Jun 21, 2012  •  In Entertainment, Geek, Infographics, Movies, Personal

A Handy Vampire Hunter Comparison Chart

Sorry for the lack of posts as of late. Just as Claire got better from her cold, I caught it…and managed to pass it on to Aerin as well. 🙁

The good news? J’s parents gave me some Chinese cough medicine that made me feel infinitely better. Only when I looked at the label did I realize that the main ingredient is opium! No wonder I felt so good!

Today was the first day that I felt pretty decent, so I managed to get my butt to a hot yoga class. I definitely overdid it — not having had been to class in two weeks, in addition to my not still being 100% better — led me to feel dizzy and disoriented after class. Then I got the unmistakable taste of bile in my throat…and managed to make it to the bathroom just in time to throw up.

This was the first time since high school when I had thrown up after exercising. But you know what? I felt a lot better after the act, and cheerfully rinsed my mouth out and drove myself home without any problems.

Anyway, enough about my mundane life. Let’s get to the meat of the post. I saw this handy vampire hunter comparison chart earlier today and I knew that I had to share it:

(image source)

You gotta love the last column. 😉 I hope your week is going better than mine!

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Jun 19, 2012  •  In Gadgets, Geek, Personal

Intrigued by the Microsoft Surface…

So this was announced yesterday:

(image source)

As someone who vastly prefers physical keyboards to those on touchscreens, I can’t help but show some interest in the new Microsoft Surface.

And as much as J and I love Apple computers, we aren’t fans of iOS due to its restrictive platform. Both of us own Android phones. As for a tablet, I gifted J the Asus Transformer Prime 2 for his birthday earlier this year (this is one of my proudest accomplishments as a blogger — I saved up money earned from this blog to get this for him…and I have you to thank!) and we both love it for its design, versatility, and the optional keyboard dock.

(image source)

Full details on the Microsoft Surface are not yet available — even the release date and pricing still remain mysteries — but the early hands-on reviews sound promising. And as much as reviewers compare the Surface to the iPad, Microsoft reps tell us that the main difference between the two is that the Surface is meant to replace your primary computer, while the iPad complements it.

What are your thoughts on the new Microsoft Surface? Are you as intrigued by it as I am?

If you want to learn more about the Surface, you can go watch a video of the announcement here. Or, if you prefer, you can watch the 90-second cut over at Gizmodo.

ETA: Apparently, another tablet will soon join the race. Blogs are reporting that the Google Nexus Tablet will be announced next week.

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Jun 17, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Entertainment, Geek

X-Men Guernica by *Theamat

Artist Cynthia Rodgers has created a reinterpretation of Picasso’s Guernica, featuring none other than our favorite mutants — the X-Men!

Can you identify them all?

This piece was submitted to the Comic Book Resources contest The Line Is Drawn, where contributors were asked to imagine radical re-designs for classic comic book characters. Be sure to head on over to the link to see the other reinterpretations.

Via io9.

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Jun 16, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Blogging, Personal

New Layout!

I know many of you read this blog through an RSS reader, but if you have a moment, click on through to see my new layout!

(If you view the site via Internet Explorer, you might miss out on some CSS hover transition effects!)

Some of the new features I have implemented include:

  • Front page only displays excerpts for long posts
  • “Pin This Post” at the bottom of each post
  • Links to the previous and next posts on individual post pages
  • …and many more little things here and there

Having had run low on the creative juice, I based this new layout around the Noxon WordPress Theme (in case you’re wondering, yes I purchased it) and made some adjustments to my liking, in addition to considerably cutting down the theme’s file size. The original looks a lot nicer, but this is just a personal blog and I don’t need all the bells and whistles.

I am still working out some browser inconsistencies (IE will be the death of me), but I’m pretty much done and satisfied with the result.  😎

What do you guys think of the new design? Do you like it? Does it look okay on your browser?

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Jun 13, 2012  •  In Aerin, Claire, Depression, Motherhood, Personal

Depression and Motherhood

The thing about depression is that nobody can really understand how you feel unless they have been through it themselves. And even then, their experiences could be completely different from yours.

When I first wrote of my current struggle with depression, I got the feeling that a few commenters believed the condition to have suddenly come over me one day. Or even over a span of weeks. But the truth of the matter is that I have been down for months now, and what probably precipitated my meltdown was my neck injury; I was no longer physically able to stay strong.

It is no secret that I have been treated for depression in the past — in my early twenties, to be exact — but this current bout seems worse. It is not because I am feeling more blue than the last time, but because I have two little girls who depend on me. And any idiot knows that overcoming an obstacle becomes so much more difficult when you can’t put yourself first.

Take the past couple of weeks, for example.

Aerin has been a horror at night, waking up practically every two hours, screaming, because she is in so much discomfort from teething. Not only are both J and I horribly sleep-deprived as a result, poor Claire has been suffering too.

(The girls now sleep in the same bedroom. When Aerin sleeps well — meaning waking up once or twice a night — Claire can sleep through her little sister’s wakings. But 5-6x a night? Even the deepest sleeper would have trouble.)

