Jan 18, 2013  •  In Android, Apple, Funny, Gadgets, Geek, Sports

If NFL Quarterbacks Were Mobile Phones…

This weekend will determine who goes to Super Bowl XLVII. Two teams will begin to ready themselves for one of the biggest games they will ever play, while the remaining two will go home crestfallen and utterly disappointed (so close, yet so far…).

Y’all know who I’ll be rooting for — what about you?  :mrgreen:

In honor of the upcoming championship game, Phandroid.com, in conjunction with WinSource.com and iSource.com, has created a funny graphic which answers the following question: If mobile phones were NFL quarterbacks, who would they be? (Although if you want to be technical, the question should start with mobile phone OS’s.)


What do you think? Pretty accurate? I almost spit out my drink when I read the Joe Flacco one. As much as I love the Ravens, they need to be more consistent!

Via Phandroid.

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Jan 16, 2013  •  In Entertainment, Funny, Geek, Movies, Weird

Crazy Fan Theories That Make Sense!

It’s funny how different people will interpret different scenarios, even if they’re based on movies, television shows, and video games. And sometimes, you can’t help but wonder if the interpreter didn’t completely overthink a simple concept.  😉

Here’s a compilation of these crazy fan theories via Unreality Mag. A few of the theories sound downright paranoid, but others totally make sense and have you questioning the creators’ motives!

fan_theories_super_mario Continue reading »

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Jan 15, 2013  •  In Personal, Relationships

From Dating to Messaging to Texting

Over the weekend, I read a NYTimes article titled The End of Courtship? which questions the new millennials’ methods of dating — or, in this case, not dating.

Instead of dinner-and-a-movie, which seems as obsolete as a rotary phone, they rendezvous over phone texts, Facebook posts, instant messages and other “non-dates” that are leaving a generation confused about how to land a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Traditional courtship — picking up the telephone and asking someone on a date — required courage, strategic planning and a considerable investment of ego (by telephone, rejection stings). Not so with texting, e-mail, Twitter or other forms of “asynchronous communication,” as techies call it. In the context of dating, it removes much of the need for charm; it’s more like dropping a line in the water and hoping for a nibble.

Online dating services, which have gained mainstream acceptance, reinforce the hyper-casual approach by greatly expanding the number of potential dates. Faced with a never-ending stream of singles to choose from, many feel a sense of “FOMO” (fear of missing out), so they opt for a speed-dating approach – cycle through lots of suitors quickly.

I grew up during the transition between traditional courtship and the current hookup culture. I remember calling boys I liked and hanging up (ahh, the good old days before call waiting!). I remember getting calls from boys who were interested in me. I also remember waiting by the phone, biting my nails down to the quick, sighing and moping and playing Tori Amos and Sarah McLachlan on repeat.

Fast-forward a few years. Flirtations and hours-long conversations on the phone with boys were soon replaced by hours-long conversations over AIM. (And forwarding snippets to girlfriends, asking their opinion on what the guy meant.)

In fact, out of the four boyfriends I had before getting married, two “won” me over via IM. And out of the two, J practically stalked me online — as soon as I signed on, it was guaranteed that he would message me within 2 minutes.

Is traditional courtship dead?

Now they’re saying texting has replaced IMs. Is this true? This is a genuine question coming from a 32-year-old who started dating her husband before text-messaging became mainstream.

If this is the case, I can’t help but feel a little sorry for the new millennials. Phone calls tend to be more personal than IMs, and I recall feeling some awkwardness when I met my soon-to-be third boyfriend — with whom I had shared hours of IM conversations — for one-on-one coffee for the first time. (Do people even date over coffee anymore?)

Sure, I had danced with the guy. Sure, I had had drinks with him and eaten a meal with him, but that was all with other people. I knew him best via his online persona; I fell for him via his online persona. Was he different in person?

Luckily, that awkwardness soon passed and we stayed together for a year. But if I feel like this over IM conversations, surely there must exist people who feel similarly over text messages/Facebook messages/Tweets?

What do you guys think? Will traditional courtship become extinct soon?

