Feb 19, 2013  •  In Art/Design, Colors, Funny

Mantone 2013 Color Forecast

A priceless spoof of Pantone’s famed color forecasts…although I believe the “Timid Technophile” should have some beige in his palette, no?


Via Core77.

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Feb 16, 2013  •  In Claire, Geek, Motherhood, Parenting, Personal

That Moment When…

We both knew it would happen one day. We just didn’t think it would be so soon.

Yesterday, at 28 months old, our Claire Emmanuelle outsmarted us.

Okay, not exactly “outsmart” in the veritable definition of the word. ( out·smart : to get the better of; especially : outwit )  More accurately, she performed a mental feat which surpassed that of us, her parents.

Please allow me to explain.

Last week I received an Amazon credit from Ebates and decided to spend it on some new toys for the girls. (Why isn’t everyone on Ebates? You get cash back for shopping online. No, seriously. How the heck do they even make money?)

One of the toys was the Melissa & Doug Magnetic Farm Hide and Seek Puzzle.


As you can see from the picture above, each hinged door opens to reveal a different farm animal. Because the shapes of each animal piece do not fit perfectly into the cutouts, you have to rely on the background designs to get the animal into the correct space. To add an extra level of difficulty, some of the animals will fit comfortably in multiple spaces.

Could you tell that the cat belongs in the upper right space, while the chickens go in the upper left?

Claire was expectedly excited to receive her new toy. However, as is the case with most toddlers, her interest in playing with the toy in the way it was designed to be played was soon replaced by another activity: gathering all the farm animals into her toy kitchen sink for a group bath.  🙄

Soon, it was bedtime and she went to bed. Nothing unusual, right? But what happened the following morning surprised us all.

She entered the living room with her giraffe in her arms, her hair adorably tousled and eyes still blurry. But as soon as her gaze fell on her newest toy, her expression became bright and alert. She made a beeline for it, and opened a hinged door to see that there was nothing underneath.

I was about to remind her that she had left the animals in the toy kitchen sink, but she went there without any prompting on my behalf and gathered the animals into her tiny hands. She carried them back to the farm and sat down, clearly readying herself to put each animal back where it belongs.

I prepared myself to start helping her. To emphasize the sizes of each animal shape and point out the background designs. To gently correct her if she made any mistakes.

But before I could even say anything, she started to confidently set each piece in its correct place. What amazed me about this was that she seemed to have already memorized the board:

  1. Start with all the doors closed.
  2. Take a random animal from the pile and open the correct door without any hesitation, place the piece inside the cutout, and shut the door.
  3. Repeat.

I realize there are only 9 doors on the puzzle. But how the heck did she memorize the entire board in just the few minutes she had played with it the previous night? And how the heck did she NEVER open a door she had already filled with an animal? (Cross my heart — I’m being 100% honest here!)

Because, dude. Even J and I can’t do that.

And to be completely honest, we still can’t do that. I mean, if we sat down and purposely made ourselves memorize the board, I’m sure that we could. But at this point, we open incorrect doors and search for the right space for each animal.


Gosh, what will come next? She’s been talking back to us ever since she began speaking. She tries to negotiate with us when we try to bargain with her (ex: I’ll tell her that she can have a cookie if she’ll let me clip her toenails, and she’ll reply, “How about my fingernails instead?”) We can no longer make her empty promises (ex: We’ll tell her that she can watch a certain movie or show the next morning because she needs to go to bed now…and she’ll not only remember that we had made her the promise, she will recall the exact movie or show when she wakes up.).

Heck, she’s already been correcting her aunt‘s Cantonese!

I don’t like bragging about my kids too much lest I turn into those braggy moms from The Joy Luck Club. But wow. I think it’s safe to say that Claire’s one smart cookie

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Feb 14, 2013  •  In Funny

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Because nothing says “I love you” than a tyrannical despot.


Via Reddit.

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Feb 12, 2013  •  In Food, Korean, Personal

The Hidden Meaning Behind Peeling an Apple

When I was a little girl still living in Korea, I overheard that a good “test” to conduct on a future daughter-in-law is to have her peel an apple for you.

If she is able to peel the apple so that the skin remains in one piece, this indicates that she is not only adept with kitchen knives (which would presumably mean that she has spent some time preparing and cooking food), but that she is also patient and skillful.

