Feb 5, 2013  •  In Art/Design, Entertainment

Fantastically Realistic Illustrations of Disney Princesses, Part Deux

I first blogged about Finnish artist Jirka Väätäinen‘s Real Life Disney Girls series back in 2011, and it remains a popular post! It seems that he has continued with the project with additional Disney characters — how can I not share?

Belle from the original group still remains my favorite, but I’m seriously crushing on Snow White and Jane from this batch.

disney_princess_real_life_alice Continue reading »

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Feb 4, 2013  •  In Facebook, Funny, Personal, Sports

NFL Quarterbacks on Facebook: Super Bowl XLVII Edition

You guys, the Baltimore Ravens won the Super Bowl. My team was crowned the 2012-2013 NFL Champions. This may not seem like much to most people, but it’s a BIG FREAKING DEAL to someone whose two favorite teams (the Knicks and the Ravens) have yielded countless disappointments and heartaches for more than a decade.

So when the game clock ran down to zero with Baltimore still up by 3…

I cried. Seriously, I had tears in my eyes as I saw the purple and gold confetti rain down on the Ravens and watched them accept the Lombardi Trophy.

(In my defense, I had had an extremely trying week in the days leading up to the big game; I was overly emotional and awfully tired.)

Today I am still recovering from the poo sundae that was last week and the ridiculous excitement of last night’s win. So when J sent me this link to a pretend Facebook conversation between NFL quarterbacks, I literally LOLed (more than once!) and knew that I had to share it here.

I guarantee you’ll love it even if you’re not a Ravens fan — anyone with any sort of knowledge on the NFL is sure to get a laugh out of this!

Continue reading »

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Feb 2, 2013  •  In Art/Design, Cute, Geek, Marketing/Advertising, Toys

Lego Pop Culture Riddles

It’s no secret that I absolutely ADORE Lego’s clever marketing campaigns — can you believe that this is my fifth post applauding them? (see: 1, 2, 3, 4)

Even if you may be getting sick of my Lego craze, I believe that this series of posters deserves a special mention because it engages the audience and sparks creativity in a world where we are hard-pressed to find toys and activities that encourage imagination. Created by Montreal-based creative agency Brad in honor of Lego’s 55th anniversary, this set of 55 minimalist illustrations feature sparse Lego bricks arranged to represent popular songs, movies, books, bands, and children’s stories, with the tagline “Imagine a _____”

Can you guess them all? Some are pretty obvious but others are definite head-scratchers. (I have included the answer under each illustration, but in white text so you would need to highlight it to see it.)

Stairway to Heaven Continue reading »

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Jan 30, 2013  •  In Geek, Infographics, Sports

In Anticipation of Sunday…

Super Bowl XLVII. Who will YOU be rooting for?

(image source)

You know I love me my Ravens. (I predicted a Harbaugh Bowl at the beginning of the playoffs!) And you know I love me some visualized data.

So in honor of my “the in-laws have gone on vacation for 2 weeks leaving me alone to fend for the kids and they’re both driving me CRAZY by not eating or sleeping well and fighting like cats and dogs and the damn car won’t start and it’s too cold/windy/rainy/snowy/icy to take them out without the car and I’m averaging 3 hours of sleep at night so I can’t seem to form a coherent sentence to write in my blog” week…

Here are some nifty maps and charts representing NFL fandom across the country. They’re brought to you by your favorite social media giant, so I’m guessing they have some authority on the subject.

The National Football League is one of the most popular sports in America with some incredibly devoted fans. At Facebook we have about 35 million account holders in the United States who have Liked a page for one of the 32 teams in the league, representing one of the most comprehensive samples of sports fanship ever collected. Put another way, more than 1 in 10 Americans have declared their support for an NFL team on Facebook.

Here’s a map of NFL fans by county. I think it’s safe to say that geography has a lot to do with your favorite sports teams. Continue reading »

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Jan 29, 2013  •  In Blogging, Funny, Geek, Personal, Star Wars

Google Translate: Star Wars Edition

The last one is the best.  😉





Via Comfortably Awkward.

P.S. — Life in the Geek in Heels household has been pretty chaotic, and will probably remain so for the next week or two. Posts may continue to be light and/or unintelligent. The upside? There’s another giveaway in works. (Have you entered my circle lens giveaway yet?) Stay tuned!

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Jan 27, 2013  •  In Personal

Raising a Toast…

J turns 35 years old today.  🙂

Thank you for everything that you are and you do. Thank you for being my best friend, a marvelous husband, and a wonderful father.

May you have a magical birthday. We love you!

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Jan 26, 2013  •  In Art/Design, Career, Geek, Web

Incredible Amazon Page Resumé

I have featured some special resumés here in the past, and I have to say that this one takes the cake. Philippe Dubost, a web product manager in Paris, created a fake Amazon product page to showcase his skillset and talents. At first glance, you can hardly tell that you’re not looking at an Amazon page!


You gotta appreciate all the thought and precision he’s put into the page; each detail and description is carefully and cleverly filled, and I love how he included his professional references in the way of reviews. 

Click on over to his Amaz-ing Resumé to experience the full effect!

If you want to hire Dubost, just add him to your shopping cart. But hurry — there’s only one Philippe left in stock!

Via Bit Rebels.

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Jan 25, 2013  •  In Asian, Beauty, Giveaways, Reviews

Neo Natural Touch Brown Circle Lens Review, and an EyeCandys.com Giveaway!

Circle lenses, or cosmetic contact lenses which are designed to give the illusion of larger eyes, have been around in Asia since 2004 and started gaining popularity within the U.S. in the past few years. While some are designed to look natural by enlarging the irises just slightly, others can be quite snazzy with intricate colors and patterns, in sizes that are clearly meant to be noticed.


