Mar 4, 2013  •  In Art/Design, Geek

Transforming Dresses

This is the very first time that a dress — or three dresses, in this case — has made me excited about what just debuted at a major fashion show. Not only do they beautifully, gracefully convert into new dresses, all six designs are wearable and not bad-looking at all! (The third one is my fav!)




I doubt that I could pull these off though. Because in order to take full advantage of these transformative garments, you’d need to be nonchalantly doing the catwalk sashay while the dress unfurls around you. AND you’d need to be making the transforming sound effects from Transformers. And I doubt I can do both without making a complete idiot of myself.

Check out the full video of the show below!

Via io9.

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Mar 3, 2013  •  In Parenting, Personal, Relationships

Only When It’s Gone…

Last year, I had an unfortunate accident which led to a herniated disc in my neck. I obviously could not take care of both girls by myself with the injury and its corresponding treatments; I ended up staying at my parents’ in the suburbs for almost 2 months so that they and my sister could help me on my road to recovery.

Once I recuperated  I remember returning home to a cold, dark place that — for a lack of a better word — was a complete pigsty. J sheepishly confessed, “I didn’t realize just how much work you do around the house until you were gone.”

I have been replaying that phrase over and over again in my head this past week. Only this time, it applies to my husband, not myself.

As stated in an earlier post, J is currently visiting Hong Kong. With travel time, he will have been gone a total of 10 days.

To the outsider, our home looks relatively normal — which is to say that it’s nowhere near as put-together and tidy as I’d like (the way it was avant les enfants), but it’s cozy and comfortably cluttered. The dishes are clean, the laundry washed and folded, and while the refrigerator isn’t as full as I would like, the average person would not be able to tell, just by looking, that a member of the family has away for so long.

But it feels different.

An unsettling, uneasy sense that something is missing.

(from the book The Missing Piece by Shel Silverstein)

It’s become obvious to me that my primary forms of contribution to our household are more visible, and perhaps more noticeable, especially to outsiders. Meanwhile, J’s contributions — when you take away the work he does to financially support the family — are more intimate, particularly evident at times of need. Kind of like an extra shot of espresso or even a second line of defense. 

It’s just like what J said to me last year about my absence: I didn’t realize just how much my husband does for this household until he was gone.

Like so many others before me, I had been taking my loved one for granted.

I need to remember how lucky I am to have such a supportive husband. I need to remember how involved he was with both my pregnancies, accompanying me to every doctor’s appointment and WANTING to make the middle-of-the-night grocery runs to satisfy my cravings.

Neither of my pregnancies were easy, with multiple trips to the ER, doctor-ordered bedrests, emergency surgery, and so forth. J held my hand through it all and picked up on the housework, cooking, and errands. He worked from home on numerous occasions (and for an entire 1½ weeks after my surgery), juggling conference calls, managing his staff, etc. while taking care of Claire and tending to my needs.

He voluntarily took on all nighttime AND early morning baby duties for Claire the entire time I was pregnant with Aerin, and continues to help me with them…a full 16 months after the birth of our second child.

When he comes home from work, no matter how exhausted he must be, he smothers the girls with hugs and kisses and entertaining stunts, whispering to me, “I got them. You go take a relaxing bath.”

Nevermind Aerin’s expression here…this picture will always
remain one of my all-time favorites.

Whenever I feel useless that I no longer support the household financially, he tells me that raising our children, in addition to keeping myself healthy and happy for the sake of them, is my job now and he considers that a more important role than his role as the breadwinner of the family.

He continues to put us first, always reminding me that without us, there would be no Claire and Aerin.

He pushed me to book tickets for my friend’s wedding in LA last fall, saying I haven’t seen this group of friends in so long and that I deserved a vacation. There’s also my sister’s bachelorette party weekend in Montreal later this month, which my husband insisted I attend because “She’s your SISTER. I got the girls. GO. HAVE. FUN.”

So yes, I feel like an asshat for not always remembering all that he does. For only realizing how lucky I am to have such a great man by my side when others complain about how their husbands groan about having to take care of the kids, or barely lifting a finger to help out around the house.