And if the peeled skin is thin, with very little of the flesh still attached? That’s even better, because it indicates that she is not wasteful and most likely has a frugal personality.


Having been a people-pleaser ever since I could remember, I took this premise to heart and began to practice my apple-peeling as soon as I was allowed to wield a knife. I knew that being able to peel an apple well is not the only sign of a good daughter-in-law, but I wanted to master the skill just in case. And I became pretty good at it, as you can see from the picture above.

(Now that I think about it, I’m pretty good with knives in general. For example, pencil sharpeners were still expensive when I entered school in Korea…so my mother taught me how to sharpen pencils using pocket knives. I sharpened my pencils using this method when I was just a wee first grader!)

Years later, I learned that having a daughter-in-law who thinly peels the skin of her apples is no longer desired. Why not? Because this would indicate that she is from a poor family! Surely a girl who grew up in a wealthy family would not care about wasting apples.

Some time after that, I heard that a daughter-in-law who can properly peel an apple is not desirable at all — because if you’re rich enough, you’ll have others who’ll do it for you!

People who grew up here in the states are always fascinated when I tell them this story. I remember that my old psychologist was especially intrigued by these theories, stating that they are outstanding examples of the psyche of an economically advancing society that places great importance on upward mobility.

Have I ever been the subject of this apple-peeling test? Well, three of my ex-boyfriends were Korean with very traditional parents. However, none of them ever asked me to peel an apple. 🙂

It’s okay, because I pride myself in this little skill. I still like to test myself sometimes, trying my best to only to peel the thinnest slices of skin, being careful not to let it break, and moving the knife faster and faster with each go.

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Feb 11, 2013  •  In Entertainment, Giveaways, Home, Movies

Giveaway: Celebrate the Release of “Skyfall” on Blu Ray with a $50 Amazon Gift Card!

This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again

For this is the end
I’ve drowned and dreamt this moment
So overdue I owe them
Swept away, I’m stolen…

Unless you’ve been living under a rock these past few months, there’s a very good chance you’ve heard Adele’s golden pipes crooning the above lyrics. The song, having won a Golden Globe and currently in the running for an Oscar, was penned for the latest Bond movie Skyfall.


Did you have a chance to catch Skyfall when it hit theaters this past November? Being parents to two toddlers, J and I don’t get to go to the movies often, so we when do make it to a theater, you can bet that it’s for a movie we have been highly anticipating.

And Skyfall did not disappoint.

(To the doubters who have decided not to give Daniel Craig another chance after the atrocity that was Quantum of Solace, give the franchise a break — it was filmed smack in the middle of the Writers Guild strike, and even Craig himself admits it shouldn’t have been released the way it did.)

I will not say much more about Skyfall because I trust that those who want to read spoilers can find them in numerous other places. What I do want to say is that the movie will finally be released on Blu Ray and DVD tomorrow, and in celebration, the top UK appliance retailer Appliances Online has offered to sponsor an Amazon gift card giveaway!


That’s right — the winner will be able to purchase your own copy of Skyfall, or just use the $50 gift card for whatever else the world’s largest online store has in stock!

To enter this giveaway, simply use the Rafflecopter widget below. Not sure how to use Rafflecopter? Watch this 52 second video for a tutorial on how to enter a giveaway using Rafflecopter. There are 6 methods of entry, with the first method (commenting on this blog post answering the question “What type of appliance are you most likely to purchase online?”) being mandatory while the fourth method (Tweeting about the giveaway) can be used once per day:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway will end on Tuesday, February 19th, 2013, at 12:01am EST, at which point a winner will be randomly chosen and announced here.

Please use a valid email address and/or Twitter handle so that I can contact you if you win!

And be sure to check out Appliances Online when you get a chance — I only wish I lived in the UK so that I could take advantage of this fantastic online retailer!

Good luck, and thank you for entering!

In compliance with FTC guidelines, please be aware that Appliances Online has provided me with a $50 Amazon gift card for hosting this giveaway.

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Feb 10, 2013  •  In Art/Design, Fonts

“The Title” Movie Poster: The Power of Typography

I heart this poster. That is all.




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Feb 10, 2013  •  In Asian, Personal

Happy Lunar New Year!

May you have a wonderful year of the snake!

