Aug 2, 2009  •  In Funny

Godzilla vs Japan

Planning is everything.


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Jul 31, 2009  •  In Funny

Beer Summit

I think I like this version better…

I ♥ xkcd!

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Jul 31, 2009  •  In Funny, Web

The JK Divorce Entrance Dance

You’ve seen their wedding entrance dance. Countless friends have urged you to watch it again and again via Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and other forms of social media. You’ve seen them on The Today Show. They’ve brought Chris Brown back from exile. Heck, the video’s even spurred Google to take notice and use it to tout YouTube’s click-to-buy ads.

Unfortunately, Jill and Kevin’s union which started in epic proportions was doomed to end in divorce…

This is obviously not real. But you know you’ve gone beyond viral when well-rehearsed, well-produced mock versions go viral too!

Via Neatorama.

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Jul 30, 2009  •  In Funny

Halt! Hammerzeit.

I re-discovered this demotivational poster the other day and I still can’t stop giggling over it:

(Excuse me for the lack of quality content today – I am feeling under the weather. But as they say, laughter cures all.)

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Jul 30, 2009  •  In Sports

Look at That Accuracy…

Summer has always been a dull season in sports for me.

(I may be a New Yorker but I am no baseball fan – it is too slow for my tastes. I’m still waiting for my beloved Knicks to start representin’ but this may take a while…and deserves a separate post entirely. End rant.)

Last summer the Beijing Olympics kept my athletic spectatorship quota satisfied; however, the lull between basketball and football seasons keeps me agitated and trolling blogs/message boards for training camp stories, trade rumors, team gossip, and good ol’ fashioned trash-talking.

Earlier today, J sent me the following video which thoroughly whet my appetite for the upcoming NFL season:

“Last year was just the beginning…”


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Jul 30, 2009  •  In Cute

The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog

For all you fellow typeface geeks.

Via Jezebel.

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Jul 29, 2009  •  In Art/Design, Personal, Twitter, Web

You’ve Come a Long Way, Twitter

Twitter debuted its new homepage today and I’m digging it!


Compared to the old design, it is a lot more modern, interactive, and easier on the eyes.

How do you like the new design?

J has been tracking startups since the dawn of the internet, so he joined Twitter shortly after it launched in 2006 – years before it became a household name.

(He also joined Yelp when it first launched, way before most people even heard of it. What can I say? He has a knack for picking good startups. )

He bugged me relentlessly about creating my own Twitter account, promising that it will be the “next big thing.” However, I resisted – I only knew two people who were tweeting! Besides, I had my Facebook to keep me updated on my friends’ lives…right?

After a while, I created an account just to shut him up. I used it a few times and forgot about it, until just last year when it started to gain a foothold in internet culture as well as mainstream society.

Soon, it seemed like everyone and their mothers were tweeting. Companies chirped at me to buy their products. Marketers messaged me to tout the new “it” products. I even formed new friendships through this wonderful world limited by 140 characters!

Feeling nostalgic, I decided to find out what my very first tweet was using the spiffy website MyTweet16:

My first tweet was not as exciting as I thought. But I like to think my first five tweets were good representatives of what was to come, no?

When and what was your first tweet?

Three years later, J is just as addicted to Twitter as he was on the day he first joined. When he proposed and I said “yes,” the first thing he did (after the requisite hugging and kissing) was tweet, “Woohoo! She said YES!!!” He says that when we get pregnant, one of the first things he will do is announce the pregnancy via Twitter.

He’s totally earned the Twitter mug I got him.

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Jul 28, 2009  •  In Comang, Personal

Comang (My Dog)

Every time I come home, my dog thinks it’s amazing. He can’t believe that I’ve accomplished this again. I walk in the door. The joy of it almost kills him. “She’s back again! It’s her! It’s her!”

Love ya, buddy.

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Jul 28, 2009  •  In Funny

Shake Weight and My Dirty Mind

Is it just me, or is there something inexplicably wrong with this product?

Edit: the video’s autostart feature was annoying me, so I decided to un-embed it. You can watch the video at the Shake Weight site.

If this movement leads to toned arms and shoulders, men everywhere should be rejoicing…

Go get your own Shake Weight here!

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Jul 28, 2009  •  In Entertainment

I Am a Bitter Old Drunk

In honor of the third season of Mad Men, AMC has launched a “create your own avatar” application. Being a huge fan of the award-winning series, I knew I had to create my own…

I tried to be as honest as possible when choosing my features. Nevermind the fact that I never wear blue eye shadow or red lipstick – those just seemed to be the most fun choices, as were the cigarette hanging from my lips and the glass of martini in my hand.

However, I can’t ignore the fact that I look like an old, bitter, drunk lady. What do you think?

Make your own Mad Men-inspired avatar here!

I can’t wait until the start of the new season on August 16th! Not only because Mad Men is a great show, but also because Don Draper just can’t get any hotter.

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