May 17, 2013  •  In Aerin, Claire, Personal, Reviews, Science

Friday PicDump, 05.17.2013

A chaotic life and lack of inspiration does not make for a good blogger. Here’s some eye candy for those who are curious as to what C&A have been up to lately…

Last week, while taking a walk with the girls, I came across a small playground that seemed intent on being kept hidden. Located on an overlooked side street and tucked between two tall buildings, it’s large enough for basic playground equipment and picnic tables, but small enough to easily keep an eye on your kids whilst sitting down and taking a break.


I also love that it’s guarded by a heavy gate, so I don’t need to worry about the kiddos running into the street. The crowd that visits is friendly, and perhaps the best part is that it’s a lot closer to our house than my previous favorite playground. Suffice it to say, we’ve been there a lot lately. 🙂 Continue reading »

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May 9, 2013  •  In Art/Design, Geek, Science, Star Wars

Periodic Elements of Star Wars Episodes VI, V, and VI

If this doesn’t make your geek senses quiver with joy, I don’t know what will.


Created by Etckt, this periodic chart includes all characters from Episodes VI, V, and VI. Each character is categorized by allegiance, and their order of appearance and movies are numbered in each cell (in Aurebesh).


Be sure to check out Etckt to read more about how the chart was developed!

Via Neatorama.

ETA, 05.25.2013:

Etckt has updated its site with a new periodic table — this time featuring Episodes I, II, and III!

(And just like the prequels, this table has more special effects. 😉 )

Check it out below, and head on over to Etckt for the details!


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May 8, 2013  •  In Books, Entertainment, Funny, Personal, Sports

Poppin’ in to Wave Hi

Call me Busy Lizzie. Life isn’t crazier than usual, but it requires my spending less time from this blog. I know most of you don’t really care, but I’d like to indulge my stalkers and overshare the mundane.

So here it is, the top 5 things that have been keeping me busy…

(Cue deep announcer voice)

Number 5…

The NBA Playoffs. The Knicks haven’t made it to round 2 in THIRTEEN YEARS.  😯 And while they still have some kinks to work out (and they shouldn’t be partying the night before games…ahem Smith!), my boys are looking pretty good. Just check out numbers 3 and 1 of last night’s top plays!

Number 4…

My site was hacked. It was a pharma hack, so it’s likely that you didn’t notice anything off about this blog. (And don’t worry. It doesn’t harm visitors to the site.)  But since I didn’t notice it for months, it led to some decrease in my web ranking and traffic.  😥

The good news is that I think I’ve gotten it sorted out now. Let’s just hope that I’m right.

Number 3…

Dead Ever After, the final book of the Sookie Stackhouse (otherwise known as the Southern Vampire) series. The quality of the books have definitely declined over the years, but I feel the need to read the last one to get some closure.


I’m not holding my breath, though, as most early reviews are far from glowing.

Number 2…

I actually had 4, not 5 items on this list. But since 5 is a much better number than 4, I’ve decided to share with you the following clip of Jimmy Fallon and John Krasinski having a lip-sync battle:

Who knew John Krasinski had so much swagger?!! I’m sorry Jimmy, my imaginary boyfriend kicked your ass on this!

And now, for number 1…

Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day.


It rained today. We’re expecting more through the weekend. And as any mother knows, keeping young kids entertained through long bouts of inclement weather is akin to pulling teeth.

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May 7, 2013  •  In Entertainment, Funny, Video Games

If Video Games Were Drugs

This is why I refuse to play Civilization; my personality would assure a complete addiction.  😉


video_games_drugs_tobacco Continue reading »

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May 3, 2013  •  In Aerin, Claire, Personal

Friday PicDump, 05.03.2013

I think I’m going to make these PicDumps a regular on Fridays. Not everyone who reads this blog is a Facebook friend with whom I share photos, and I figure that this will motivate me to take more pictures of the kids. 🙂

Last Thursday, April 25 2013, was the national Bring Your Child to Work Day. We were pleasantly surprised to learn that J’s company goes all out for this event (he only joined this company last summer) — not only do they arrange food, games, and activities, they also hire outside entertainment and provide nap rooms!

J happily brought Claire along for the ride…


She undoubtedly had a blast; she came home with a swag bag full of his company’s promotional materials (i.e., slinky, stickers, playing cards, etc) and even received her own ID badge! I was afraid that this is what she thinks her dad does at work all day and that she would want to go with him every morning.  😉

We had believed Aerin to be too young to participate, but J told me that the office was full of kids of all ages that day. Many spouses also accompanied the young visitors, so you can be sure that the entire family will be attending next year! Continue reading »

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May 2, 2013  •  In Entertainment, Funny

Showrunner Swap: Game of Thrones vs. Parks and Recreation

Last week’s issue of Entertainment Weekly had a brilliant piece which hypothesizes what an episode of Game of Thrones would look like if helmed by the Parks and Recreation showrunner, and vice versa. I got quite a few laughs out of this one-page spread, so I knew I had to scan it for you guys.