I first wrote about circle lenses back in 2010, and I stand by my original assertion that circle lenses are just as safe as regular soft contact lenses as long as you take the same precautions as you would with regular lenses. I have continued to wear my Geo Fresh Brown lenses since then, taking care to clean and store them properly, not wear them for extended periods of time, replacing them before they hit the 1-year mark, and getting regular eye exams.

The thing I loved about the Geo Fresh Browns was that they look really natural. They made my eyes look bigger, but only ever so slightly. While I did not wear them every day, I would wear them almost whenever I went out and not ONE person ever noticed I had circle lenses, or even colored contacts, on. And whenever I pointed them out to anyone, they always did a double-take and said something along the lines of, “Oh yeah…I can notice them now that you told me. Even then, I can only see them if I look really close.”

(In fact, I’m wearing them in the profile picture at the top right of this page — could you tell? To see more pictures from that day, click here.)

What I didn’t like about the Geo Fresh Browns was that they were slightly less comfortable than my regular, everyday contacts. This isn’t to say that they were uncomfortable, but they would start to feel a bit dry after about the 5-6 hour mark and I would have to apply rewetting drops.

After I had my annual eye exam last month and obtained a new prescription for my somewhat worsened nearsightedness, I decided to try another brand of circle lenses. You see, I had found an online circle lens store called EyeCandy’s (formerly EyeCandyLens) and had read their “Tips & Trends” page which stated that while Geo is the world’s most popular brand of circle lenses, the Neo Vision brand is generally found to be more comfortable.

And wouldn’t you know it? Neo Vision had just released a new natural-looking lens called Natural Touch Brown:




I had been thinking about purchasing one of the Neo Dali brown lenses, but was torn as to which to get. (See this EyeCandy’s blog post for a fantastic comparison between the three.) But when I read about the Neo Natural Touch Brown, the natural starburst design really drew me in and I knew that I had a winner.

I had ordered from EyeCandy’s before so I knew that they are a reputable dealer. Plus, you can’t beat their FREE standard shipping!

I tore into the package as soon as I received it. The verdict?


Seriously. I have been wearing soft contact lenses since my early teens, and have tried numerous brands and types in those two decades. The ones I have been wearing for the past couple of years — the Proclear 1 Day disposables — have been the best yet in terms of comfort, but the Neo Natural Touch Brown lenses feel even better!

And I LOVE the way they look. They’re more natural-looking than the Geo Fresh Browns (the Geo lenses were slightly lighter than my dark brown irises), and while my eyes have never been my best feature, they provide a certain “pop” that makes them stand out without being obviously so. Additionally, I look so much more fresh and awake when wearing these contacts!

Here’s a close-up of what my eyes look like with them on:


The lighting in our condo sucks (sigh…the benefits of city living!) so you can’t really see the color too well in this picture. I would say that the color in real life is a natural brown in a shade that is between that of my picture and what is shown in the close-up of the model’s picture above.

Here’s a shot of me wearing the lens in just one eye so you can see the difference it provides. The diameter of these lenses is 14.2mm (14mm and 14.2mm are what is recommended for the most natural-looking enlarging effect) and while I have read that some people don’t even notice much of a size difference at this range, I have small Asian eyes.


And here’s a photo that isn’t so close-up. Looks pretty natural, right?


Once again, these lenses feel soooo comfortable on that I would wholeheartedly recommend the Neo Vision brand to anyone. I’m so tempted to try their other lenses now!

Now, for the moment you’ve all been waiting for…

EyeCandy’s has very generously offered a FREE pair of circle lenses to one of my readers!


The winner of this giveaway will be able to choose ANY pair of lenses from the circle lens category of their extensive inventory!

What’s more, since EyeCandy’s ships internationally, this giveaway is open WORLDWIDE.

To enter this giveaway, simply use the Rafflecopter widget below. Not sure how to use Rafflecopter? Watch this 52 second video for a tutorial on how to enter a giveaway using Rafflecopter. There are 6 methods of entry, with the first method (commenting on this blog post) being mandatory while the fourth method (Tweeting about the giveaway) can be used once per day:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway will end on Saturday, February 2nd, 2013, at 12:01am EST, at which point a winner will be randomly chosen and announced here.

Please use a valid email address and/or Twitter handle so that I can contact you if you win!

Good luck, and thank you for entering!

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Jan 23, 2013  •  In Blogging, Geek, Personal, Random

How a Key Works

You guys, it’s sooooo cold. And sooo windy. And with a kid who just recovered from a cold — right after I got sick, to boot — all I want to do is stay in bed under three layers of blankets and watch episodes of Suits (my latest obsession).

Alas, the life of a SAHM does not allow such indulgence. And while my body may be feeling better, my mind still seems to be under the weather so I am completely without blogging inspiration.

But fear not, for I am working on an exciting giveaway, which I hope to have up by the end of the week! Hint: it’s beauty-related, so I know a lot of y’all will be into it!

In the meantime, I shall continue to regale you with trivial crap I find online. Like this animated GIF that tells you exactly how a key works. And here I thought those little peaks and valleys served as magical points which needed to be matched up with corresponding magical spots in order to open a lock! 


Via Neatorama.

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Jan 21, 2013  •  In Cute, Entertainment, Funny, Movies, Photography

Kids Recreate Best Looks from the Golden Globes

New York photographer Tricia Messeroux recently recreated some of the best celebrity looks from the 2013 Golden Globes…using kids. Adorable, darling kids who could totally pass as the stars’ younger selves (and have the attitude to match!). See for yourself:

kids_recreate_golden_globes_anne_hathaway Continue reading »

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