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Jan 14, 2013  •  In Aerin, Claire, Cute, Funny, Motherhood, Personal

A C&A Update

This past week has been hell for me — not only was am I ill with a cold, Aerin has suddenly become super clingy with me. For instance, I’ll be standing behind her and she’ll start screaming because she can’t see me. I can’t even pee in peace because she’ll be trying to climb all over me.

J and I call her “mommy’s creepy stalker” because she literally follows me everywhere and wants to know what I’m doing at all times.  :mrgreen:

If you’re a parent, I’m sure you’ve seen this viral picture by now.

They say that I should cherish these moments. And as much as I hate to admit it — because I’ve never been much for physical affection and she is really starting to annoy me — I know that I will. Just last month, when she got sick and refused to sleep in her crib, I would take her blankie and wrap it around her, holding her tight as we both dozed off on the couch. This is exactly what I did with Claire for the first 2 months of her life because it way the only way she would sleep. And holding Aerin like that really brought back those memories…I found myself feeling nostalgic. Continue reading »

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Jan 12, 2013  •  In Geek, Marketing/Advertising, Personal, Toys

Go Vote for a New Monopoly Token! (And Save Your Favorite!)

Hasbro is currently running a Facebook campaign that allows YOU to vote for a new, permanent player’s token. This kinda sucks if you don’t use Facebook, but if you do, go vote now!


As you can see above, the five candidates for a new token are: robot, ring, cat, helicopter, and guitar. Right now the cat is far ahead (cat owners can get pretty determined!), but since there already exists an animal on the board — and it has a very good chance of staying on — I would prefer another piece.

I can’t quite decide if I like the robot or the guitar best, but that’s just me. Which is your favorite?

Voting will continue until February 6th, when the replacement token will be announced.

That’s right — I said replacement. This means that the new piece will replace an old one. And you get to vote which one stays!


The leaderboard (as of today) looks very similar to which tokens are most popular when I play with my friends. I usually go with the thimble because it’s not much favored, and because there exists an embarrassing story behind the piece whereupon I thought it was a saltshaker until I was well into my teens.  😳

I personally believe that this “Save Your Token” campaign is a brilliant move on Hasbro’s part. Not only does it entice the nostalgic set to pick up a Monopoly game if they do not already have one, it urges all fans of the iconic boardgame to purchase the new, updated version once the new token is chosen.

I will, however, be sad to see an existing piece go. Poor wheelbarrow!

Update, February 6, 2013:

It looks like the wheelbarrow has made a comeback! The results of the “Save Your Token” promotion has been revealed, and it is the IRON that has been booted out!

And the new token to take its place? Drumroll please…

Monopoly New Token

It is the CAT!

I’m kinda disappointed that my favorite two (the robot and the guitar) didn’t win, but what can you do? The internet is chock-full of cat lovers!

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Jan 7, 2013  •  In Art/Design, Personal, Star Wars

The Star Wars Trilogy as Maps by Andrew DeGraff

Check out these illustrated maps of the original Star Wars trilogy by artist Andrew DeGraff. The more you look at each piece, the more you realize they’re so much more than just maps; they’re the movies themselves, featuring all the films’ locations with interweaving lines depicting major characters’ passages through the movies.

Be sure to click on each to see the incredible detail.

A New Hope:
Andrew-DeGraff-Star-Wars-A-New-Hope Continue reading »

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Jan 6, 2013  •  In Aerin, Personal, Sports

Dear Daddy,

This is for leaving mommy home alone (while she’s still sick!) and going down to Baltimore for the Ravens vs Colts wild card game today.


Because c’mon, wouldn’t you rather be home with this?  😉

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Jan 6, 2013  •  In Baby, Books, Cute, Entertainment, Photography

“Once Upon a Time” — A Fairy Tale Themed Baby Shoot

I’m not too keen on newborn/baby photo shoots (they mostly look the same to me and some of them can be downright creepy), but I’m all game when they’re super creative. (See: Kristin & Kayla, Mila’s Daydreams, and Baby Arthur.)