(image source)

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Feb 9, 2013  •  In Claire, Cute, Funny

Toddler Vocabulary

They say that when your toddler mispronounces or incorrectly says a word, you should gently correct them so that they will learn.

But how can you, when what they is soooo much better than what is intended?

dog: aki
We’re not entirely sure how Claire got from “dog” to “aki” when the two words are so different. We’re guessing that it stems from my sister’s dog Dante — Claire somehow had trouble saying “Dante” when she first learned his name, so she started calling him Aki instead. Now, she calls all dogs “aki.”

monkey: hoho
The name of the monkey in Ni Hao, Kai-Lan is Hoho. Hence, she has started to call all monkeys “hoho.”

tiger: rintoo
See “monkey” and “hoho” above.

thank you: ah-koo
Is the th sound difficult for all toddlers to pronounce? If not, Claire has trouble pronouncing it because we have spoken to her primarily in Koren and in Chinese since birth — she’s developed a FOB accent! Although her pronunciation of “thank you” is improving day by day, our entire family — including the grandparents — have started to say “ah-koo” in its place because it’s just so cute and funny.

Andrew: Jew
My sister’s fiancé Andrew has been relegated to “Jew.” Is it just a coincidence that he’s Jewish? 😉

One of the most common questions people ask us about the girls is regarding their multiple-language environment. To be honest, I’ve never been too concerned about it. I just didn’t realize how much Claire had advanced until I caught her one day, sitting on the couch between her two grandfathers, comfortably conversing with both of them and switching back and forth between Korean and Cantonese without missing a beat. To witness such a young kid (she is now 28 months old) do this is quite remarkable!

Claire strikes this pose and says “Cheese!” whenever she sees me with the camera

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Feb 8, 2013  •  In Geek, Giveaways, Web

Giveaway: Win 1 of 10 FREE Magazine Subscriptions from Zinio!

Have you guys heard of Zinio? They are the world’s largest digital newsstand with thousands of magazines from around the world, carrying top magazines in practically every subject you can think of — art, fashion, sports, auto, entertainment, lifestyle, science…and more!

Heck they’ll give you 3 free magazines just for signing up for an account!


From browsing their website, I couldn’t think of a single magazine that they didn’t carry, and I loved that they have options to purchase single issues as well as subscriptions. I actually lost track of time browsing through their Explore section, which lets you read thousands of articles for FREE and even share them with your friends.

Zinio is currently running a “The Best of 2012 — Editors’ Choices” promotion which offers a 50% discount on some of the most memorable magazine issues from 2012. I actually remember some of the covers on this list for the publicity they received from third parties. Isn’t it a great way to try out a new magazine while looking back on 2012?


This promotion ends February 21, so hurry over before it’s too late!

In celebration of the new year and all the great promotions they have been running since the end of 2012, Zinio has very generously offered my TEN of my readers a free magazine subscription! 

That’s right. You have not 1, not 3, not even 5…but 10 chances to win a digital magazine subscription! The winners can choose ANY title that Zinio carries, and they will receive the full subscription period as indicated on the site (some are 6 months, some are 1 year, and so on).

This giveaway is open WORLDWIDE. After all, Zinio as an extensive category of international magazines. (Wouldn’t this be an awesome way to learn a foreign language? Hint, hint…  😉 )

To enter this giveaway, simply use the Rafflecopter widget below. Not sure how to use Rafflecopter? Watch this 52 second video for a tutorial on how to enter a giveaway using Rafflecopter. There are 6 methods of entry, with the first method (commenting on this blog post answering the question “Which magazine subscription would you get if you win?”) being mandatory while the fourth method (Tweeting about the giveaway) can be used once per day:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway will end on Saturday, February 16th, 2013, at 12:01am EST, at which point a winner will be randomly chosen and announced here.

Please use a valid email address and/or Twitter handle so that I can contact you if you win!

Good luck, and thank you for entering!

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Feb 7, 2013  •  In Art/Design, Movies

Drawing Aurora from “Sleeping Beauty”

I’m not sure why I’m so fascinated by this series of animated GIFs. I mean, I know this was how it was done but I still find it immensely enthralling. Am I alone here?

sleeping_beauty_gif_5 sleeping_beauty_gif_4
sleeping_beauty_gif_3 sleeping_beauty_gif_2
sleeping_beauty_gif_6 sleeping_beauty_gif_1

Via Welcome to Wonderland♠.

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