Oct 2, 2008  •  In Personal

Welcome Back, Mr. Houston

Last week I mentioned that the Knicks signed Allan Houston as a free agent. I’m excited as hell but a bit doubtful at the same time…how well will Houston fare against players 2/3 his age?

He still seems to be able to hit his jump shots, as evidenced by this video where he nails 10 consecutive 3-pointers:

Houston will undoubtedly suffer a bit under D’Antoni’s fast-paced style where being able to run and keep up is key, as he was never very fast on his feet. However, the legacy and experience he brings to the team can’t be denied.

Can’t wait for the Knicks opening game on 10/29! J and I haven’t been to a Knicks game together since we were just friends (6 years ago) – je suis vraiment très excitée!

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Oct 1, 2008  •  In Cute

The Cutest Thing Ever

Meet Rupert, a fawn that was delivered by c-section after his mother was hit by a car.

I think Michelle Collins of Best Week Ever put it best when she wrote, “He’s basically a living, breathing chocolate chip cookie with a halo.”

Click on to the Best Week Ever Blog for more adorable pictures.

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Sep 30, 2008  •  In Movies, Music, Personal

Notorious Trailer

My first boyfriend was a gangsta.

It was the stereotypical good girl-bad boy relationship. Although it was probably the unhealthiest relationship I’ve ever been in, I picked up quite a few things from him. For example, I’ve only tried weed a couple of times, but I can discern between the different strains and can distinguish the “good shit” from the “bad shit” just from smelling the batch. I learned the finer points of high-stakes sports betting and discovered just much hangs with one basket, one catch, or even one inch.

I also learned about gangsta rap. Triple Six Mafia. N.W.A. Geto Boys. He would lecture me on the history of these rappers, politics, grudges, and their ways of life as he blasted their music. And as an avid fan of Junior M.A.F.I.A., he taught me all about Christopher Wallace, aka Biggie Smalls, or The Notorious B.I.G.

Over time, I learned to appreciate Biggie as well and was greatly saddened to hear of his death. I had read that Hollywood was making a biopic about the life of Biggie Smalls and was interested to see how it would turn out. A few days ago, a teaser trailer was released, and…I’m excited! I’m 100%, authentically looking forward to the movie’s release in January.

Check out the trailer yourself:

(watch in high quality for the full experience)

For more information, take a look at the official site.

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Sep 30, 2008  •  In Art/Design, Gadgets, Geek, Wishlist

Acme Made Camera Bag

There are bag hags and shoe whores.

I am definitely the former.

J doesn’t understand why I have an entire section of the closet devoted to my numerous bags. He still doesn’t get the concept of dust bags –

“Why do you need a bag for a bag?”

“To keep my lovelies dust-free, silly.”

“Can you at least sacrifice one shelf for my comic books and toys?”


Ain’t marriage grand?

With my love for handbags and gadgets, it’s a no-brainer that I love bags for my gadgets too. When I got a new MacBook Pro earlier this year, I searched high and low for a laptop bag that would stylishly house my baby. My top choice was The Minimalist by Zegari:

As much as I wanted to spring $300 for a laptop bag, I just couldn’t afford it with the new condo and upcoming wedding. I decided to go the safe route with Acme Made, which IMO produces some of the best laptop bags around.

I went with The Trixy:

The brown with pink trim was sold out everywhere, but I put my googling skills to good use and found an obscure luggage store in Pennsylvania that carried it in my desired color and had it shipped to NY.

Today I read that Acme Made will be releasing a new bag for DLSRs in November. The camera bag will be shaped like a bowling bag and is aptly named “The Bowler”. Lined with quilted satin with hidden side pockets and an adjustable padded divider, the bag is utterly and undeniably adorable.

At $39.99, the price isn’t a dealbreaker either.

(I don’t have a DSLR yet, but I do plan on purchasing the Nikon D90 come Christmas time.)

Via Wired.

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Sep 29, 2008  •  In Blogging, Personal

Transport to Squarespace…Complete!

I know I had been talking about making the transition to Squarespace, but have been putting it off until inspiration hit – I get bored too easily and want a site redesign! I had figured that I would hit two birds with one stone by redesigning the site and making the switch at the same time.

However, while high on Midol last Friday, I asked myself why I couldn’t make the switch and worry about the redesign later.

So I did it.

I moved all my old posts to Squarespace this past weekend. You’re now looking at Geek in Heels, powered by Squarespace.

