My favorite is Keanu’s “Requires No Browser.” How about you?
Via Geeks are Sexy.
There’s a good chance you’ve already seen Dove’s viral video campaign “Dove Real Beauty Sketches,” but I figure it’s worth a mention on this blog because I love the message behind it:
Women are their own worst beauty critics. Only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful. At Dove, we are committed to creating a world where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety. So, we decided to conduct a compelling social experiment that explores how women view their own beauty in contrast to what others see.
In the experiment, FBI-trained forensics artist Gil Zamora is hired to interview and draw seven different women. He produces two sketches of each woman — the first sketch based on the woman’s personal description of herself, and the second based on a description provided by a stranger the woman had just met.
When the two sketches are put side-by-side, the results are uniform: the woman describes herself as plainer than she is, heavier than she is, less attractive than she is. The second sketch is always more beautiful and more accurate.
And here is the video, just in case you haven’t watched it yet (click here for a shorter, 3-minute version):
J constantly tells me that he wishes I could see myself the way he sees me. And I always brush him off — “You have to say stuff like that because you’re my husband.” Or, “You’re biased because you love me.”
(His usual response to this is, “I’m a very shallow person. I wouldn’t have married you unless I thought you were hot.” 🙄 )
I’m not entirely sure how accurate/inaccurate my perception of myself is, but I do know that the vast majority of my girlfriends consider themselves to be significantly less attractive than I believe them to be. I also know that if this experiment were conducted on them, they would get similar results as the women in the Dove campaign.
How about you? Do you believe you’d also describe yourself as being less attractive than you really are?
On a less serious note, a parody of the “Real Beauty Sketches” campaign was produced just a few days after the original went viral. The brilliant spoof from New Feelings Time Comedy wonders what would happen if you tried the same experiment on men:
And as you can see from the screenshot below, the results are nothing short of hilarious.
Via Adweek.
This past weekend, Aerin caught the stomach flu.
…And just as she was starting to get better, Claire got sick too.
Then me. Then J.
I can’t remember ever being covered in this much puke and poop.
To make matters worse, our washer broke down on Day 2 of the great epidemic.
Luckily, there is a coin-operated laundromat just a few blocks away. But any idiot can tell you that making multiple trips to a public venue with vomit-and-diarrhea-covered clothes and blankets — when you have 2 clingy, crying kids in the house, no less — is no picnic.
Needless to say, I’m very tired.
Today is J and my 5-year wedding anniversary. My mother says that this must be our kids’ anniversary present to us. 🙄 We had originally been planning to go out for a romantic dinner tonight, but instead, the girls and I are still recovering while J lies in bed with a fever.
Happy anniversary. Love you lots.
Heck Yeah Disney Merch! recently designed a collection of rings inspired by Disney princesses using the “design your own jewelry” feature in Gemvara, an online jewelry store. Each piece seeks to evoke the signature colors and spirits of the corresponding princess — can you recognize which is which?
(The answers are in white text under each picture. To see them, simply highlight the area.)
Redditor JimmyLegs50 posted these series of images — titled “Zombie Story” — 2 weeks ago, just before the season 3 finale of The Walking Dead. What do you think? Do you agree that the plots are eerily similar?
I know that these have been making the rounds for a while, but I figured there must be someone reading this who has yet to see them. Painstakingly rendered by Spanish artist Euskal Herria, you can’t deny that they are pretty spectacular.
The floorplans below are listed alphabetically. Is your favorite television show or movie included?
Big Bang Theory: Continue reading »
Claire has a careful, meticulous personality that borders on being OCD. When she notices a speck of dirt anywhere, she will point it out to me. When there is a wet spot on the floor, she will wipe it up. And just recently, she has started to come to me with her teeny weeny hangnails, asking to have them clipped off.
Even when she plays, she is organizing and arranging just so. Her methods do not always make sense to us, but they do in her head and she tends to FREAK OUT if her format is disturbed.
An example of Claire’s OCD nature.
Aerin, by contrast, is a destroyer. We have nicknamed her “Mini-Godzilla” because she is all about wrecking, demolishing, and deconstructing. When she sees a stack of blocks, she will knock it over. When she comes across a LEGO creation, she will take it apart piece by piece. In fact, the first thing she does every morning is to make a beeline for the stacking cups and pull them out one by one.
You know that scene in Lilo & Stitch where Stitch destroys the reproduction of San Francisco? Yeah. She’s just like that. Except she doesn’t do any of the building portion. (Perhaps she will build, then destroy, when she gets older?)
So it’s plain to see that my daughters would frequently run into conflicts. Or in this case, Aerin regularly upsets Claire by ruining all her handiwork. And if I am not able to prevent Claire from throwing a tantrum, her hysterics will drive Aerin into tears as well.
…And this is one of the reasons I have not been blogging as much.
On my way back from Montréal, I was detained at the U.S.-Canadian border for the transportation of contraband items across international lines. I was subjected to a full-body search, a background check, and a lengthy interrogation. Eventually, my family was forced to contact the U.S. embassy to plead for my release.
Just kidding. What really happened isn’t quite as exciting: my coming down with the flu almost as soon as I returned home, J getting sick as soon as I started to recover, then my in-laws returning to China which means no help with the kids for the next five months or so.
It’s been a tiring week.
Montréal was a blast! It was a weekend full of giggles, cheese (not the eating kind), grub (the eating kind), and drinks. Lots and lots of drinks. Oh, and as expected of most bachelorette parties, some naughtiness. 😛
I’m sorry to say that I won’t be posting any (potentially) compromising pictures here. This is, after all, a public blog. However, I did want to share some of the more boring shots.
One of the first things I did after arriving at the hotel was look up the nearest Tim Hortons. I had discovered that one of my sister’s friends is a fellow HIMYM fan, and it was kind of sad just how excited we both were about visiting a Tim Hortons. Luckily, Tim Hortons are just as prevalent in Montréal as Starbucks are in NY, so we only had to walk a couple of blocks.
I’m always fascinated by foreign currency whenever I travel — U.S. money is soooo boring — and Canada was no exception. The new $20 is made of a plastic-y material, and there are even see-through parts! (Later, I was to learn that most Canadians hate the new $20 because they tend to get stuck in machines.) Continue reading »