Then, last Friday, Claire got sick. She had a fever of 103.4° and went on a vomiting spree. Luckily, her illness lasted only a couple of days, but your own health and sanity needs to take a back seat when your child is crying inconsolably and throwing up all over herself and you.

With her immune system down, Claire got sick again today with a slight fever (100°), coughing, and runny nose. She kept rubbing her right ear and as soon as I took her to the doctor, my suspicions were confirmed: an ear infection.

The upside to Claire being sick is that she becomes extra clingy — even to
her dad, with whom she normally doesn’t like to cuddle.

I am not writing of these events to complain about the crappy month of June we have been having. Every parent goes through sleepless nights and sick children. (And I know I should consider ourselves lucky because this is only the third time that Claire has been sick since she was born.)

Rather, I am attempting to illustrate for you how I have managed to keep on going, and masked my condition all this time. It is because of my husband and our two little girls; I had to stay strong for them.

On my second session with my therapist, she had me do an exercise in which I imagine a nurturer. Anyone in my life — real, fictional, dead, or alive — whom I can trust and depend on to love me and nurture me.

As soon as I had the person in mind and imagined her holding me close and telling me that everything is going to be okay, the tears started flowing.

It was because it had been so long since someone had taken care of me.

The current status of my condition is that I am feeling somewhat better, but I have my good days and bad days. It will be a long journey, and I thank you all for being there for the ride.

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Jun 11, 2012  •  In Aerin, Claire, Motherhood, Personal

A Semi-Lazy Post [An Update in Pictures]

Our family is exhausted. Little Aerin is teething — and has been for the past 1.5 months — and she has been extra cranky, in addition to waking up 4-6x a night. Claire’s first teeth sprouted just before she turned 7 months old; Aerin is now 7.5 months old and those pearly whites have yet to appear. Why oh why can’t our children be one of those who exhibit little to no signs of teething?

J and I tell our friends that we can’t remember much from the time period when Claire was 4-9 months old because IT WAS THAT HARD. We seem to have blocked everything from our memory banks. We can only hope that Aerin’s roughest patch will pass soon too.

I realized I haven’t talked much about my girls in a while, so I decided to do a post full of pictures and brief updates, starting from before my neck injury which was more than 2 months ago!

Here we go…

I have mentioned in the past that Claire treats her giraffe like it’s her own baby. (When we ask her, “Where’s the baby?” she will point to Aerin, then the giraffe.) When Claire started to place the giraffe in the stroller as well, we brought out a walker which features a basket and instructed her to try using that instead. And just as we expected, she LOVED it!

I immediately decided that a doll stroller was in order and got a $15 one on Amazon. We were able to bring it over to my parents’ during our stay there, and Claire got some good use out of it. (Just in case you’re wondering, yes, she insists on strapping it in securely before each ride.) Continue reading »

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Jun 6, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Food

Stately Sandwiches

Here’s one for all the foodies — as well as those who have deep connections to their home states.

The Stately Sandwiches Project, started by design student Kelly Pratt, seeks to choose a sandwich that represents each of the 50 states.

It will be quite a delicious journey across the US. Before I make each sandwich I do research on the Internet, call local sandwich shops, ask foodies on twitter and check out a few books to be sure I do my best to properly represent a state.

So far, the project is only 12 states in, but Ms. Pratt has done a beautiful job of choosing, deconstructing, and photographing each sandwich on the list. Check them out below!

California: Powerhouse
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Jun 5, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Cute, Entertainment, Funny, Movies

Pocket Princesses [Cute and Hilarious Comics featuring Disney’s Princesses]

I am LOVING these comics by Amy Mebberson. Titled Pocket Princesses, this whimsical series features the day-to-day lives of Disney heroines as they attempt to live with each other, out here in the real world.

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Jun 4, 2012  •  In Funny, Personal, Web

How I Got on Huffington Post (No, Not the Way You Think)

Earlier today a friend sent me the following screenshot:

I have blacked out his company name from the screenshot to respect his privacy.

Can you see the problem? Let’s try zooming in a bit further…

I couldn’t see anything wrong with the ad either, until I read the information on the picture of the NJ Driver License. Continue reading »

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Jun 3, 2012  •  In Entertainment, Funny, Personal

‘Mad Men’ Prototype Barbie Dolls

I confess that when I watched the first season of Mad Men, I couldn’t understand what the big hype was about. Sure, the costumes were spectacular and nostalgia for this era was understandable, but I believed the plot and storyline were a bit too dry for my taste.

But I kept watching, and boy, am I glad I did.

Because each season has been better than the last. Because this season has featured some of the best television I have ever seen. And because each episode continues to blow me away.

Sadly, there are only two episodes left in Season 5. But true fans can continue to regale themselves with fan-created tributes — online and in the real world (though I was not impressed by Banana Republic’s Mad Men collections). And I believe that this series of photographs, by Michael Williams of My Life in Plastic, are some of the best I’ve seen yet:

(Warning: these contain spoilers from Season 5!)

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