Sep 1, 2012  •  In Entertainment, Geek, Video Games, Wishlist

Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Set [I Want!]

Can you believe the Final Fantasy franchise is now 25 years old?!?

In celebration of this iconic anniversary, Square Enix will be releasing the “Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Ultimate Box,” which includes all 13 of the core Final Fantasy games in one marvelous collection.

Here’s the full list of games (notice that Final Fantasy XIV, Final Fantasy X-2, and Final Fantasy XIII-2 were kept out 😛 ).

  • Final Fantasy (PS1, 1 disc)
  • Final Fantasy II (PS1, 1 disc)
  • Final Fantasy III (PSP, 1 disc)
  • Final Fantasy IV (PS1, 1 disc)
  • Final Fantasy V (PS1, 1 disc)
  • Final Fantasy VI (PS1, 1 disc)
  • Final Fantasy VII International (PS1, 4 discs)
  • Final Fantasy VIII (PS1, 4 discs)
  • Final Fantasy IX (PS1, 4 discs)
  • Final Fantasy X (PS2, 1 disc)
  • Final Fantasy XI Vana’diel Collection 2 (PS2, 1 disc)
  • Final Fantasy XII (PS2, 1 disc)
  • Final Fantasy XIII (PS3, 1 disc)

Unfortunately, Square Enix has not ported all the games into one system. 🙁 This means that you would need a PS3, PS2 (which also plays PS1 games), and a PSP to play all 13 games. Continue reading »

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Aug 31, 2012  •  In Geek, Infographics, Information

Which Birth Dates Are Most Common?

Yesterday, I went to go visit a good friend who had just given birth to an adorable baby girl. As I held the newborn in my arms and chatted away with the proud (but tired) mom and dad, I couldn’t help but think about all the other women in my life who had given birth, or is about to give birth, within this 2-3 month period.

I also remembered how this time last year, as I was awaiting the birth of Aerin, I knew no less than five other women who were due within a month of me.

Needless to say, curiosity got the best of me, and as soon as I arrived home and I immediately fired up my laptop to look up common birth months.

And wouldn’t you know it? Just three months ago, NPR data journalist Matt Stiles posted a heavily-circulated (how did I miss it?) infographic of the most common birth dates in the United States.

You can also check out an interactive version of the chart here, where you can actually see the rank of each birth date as you hover over them.

The findings confirmed my suspicions, and what my friends and I have theorized all along. I mean, just LOOK at all those July – September birthdays! It’s plain to see that couples tend to do the deed more often during the colder months. 😉

You can also see that the last few days of December are pretty popular — I can only surmise that this is due to all the c-sections and inductions scheduled before the new year in order to qualify for the year’s tax credits.

Despite the fact that Claire’s birthday (Sept 30) — falls right within the “busy” months, I was still surprised to see that it is ranked an astonishing 13th most popular birth date. Meanwhile, Aerin’s birthday (Nov 1) is ranked 233rd, J’s (Jan 27) 262nd, and mine (Dec 7) 284th.

And the least popular birth date of the year? That would be Christmas Day, if you discount February 29th.

How does your birth date measure up? Are you surprised by the results?

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Aug 30, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Logos/Branding, Movies, Photography

Fashion on the Big Screen: Guess the Films!

Would you be able to recognize famous movies just based on clothes and accessories? French magazine Sport & Style has put this to the test with an editorial spread titled La Mode en Grand Écran, or Fashion on the Big Screen. Each photograph, taken by Candice Milon, features neatly laid out ensembles from some of the world’s most beloved cult films.

Can you guess them all? (I had some trouble with the older films!)

Back to the Future Continue reading »

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Aug 29, 2012  •  In Personal, Relationships

Friends in Memories

What was the strangest way you’ve met a friend?

For me, it was during the spring semester of my freshmen year in college. I was at a shuttle stop, patiently waiting for the bus to appear, when a strange boy approached me.

“Excuse me, are you Jenny?”


“Is your AIM screenname B________?”

“Yes…how do you know this?”

