Yesterday was a cool yet pleasant day. With temperatures in the low 50s and the sun shining overhead, I decided to take Aerin for a walk despite my lingering cold. (Claire was with her grandparents.)
We walked the 22 blocks to my favorite children’s park and I sat Aerin down on a swing. She hadn’t been there since the temperatures took a dip, so she was obviously over the moon with glee.
As I continued to push my giddy daughter on the swing, I noticed another mom with her baby…
Now, other moms will attest to the fact that making mommy friends is hard. It’s like dating all over again, except that — in my experience, at least — moms can get a lot more catty than single men.
But this mom seemed nice enough, so I took a deep breath and introduced myself.
It turns out that the family lives in the next town over. They got married a couple of years ago and had their baby earlier this year, and this mom too had trouble making good mommy friends in the area!
We had a pleasant chat together, and we even exchanged emails for future playdates.
Yay! I had found a new mommy friend!

(image source)
After we returned home and I put Aerin down for her nap, I decided to be a creepy stalker and looked up my new friend on Facebook. I was almost certain that we had at least one friend in common — you see, I have a theory that Asian Americans are separated by only three degrees, not six, because everyone seems to know each other somehow, especially here in the tri-state area.
Her Facebook profile wasn’t hard to find. And yes, we did have a couple of friends in common!
I clicked on over to her full profile page…
…then my jaw dropped.
She is married to my ex-boyfriend!!!
The breakup was NOT amicable and we had ended things on a very sour note. There was no way in hell that our families can comfortably hang out together.
I also felt a bit defeated, because I had gone to the park in yoga pants, an old hoodie, with no makeup and my hair a mess. Add to that my red and runny nose from this darned cold. Oh why oh why oh why couldn’t I have met her when I looked more polished?
(And to those thinking that I must still have feelings for my ex based on the paragraph above, I’m sorry to disappoint you. After all, what woman doesn’t want to be prettier/thinner/smarter/funnier than her ex’s current wife or girlfriend?)
But seriously, guys…
What are the chances??!!!