Aug 15, 2009  •  In Art/Design

Windows 7 Desktop Backgrounds

Yesterday, Wired Gadget Lab pronounced Windows 7 to be “Microsoft’s best OS yet.”

This isn’t saying much when you consider the unreliability of XP and the epic failure of Vista. Microsoft has yet to create a decent OS since Windows 2000, and even that is inferior to Mac OS X and Linux.

However, I could not help but be wowed by the screenshots included in the article. No, not the features of the OS, but rather the colorful desktop backgrounds that are simply full of joie de vivre.

According to Microsoft’s Engineering Windows 7 blog, “Windows is for the whole world” and thus – “we wanted to recognize the global audience of Windows by seeking out illustrators with varied backgrounds and styles with the intention of representing and appealing to people all around the world.”

They say that Apple is the prefered OS for creative types, but these backgrounds blow Apple’s proprietary backgrounds out of the water!

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Aug 15, 2009  •  In Art/Design, Asian, Food

Pho Tableware Set

I am loving this Pho tableware set!

Designed by Omid Sadri:

Inspired by the form of the Vietnamese lantern, this pho bowl set is intended to simplfy and enrich the experience of eating the famous Vietnamese soup. The bowl set makes it easier to carry the soup and its many condiments, while creating a new eating experience by progressively revealing the different layers.

While it is designed for pho, J and I both agree that this set can also be used for other Asian dishes, such as authentic Japanese ramen, or Korea’s many casserole dishes.

Via Embracing All Things Fobby.

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Aug 13, 2009  •  In Funny, Relationships

The 10 Levels of Intimacy in Today’s Communication

I saw this poignantly funny image in BuzzFeed today. I do, however, disagree with #7 – “Letter” – and petition to replace with with “Message Boards.”

Examining this with a bit more depth, I am reminded of one of my favorite Cracked articles, 7 Reasons the 21st Century is Making You Miserable. If you haven’t read it, go do it now. You will find a new appreciation for fresh air and good old-fashioned means of social interaction such as face-to-face conversations.

What do you think? Has technology (sadly) taken over our lives?

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Aug 13, 2009  •  In Entertainment

The Cinematography of Mad Men

Is anyone else counting down the days until Sunday?

In preparation for the upcoming season and in celebration of the super-successful first two seasons, Film Freak Central has created a video essay examining the cinematography of Mad Men. Enjoy!

Via Kottke.

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Aug 13, 2009  •  In Geek, Music, Video Games

Video Game Quintet

I have studied the piano since 5 and the violin since 8. I guess the 20+ years counts as a different generation of musical study, because they certainly didn’t have geeky symphonies such as PLAY!, or talented, passionate, FUN choir teachers such as that of the famed PS22 back in my day.

Earlier today I stumbled upon a YouTube video of a string quintet from the Seattle’s Marrowstone in the City program. I love how they start with the classic Bach’s Double Violin Concerto and continue on a captivating arrangement that will have you laughing and reminiscing. You have to keep watching for the unexpected twists in the Halo, Tetris, and Pong sections, because they are truly legend…wait for it…dary!

Via Miss Cellania.

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Aug 13, 2009  •  In Apple, Home

iMac as Wall Art

I’m ashamed to say that we don’t have much wall decoration in our home, because if we did, I would love to try this:

Via Apartment Therapy Unplugged.

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Aug 11, 2009  •  In Baby, Cute, Geek, Star Wars, Video Games

Crafts for the Geeky Baby

I really need to take up knitting. First, there was that adorable Nintendo Baby Blanket. Now, there is an entire ensemble

via Neatorama

Perhaps I’ll have better luck this these? They only seem to involve cutting and gluing…

via The Official Star Wars Blog

Alas, I am a klutz with anything that doesn’t involve computers. Jenny + glue/scissors/thread/needles = disaster, usually one that ends with explosions, blood, and tears.

Anyone good at knitting/crafting want to help me out?

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Aug 11, 2009  •  In Wishlist

ALVE Laptop Table from IKEA

I ♥ this laptop table from IKEA:

I spend at least 10 hours a day on my beloved MacBook Pro, and I usually have it propped on my lap or on my belly (bad posture, I know). I realized earlier today that this may cause a problem in my current situation – not only will my growing stomach start to get in the way, the heat and electromagnetic waves emitted from the laptop can’t be good for the baby either.

This may just be the perfect solution. And at $59.99, the price ain’t too bad either.

Product page.

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Aug 11, 2009  •  In Art/Design, Baby, Personal, Pregnancy


Earlier today, I discovered Kidtropolis via Boing Boing.

…it was as if the blogging world united to cogratulate me on the pregnancy.

Based in Vienna, Virginia, Kidtropolis designs and builds fantasy children’s rooms. Check out its magic below.

The Carousel Room:

The Guiness Room:

The Magic Tree House:

The Nursery Rhyme Themed Room:

As much as I love the rooms above, the one that really caught my eye was the Weekend Nursery. I doubt J will agree to something as elaborate as this, but oh the exquisite details! The eye-popping but calming colors, the canopy crib, and even the fencing along the walls almost makes me long for a girl (we both want a boy).

Seeing as we are currently pinching every penny, I am certain that we will not be able to afford Kidtropolis’ services. However, I have added them to my GReader knowing that they will continue to provide inspirtation for the duration of my pregnancy.

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Aug 9, 2009  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

Oh. Em. Gee.

I know most people these days choose to wait 3 months before announcing it to the world, but how can I hold in something this big and exciting?!?

If all goes well, I’m going to be a mommy come April or May!

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