And, because squinting at an image is probably not your thing…

GAME OF THRONES By Parks and Recreation co-creator/exec producer Michael Schur (and exec producer Dan Goor)

Act 1 Daenerys Stormborn rides her Khalasar and the 8,000 Unsullied out of Astapor. Looking out at the vast emptiness of the desert, she declares: “I will build a park here!” Ser Jorah: “Who the hell’s gonna come to a park in frigging Astapor?” She refuses to get discouraged.

Joffrey wants to try out his new crossbow by firing it at prostitutes. Tyrion: “Your Grace, whores are not used for target practice. They are used as distractions during plot exposition. Second, you need a government permit to use that crossbow.” As Tyrion and Varys explain the bureaucratic permit process, the prostitutes start having sex with each other.

Act 2 Daenerys holds a public forum to discuss the park. The Starks think the park should have a wolf run, the Targaryens want more fire pits, the Lannisters don’t want to pay for it. Also, Daenerys didn’t get enough snacks, and a bunch of White Walkers start eating everyone’s flesh.

Meanwhile, Joffrey goes to Hodor to apply for a crossbow license.

“Hodor,” says Hodor.

Joffrey, confused: “So I can’t get the permit?”

Hodor: “Hodor.”

Joffrey storms out. “Dammit, Hodor!”

Hodor, to the camera: “Man, that guy’s the worst.”

Act 3 Daenerys loses the vote 300–1. Things look bleak. Then her dragons fly around the room and set everyone on fire. She takes another vote and wins, 1–0.

Daenerys, to the camera: “You can accomplish anything with good ol’-fashioned hard work. And three dragons.”

Joffrey is bummed that he can’t use his crossbow. Then he remembers that he’s a sadistic sociopath, and has everyone murdered and puts Hodor’s head on a spike. But in a funny way.

PARKS AND RECREATION By Game of Thrones exec producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss

The Pawnee Avian Society, led by Councilman Jamm, strong-arms Leslie into building a park for Pawnee’s official bird, the Grizzled-Neck Pigeon. April, the Pale Woman, presides over the dedication, complete with burning garbage pyres. Ron sees a ghost (or a Tammy?) just as his handcrafted birdcage SPLINTERS, slicing Jean-Ralphio in half, breaking Tom’s legs, and rendering Jerry mute, save for his own name… “Jerry… Jerry…” Meanwhile, in Eagleton, Ann amasses a fleet of her own Grizzled-Necks, the Pigeon from the ceremony perched on her shoulder.

Back in Pawnee: Ron sinks into a single-malt depression, questioning his craftsmanship/purpose… He retreats to Brandi Maxxxx’s newest brothel. Leslie presides over the Small City Council, where she accuses Jerry of sabotage. His punishment: He must piggyback handicapped Tom. Ben recognizes the Thrones takeover and insists Andy is the one true Hodor. Tom bribes the Sun to report that his “Jerry-Rig” is the latest “throwback slave couture.” Rent-A-Swag is immediately shut down.

The episode climaxes at Jean-Ralphio’s funeral, kicked off by Mona–Lisa’s twincest-laden eulogy. The Avian Society mercifully interrupts her with what Ron saw before: THE TAMMY WALKER, a Two-Headed Ice-Tammy riding a rotting Li’l Sebastian. Ben prays for a Thronesian miracle… and a flaming yardstick careens into Jamm’s (surprisingly flammable) afro. Cut to Donna, thumbs-up. Everything burns fast — but the Tammy rises from the ashes… right as Ann and her Pigeon Fleet emerge from the Eagleton Highlands, raining down a majestic s—storm, extinguishing her for good.

The gang buries Jean-Ralphio’s tastefully swagged halves, each in its own custom Swanson casket.

Credits: Chris admits he’s a eunuch.

(And in case you’re wondering, I didn’t type out the article — I was able to find a version online. 🙂 ) 

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May 1, 2013  •  In Personal, Wedding

Store, Sell, or Repurpose?

I was digging through the closet the other day when I came across an item I haven’t seen in years: a royal blue box with the words STUART WEITZMAN embossed across the top, housing the shoes I wore on my wedding day 5 years ago.


At $295, the Stuart Weitzman Dubonnet is the most expensive pair of shoes I own. (I may love heels but most of my shoes were under $100.) I only wore them a handful of times: during wedding dress fittings, practices for our first dance, and — duh — on the wedding day itself.

I am so glad I decided to splurge on these shoes, because they’re probably the most comfortable pair of high heels I own. Even with a 4½” heel, I was able to start my day at 8am, stand around, make my way through Central Park, walk down the aisle and be part of a 30-minute wedding ceremony, greet guests, and dance my tooshie off until 10pm without my feet ever being in pain.

Needless to say, these shoes are no longer in pristine condition. But they are still certainly wearable and hold with them many fond memories.

