Mar 1, 2009  •  In Personal

Need Fashion Advice

Sometimes I like to slide on over to the “heels” end of the “Geek in Heels” equation. ๐Ÿ™‚

Yes I am a girl, and I need girly advice.

In my last post, I wrote about the project with which I am currently involved. Well, my friend’s business partner is a Hollywood producer, and his latest movie is set to debut in theaters March 20th!

The movie is The Great Buck Howard, starring Tom Hanks, John Malkovich, Colin Hanks, Emily Blunt, and Steve Zahn. (Watch the trailer here.)

As a thank you for the work I have done for the company, they have invited me to the world premiere of the movie, which will be right here in New York.

…and I have nothing to wear.

I am thinking about playing it safe with an LBD. So far, I’m really digging this candidate from Bluefly:

What do you think? Yay or nay?

Do you have any other suggestions for sub-$200?

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Feb 27, 2009  •  In Blogging, Career, Personal

A Sheepish Hello

I think that may have been the longest time I’ve gone AWOL since starting this blog.

I could spew excuses about being sick before my trip to LA, not having a reliable source of internet while in LA, then getting sick again right after my return.

However, I know that I would not be honest to myself or my readers. Because the fact of the matter is, you can always find the time or energy to blog. You can always find inspiration. You can always stay true to yourself and your writing.

So I apologize once again. I am sorry, my dear readers and friends, without whom this blog would be nothing.

What has been keeping me busy since my departure?

Well, remember that project I had been working on? I am helping a friend with a start-up whose premise is to help talented artists transition into successful professionals in Hollywood. What really helps the company stand out from its competitors is that we have some top-tier, big names backing us up and even lending a helping hand. Although we are still a fledgling start-up, we have been receiving some great feedback and testimonials so far, which is nothing but encouraging.

I have been working on the main website for a couple of months now, and you can see it in its full glory at A lot of the content has yet to be filled, but I am happy and proud to say that the website is finally up and running!

The second thing is that I have been hired for another (hopefully) regular, freelance job. You can read about it in my private blog. ๐Ÿ™‚

Well, that’s it for now…I’ve missed you all and I’ll do my best to keep updating more frequently!

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Feb 10, 2009  •  In Personal

A Prolonged Absence

Hi everyone,

This is just a short note to let you know that I am alive and kicking. I am currently on a week-long trip to LA, and do not have a reliable source for internet access.

I’ll be back in NY next Tuesday, and will return to blogging then. Hope you’re all doing well!


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Feb 1, 2009  •  In Art/Design, Logos/Branding, Personal

Bee Arr Bee…

First, a sprained wrist (it hurt to type) and now a bad cold (I think).

I will be back when I’m feeling better.

For now, I leave you with this right-up-my-alley article from the NYTimes:

Super Bowl Logos Reflect N.F.L.’s Growth and Design Trends

Tomorrow night I will be rooting for the Cardinals. Not only because Kurt Warner is a Christian, or the fact that my husband hates the Steelers with a passion…but because it is always more fun to root for the underdogs. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Let’s go Cards!

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Jan 29, 2009  •  In Art/Design, Personal

Chinese New Year Card

Last week I decided to start painting again.

It was a perfect time to start – with J’s birthday, another close friend’s birthday, and the lunar new year coming up, I wanted to paint cards for these occassions. A fantastic way to save money and squeeze out some creativity juice!

So I busted out my ArtBin Upscale 3 Tray Box, travel easel, and box of goauche paints.

(Goauche is my favorite painting medium. They’re perfect for illustrations!)

The living room became a disaster area while I commenced work, but I was very pleased with the results.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of my friend’s card before I mailed it. And J’s birthday card contains an inside joke that wouldn’t make sense to anyone but us.

However, I figure the Chinese New Year card I painted for my in-laws deserves to have a spotlight on this blog:

Now it is nowhere as gorgeous as the eye-popping creations of Kelly, but I like to think that I haven’t completely lost my touch after over a 5-year hiatus from painting.

The Chinese characters were the most difficult, since I had never been trained in brush calligraphy and the only thin brush in my arsenal was pretty flimsy. In addition, since I do not know Chinese these characters may resemble something that a second grader might write.

However, the smile on J’s face when I showed him the finished product was all worth it. I hope my in-laws like it as well!

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Jan 28, 2009  •  In Blogging, Funny

Stalking My Visitors

One of the many things I love about Squarespace is that it provides statistics that rival that of Google Analytics.

In addition to this “Traffic Overview” page (which is updated every minute!), there also exists pages for:

  • Referrers
  • Popular Content
  • Subscribers
  • Queries
  • Detailed Activity

Now I don’t know about you, but I love finding out how visitors get to this site. And of particular interest is the “Queries” page, which details the page views I receive from search engines.

