, 2009  •  In Korean, Personal, Pregnancy

Conception Dreams

My mother recently asked me if I had any strange or memorable dreams when I became pregnant.

I then recalled that Koreans believe a woman begins her pregnancy with a 태몽 (tae-mong), or a dream about the conception of the child.

(I thought this was unique to the Korean culture but apparently not – J just confirmed that the Chinese believe the same thing!)

When my mother first became pregnant with me, she dreamt that she was caught in a terrible thunderstorm. To escape the rain, she sought shelter in a dilapidated building. She looked up at the ceiling and was horrified to see a great number of snakes writhing and squirming on the roof beams. While most of them were a dull brown/tan color, there was one snake that was larger than others, and it was bright green. Then, without warning, the other snakes bowed to this great green serpent.

My father also had a tae-mong (dreams by fathers are rare, but not unheard of). He dreamt that he was hiking up the largest mountain in Korea. After much turmoil, he reached the top, where the current president of the nation was waiting for him. The president presented him with a box and told him, “You will never go hungry again.”

…no wonder my parents have such expectations of me!

As for my little sister, there were also two dreams – but this time they were both by my mother. Right before finding out about the pregnancy, my mother dreamt that she was walking down a familiar street when a dog bit her leg and wouldn’t let go. The funny thing is, my sister was born in the year of the dog!

In the other dream, my mother was looking into a tub full of beautiful koi. Fluid, lively, and bright with extraordinarily vibrant colors, she could not keep her eyes off of them. Dreaming of fish is usually associated with pregnancy in Korean culture, but what made this tae-mong unique is that when my sister was born, her eyes were so clear, bright, and vibrant that my mother couldn’t help but be reminded of this dream.

As for me, I am sad to say that I cannot recall any dreams that could be counted as a tae-mong. My pregnancy came as a surprise and I can barely remember last night’s dream, let alone one from 7 weeks ago!

Do you know if your parents experienced any conception dreams? If you’re pregnant or have children, have you been blessed with any tae-mong‘s?

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Sep 3, 2009  •  In Art/Design, Geek, Web

Can Bloated Code Be Beautiful?

The answer is YES.

Last month, I saw a screenshot of the Fujinon Binoculars website source code. Filled with seemingly endless <FONT> tags, I couldn’t help but laugh.  

A snippet of the code. Take a look at the original to get the full effect.

THIS is the reason I never use an HTML editor, I chuckled as I scrolled down the overly bloated code.

But alas! Today I found out that there was a reason behind this madness!

According to, this is what you get when you zoom out and flip the code on its side:

It almost looks like a landscape, doesn’t it?

Now, when we travel – via Google Earth – to the top of Fujinon’s corporate headquarters in Saitama and face Mount Fuji, we get this view:

Let’s try laying the code over the landscape:


Those darned kewl Japanese! What will they think of next??!

Via Geeks Are Sexy.

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Sep 2, 2009  •  In Blogging, Personal

Tagline Contest Extended!

Wow, I am such an idiot. Would you believe I forgot about my own contest?


Granted, things have been a bit hectic lately but that is no excuse. I announced the contest last week, tweeted about it ONCE, and….forgot about it.

Way to publize it, huh?

Due to my own ineptitude, I have decided to extend the contest to the end of the week. The Geek in Heels Tagline Contest is now extended to Sunday, September 6th, at 11:59pm.

The winner of the contest will receive:

  1. Not one, but FOUR packages of Kodak Premium Photo Paper, 4 x 6 Inches, Gloss, 100 sheets.
  2. A DVD of My Big Fat Greek Wedding
  3. My eternal love and gratification.

You can enter the contest in three different ways:

  1. Leave a comment below with your tagline entry.
  2. Email me at jenny (at) geekinheels [dot] com with your entry.
  3. Tweet your entry to @geekinheels

You do not need to enter again if you’ve already done so.

Thank you!!!