DSC00568 Continue reading »

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Apr 30, 2013  •  In Entertainment, Infographics, Movies

The Nicholas Cage Movie Matrix

J calls Nic Cage “the king of B movies,” and I’m sure many would agree.

I confess I quite enjoyed some of his prior action flicks like The Rock (cue Sean Connery saying “Welcome to The Rock”), Con Air (“Put the bunny back in the box!”), and Face/Off (“I want to take his face…off.”).

I really liked both National Treasure movies too.  😳  And Family Man? A severely underrated film.

Then there’s Adaptation, which I consider Charlie Kaufman’s greatest (and that’s saying a lot because all his movies are effing brilliant), and Kick-Ass, which blew me away.

As such, I can’t quite agree with ALL the placements on the matrix below, but I think it did a pretty good job. What do you think?


I also feel the need to add that Ghost Rider should be off in a corner so right and to the bottom that it might as well have its own graphYes, it was THAT BAD and I will never forgive my husband for making me sit through it not once, not twice, but THREE times.  👿

Via Reddit.

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Apr 25, 2013  •  In Asian, Beauty, Korean

“Samsung Robots” [Miss Korea 2013 Contestants All Look the Same]

Many of us are aware that South Korea has the highest highest rate of cosmetic surgery per capita (according to a 2012 report by the Economist).

But just how prevalent is plastic surgery in Korea?

And, perhaps more relevant to this discussion, just how homogenous is the standard of beauty in Korea?

These questions, along with the argument over the “westernization” of ideal beauty in Korea — and, as a result, the cosmetic surgery  procedures that seek these features — were hotly debated when Redditor ShenTheWise posted photos of the 2013 Miss Korea contestants for the world to scrutinize. The photos quickly went viral, and it’s easy to see why. Take a look for yourself:


The OP adds these comments along with the pictures:

1) You arent racist. Those women in fact do look unnervingly similar and yes, Koreans think so too. This is because they all get the exact same plastic surgeries and the surgeons follow the same formulas for noses and eyes and everything else theyve had done (fillers, cheek and forehead implants, eye surgery, nose surgery, jaw reduction, breast job, calf muscle job, fat grafting etc). Every single one of them has had nose and eye surgery. Those faces costed those girls thousands. Also dont underestimate makeup, theyve got it caked on in a similar style.

2). Those are called the Korean plastic face look. In certain areas of Seoul, you would think all the women are sisters because they look so similar due to same surgeries.
Koreans cant tell them apart ether. Theyre jokingly referred to as “Samsung Robots”

3). Most korean women dont look like those women. Not anywhere near actually. Most dont have the money to fund their body dysmorphia. Some actually have self esteem. Without the plastic surgery, korean women are very diverse looking and easily can be told apart. The surgery takes away their individuality and uniqueness and its sad. Most are beautiful without it but telling them that their korean ethnic features are infact lovely is as effective as screaming at a brick wall. They wont believe you because theyve been brainwashed to think westernization of their features is superior, i dont think they want to look white, but a mix of white and asian and definitely less Korean.

4). Its weird to see the real plastic ones with kids. The kids look adopted. I always wonder how they explain to their kids later on why they look so different, “Dont worry when youre old enough we will have a surgeon fix the ugly parts just like mommy did!”. And yes many korean men DO ask for old pics before getting serious about a woman.

I have stated in the past that I have nothing against plastic surgery. My bone of contention with this story is that the Korean society — a highly competitive environment that values conformity — puts pressure on its women to look the same.

And if you don’t conform to this standard? Well, tough luck. Or, just get surgery!

I’m reminded of the time my mother informed me I have the type of face that is considered beautiful by the older Korean generation, but not the younger current.

I know that the issue isn’t just isolated to Korea; who can forget the story of the Chinese man who sued his wife for hiding her surgeries from him — thereby giving birth to a baby he found to be “horrifically ugly” — AND WON!

Not the family in question, but a very popular photo among Asians.

Via Absolutely Fobulous.

ETA, ~12 hours after publishing original post:

I have just learned via KoreAm that the photos are NOT of Miss Korea 2013 contestants, but of the Miss Korea Daegu contest. (Daegu is a city in southern Korea, and coincidentally where I was born and lived for the first 7.5 years of my life.)

The article raised a good point, which I deserves mention on this blog:

While it’s startling to see how similar the contestants look and perhaps it’s easy to get get caught up in online rants about how Korea is too materialistic and shallow and are besmirching the good name of beauty pageants everywhere, it makes more sense that a handful of contestants in a regional contest will look similar due to going to the same doctor rather than Korean plastic surgeons across the country working with a universal manual on current beauty standards.

What do you think? Does this clarification make the story any more acceptable/tolerable?

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Apr 24, 2013  •  In Funny, Movies

The Other Rules of Fight Club

Everyone knows the first rule of Fight Club. What they don’t know is that there actually exist 20 additional rules…which have just been revealed for the first time by Mandatory. Enjoy!




fight_club_other_rules_4 Continue reading »

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