Sep 23, 2008  •  In Personal

NJ Transit Needs to Step Up with More Buses

Dear NJ Transit,

The faltering economy and high gas prices have driven a record number of commuters to the public transportation system. Each week I see the evidence of this as your buses become more and more crowded.

In the past weeks, however, I have become increasingly frustrated as bus ridership has skyrocketed. Buses zoom by my stop filled to capacity. Those of us waiting at the stops are forced to watch and feel powerless.

Take this morning, for instance. I walked back and forth between three stops over a period of 40 minutes. Over 20 buses passed at this time, each full and thus refusing to stop. The crowds reached 20-30 people per stop, growing increasingly agitated and some even shouting curses at the passing buses. In the end, I was forced to cough up an additional $2.50 (rendering my monthly pass useless) for a gypsy bus, which aren’t always licensed or safe…sometimes even illegal.

I realize that the price of diesel fuel has increased in the past year. However, the increased number of riders and the increased budget must offset that cost.

So please, PLEASE add more buses to the northern NJ/Hudson county lines.

Thank you,

A Disgruntled NJ Transit Rider

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Sep 21, 2008  •  In Apple, Funny, Geek

Yet Another Thing to Love About the Mac

As soon as I switched over to the Mac years back, I bought a big-ass book on Mac OS X and trained myself on the ways of the force…err, Apple.

This book taught me many tricks that continue to amaze my friends, even to this day. However, I had never known about this Mac screen trick!

Do as the video tells you and try this on some Macs at the Apple store!


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Sep 21, 2008  •  In Geek, Personal, Science

Japanese Goblin Shark

I am deathly afraid of most fish (and birds…shudder) but have always had a fascination with sharks. Swimming with sharks, or at least being shoved into a shark cage, is on my list of things to do before I die.

Here is a video of the Japanese goblin shark, once thought to be prehistoric and extinct, that was discovered last year. Check out the scary alien-esque jaw action!


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Sep 20, 2008  •  In Personal

My Girl Crush is on the Cover of GQ!

Perk #2437 of having a male roommate (err, husband): free access to men’s magazines.

I really do think that the majority of men’s magazines are better written, more informative, and heck of a lot more entertaining than women’s magazines.

It also doesn’t hurt when they feature eye candy such as this:

Megan Fox, my girl crush.

The featured article has garnered much media attention not only for the racy photos, but for the comments she makes (e.g. “Fuck Disney”) as well as her admittance to a lesbian affair with a stripper named Nikita.

Read the scandalous article here.




All photos courtesy of GQ.

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Sep 19, 2008  •  In Blogging, Personal

The Mental Floss Tuition Giveaway

One of my favorite sites, mental_floss, is hosting a $50,000 tuition giveaway!

In conjunction with Borders and Merriam-Webster, mental_floss will be giving away five $10,000 scholarships to the winners of the contest. The rules are as follows:

No purchase or payment necessary to enter or win. A purchase will not increase your chances of winning. Void where prohibited by law.

The Contest: In 750 words or less, explain why you (as the most deserving person on the planet) should win a $10,000 prize for tuition/books in the fall of 2009. The contest is open to full-time students pursuing an undergraduate degree at an accredited two-year or four-year college or university in the U.S. or Canada in the fall of 2009. Essays must be original work and should reflect the tone of mental_flossmagazine. Winning essays must be truly memorable. They should be easy-to-read, funny, quirky and creative without being pretentious. Just (we hope) like mental_floss magazine. The prizes will be awarded on the overall quality of your essay.

Eligibility: You must be 18 years of age or older (by August 15, 2009) and a legal resident of the United States (except Puerto Rico), the District of Columbia or Canada (except Quebec) in order to enter.

Grand Prizes: Five $10,000 (U.S.) scholarships will be awarded for full-time students pursuing an undergraduate degree at an accredited two-year or four-year college or university in the U.S. or Canada in the fall of 2009. The prizes will be paid directly to the schools. Winners will also receive a Merriam-Webster Collegiate® Dictionary and a two-year subscription to mental_floss magazine.

Runner-Up Prizes: The First Grand Consolation Prize is a dinner at your college or university during fall semester 2009 with a co-founder of Mental Floss LLC, namely Will Pearson or Mangesh Hattikudur, and five (5) of your closest friends or a cash award of $250. Four other Runners-up will receive a one-year subscription to mental_floss magazine, a mental_floss T shirt and a Merriam-Webster dictionary.

Here is the official entry form.

Here are all the official rules.

Here are the FAQs.

College tuition remains sky-high, even in this dismal economy. Pass it along to all your undergrad friends and family! Who knows, someone you know may win!