A few things I noticed in the transition:

  1. It took a bit getting used to, but WOW! Squarespace is so much more powerful than WordPress. Much more user-friendly and even the nit-picky CSS customizations are actually FUN!
  2. I *heart* the built-in image resizer! After you upload an image, you have the option to resize the image permanently or create a thumbnail (whose size you specify) that links to the full image. For an example, see my post on Megan Fox. Click on any of the pictures and the full-size image will show on a new window.
  3. The built-in gallery is awesome too. (See it in action here.) My only wish is that there is an option to embed a gallery into a blog post, but from reading the forum I think they’re working on that.
  4. The search engine seems to be a lot more powerful than the standard WordPress one. I know you can install plug-ins to enhance the WordPress search engines, but the Squarespace is so fast and intuitive!

I must mention that although Squarespace offers easy import options, I decided not to use it because I’m anal like that. Thus, all my comments are gone!  🙁  So please comment lots to make up for it!

I will probably be making a lot of UI changes to the site within the next few weeks, so please stay patient. Thanks for reading!

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Sep 27, 2008  •  In Facebook, Funny

If the NFL Had a Facebook Page…

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Sep 26, 2008  •  In Funny

Campaign Ads

For a laugh, check out Cracked.com’s What Campaign Ads Would Look Like If the Voting Age Was 6.

My favorites:

I just saw on CNN that McCain’s still not sure about holding the debate today. Hmm…

Update: the debate is on! Will you be staying home tonight to watch it?

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Sep 26, 2008  •  In Thursday Geek-isms

Thursday Geek-isms

Today was a great day.

I started the day by buying tickets to the Knicks opening game against Miami (considering the numbers from Miami last season, my boys better start this season 1-0!). I plan on attending more Knicks game this season…heck I work practically on top of the Garden – I might as well take advantage of it, right? Also, the #1 item on my list below was announced today…

Mid-afternoon, I was delighted to find that the mental_floss had spotlighted me! Last week, mental_floss had put out a call to all bloggers to help promote their $50,000 tuition giveaway. In return, they would do a round-up of everyone who blogged about the giveaway and every week, they would feature one site. I was the first featured site!

After dinner I set aside some time to do some sewing. Not making anything, but repairing tears and re-attaching buttons. There was a small pile that had accumulated over the past couple of months, and I got through them all. It’s dorky, but sewing really relaxes me!

Finally, The Office season premiere was tonight! It wasn’t a great episode, but funny nonetheless. And Jim finally proposed to Pam!!! It was totally unexpected and undoubtedly romantic. Man I missed the guys of Dunder-Mifflin Scranton!

On to the links!

  1. Houston signs on for another Knicks comeback, ESPN.
    Allan Houston’s returning the Knicks as a free agent! His glory days are behind him, and I admit I’m a bit weary of “retired” athletes who choose to return to the game. However, how can I not be excited about my all-time favorite basketball player returning to my all-time favorite sports team?
  2. Google’s End Run Around the Wireless Carriers, TechCrunch.
    I read through this article carefully, and it’s a bold, idealistic plan that can revolutionize the cell phone industry. However, I don’t know how realistic it is, as it depends on the cooperation of the cellular providers. In fact, I’m pretty certain that the plan will never come into fruition. Do you agree?
  3. Wearable Airbags For The Clumsy, Elderly, Geekologie.
    As a first-rate klutz (evidenced by the multiple bruises all over my body), I actually wouldn’t mind using this!
  4. Chinese iPhone 3G Won’t Have 3G or Wi-Fi, Gizmodo.
    And as usual, Jesus Diaz has done some clever photoshopping to accompany the announcement.
  5. The Quick 10: Stories Behind 10 Dr. Seuss Stories, mental_floss Blog.
    I *heart* Dr. Seuss! Did you know that Green Eggs and Ham is a product of a bet? Or that Oh The Places You’ll Go was Dr. Seuss’ last book…what a great and symbolic finale!
  6. Reasons Not To Move To Westchester, Curbed.
    Westchester County has the highest property taxes in the nation, with a median of $8,422. It’s sad that we’re paying more than this for our condo.
  7. Is Google Spreading Itself Too Thin?, ReadWriteWeb.
    I had linked to a Wired articled titled, Has Apple Bitten Off More Than It Can Chew? back in August. I was immediately reminded of this article as I started to read this post by ReadWriteWeb. Is Google’s worst enemy its growth, as is the case with so many other companies?
  8. Ten Years Later, A “Third” Google Founder Comes Out Of The Woodwork, TechCrunch.
    The question on everyone’s mind is: why now? Why wait 10 years?
  9. State of the Blogosphere 2008: Technorati Numbers Indicate Blogging Is Niche and Slowing, ReadWriteWeb.
    Technorati has released its 5th Annual State of the Blogosphere Report. According to it, blogging has gone mainstream (RWW disagrees with this statement) but is slowing down. Also, the stereotypical image of a blogger writing in his underwear while living in his parent’s basement seems to be far-fetched. Click on to the full report for more interesting facts and numbers. A must-read for any blogger!
  10. Review: Nikon D90 Takes World Champion DSLR Title Belt, Wired Gadget Lab.
    I’ve been seriously thinking of getting a DSLR, and will probably bite the bullet within the next year. However, my love-hate relationship with Canon repels me from the Canon Rebel series, which is the most popular entry-level DSLR in the market. The Nikon D90 seems to be a perfect fit for me…me rikey berry much! Now, about that price tag…
  11. PrintWhatYouLike Cuts Down Any Web Page for Printing, Lifehacker.
    How much paper and ink have I waste over the years printing printer-unfriendly web pages? This is effing BRILLIANT – why didn’t anyone think of this sooner?
  12. 10 Worst Computer Viruses of All Time, HowStuffWorks.
    An informational, educational, and entertaining read for any computer geek!
Sep 25, 2008  •  In Art/Design, Personal, Photography