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Sep 1, 2009  •  In Gadgets, Geek

The Mobile Phones of My Past, Present, and Future

One of my favorite things to do while battling insomnia is to make lists. Endless, pointless lists.

Last night I did a mental rundown of all the cell phones I’ve had since my first purchase during my freshmen year in college in 1999.

(Before then was pagers. Having access to Korean import stores, I had some sweet pagers – ones that always made my high school peers green with envy. Now, kids don’t even know what pagers are.)

Can you believe that I have owned TEN ELEVEN different phones since then?

Nokia 6190
purchased in 1999, carrier: AT&T

My very first cell phone. Back in 1999, not too many people in my freshmen class had cell phones and if they did, almost all had the Nokia 5100 series or the Motorola StarTAC. I felt speshurr because I had the newest and greatest Nokia.

Nokia 8190
purchased in 2000, carrier: VoiceStream (now T-Mobile)

As soon as these mini-Nokias were released I ran out and bought one. I loved the interchangeable faceplates and keypads – I used to buy pretty, imported ones from eBay every month!

Samsung Uproar
purchased in 2001, carrier: Sprint

America’s first MP3 phone. I was the only person I knew who had one of these babies, and people were always amazed when they saw it.

Samsung A460
purchased in 2002, carrier: Sprint

Probably the least gadget-y phone I’ve ever owned. However, I liked the sleek lines and the bright blue background of the display.

Samsung A500
purchased in 2002, carrier: Sprint

A small upgrade from the Samsung A460 (I decided to purchase this when my A460 got too scratched up…yes I’m technologically vain like that). This was the first full-color display phone I owned and I loved the vibrant colors!

Sanyo 8100, lavender & pearl white
purchased in 2003, carrier: Sprint

My first camera-phone. I fell in love with the girly lavender and pearl white version and so I went and bought this on the day it was released.

Motorola Razr V3, black
purchased in 2005, carrier: T-Mobile

I drooled over the Razr when it was first announced. When the prices dropped after its first year on the market and the gunmetal black color was released, I immediately ran out and got this. Soon, everyone had a Razr.

Samsung E870, “Valentine Pink”
purchased in 2006, carrier: T-Mobile

When the Razr became über-popular, I soon lost interest. In addition, the call quality was horrible. I saw this phone in a display window in Chinatown NYC and I immediately fell in love. Sleek and minimalistic but very girly at the same time…I loved it!

Sony Ericsson M600i, white
purchased in 2007, carrier: T-Mobile

I knew I had to have this phone after watching Casino Royale. I even downloaded the “ping” notification sound used by Vesper Lynd in the movie! While I loved the looks and concept of the phone, I was not a fan of the Symbian OS.

LG Voyager
purchased in 2008, carrier: Verizon

I had been holding off on getting a phone because the Apple iPhone had been announced in 2007. However, weighing the pros and cons of the iPhone and the Voyager, I ultimately decided that the Voyager would be a better fit for me. I loved this phone and I was devastated when it died on me.

The phone that I currently own is the HTC G1 Developer Edition:

Google had gifted its employees with this phone last December, and J graciously handed it over to me.

I’m a firm believer in the superiority of the Android system over that of the iPhone. However, since this was the first phone developed for the Android, I must admit that it has its flaws.

In addition, T-Mobile sucks. After having had a taste of Verizon Wireless (which, in my opinion, is the best network in America with its superior call quality and data transfer speeds) I hate, hate, hate T-Mobile.

My only hope is that Verizon will release an Android phone in the near future. If the rumors are true, I won’t have to wait too long with the Motorola Sholes to be released later this year:

Yummy. Of course, the design is nowhere as sexy as that of the Sony Ericsson Xperia X3 (which is supposedly the first SE Android phone), but I need my physical keyboard, dammit!

How many mobile phones have you owned? Do you, like me, go through them like crap goes through geese?

Eta: J just reminded me that I had left out the Sony Ericsson M600i! I knew I was missing one! The list is now updated…thanks hubby!

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