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Sep 19, 2008  •  In Thursday Geek-isms

Thursday Geek-isms (A Day Late)

I have a good reason for not posting yesterday – I felt like utter crappola! I stayed home from work and slept and slept and slept…

  1. I ♥ TwitterKeys, TechCrunch. Whenever there is a special character I want to use, I have to browse on over to a separate site to copy and paste. That’s why I love this simple extension so much! Easy to install and use – simply fantabulous.
  2. Microsoft Confronts Apple’s Mockery Head On, Cult of Mac. I, like many others, didn’t *get* the Jerry Seinfeld ads. I think Microsoft is taking a step in the right direction, because the newer ads are more fresh, and personable. By poking fun at themselves and their perceived image (created by Apple), Microsoft is working with what they got!
  3. Website of the Day: What Google Knows, GeekSugar. Google knows all, including how to kill Chuck Norris. Hilarious site!
  4. NY state inserts RFIDs into licenses; citizens next?, Engadget. RFIDs are insecure! They can be hacked! Have they learned nothing?
  5. Cult of H&dM, Curbed. For a limited time, the picture of Mao on the back of 10 yuan notes will be replaced with the Bird Nest Stadium. That was the sound of Mao rolling over in his grave.
  6. Unofficial Google Chromium Now Available for Mac OS X, Linux, Gizmodo. I have Google Chrome installed on my PC at work and I’m really starting to like it! I miss it when I come home to my Mac and have been patiently awaiting its Mac version…but this isn’t it – it’s a workaround! Grr!
  7. An Unofficial Guide to Life as a Ref, Mental Floss Blog. I’ve always wondered about the secret lives of refs. How do they get there? How much do they make? What do they do in their spare time? Learn this, and more!
  8. In-Flight WiFi Just Perfect for Enjoying Porn, Gothamist. You can’t say no one ever saw it coming.
  9. 10 Ultimate Ghetto Gadget Creations, Gizmodo. Pure genius. Mine has to be the Hands-Free Cell Phone Kit. What’s yours?
  10. Lego Dr. Manhattan Reminds Us To Be Excited About Watchmen, Gizmodo. Sigh. I can never get tired of Lego re-creations of geeky scenes.
  11. Kevin Smith’s movie poster censored by MPAA, replaced with stick figures, Boing Boing. The new poster is hilarious – much better than the original! Just another example of making lemonade out of lemons while sticking it to the man at the same time – I *heart* Kevin Smith!
  12. Google Starts Shopping in Korea; Buys Blog Platform Maker TNC, Mashable! Will Google incorporate some of TNC’s features into Blogger? Or is it just after the high number of users?

P.S. – Martha was awesome! I’ll post pictures as soon as I get a chance.

Sep 17, 2008  •  In Blogging, Personal

Live-Blogging from The Martha Stewart Show

8:56am – I’m inside the building! Please check back frequently for updates! (Filming will start at 10:30am)

9:32am – We’re seated! I have a pretty good seat – look for the girl with a red sweater and a MacBook Pro!

9:38am – I forgot my camera cable! Doh! I knew I forgot something! Boo….I’m an r-tard.

9.55:am – T-minus 5 minutes. I love the warmup guy!

10:10am – Martha’s on!

10:03am – I *heart* Darcy Miller! When they mentioned Bee Kim in the
audience she came up to take a picture with her. (Will post later)

10:04am – Damn, I want a G9!

10:06am – The creator of is here! We’re all getting a Cute Overload 2009 Calendar!

10:12am – Welcome Perez Hilton!!!

10:13am – Perez looks great! Like his new hair and kudos on the weight loss!

10:18am – Perez’s tips for new bloggers: (1) Find a niche; (2) Work hard; (3)Don’t be afraid to network.

10:21am – Welcome Matt Armendanz of!

10:24am – They should have Bee Kim up there – now gets over 3 million hits a month!

10:25am – Oooh cookies! Get in my belly!

10:30am – Up next: Eddie Ross of Top Design!

10:39am – Now: political blogging with Jonathan Martin and Ben Smith.

10:41am – OMG Martha called Sarah Palin “Sharon Palin”!

10:42am – Martha brings up the fact that McCain doesn’t even know
how to use a computer. She says she would feel weird having someone
like that as president.

10:47am – Welcome Margaret Roach!

10:52am – They seem to be promoting WordPress a lot. Martha’s blog even has a section on WordPress today.

10:54am – I’m sitting in the wrong section. I’m pretty near the
front, middle but I’ve only been on camera once for a very brief moment.

10:58am – OMG! We all get a wireless HP Printer!!!!!!!!

11;07am – Today’s show is done filming but they’re doing a future segment on hot dogs.

11:14am – J asked me why I don’t just take pictures with my phone
and upload them wirelessly. I can’t because we were instructed to turn
off our cell phones.

11:15am – This hot dog segment will air on Tuesday the 23rd.

11:19am – Mmmmm the hot dogs smell SOOOO good….