(Not to say that all my girlfriends have asshole husbands — but there’s always a bad apple or two in every bunch, no?)

And in this case, I definitely feel like an asshat because he’s away and I’m missing him not only for his help, but for his presence and being

J knew how difficult my week has been, so he surprised me with this
beautiful bouquet of my favorite flowers.

J only came to the U.S. to attend college. His plan was to return to Hong Kong after school and live out the rest of his adult life in his native city and country. I know that the only reason he stayed here was because of me, and I’ve always felt a bit guilty about this.

But when I ask him if he wants to go back to Asia where so many of his friends still remain, where the standard of living is a fraction of what it is here ($100/month for a full-time nanny who will also cooks? What?!?) — a place he misses dearly for its culture, food, and nightlife —

He tells me no.

The reasoning? In Asia, office workers tend to work a lot longer hours than here in the states. It’s common to work 14-16 hours a day and go into the office on weekends too. J says that he would not be able to handle those hours. Not because he’s a lazy worker, but because he says he would miss us too much.

There are times when I know my husband is BS’ing to make himself look better. (And believe me; with his ego, he does this more often than not.)

This is not one of those times.

This time, I know he tells the truth.

And once more, I know I’ve snagged a good one. 🙂

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Mar 1, 2013  •  In Cute, Entertainment, Photography

Leslie & Ben’s Wedding Album

I couple of weeks ago, Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt tied the knot in front of their closest and dearest…in addition to 3 million U.S. viewers. 🙂

If you haven’t watched the episode yet, go do it now — it’s available on Hulu free of charge! — and have some tissues handy, because I totally cried and know that many of my friends shed tears as well.

NBC recently released the official photos from Leslie & Ben’s wedding, shot just the way a regular wedding photographer might have, and they’re so stinkin’ adorable that my tooth aches just looking at them. (Well, my tooth aches because I’ll be getting a root canal later today, but it aches nonetheless.) Enjoy!

leslie_ben_wedding_1 Continue reading »

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Feb 28, 2013  •  In Baby, Funny, Parenting, Personal, Toys, Web

More Painful Than Stepping on LEGOs

The internet has a tendency to dramatize certain mundane life events, wouldn’t you say?  😉 And if you’re reading this, it probably means that you’re familiar with the trends and memes of the popular web which also leads me to believe you’ve heard of the “stepping on a LEGO piece while barefoot” mania.


Yes, stepping on LEGO pieces hurt like a mofo. But over the 2+ years of my being a parent, I can say that I have found something even more painful to step on when you’re barefoot…

And I know that others with young kids in the house will nod their heads in agreement.



Yes, those wooden puzzle pieces that have pointy knobs attached to them. Which applies to practically ALL affordable wooden puzzles these days.

And the pain seems to multiply by about 50x when you inevitably step on one of them in the middle of the night, eyes half closed, reflexes practically non-existent, and motor skills at the level of your 2-year-old who is calling out to you because she had a bad dream or her right sock is missing or her blanket is too cold or her blanket is too hot or she NEEDS you to sing AND act out the “Circle of Life” scene from The Lion King RIGHT NOW or she won’t go back to sleep.


It goes without saying that J completely agrees with me on this. Except that he once compared the pain (when it happens at 3am) to labor pains. To that, I replied,


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Feb 27, 2013  •  In Baby, Books, Entertainment, Geek, Movies, Personal

Sharing the Love: Fantasy, Action, and Kiddie Edition

Did I mention that J’s currently away on vacation? He’s back to his motherland — Hong Kong — and with travel time, he’ll be away for TEN WHOLE DAYS.  😯

This is the longest we’ve been apart since we got married (even when I stayed at my parents’ for 2 months last summer, we still saw each other at least a couple of times a week). And while I’m glad he’s getting some much-deserved rest while catching up with old friends, things haven’t been so peachy for me.

Because as it often is the case in life, getting handed one lemon wasn’t enough — people and circumstances have been hurling them at me left and right and all around.

Needless to say, I’m very stressed. And tired. And PMS’ing. (Awesome timing, right?)

