Sep 27, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Information, Personal

We Are the Introverts

My late grandmother used to call me a lone wolf, and I always thought it was appropriate considering my overly introverted nature. However, I’m loving the monk seal reference in this comic by Grant Snider!


Via Incidental Comics.

P.S. — For more on introverts — being one, understanding them, getting along with them, etc. — check out Introvert Power by Laurie Helgoe!

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Sep 26, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Logos/Branding, Sports

Minimalist NFL Logos

The NFL season thus far has been…interesting, to say the least. We all know that the lockout must end asap, but we can’t help but look on with incredulous curiosity (with a hint of morbid amusement) as the replacement refs continue to make a mockery of the game.

But enough of that.

The reason I bring up the ludicrosity of the past 3 weeks is because I happened upon these beautifully redesigned NFL logos by Matt McInerney. Even if you’re not a football fan, you can’t deny that these minimalist interpretations are clever, engaging, and oftentimes a lot more alluring than the current logos.


Houston Texans:
Continue reading »

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Sep 19, 2012  •  In Geek, Giveaways

Giveaway: Geeky T-Shirts from 604Republic (Two Winners!)

Who doesn’t like making statements through their apparel? And what geek wouldn’t proudly publicize his/her obsessions with a witty t-shirt design?

Enter 604Republic —

At 604Republic, we’re nerds in love with pop-culture and all things geeky. We started this store because we believe that everyone has an obsessive passion for something and that we shouldn’t be afraid to celebrate that passion.

Whether it’s geek culture, sci-fi, fantasy, dinosaurs, zombies,video games, online culture or your favorite obscure pop-culture reference, when you identify with something you love, you want to share it with the world. This is why we aim to produce and sell products that you can wear with pride as a part of your identity.

Not everyone is a geek, but we all geek out about something.

I love that last line, don’t you? 😉

Furthermore, 604Republic is not your typical online store. It allows you to submit your own design, and if it is accepted, it will be featured in an online gallery where visitors can vote for the next design to be printed!

So when this geekpository contacted me about running a giveaway on this blog, I couldn’t be more ecstatic — I swear that I let out quite a few giggles while browsing their site! Here are a few of my favorites:

604Republic has generously offered not one, but two t-shirts to my readers.

In other words, TWO lucky winners will receive a
free t-shirt of their choice, shipping included!

To enter this giveaway, simply use the Rafflecopter widget below. Not sure how to use Rafflecopter? Watch this 52 second video for a tutorial on how to enter a giveaway using Rafflecopter. There are 6 methods of entry, with the first method (commenting on this blog post answering the question “Which design is your favorite?”) being mandatory while the fourth method (Tweeting about the giveaway) can be used once per day:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway will end on Thursday, September 27th, 2012, at 12:01am, at which point a winner will be randomly chosen and announced here.

Please use a valid email address and/or Twitter handle so that I can contact you if you win!

This giveaway is open worldwide to anyone who is 13 years old or older. (Yes, 604Republic will pick up the shipping costs!)

Good luck, and thank you for entering!

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Sep 16, 2012  •  In Christianity, Personal

Dear Politician

From the blog of Kellye Fabian:

Dear Politician:

I’m writing to let you know that I will not attack you personally if you run for office.  I will not make disparaging remarks about you or your family.  I will not call you names.  I will not put bumper stickers on my car that insult you.  I will not attack your supporters and label them as one thing or another.  And even if you attack an opposing candidate personally because he disagrees with your stance on a particular issue, I will not do the same.  Even if you disparage, stereotype, or categorize me because I vote for your opponent, I will not trade you insult for insult.  Instead, I will choose to bless and pray for you and your family.  I will choose peace, encouragement, and building up instead of war, insult, and tearing down.  I will extend grace, love, and mercy.  I know that you are someone who matters to God and for whom Christ died on the cross.  In this regard, you are just like me.  God seeks after your heart just as he does mine.  These are just some things I needed you to know.

As someone who does not identify herself as a Democrat nor Republican, and looks forward to each election season with trepidation for the amount of vitriol overflowing every major media outlet (as well as social networks)…

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

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Sep 12, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Geek, Toys, Video Games

Geektastic Hungry Hungry Hippos Mod

I am majorly crushing on this Koopa-themed Hungry Hungry Hippos game, lovingly modified by Donald (alias Kodykoala), a 30-year-old electrical engineer from El Paso.

Having taken about 50 hours to complete, with each Koopa kid requiring about 10 hours, the game will make its debut public appearance at the El Paso Comic Con — where it will also be available for sale! — this weekend.

Continue reading »

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Sep 9, 2012  •  In Personal, Travel

Service for One

So I know room service is a complete rip-off.

And I am perfectly aware that there exists not one, not two, but three restaurants in this hotel…including a cafeteria-style eatery full of delicious, fair-priced food and a full-service Starbucks.

But having passed out at 3am whilst flipping through cable TV,

Waking up at 5am (because I am still on east coast time and so accustomed to getting very little sleep at night),

Drifting back to sleep in the luxurious king-sized bed,

Waking up three hours later with a slight hangover and the realization that I have nothing to do,

And why oh why do the elevators seem so far away?

I couldn’t resist.

Notice that they had set the table for two, because surely one person can’t finish all that food. (Not pictured: toast and pastries.)

Challenge accepted.

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Sep 8, 2012  •  In Personal, Travel

33860 Feet in the Air

You guys, I am writing this while sitting in an airplane, 33,860 feet over the state of Illinois. How friggin COOL is that?!?? Yeah, yeah, yeah…I know in-flight WiFi has been around for a while now, but it’s been years since I’ve flown, so you can’t blame a girl for having geekgasms over this technological wonderment.