“I see you on all my friends’ Buddy Lists! I always ask them who it is, and they say, ‘Oh that’s Jenny.’ They’ve shown me pictures of you, but I had never met you in person. Oh! I’m Eric, by the way.”

It turned out that we were headed for the same destination, so we sat next to each other on the shuttle bus and chatted the entire way.

We discovered that we had more than mutual friends in common. We had similar interests, and we even shared a class that semester! (It was a very large class in a lecture hall, so we hadn’t noticed each other.) Not only had I made a new friend, I had also gained a study buddy.

One of the many regular game and beer nights I used to host back in my school days.
(Faces blurred to protect privacies, as I am no longer close to most of these people.) 

People have always told me that it becomes much more difficult to meet new people after you leave school. Be it lack of time, new obligations and priorities, less opportunities to attend social gatherings, or even just plain laziness! I, for one, know that I have fallen victim to the pressures of adulthood and became became more focused on my career and family as my circle of friends ceased growing…and eventually began to shrink.

And if Eric approached me today, using those same words? I probably would pass him over as a creep, as my cynicism and distrust have both magnified over the years.

To be completely honest, I can’t remember the last time I met a new friend. Acquaintances, definitely. But people I count as good friends? No.

I’m not entirely sure what the point of this post is. All I know is that I recently saw, via Facebook, that Eric had gotten married and I thought back to the first time we had met. How we hadn’t spoken to each other in years, and how so many people I once considered good friends are now merely social network buddies who share major life events through semi-public — in other words, impersonal — announcements and pictures.

But surely I am not the only one who has noticed this trend with each passing year.

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Aug 28, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Marketing/Advertising, Photography

Swarovski’s Zodiac Goddesses

I’m not one for zodiacs, but I couldn’t resist sharing these exquisite photos from a German issue of Vogue. What an alluring way to promote your brand!

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Aug 28, 2012  •  In Blogging, Geek, Tutorials, Web, WordPress

How to Manually Add Social Media Buttons to the Bottom of Each WordPress Post

Ever since I unveiled my latest blog design, I have received more than a few messages from those who are curious about the social media buttons at the end of each post.

Not sure what I’m talking about? This is what they look like:

(I should also note that when you mouseover each button, it will change colors via a nifty transition effect. Go see for yourself! 😉 )

Now, I know that there exist tons of WordPress plugins for sharing posts. But I also know that oftentimes, these plugins can slow down a site, and/or not have enough customization options for you to display exactly what you want and how you want it.

And this is precisely why I chose to create my own social media buttons, from their designs to their codes…and in this post I will show you how to manually insert your own social media links/buttons to your WordPress theme!

I currently have Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Pinterest set up under each post. Here is the code I used for my Facebook button:

<a href=”<?php the_permalink();?>&t=<?php the_title(); ?>” alt=”Share on Facebook” title=”Share on Facebook” target=”_blank”>Facebook</a>

The words in green can be changed to your needs. (To see the difference between alt and title tags, see here.)

As for the word in purple? This is the actual “Share on Facebook” button. In the code above, I have it so that only the word “Facebook” appears, but you can change that to an alternative text or even an image.

Here is the code you should insert into your theme for a Google+ button:

<a href=”<?php the_permalink() ?>” alt=”Share on Google+” title=”Share on Google+” target=”_blank”>Google+</a>

The same green and purple words apply here.

Now, for the Twitter button:

<a href=”<?php the_title(); ?> -&url=<?php the_permalink() ?>&via=geekinheels” alt=”Tweet This Post” title=”Tweet This Post” target=”_blank”>Twitter</a>

Once again, the green and purple words represent customizable elements. But what about the pink words? This little snippet ensure that a “via @geekinheels” appears at the end of the tweet. You can leave it out if you’d like. 🙂

Lastly, the Pinterest button:

<a href=”javascript:void((function(){var%20e=document.createElement(‘script’); e.setAttribute(‘type’,’text/javascript’); e.setAttribute(‘charset’,’UTF-8′); e.setAttribute(‘src’,’’+Math.random()*99999999);document.body.appendChild(e)})());” alt=”Pin This Post” title=”Pin This Post” target=”_blank”>Pinterest</a>

The Pinterest button is a bit different from the others. If you click on the Facebook, Google+, or Twitter button, you will be prompted to share the post directly above it. However, if you click on the Pinterest button, you will be prompted to share the page that you are currently on.