To Photoshop or Not?

We received the digital proofs from our wedding photographer, Danny Weiss, a few weeks ago. Since then I’ve been honing my Photoshop techniques on these gorgeous photos. A bit of desaturation here, some level adjustments there, and voila! Good post-processing can really help add emotion to a photo, or change the look and feel altogether.

J doesn’t understand why I do this. “I like ’em au naturelle, baby!” he says.

What do you think? Do you like these photos before or after Photoshop?

Photo A, Before:

J looks exactly like his mother!

Photo A, After:

Photo B, Before:

Me sneaking up on J before he sees me for the first time

Photo B, After:

Photo C, Before:

When J saw this picture, he asked why I never look this happy with him. “Well, here’s photographic proof I do,” I replied.

Photo C, After:

I don’t think Photoshop is a necessary tool, because so many photos are already beautiful without it. In addition, I certainly wouldn’t be retouching all the pictures (Photoshop 1,400 pictures? Sha, and monkeys might fly out of my butt!)…however, I must admit that it’s fun and can be a bit addicting.

If you are a new reader, welcome! Just in case you feel like stalking me, you can see more pictures from the wedding here.

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Sep 25, 2008  •  In Food, Personal, Recipes


I’ve been cooking a lot more in the past few months in order to save money.

Many women say that they do not have the time or energy to cook dinner after a hard day at the office, so I guess I’m lucky in the sense that I work for a non-profit and get to leave work at 5pm every day. I usually get home, have a bit of “me” time to relax, then start dinner. By the time the food is ready to be served, J comes home from work and we dig in.


갈비 (galbi, or Korean marinated ribs)

My famous linguini in in white clam sauce

된장찌게 (dwenjangjjigeh, or soy bean stew)

I have the best source for recipes: my mother. I know that everyone says their own mother is the best cook, but my mom really is a great cook. So good that her friends are always asking for recipes. So good that every Thanksgiving, she gets “orders” from various people for her famous turkey.


Beef 오무라이스 (rice omelette). The heart and smiley face are all messed up because J bought such a large bottle of ketchup that I had trouble controlling it. The smiley face looks a bit like Joker (why so serious?)

Digging into the Beef 오무라이스

I have posted pictures of some of my dishes on Facebook, and friends have been asking for recipes.


시금치국 (sigeumchigook, or spinach stew with clams and tofu)

감자탕 (gamjatang, or potato & pork stew)

게살전 (gehsaljun, or Korean style crab meat pancakes)

삼겹살 (samgyupsal, or sliced pork belly)

순두부찌개 (soondoobu jjigae, or silken tofu stew with seafood)

육개장 (yookgaejang, or spicy beef and vegetables soup)

Beef & vegetable curry over rice

돌솥비빔밥 (dolsot bibimbap, or rice cooked over a stone pot, mixed with veggies and beef, a fried egg, all mixed in a spicy pepper sauce)

So the question is: should I start posting some recipes on this blog? Is anyone interested? Perhaps I’ll create a “Recipes” section?

Whatever I decide, I know that I’ll never post the full recipe for my best dish, my famous 갈비찜 (galbijjim, or braised short ribs) – J has forbidden it. He says that only he has the privilege of being able to eat it whenever he pleases. So I guess if you want some, you’ll have to come over for dinner. 😉

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