Here are some stuff I’ve come across on the web while nursing my lemon bruises…

Game of Thrones ad in the New York Times
I’m not sure how the subjects and authors of the other articles in the spread feel about the giant shadow of the dragon placed over their material, but you can’t deny that this REALLY grabs the reader’s attention. (And I can’t wait for Season 3 to start!)


(via Ads of the World)

50 Years of Bond Tribute Video
As much as I LOVE Daniel Craig as the legendary fictional spy, seeing this montage confirms that yes, Sean Connery was the best James Bond.

(via Geek Tyrant)

We Are the Champions from Pororo’s New Movie
I’ve mentioned Pororo here before, but in case you weren’t aware, “Pororo the Little Penguin” is more popular than Mickey Mouse in Korea. And many of my Korean mommy friends agree: Pororo is like crack to our children.

And he just came out with a new movie.

And here’s the first official music video from that movie.

(via Omona They Didn’t)

On a related note, a good way for your kids to get introduced to Pororo (esp if you/they don’t know much Korean) is via the two 뽀로로와 노래해요 (Sing Along with Pororo) DVD’s, which incidentally include some of my favorite Korean songs from childhood!

You can watch songs from the DVD’s on YouTube, but the DVD’s themselves are a gem because they have Korean and English subtitles which really help you learn the songs if you don’t know them. Since they are a bit old, the DVD’s can be a bit difficult (and expensive!) to procure. If you’d like to download your own copies — in addition to the MP3 versions of the songs! — just shoot me a message via my contact form and I’d be happy to help you out!

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Feb 26, 2013  •  In Entertainment, Geek, Infographics, Star Wars

Star Wars vs. Star Trek [Infographic]

See, even when you look at just the facts (i.e., the numbers), Star Wars beats Star Trek.  😛


Via Nerd Approved.

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Feb 25, 2013  •  In Aerin, Claire, Cute, Funny, Motherhood, Personal

Sisterly Love, or Lack Thereof

They say that the average age difference between siblings is 2-3 years. And wouldn’t you know it — now that Claire is 28 months old, many of my mommy friends whose first children are around her age have steadily been giving birth to their seconds in these past few months.

I’m happy for my friends and their families — I truly am! (I can also say that I’m sooo glad to be out of those extremely trying newborn-with-a-toddler months!) But there is one thing that makes me a bit sad, and even a tad bit jealous whenever I hear/read about their new babies…

And it’s the way that the older siblings always seem so happy and loving toward their new brothers and sisters.

If you can recall, Claire and Aerin are just 13 months apart. And despite all the preparing we tried to do for Claire in the months leading up to the birth of her little sister, I doubt that she understood that there was a real-life baby growing inside her mommy’s belly, let alone one that will be around all the time and oftentimes steal the spotlight.

Remember this? From when Claire met Aerin for the first time? She was not a happy camper.

Sure, there were moments in those first few months where Claire seemed to have warmed up toward Aerin. When she would ask to see the baby, when she would call for the baby from her crib, and when she would try to feed her or shove pacifiers into her mouth.

But we could not let a 13-month-old hold a newborn baby — Claire wasn’t even walking at that time! And aside from her giraffe, Claire has never been very physically affectionate. She’s not much of a cuddler, hugger, or kisser. (We’re pretty sure this is just due to her personality, as Aerin is the complete opposite.)

My younger sister and I, at 5 months old and 28 months old.

So yeah. Whenever I see pictures of my friends’ kids holding/hugging/kissing their newborn siblings, I can’t help but feel a twee bit jealous.

Alright, my first thought is, “Aww!” And then I feel jealous.  🙂

Even if my friends’ photos are staged, like the picture of me and my sister above, we could not do them with C&A because once again, Claire was too young to be following orders or to be holding her new sister.

I have read that sibling rivalry tends to be less intense when the age difference is less than 18 months. They say that by the time that the second child arrives, your first won’t yet have a fully developed sense of identity and so is less likely to be jealous.

And while this may have been the case during Aerin’s first few months of life, it isn’t true now. Claire is so smart and so possessive while Aerin is so stubborn and so grabby. Additionally, both girls possess completely opposing personalities that sibling rivalry could not stay away. It came-a-knockin’ around the time Aerin turned 1 and has stuck around since.