The latest series of baby photos to make its social media rounds has been that of photographer Wendi Riggens, whose fairy-tale themed shoot of 9-month-old Maddie has her placed in scenes and outfits from some of Disney’s most popular films. Take a look, and be ready to coo:

fairy_tale_theme_baby_shoot_1 Continue reading »

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Jan 5, 2013  •  In Beauty, Personal

My Body, My Self-Image, My Self-Destruction

I once had a friend who went on a 6-week volunteer trip to a third world country. When she returned, we got together for dinner and she regaled me with tales of building shelters, teaching English, and even giving away many of the clothes she had brought for the trip. Her story was expectedly not void of woes; she had suffered countless mosquito bites, painful sunburn, and could not be happier to have access to clean water again.

And then her voice fell to a hush.

“I only lost 3 pounds though. I left for the trip thinking I would return a skeleton. But I only lost three. I almost wish that I had caught dysentery or malaria while I was there…”

This girl was not fat. Standing 5’5″ and wearing a size 8, maybe a 10, could she have lost a few pounds without being labeled a stick? Sure. But she lived a healthy lifestyle that consisted of regular exercise and a balanced diet. I didn’t know her too well, but she always seemed like such a happy, well-adjusted young woman.

So what came out of her mouth that day came as a total shock.

What was even worse that I completely understood, and empathized.

And I know that many of my readers would too. Many of my readers who may seem like confident women who have all their shit together, those whom others look up to and admire and even envy. Some of these women may even be considered thin or underweight by most of society.

Kate Moss, who was known for being a “waif” in the nineties, would not be
considered THAT skinny compared to some of today’s models and celebrities.

I have been suffering from a cold the past few days. And, as with most illnesses, this bout of fever-coughing-dizziness-headache was accompanied by a weight loss. Not much, but a few pounds nonethless.

And as much as being sick sucked major donkey balls, I was happy to see the new number on the scale.

You see, I had put on some weight in the past couple of months. Remember this past summer, when I was obsessed with hot yoga? Well, I had continued to regularly attend classes, and by the end of summer, I had dropped down to my college weight — the thinnest I had been in a decade!

But then came the holidays and along with it, numerous brunches, dinners, and drinks.

Add to that some personal issues that led to stress-induced binges. I had also started a new birth control pill which caused me to retain water like a hippopotamus and always crave salty things. (I don’t care what they say about hormonal birth control — it can mess with your weight!)

Currently, I am slightly above my pre-pregnancy weight. And I want to go back down again. Because being able to fit into old, old clothes felt good. Because the compliments boosted my confidence. Because it can be hard to feel sexy when you’ve pushed two watermelons out of your vagina.

But when you’re a woman, you don’t really need a reason for wanting to lose weight, right?

So yes. I confess that I’m happy I got sick and lost some weight. I admit I totally got it when my friend said she wished she had caught a disease whilst in a third world country. And if weight-loss/body reshaping surgeries didn’t cost too much money? I’d totally consider those too.

The sad thing is that I know these are unhealthy ways to view myself and my weight. I know that I’m not fat (although in Asia I may be considered overweight) and I have a wonderful husband who thinks curves are sexy. And if my daughters were ever to say these things? I would go slap them upside their heads.

To be completely honest, I’m a bit ashamed to write this post, knowing that my daughters may one day read this.

But then again, I want them to know that their mom was is human. I’m sure my mom had the same insecurities when she was younger — hey, she may still to this day — but all I see in old photos, as well as the way she looks now in real life, is the loving, strong woman I admire and love.

(Doesn’t this remind you of that HuffPo article about staying in the picture? I know that I was as I wrote these words.)

So once again I put myself out here, this imperfect, this self-conscious beast, for the sake of my daughters as well as others who may also feel these somewhat unhealthy thoughts about their weight and appearances. Not to say that it is okay, but to let them know that there are others — some who may be sitting directly across from you right now! — who may feel similarly and that you’re not alone. To let them know that it’s okay to talk about it, to seek help and encouragement, and to try to find the most healthy (both physically and mentally) way to improve upon the situation, even if that turns out to be to do nothing.

As for me, I will join the new year fitness lemmings by staying more active, eating better, and finding an alternate form of birth control.

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Jan 4, 2013  •  In Blogging, Personal, Web

Glitches and Hiccups


I will be moving to a new web host this weekend. I’m hoping that the transfer will be smooth, but I know that this can’t be guaranteed. This blog may suffer some glitches an hiccups as a result, and I apologize in advance for that.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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