Nov 18, 2008  •  In Blogging, Personal

Please Don’t Stone Me

A neutron walks into a bar and asks the bartender, “How much for a beer?”

The bartender replies, “For you, no charge.”


I thought I would start with a joke so you’ll forgive me for backing out of another promise. The fact of the matter is, I’ve had a pretty crazy couple of weeks.

Quit a job (and get handed a slew of last-minute projects during my last two weeks there).

Help a friend with a web project.

Host a crazy, “legendary” potluck.

Be more involved in church.

Start a new job.

I had a good first day at work today, but I am saddened to say that I will have a lot less time for blogging. Either that, or I will have to sacrifice a lot of shut-eye time. And sleep seems to become so much more precious as I get older.

I’ll do my best to keep writing, but I predict that they will be in sporadic bursts. As a result, I will probably end up busting out a bunch of posts in one sitting and space them out so that they’re published in more regular intervals.

Thanks for reading and please forgive me if I sound incoherent.

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Nov 13, 2008  •  In Personal

Lack of Updates

I’m so sorry for the lack of updates.

My soon-to-be-former employer has decided to milk me for all I’m worth before I leave.

Today is my last day.

I will return tonight or tomorrow with a bunch of new posts. I pinky-swear.

I will have tomorrow off, and on Monday I start my new job.

I’m so excited!

Okay, back to work…

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Nov 12, 2008  •  In Funny

Links of the Day

Stuff Whie People Like created one of the funniest blog phenomenons of 2008.

One by one, bored creative minds began to create spin-off blogs.

Stuff Educated Black People Like.

Stuff Asian People Like.

Even Stuff Nobody Likes!

The list goes on and on, but I’ll never forget the day my sister sent me the link to Stuff Korean Moms Like.

It was so…our mom. We even showed it to our mother, translating in the process, and we all had a good laugh.

Today, Neatorama posted two links that reminded me of this site. I present to you:

My Mom is a Fob

My Dad is a Fob

You will not be disappointed, especially if you have parents of Asian descent.

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Nov 12, 2008  •  In Recipes

Crabmeat Pancakes

Today I will show you how to make one of J’s favorite dishes: crabmeat pancakes!

This is actually a dish that my mother invented one day while goofing around in the kitchen…and it’s become quite popular in our family. It’s very simple but can take some time to make.

The three main ingredients are: artificial crabmeat (the kind you get at Asian markets), squash, and eggs. You can choose to add more veggies like peppers, onions, or scallions if you wish.

For this batch, I used 2 squashes, 15 crabmeat sticks, and 3 eggs.

First, cut up your squash very finely. I use a mandolin to speed up the process.

When you’re done slicing the squash, lightly sprinkle some salt on it and leave it in a strainer to drain. (The salt will help get rid of the excess water in the squash.)

Next, put on a pair of plastic gloves (or just use clean, bare hands) and shred the crabmeat.

This is the time-consuming part. I usually do this while watching TV.

By the time you’re done shredding the crabmeat, your squash should’ve had sufficient time to drain. For extra measure, squeeze out the excess water.

Combine the crabmeat and squash. If you plan on adding more veggies, this is where you would add them.

Add the eggs. Be careful not to add too much – I usually start with just two and add more only if needed. I mix this with my hands too so that you can really massage the eggs in with the other ingredients.

Notice the texture in the above photo – you want the mixture to be thick and not runny.

Now you’re ready to start cooking! Set your burner to medium heart, lightly drizzle some oil onto a pan and scoop on the mixture, making the pieces about 4″-6″ in diameter.

Two things of note during this step:

  1. Do not over-cook! Once the egg portion looks done, it’s time to flip!
  2. The mixture will start to separate while waiting in the bowl. I advise that you keep stirring/mixing while waiting for the pieces on the pan to cook.

That’s it! This dish can be served warm or cold, so if you have leftovers, just keep them in the fridge and munch on them later!

On a related note, I wanted to share with you an amazing Korean cooking website I found today:! Not only does it have some amazing recipes, it also has a search-by-ingredient feature, videos, and forums! I’ve forwarded the link to all my girlfriends who like cooking and received many “thank you”s in response.

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Nov 11, 2008  •  In Funny


First, there was TinyURL.

Then came a whole slew of URL shrinkers, each touting more features than the last, some with features that are too complicated even for detail-oriented OCD types like myself.

(If you want to see a round-up of five popular URL shrinking tools, click on over to Lifehacker.)

Now comes something ever bigger.

…Literally bigger.