How does this create a problem? Let’s say that you have multiple posts on your front page, and a visitor wants to pin one of those posts. But because the contents of your front page will change as you add/delete posts, the URL of the pin may no longer work a few days from now.

Check it out for yourselves. When you click on any of the Pinterest buttons on my front page, you can see that all of the images from the front page can be pinned, and not just the images from the intended post.

The good news is that if the reader clicks on the Pinterest button from an individual post’s page (which is what happens in most cases), the correct URL will be linked. 

Still not loving this solution? There is a workaround to this problem, but it also requires a compromise. The alternate method — which will share the permalink of the intended post and not the current URL — can be found at WPBeginner, but this technique pre-chooses the image to be pinned. In other words, the code dictates that the post’s featured image will be pinned, so if the post contains multiple images the reader has no control over which image gets to be pinned.

I prefer that the reader has a choice, so I chose the first method. But of course you are welcome to choose whichever suits your needs best. 🙂

(Why the messy workarounds? Pinterest has yet to release their API, so we are not yet able to have full control over that codes and apps that incorporate this ubiquitous sharing site.) 

I hope this was helpful! Please comment below, or shoot me a message if you have any questions.

And if anyone would like to see other social media buttons added to the bottom of my posts, please let me know!

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Aug 27, 2012  •  In Beauty, Shopping, Web

The Modern Wardrobes of Disney Princesses

What would our favorite Disney princesses be donning if they lived in our modern world? Sydney Emerson of Polyvore ponders this question in this collection of style collages.

What do you think? I especially love Snow White and Ariel’s!

Continue reading »

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Aug 27, 2012  •  In Aerin, Claire, Motherhood, Parenting, Personal

Kicked in the Chest

Yesterday, I experienced one of the deepest disappointments in my experience of motherhood thus far.

Yesterday, Claire got physically violent toward her younger sister.

Aerin was trying to climb onto Claire’s chair — the seat she practically considers to be her throne — and Claire expectedly became upset. She then proceeded to KICK Aerin.

It wasn’t so bad. It was more of a slow shove with the foot than an actual kick, and I was right behind Aerin so she fell into my lap. Aerin seemed unfazed by the event and went about as if nothing had happened.

But while the kick/shove did not cause any physical harm to my younger daughter, I felt as if I had been kicked in the chest.

J and I immediately took action.

“No! You do not kick your sister! You never hit another person!”

We’re not entirely sure if the message went through to her. She certainly seemed downcast after the reprimand, but it was hard to tell if she was thinking about her wrongdoing, or if she was angry at us for defending Aerin.

Enjoying a day at the park with halmeh

Motherhood is full of “firsts.” The first tooth. The first steps. The first day of school.

What I hadn’t realized is that I should also brace myself for the unanticipated, and oftentimes unwanted, firsts as well. The first fever. The first knee scrape. The first tantrum.

And in this case, the first time I have been disappointed in my child.

I know that at 22 months of age, Claire cannot be fully held accountable for her actions and deeds. And as her mother, as her primary caretaker as well as the person she loves and looks up to the most, I can’t help but wonder if I had failed in some way.

These are all normal mommy experiences and feelings, to be sure. But man, if only kids came with instruction manuals…

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Aug 26, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Baby, Funny

The Hispter Alphabet

Illustrator Emma Cook has designed a set of alphabet flash cards for the next generation of hipsters. I personally would have used NPR for the letter N, but I’m loving every other example. 🙂 Can you think of better alternatives for any of the letters?

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Aug 25, 2012  •  In Books, Funny, Geek

How Lord Voldemort Got His Name

So. Many. Dildos.


Via I Waste So Much Time.

P.S. — Is anyone else as excited as me for J.K. Rowling’s first adult novel, The Casual Vacancy? I’ve already pre-ordered my copy!

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