The top queries are typical of what I expect: “geek in heels,” “geekinheels,” etc.

However, when I scroll down to the bottom, I can always find some rather…unusual stuff.

“hot spicy heels gallery”

“man in heels gallery”

“hot huge boobs”

“bjs and heels”

And there are always at least a few hits from those who search for hot pictures of Jessica Alba (I’m guessing this stems from the bra post I wrote a few years ago).

According to What’s My Blog Rated?, this site is rated an innocent G:

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

This cannot be accurate – I sometimes use swear words and talk about innapropriate topics on this blog. If I had to rate myself, I would give this site a PG…maybe even a PG-13.

And if my search engine queries are indicative of how people find this site, I might even rate an R, or an NC-17.

How do people find your site? What is your site rated?

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Jan 27, 2009  •  In Personal, Relationships

Kept Women, Part 2

A couple of years ago I wrote an entry titled Kept Women which drew much ire from the Xanga community. I received over 200 comments, the large majority of them from angry feminists who condemned me for even having such thoughts.

The Real Housewives of Orange County – true kept women?

Now, since becoming unemployed, I have to wonder if I have become a kept woman. After all, J is the sole bread earner in the household.

I admit that it is a comfortable life. Don’t get me wrong – by no means do I sit in front of the TV all day eating bonbons. My life now is busier than it’s ever been…I have been getting less sleep and have less free time than when I worked full-time. However, I am happy knowing that I can make my own schedule and do all the things I’ve been putting off for years. Heck I even started painting again, and I haven’t done that since I left school!

This life, however, is not a fairy tale. No matter how complacent I may become with this lifestyle, I cannot help but feel an overwhelming sense of guilt.

My mother told me that she is happy I am taking a break. “You never took a break after school,” she pointed out. “Others traveled, went backpacking, or even took some time mooching off parents. But you dove straight into work. You never had a break since you started working.”

And I have always been this way. I have always been independent and self-reliant. I hate asking others for help, let alone asking for financial assistance.

I even feel bad asking J, my own husband, for a mere $5.

Would I still feel this way if J raked in millions from his job? Yes.

I guess this is the reason I am working so hard on my side projects so that even if I never get another full-time job (knock on wood), I will have a source of income which will help contribute to our household.

So to answer my own question, no I do not think I am a kept woman, nor will I ever be comfortable being one. My need to contribute and help will always eclipse my desire to have a comfortable life.

Would you be happy as a kept woman?

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Jan 27, 2009  •  In Personal

Happy Birthday to the Hubs!

Happy birthday to my best friend with benefits!

I love this old picture of him – he looks so happy and innocent. Oh how the years have changed you…just kidding!

In all seriousness…happy 31st. Looking forward to spending all of your years with you. <3

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Jan 21, 2009  •  In Random

A Picture of Me at the Inauguration

Here I am, standing just a few feet away from our new President at the inauguration:

Can you spot me?

Go pretend you were there too, using

Via TechCrunch.

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Jan 21, 2009  •  In Personal, Relationships

Morbid Discussions

A couple of days ago I woke up feeling utterly crappy.

I didn’t have a fever (yet) but I felt that undeniable sensation of arghh-what-the-heck-is-my-body-up-to-now.

As the day progressed a fever developed, and my right cheek was beginning to swell. Not noticeably, but enough that the skin stretched tight and shiny across my cheekbone.

Luckily I feel much better now, and the swelling is down. However, that isn’t the point of this entry.

At the height of my illness I glanced over at J. I then realized that while we have been married for 9 months now, we have yet to write our wills.

“Hey,” I succinctly stated, “If I’m ever in a horrible accident where my body is only being kept alive by machines, I want you to pull the plug.”


“I’m being serious. I don’t want to be a vegetable dependent on modern technology. I want you to pull the plug.”

Smirking, he replied, “I’ll decide that when the time comes.”

I then asked, “What about you? What would you want me to do if you were in that situation?”

“I’d want you to invent a machine that would keep me frozen until the right technology comes along to revive me.”

“Aish! I’m being serious! What do you want me to do?”

“I want you to invent that machine.”

Obviously J was not being cooperative. But I kept pushing.

“And if I die before you, I’d want you to get remarried.”

“No,” he replied, with a smile on his face.

“C’mon! I am being 100% serious here…I want to you get remarried, okay?”

He laughed once again and turned away.

“…Would you want me to get remarried?”

“No, I would haunt you so that you would never get to meet anyone else.”

Obviously my husband is not ready to have such conversations. However, this is something that should be discussed between a married couple, no?

So I write this in my blog, knowing that this will hold as proof of this conversation and my wishes.

Have you have these morbid conversations with your significant other?

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