Go check out HugeURL, aimed at turning any sensible URL into a giant jumble of a mess. It’s guaranteed to piss off any friend, family, or colleague.

And just in case you’re curious, turns into:


Via Best Week Ever.

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Nov 11, 2008  •  In Art/Design, Home

Digital/Analog Clock

I *heart* this Digital/Analog Clock, debuted at Tokyo Design Week 08. What a sexy blend of the old and the new!

Via Gizmodo.

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Nov 11, 2008  •  In Funny

The Matrix on Windows XP

This is too funny not to share. CollegeHumor has posted a new video titled, The Matrix Runs on Windows. The concept is self-explanatory and the quality is superb. Enjoy!

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Nov 10, 2008  •  In Blogging, Personal

The End of the Blog, Or Why Do You Blog?

While pouring over the latest issue of my favorite magazine over the weekend, I was shocked to read this obituary to blogging.

The first four paragraphs really stung me:

Thinking about launching your own blog? Here’s some friendly advice: Don’t. And if you’ve already got one, pull the plug.

Writing a weblog today isn’t the bright idea it was four years ago. The blogosphere, once a freshwater oasis of folksy self-expression and clever thought, has been flooded by a tsunami of paid bilge. Cut-rate journalists and underground marketing campaigns now drown out the authentic voices of amateur wordsmiths. It’s almost impossible to get noticed, except by hecklers. And why bother? The time it takes to craft sharp, witty blog prose is better spent expressing yourself on Flickr, Facebook, or Twitter.

If you quit now, you’re in good company. Notorious chatterbox Jason Calacanis made millions from his Weblogs network. But he flat-out retired his own blog in July. “Blogging is simply too big, too impersonal, and lacks the intimacy that drew me to it,” he wrote in his final post.

Impersonal is correct: Scroll down Technorati’s list of the top 100 blogs and you’ll find personal sites have been shoved aside by professional ones. Most are essentially online magazines: The Huffington Post. Engadget. TreeHugger. A stand-alone commentator can’t keep up with a team of pro writers cranking out up to 30 posts a day.

I’m sorry to say that I too, have been noticing this trend. When I first started blogging back in 2000, many of my friends had blogs too. We wrote about silly things like what we did over the weekend, who is dating whom, relationship woes, and the mind-blowing circus that is college life.

Slowly but surely, these blogs began to remain untouched and neglected. We were out of college now and living adult lives – who had the time to blog? Other friends cited the lack of anonymity on the web as their reason to stop blogging. Many, like Mr. Boutin states in his article, shrugged their shoulders and said that Facebook/Flickr/Twitter was easier.

I’ve also found that I get discouraged whenever I read about blog rankings. As they say, the popular only get more popular while the little guys continue to suffer in numbers. As such, I tend to ignore sites such as Technorati and Digg for the repetitiveness of their featured sites.

So why do I continue to blog?

I blog because I like to write. And as a born researcher and human sponge, I love to share my thoughts, findings, and amusings.

And the narcissistic side of me wants to broadcast this to the world.

I am definitely not in it for the money. I only get about a hundred unique hits a day, and I hardly ever advertise my blog. Besides, I’m not sure if I ever can use blogging as a source of income, because I’m afraid that my passion for writing is greater than my abilities.

Why do you blog?

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Nov 8, 2008  •  In NYC, Personal, Sports

The NBA’s Most Loyal Fans

Forbes has named New York Knicks fans the NBA’s most loyal fans.

I admit that over the past few years I have wondered why I subject myself to this torture, even questioning if I were playing a sick game of S&M with my favorite sports team.

Forbes goes on to describe our misery in further detail:

How miserable have things been for Knick fans? How about an average record of 30-52, including a pair of 23-59 seasons, over the past five years? Then there’s the series of off-the-court soap operas: respected veteran coach Larry Brown being hired and fired within one year; star guard Stephon Marbury feuding with coaches and now sitting out in street clothes as the team tries to trade him; and, of course, the embarrassing sexual harassment fiasco that ensnared (now former) President Isiah Thomas.

All this while charging the second-highest prices in the league. Still, the fans keep coming. Year after year, season ticket renewal rates check in at better than 90%.

Still, I have hope. The glory days shall return.

In other Knicks news, Allan Houston (my man!) has officially been given a front office position with the Knicks.

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Nov 7, 2008  •  In Cute

Live Puppy Cam

J sent this this link today and I can’t pry my eyes away!

A live feed of 6 adorable puppies…everyone say it with me: one, two, three AWWWWW!

At the moment they are sleeping but it’s still entertaining to see them twitch and roll around.


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