Jan 4, 2013  •  In Blogging, Personal, Web

Glitches and Hiccups


I will be moving to a new web host this weekend. I’m hoping that the transfer will be smooth, but I know that this can’t be guaranteed. This blog may suffer some glitches an hiccups as a result, and I apologize in advance for that.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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Jan 4, 2013  •  In Entertainment, Geek

Dexter vs. Batman

Mind. Blown.


Via 9GAG.

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Jan 2, 2013  •  In Gadgets, Geek, Personal, Photography, Reviews

Sony RX100 Review [THE Best Point-and-Shoot!]

This past summer, the Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-RX100 was released and the web went on a media frenzy, practically all review sites declaring it to be the best compact point-and-shoot digital camera ever made.


In fact, Time Magazine even named the RX100 one of the 25 Best Inventions of the Year 2012!

Digital cameras have been getting smaller and more capable every year, but that trend took a huge leap forward in 2012 with the Sony RX100, which bridges the gap between point-and-shoots and pro-quality digital SLRs. Sony’s innovative design and 1-in. (2.5 cm) sensor allow the camera to take flawless photos even though it’s 20% slimmer than your average digital SLR—small enough to fit in your pocket.

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Jan 1, 2013  •  In Geek

May You Have a Geeky New Year!

w + ln |N| = ln |ap2H + eaR| + ln |y|

w = ln |ap2H + eaR| + ln |y|ln |N|

w = ln |ap2H + eaR| + ln |




w = ln |(ap2H + eaR)




ew = (ap2H + eaR)


(ap2+ eaR)= ewN

ap2Hy + eaR= ewN

ap2Hy = ew eaRy

Hap2= New  yeaR

Happy = New  yeaR

Every year, J and I ring in the new year with a bottle of my favorite
cheap champagne and our wedding flutes.

Another geeky fact: 2013 is the first year since 1987 that a number isn’t repeated in the year. 🙂 Did anyone else notice that?

I hope you have a wonderful new year full of love, hope, joy, and laughter!

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Dec 29, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Geek, Touching

Fantastically Inspired Proposal Jewelry Box

Redditor curtisabrina uploaded the following images with the title “So I proposed to my girlfriend a few months ago with a rather unique jewellery box..” and the post quickly shot up to #1. Examining the pictures, it’s not hard to see why. What creativity, careful planning, and flawless execution! How can a girl not say yes to this proposal?

On Valentine’s Day, seven months before the proposal, the poster gifted his girlfriend
with a beautiful box with the following message in Greek engraved:
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

jewelry_box_proposal_1 Continue reading »

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Dec 28, 2012  •  In Aerin, Claire, Personal

Three Christmases

Call me sentimental, but my favorite posts to read this holiday season were the ones where bloggers posted progressions of photos — whether they were holiday cards or family portraits — that showcased each household’s transitions and growths through the years.

The Geek in Heels family almost didn’t take a holiday photo this year. But today, a full three days after Christmas Day, I was preparing to take down our Christmas tree when J wistfully suggested that we take a family portrait by the tree anyway.

Four and a half years ago, J and I were married.

photo by Danny Weiss

Two years ago, Claire joined our family. We purchased our first Christmas tree that winter and took our first family portrait by said tree.

Claire was a wee 3 months old here. (And oh how I miss Comang!)

One year ago, Aerin made her appearance into this world and we managed to snap this shot on Christmas Eve.

Claire at 15 months and Aerin at 2 months old

December 28th, 2012. I love our little family so much.

According to this picture, Claire’s giraffe has officially joined the family.

May our household always be full of love and hope. May we always be thankful for our blessings.

And may you all have a wonderful new year!

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Dec 25, 2012  •  In Personal

Merry Christmas!

“This is the message of Christmas: We are never alone.”

~ Taylor Caldwell (1900-1985), English novelist.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas day! May your households be filled with cheers and laughter; arms be plentiful and giving; stomachs be full and happy…

And most importantly, your hearts full of love.

viral letter to Santa (source)

Today we will be hosting a Christmas lunch for J and my immediate families, then we’re off to Long Island for his annual family-and-friends Christmas bash. I can’t wait to see the looks on everyone’s faces as they open their presents; I like to pride myself on choosing good gifts and I think that I did a particularly good job this year. 😉

Happy holidays, and I wish you all the best in 2013!

At the Ravens-Giants game 12.23.12, cheesy effects added via LINE Camera.


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Dec 24, 2012  •  In Entertainment, Movies, Personal, Reviews

Holiday Movie Marathon

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas —

And the Geek in Heels household has officially commenced its holiday movie marathon.  😀

Although many movies remain perennial favorites (see: It’s a Wonderful Life), I prefer the neo-classics from the 1990s to the early 2000s. My top five favorite holiday movies, in no particular order, are:

Love, Actually

Need I say more?

starting from $7.49 on Amazon Continue reading »

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Dec 21, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Funny, Geek, Web

Popular Websites as Classic Boardgames

Brought to you by Hasbro Game Night, these mashups are nothing short of uproariously accurate! My favorite is Reddit as Hungry Hungry Hippos — as soon as I read it, I didn’t even need to look at the picture because I was already thinking, “Yep, exactly!”

Facebook as Operation:

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Dec 19, 2012  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Cute, Motherhood, Personal

Watching Little Minds Learn

Watching little minds learn is fascinating. Even when you try your best to stay impartial and unprejudiced, you can’t help but notice the vast differences between each and every person.

Take Aerin, for instance. Now that she has officially conquered infancy and is starting to really soak in, process, react, and regurgitate what she learns, we have noticed something peculiar about her style of learning: she tends to take her lessons a little too literally.

As in, when I was trying to teach her to clap on demand using the word “박수” (bak-soo, or “clap” in Korean), I would say the word, clap, say the word again, then grab her hands to get them to clap. Easy, right? This is the exact technique I had used on Claire with no difficulties.

But when she finally made the association between the word and the act of clapping, she began to take my hands and got them to clap instead.  😕

Only after repeatedly using the word whenever anyone clapped — over the course of a few days, no less — did she finally began to understand what I had been trying to teach her.


The same thing happened when we moved onto body parts.

“코!” (kko), then point to her nose.

“코!”, then point to my nose.

“효정이 코!” Adding her Korean name, then pointing to her nose.

“엄마 코!” Saying umma before pointing to my nose.

“코!” Point to another nose in a picture.

I remember having done this with Claire, as well as my little cousins, to get them to learn their body parts. But once again, Aerin took the lessons too literally.

“Where’s my nose? Where’s umma’s nose?”

She would then grab my finger and point it at my nose.

I remember being worried when Aerin first began to play back, and interact with us. Whenever something she did deviated from what Claire had done (or what I remembered of my cousins), a little voice would shout in my head, ‘OHMIGAWD something’s wrong with my kid! Does she have some sort of disability?!? Can this be some form of autism?’

Now I know better. These little quirks are what makes them unique. And just as long as they generally continue to progress (and just as long as the doc isn’t concerned), I shouldn’t worry too much.

Because, c’mon. You gotta admit what she does is pretty darn adorable.

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