The below picture is a couple of months old, but you can kinda get a sense of what happens when we ask Claire to go give her sister a hug in hopes of a Kodak moment.


Claire robotically giving Aerin a hug while her face stays away. Aerin not looking very happy, or in the very least, with a “Wtf is going on?” look.

You get the idea.

Now that Claire is approaching the 2½-year mark, she is starting to warm up toward Aerin. For example, when she is horsing around on J and my bed, she will call out, “Baby, come here!” and invite Aerin to come join her.

Or, if she is eating something tasty, she will suggest that I give some to Aerin too. 🙂

But it’s still an uphill battle. We keep trying. We do our best to get them to play together as much as they can. We work hard on each girls’ biggest struggles with sharing (in Claire’s case, it is her toys while Aerin hates to share me.)

We try to get them to touch each other more in hopes that this will help them become more affectionate toward each other.

And if we’re still living in this 2-bdrm condo when Aerin turns 2, we will probably stick a queen-sized mattress on the floor of their room and have them sleep there together as well.

In the meantime, I will live vicariously through my friends’ kids. And continue to laugh at our own attempts which will surely be filled with funny and memorable moments.

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Feb 24, 2013  •  In Geek, Infographics, Video Games

30 Years of Super Mario [Infographic]


Via PicsVics.

My favorite of the franchise is Super Mario 3, and I’m sure many will agree. And my Mario costume of choice? The Tanooki Suit, of course! I mean, how many of us didn’t think the following after grabbing that adorable teddy-bear-like item?

(image source)

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Feb 23, 2013  •  In Books, Colors, Funny, Geek, Infographics, Star Wars, Web

Once Upon an Internet

There have been a lot of good stuff showing up on my Feedly this week, but I haven’t had the chance have been too busy playing with my new phone to share it with y’all. So as any lazy blogger would do, I have decided to a roundup…

Terrible-Tweet Score
What is your Terrible-Tweet Score? I got 6, which fits into the “Tone it back a bit buddy” category.  😳


(via The Doghouse Diaries)

Pretty IP
This simple website generates a color palette based on your IP address. I’m not too crazy about the colors produced by my IP address, but you may have better luck. Go give it a try!

Continue reading »

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Feb 22, 2013  •  In Android, Gadgets, Geek, Personal, Weird

Things That Makes Me Sweat and Shake

There are 3 things that make me unnecessarily nervous:

1.  The “icy” warning in my car’s dashboard whenever the temperature dips below freezing. Do car manufacturers think we’re idiots? Isn’t it obvious that the roads may be icy when it’s this cold?


I know that the warning is meant to be just that: a warning. But it still makes me extremely anxious whenever I glance down at the dashboard to see this little word whilst driving in freezing conditions.

2.  A “price upon request” label on products in magazines. Especially when it pertains to items I like.

I currently don’t have a magazine on hand so I’ll make do with this painting by Jan Christensen.

It can be mildly annoying and a bit depressing. And a big SCREW YOU to us normal folks who can’t afford $5,000 bags.

I’m not sure why seeing the indeterminate price label makes me so nervous…perhaps I get apprehensive merely imagining the ridiculously high number?

3. This one is a recent anomaly.


So I got a new phone this week. Since my old cell could not handle many of the popular games, I was delighted to be able to play games on my phone again, and to discover that there’s a whole slew of mobile phone games on which I have been missing out. (Hence the lack of posts this week. Sorry about that.)

Take Candy Crush, for example. What a well-designed little game (for the players, as well as the developer by way of cash from those who NEED the extra advantage RIGHT NOW)! And as many of you probably know already, HOLY CRAP IT’S ADDICTING!

But yeah. Whenever I reach a new level and see that it is a “Get ______ points in __ seconds!” kind, my hands immediately start shaking. I know that these types of levels are usually pretty easy. But seeing that little timer counting down to zero at the bottom left of the screen makes my heart beat faster and faster with each second.

What about you guys? Is there currently anything in your lives that makes you unnecessarily nervous?

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