11:20am – Check out the live blog that Bee’s doing at Weddingbee.

11:22am – Martha’s scarfing down those dogs! Go Martha!

11:25am – There are so many times during this hot dog segment where
I want to yell, “THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID!” but I’m restraining myself.  😉

11:28am – This hot dog segment is HILARIOUS. I’m trying so hard not to double over from laughter.

11:35am – They look like they’re about to puke from trying all these famous hot dogs from the tri-state area.

11:39am – That’s a wrap! Thanks for reading!

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Sep 17, 2008  •  In Personal, Star Wars, Video Games

The Force is Unleashed!

You know that a guy must be really into you if he takes off earlier than usual from work to surprise his boo with a copy of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

(image via Joystiq)

And you know he must love you if he lets you play it first!

The Force Unleashed was released today! Sure, the XBox demo had been out for a couple of weeks (breaking the XBLM download record) and we had tinkered around with it. However, I restrained myself for the real deal. The Wii version. The one where you can use the wiimote and nunchucks to wield your lightsaber and, obviously, unleash the force! It also didn’t hurt that the Wii version has extra scenes that were specifically created with the Wii gameply experience in mind.

You definitely sacrifice graphics quality with the Wii version, as evidenced in the following screenshots from the Force Unleashed website.

The first set is from the Wii console:

“You’ve got something jammed in here real good.”

“Sorry about the mess…”

“Control, control! You must learn control!”

Compare that to those from the XBox 360:

“Aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper?”

“Hey, point that thing someplace else.”

“Size matters not. Judge me by my size, do you?”

As much as I would’ve loved for the Wii version to have graphics comparable to those of other consoles, who cares?!? I can Force-Push you with a flick of my wrist. I maneuver my lightsaber with the precision of a samurai. I can even Force-Lightning anyone who stands in my way with some lazy aiming and a push of a button.

In other words, I’ll go Jedi on yo’ ass!

Just in case you couldn’t tell, the game’s been awesome so far. And the Wii experience makes it that much better.


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Sep 16, 2008  •  In Blogging, Personal

Martha’s Bloggers

I will be waking up tomorrow at the crack-ass of dawn to attend a filming of The Martha Stewart Show!

(images courtesy of the lovely Miriam at LimoncelloSTYLE)

As previously mentioned, tomorrow’s show will be a special on and for bloggers. I can’t wait to see my blogging friends again, some of them for the first time in real life!

The producers have asked the studio audience (which will be filled with bloggers) to bring our laptops so that we can live-blog the event. As you can tell, I’m super-duper excited!

Stay tuned tomorrow morning for the live blog of events!

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Sep 16, 2008  •  In Geek, Personal, Reviews

My Short-Lived Stint as a ChaCha Guide

Have you heard of ChaCha? It is a mobile answering service. Want to make reservations at a restaurant but you don’t have their number? Need to find movie times? Have a curiously nagging yet random question you want answered right away? Just call 800-2ChaCha or text your question to 242242 and receive a text response (from a live person) in just a few minutes!

(image via HackCollege)

The best part is, ChaCha is free (aside from texting fees from your mobile carrier) – at the time, the company relies on ads for their income.

When I heard that ChaCha is hiring guides, aka the human counterparts, for their service, I immediately perked up. Guides are paid $0.10 per completed answer. It’s not a great source of income, but a source of supplemental cash nonetheless. In addition, I would be researching and learning new material every time I perform a search for a customer…sign me up!

After reading through training material and going through an initial test, I was pretty excited. The test questions were interesting, and a couple were actually pretty difficult to find on the web. My brain tickled with joy as more and more useless (but stimulating) trivia entered my pool of knowledge.

A couple of days later, I received notification that I had passed the test. I was now a ChaCha guide!

Now I’ll try to be as subjective as possible here. The training material warned about pranks and jokes as well as sexually explicit or offensive questions, and offered guidance on how to handle these queries. However, I was greatly discouraged to see that the majority of questions I received in my first week were, for a lack of better words, a waste of time. Here are some of the questions that stand out in my mind:

How can I get a guy to like me?

You guys rock!

whats ur favorite position?

Are you a democrat or republican?

Is the police aloud to spread your butt cheeks??

As you can see, some weren’t questions at all. Others were very open-ended questions, while some were very sexually explicit. One question made me wonder if the person was seeking help on a school assignment, as it asked for an analysis on a poem. Many were spelled incorrectly, which makes me want to not take the person seriously at all.

I did receive some legitimate questions, such as inqueries for phone numbers. But these requests were far and few between.

I know that ChaCha has no control over what its customers do, so I do not blame them at all. However, I do not think I will be returning as a guide…as there are way too many people with too much time on their hands using its services.

I do want to state that I think ChaCha is a good concept – as such, I will be using them as a customer.

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