Aug 8, 2009  •  In Funny, Geek, Star Wars

Star Wars Love Letter

I want to be Jessica.

The determination. The obsession (for both Jessica and Star Wars). The desperation. What more can a girl want?

Via Emails from Crazy People.

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Aug 8, 2009  •  In Entertainment, NYC

Mad Men Takes New York

Calling all Mad Men fans in the New York metropolitan area! In preparation for the Emmy Award-winning series’ Season 3 premier, next week (August 10-16) will see a host of Mad Men-themed events around the city. Click the map below for more details:

Who else is excited for the return of the Sterling-Cooper gang?

Via the Mad Men Official Blog.

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Aug 6, 2009  •  In Funny, Twitter, Web

Oh Noes!

Twitter is down and Facebook is having network issues.

…it’s the end of the world as we know it.

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Aug 6, 2009  •  In Funny, Video Games

Video Game FML

Today, I got through an entire dungeon, had fireballs shot at me, fought a giant turtle and the princess turns out to be in another castle. FML

I agree, your life sucks (53252) – you totally deserve it (3551)
On 07/17/2009 at 8:24pm – love – by Mario – United States (New York)

Today, I found out you’ve got to be an adult to defeat Ganondorf. No big deal, right? Just gotta spend seven years sleeping in the Chamber of Sages. I didn’t account for all the wet dreams. FML

I agree, your life sucks (26432) – you totally deserve it (14614)
On 07/16/2009 at 1:15pm – misc. – by Link – Hyrule

Today, I failed an important mission because I had to keep saving my useless wingmen. FML

I agree, your life sucks (4442) – you totally deserve it (321)
On 07/15/2009 at 5:35pm – misc. – by Fox – Corneria

Today, I found out I’ll be fighting literally everyone in this tournament. There are no brackets, and if I lose even a single fight, I’ll probably be thrown into a spike pit. FML

I agree, your life sucks (63242) – you totally deserve it (211)
On 07/15/2009 at 1:32am – misc. – by Liu Kang – China

Today, someone shot me with a blue shell right as I was about to cross the finish line. There was no way of avoiding it, and the guy who shot it was in last place and had no chance of winning. He did it just to be a dick. I was punished for doing well. FML

I agree, your life sucks (41431) – you totally deserve it (1334)
On 07/14/2009 at 4:13pm – misc. – by Toad – Mushroom Kingdom

Today, I spent 8 hours trapped inside a barrel. Finally my friend freed me…by throwing me into a wall. FML

I agree, your life sucks (41441) – you totally deserve it (743)
On 07/13/2009 at 4:14pm – friends – by Diddy Kong – Kongo Jungle

Today, I almost drowned because my asshole best friend kept eating all the air bubbles. FML

I agree, your life sucks (91414) – you totally deserve it (141)
On 07/13/2009 at 8:15am – friends – by Tails – Emerald Hill Zone

Via CollegeHumor.

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The Pepsi Logo vs The Coca-Cola Logo…Updated

Last week I wrote a post titled The Importance of a Consistent Brand which focused on a popular Pepsi vs Coca-Cola chart that was being circulated on the web.

Brand New today cleared some misconceptions about the Coca-Cola logo, and stated that the popular chart  is, in fact, inaccurate.

Looking at the updated chart, there have been some changes in the Coca-Cola logo…but I personally think that Coca-Cola still presents a more persistent image over the years. Don’t you agree?

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Aug 5, 2009  •  In Art/Design, Logos/Branding

2016 Olympics Candidate Logos

Two months from now the International Olympic Committee will announce the host city for the 2016 Summer Olympics. The four finalists – Chicago, Madrid, Rio, and Tokyo – have submitted their logo designs as visual representations of their candidacies.

If you were to choose the host city solely based on its logo design, who would you pick?

Visit idsgn for more details on each logo.

My vote is on Rio – how about you?

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Aug 5, 2009  •  In Art/Design, Blogging, Funny, Geek

My Site Icon: A Decepticon in Disguise

When I first debuted my site redesign, J asked, “Why do you have a pink Decepticon symbol in your header?”

“What are you talking about? That’s a book.”

Pause. “Ohh…yeah. I see it now.”

Do you think my icon looks like a Decepticon symbol?

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Aug 5, 2009  •  In Art/Design, Books, Geek, Infographics, Twitter, Wishlist

Information Is Beautiful

Gizmodo just featured an image from the upcoming book The Visual Miscellaneum: A Colorful Guide To The World’s Most Consequential Trivia.

As a lover of design, data collection, charts, and graphs, data visualization is right up my alley. I was delighted to discover that there exists a corresponding blog called Information Is Beautiful.

Unfortunately, the blog is still fairly new and so only houses 13 posts – not nearly enough to quench this geek’s unsatisable thirst for knowledge. However, I have no doubt that the blog will blow up very soon…how can it not?

Here are my two favorite images from Information Is Beautiful:

Movie Monster Comparison Chart:

If Twitter Was 100 People:

Visual Miscellaneum the book will be released October 27th. You can be sure to find it on my coffee table this fall.

Want more? Follow Info=Beautiful on Twitter!

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Aug 4, 2009  •  In Blogging, Web

Squarespace: SEO Gods?

I don’t know how they do it, but Squarespace never ceases to amaze me when it comes to SEO.

Before switching over in September ’08, I hosted my blog on WordPress which seemed to be the de facto standard for serious bloggers. After befriending some internet marketers, I read up on numerous articles, blogs, and e-books on how to best optimize my blog for search engines – essentially, how to “trick” Google into placing my posts at the top of targeted search queries.

I re-worded my titles and posts. I tried my best to utilize meta tags and keywords to my best advantage. I installed numerous SEO plugins.

It wasn’t all for naught. I saw some improvement in traffic; I’ll grant you that.

However, just a short while after switching to Squarespace, my traffic improved drastically…and kept growing. I must acredit some of this growth to Facebook, Twitter, and internet friends (thanks for the link love!). However, I couldn’t ignore the fact that the largest percentage of my traffic increase stemmed from search engine queries.

Just yesterday, I wrote a post about the possiblity of a The Office Monopoly game. Today, less than 24 hours after writing the post, my little blog comes up as the third hit on Google when you search “the office monopoly” – out of 3,270,000 hits.

(click to enlarge)

Here’s another example from a post I wrote last year, titled Top Ten Pantone® Inspired Products. When you search for “pantone products,” this page comes up as the fourth hit on Google:

(click to enlarge)

Now, with the massive weight that the Pantone name has on the world of designers, I can’t help but feel a bit giddy about this.

I know that the first rule of thumb when it comes to SEO is to write good content. And perhaps the quality of my content has improved since I made the switch. However, looking at the timing of my traffic records, I cannot help but credit at least some of my search engine rankings to the clean XHTML that is generated by Squarespace.

For more on Squarespace and SEO, read:

What are Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services?

Are spiders ignoring my site because of < insert mythical SEO practice >?

have been hearing bad things about squarespace and SEO work!

Kudos to Squarespace on all your hard work!

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Aug 4, 2009  •  In Funny, Web

The Circle of No Life

Via Gizmodo.

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