Fluffy widdle clouds over Illinois

Per usual Jenny fashion, travel has not been mundane thus far. It began with a devastating discovery: a white hair, plainly visible among my dark-brown-almost-black hair. It’s only my second-ever white hair (the first was during a particularly stressful period 2 years ago), but it was still enough for this 31-year-old to almost lose her sh*t in the women’s restroom at Terminal 4 of JFK Airport.

I decided to stay positive by telling myself that this must be my body’s way of telling me that this vacation was long overdue.  😉

Then, as I sat in front of my gate playing 7 Little Words, a red alert box popped onto my phone’s screen which screamed, “Tornado Alert!” Seriously? Yep. Gothamist confirms that a tornado touched down in parts of Queens and Brooklyn.

Lastly, when we reached cruising altitude and I eagerly took out my laptop to…well, to do what I’m doing now, it wouldn’t power on.


What kind of scanning machine did the TSA use on my baby?!? Did the shuttle driver mishandle my laptop bag? Oh I will SUE his ass! Is it possible that the plane is giving off some type of radioactive waves that are rendering my laptop useless? Can I find someone in LA to drive me to an Apple Store so someone could take a look at it?

I frantically performed a quick web search via my phone (seriously, how did we ever survive without smartphones?), and after a few minutes of fumbling and cursing under my breath, I was finally able to get my baby to boot up after an SMC reset. Phew.

Here’s to hoping the rest of my vacation goes a bit smoother. 🙂

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Sep 7, 2012  •  In Entertainment, Reviews

BBC’s Sherlock: Must-Watch TV

If you have some time to kill this weekend…

And are looking for some fun, thrilling, intellectual entertainment…

Go watch Sherlock. NOW.

This BBC adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes detective stories is seriously one of the best television shows I’ve watched in a long, long time.

Set in modern London, this brilliant series features Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes, an antisocial and rude genius who describes himself as a “high functioning sociopath.” Martin Freeman plays Dr. John Watson, a former solider who was living a life so mundane that it had bored him to psychosomatic problems…until he met Sherlock, that is. 🙂

While there has only been 6 episodes so far — 2 seasons with 3 episodes each — each episode is 90 minutes long and certainly worth your time.

(The next season won’t air until 2013. J and I are absolutely distraught over the wait.)

J is a HUGE fan of the Sherlock Holmes books and he swears that this is the best adaptation of the crime-fighting, mystery-solving duo he has ever seen. An online review at McMudo’s Camp reads:

As lifelong Holmes fans themselves, the writers showed due reverence to the Canon, yet did a very clever job of adapting it to fit into the 21st Century.

Holmes and Watson are now Sherlock and John and still live at 221B Baker Street. John doesn’t publish their exploits in The Strand Magazine; he writes a blog.

This cutting edge Sherlock has a smart phone permanently attached to his hand, which he consults at lightning speed. Rather than send telegrams, he texts. Rather than publishing articles and “monographs,” he has a website called “The Science of Deduction.”

(The website and John’s blog really do exist online, by the way.)

The Telegraph adds:

Let’s not forget the dialogue, which recalls classic Hollywood films of the 1940s — quickfire, cold and clever. Or the slow-motion fight sequences, lifted from Hong Kong action movies, inserted infrequently enough to remain dazzling.

Just watch this show. DO IT. If you don’t, I won’t be disappointed; I will feel sad for you that your life wasn’t brightened by this incredible show.

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Sep 5, 2012  •  In Depression, Personal, Travel

In a Funk

It’s easy to act happy.

It’s easy to say, “Good!” and paste a smile on your face when someone asks you how you’ve been doing.

It’s easy to get off your ass and do things that are required and/or expected of you.

Heck, it’s even easy to act all chipper and upbeat on your blog, lest a random visitor stops by and decides to check out the first page.

With my youngest this past weekend

But it’s not easy to keep it going.

In fact, it’s utterly draining.

I have my good days, and I have my bad days. And for the last week or so, I have had more bad days than good. I’m not sure exactly why. Is it because the days are getting shorter? Perhaps it’s some sort of chemical imbalance? Do I need to up the dosage of my antidepressants?

For all I know, it could just be a temporary setback.

But there’s no denying that I’ve been in a funk.

Look how big Claire has gotten! I can’t believe my oldest will be turning 2 soon.

This Saturday, I leave for L.A. for a friend’s wedding. J insisted that I take this mini-break by myself while he takes a couple of days off from work to take care of the girls. And as much as I will miss them, I also know that this will be my first vacation since June 2010, when I was still pregnant with Claire and we took our babymoon…and I am in dire need of some R&R — mental as well as physical.

Let’s hope that this dip is, in fact, temporary and that I will feel better soon.

And in case I do I post much rest of the week, or for the duration of my stay in L.A. —

Be sure to keep checking, because I will be hosting two giveaways in the near future!

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Sep 3, 2012  •  In Baby, Cute, Parenting, Touching, Travel

Parenting WIN [Flying with Babies]

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day! We had a fun-packed weekend of parties, cakes, and Korean BBQ. 🙂

For those who traveled this past vacation — especially with babies, no less — here’s a salute to you, and an inspiring story of consideration from the parents of 14-week-old twins.

Yesterday, Redditor gigantomachy uploaded the following photo and captioned it, “Brilliant and thoughtful parents handed these out to everyone on my flight.”

Having previously voiced my opinion on traveling with babies, I can’t help but applaud these parents for their ingenuity and consideration for their fellow passengers. This isn’t to say that all parents who fly with their kids should go a similar route. Rather, those who choose to go the extra mile are sure to be met with smiles and kindness. Heck, if I were on this flight — and the babies were extreme nightmares — I would still be too charmed to complain.

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