Nov 19, 2008  •  In Art/Design, Geek, Twitter

The Fail Caterpillar

Twitter has been a lot better with its uptime lately. However, it underwent an hour of downtime earlier today and bloggers everywhere rushed to report a big change.

Bye bye, Fail Whale…

Hello, Fail Caterpillar!

Cute, but I don’t think it has the visual impact of the Fail Whale. What do you think?

Via Mashable.

P.S. – For a neat history of the Twitter Fail Whale, check out ReadWriteWeb’s The Story of the Fail Whale.

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Nov 19, 2008  •  In Entertainment, Funny

Snoop Dogg on Martha Stewart

Can you believe Snoop Dogg was on the Martha Stewart Show today?

I couldn’t.

Then I watched the video.

And laughed and laughed.

Moments of particular note include:

  • Martha reads aloud some emails he’s sent her. He continually calls her “MS” and instructs her to “holla back boo”
  • Snoop tries to explain “Snoop-guistics” to Martha
  • Martha teaches Snoop how to make mashed potatoes and he addes cognac. After tasting the result, he says he wants some chicken wings.

Watch the hilarity ensue as my favorite rapper from the 90s meets my girl Martha!

I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the Martha Stewart Blogger Show, now I’m wishing Snoop was there as the special guest!

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Nov 19, 2008  •  In Apple, Gadgets, Geek

iPhone Numberpad App

As much as I *heart* my LG Voyager (especially its rockin’ Navigation system), I do get tempted to by the lusciousness that is the iPhone.

In particular, the Safari browser.

Although LG and Verizon like to tout the Voyager’s browser as a fully functioning HTML decoder, the fact remains that it doesn’t work too well with anything other than HTML. CSS rendering is unreliable and JavaScript is a hit or a miss.

My phone has also developed a nasty habit of automatically shutting off whenever it encounters a page heavy with JavaScript/AJAX.

*Throws tantrum*

So whenever I see yet another cool app for the iPhone, like the Numberkey, I end up emotionally cheating on my Voyager.

Can you tell I have a weakness for simple solutions that make you think, “Now why didn’t I think of that?”

We’ll see about the iPhone. I’m not quite ready to give up the trusty Verizon network just yet.

Via Gizmodo.

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Nov 19, 2008  •  In Art/Design, Books, Home

Infinity Bookcase

I have an obsession with books and everything books-related.

So it came to no surprise when I let out an audible gasp to see this picture:

Designed by Dutch artist Job Koelewijn, the Infinity Bookcase symbolizes the infinite power of books and learning.

I want to move all the furniture out of our condo so I can move this baby in now.

Via Neatorama.

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Nov 19, 2008  •  In Korean, Video Games

Another Reason My Home Country Rocks

(I wrote a whooping 7 posts last night – 6 public and 1 private – but timed most of them so that they will be published at regular intervals throughout the next day. However, I’ve discovered that this method does not seem to notify Google Reader. So until I figure out what the problem is, I’ll publish each post as they are written. This may result in a barrage of posts in a short period of time so I apologize in advance.)

The most connected country in the world


A fascination with PC gaming


Mandatory military service





And yes, as Engadget points out, they bear an uncanny resemblance to Halo uniforms.

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Nov 18, 2008  •  In Art/Design

Chinese Wine Packaging

If I hadn’t chickened out of attending art school, I think I would’ve tremendously enjoyed studying package design.

Consider these Chinese wine packaging designs. They’re works of art in themselves. Heck, I would buy them just for the packaging!

Via Packagings of the World.

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Nov 18, 2008  •  In Art/Design

Darren Waterston Paintings

Yesterday I became entranced by a post on Design Milk, showcasing the painter Darren Waterston.

His pieces are so organic and fluid, with a touch of Eastern influence. For example, this one distinctly looks like a dragon:

And this one reminds me of old Chinese landscape paintings:

This reminds me of cancer and diseased cells. Beautiful cancer, and diseased cells.

I especially love his “The Flowering” series:

If only I had the money to invest in art. For now, I shall have to be content with viewing gorgeous pieces like these through the wonders of the internet.

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Nov 18, 2008  •  In Art/Design, Photography

Bottle Cap Tripod

My hands are a mystery.

Slap a paintbrush, pen, pencil, or charcoal stick in my hand and it moves with the precision of a surgeon.

Place a camera there and it shakes like a crack addict’s.

It is precisely for this reason that I love and hail the invention of optical image stabilization (digital is usually “fake” or “forced” stabilization because it only raises the ISO) in digital cameras.

But for those times when even technology fails me, I yearn for a tripod.

The Bottle Cap Tripod is exactly how Better Living Through Design describes it: “This is exactly the kind of thing you don’t think you’ll need until you do.”

Although I wonder how it handles larger/heavier cameras, you have to admit that it’s an ingenious design.

The best part? It’s only $10 at Charles & Marie.


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Nov 18, 2008  •  In Movies

A Dark Alice by Tim Burton

I was stoked when I first read of the live-action remake of Alice in Wonderland…directed by Tim Burton.

Anne Hathaway as The White Queen.

Helena Bonham Carter as The Red Queen.

Alan Rickman as The Caterpillar.

…and Johnny Depp as The Mad Hatter.

Can you say “Holy dark pathological classic, Batman!”?

Yesterday, my thoughts were only reaffirmed as this picture of Johnny Depp, in full costume as The Mad Hatter, surfaced on the web:

I get tingly feelings up and down my spine just looking at this picture.

Keep an eye out for the movie in 2010!

Via Best Week Ever.

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Nov 18, 2008  •  In Art/Design, Marketing/Advertising

Oreo Elevator

How awesome is this ad for Oreo cookies?!?

Using what you’ve got. Re-thinking a familiar concept. And strikingly simple at the same time.

Simply. Brilliant.

Via Brand Infection.

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