Apr 8, 2012  •  In Christianity, Reverent Sundays

Reverent Sundays: “The Power of the Cross”

Happy Easter!

I consider Easter, not Christmas, to be the most important holiday in my calendar. My old youth pastor who inspired this shift in thinking had told me, “Yes, Christ’s birth is to be celebrated…but Christianity in its entirety not have existed without His resurrection!”

Today I would like to share with you one of my favorite Cross-themed songs: “The Power of the Cross” — written by Keith Getty and performed by Stuart Townend. I have also included the lyrics below the embedded video.

Oh, to see the dawn
Of the darkest day:
Christ on the road to Calvary.
Tried by sinful men,
Torn and beaten, then
Nailed to a cross of wood.

This, the power of the cross:
Christ became sin for us.
Took the blame, bore the wrath—
We stand forgiven at the cross.

Oh, to see the pain
Written on Your face,
Bearing the awesome weight of sin.
Every bitter thought,
Every evil deed
Crowning Your bloodstained brow.

Now the daylight flees,
Now the ground beneath
Quakes as its Maker bows His head.
Curtain torn in two,
Dead are raised to life;
“Finished!” the victory cry.

Oh, to see my name
Written in the wounds,
For through Your suffering I am free.
Death is crushed to death,
Life is mine to live,
Won through Your selfless love.

This, the power of the cross:
Son of God—slain for us.
What a love! What a cost!
We stand forgiven at the cross.

Happy Easter once again! Rejoice, for Jesus has defeated sin!

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Apr 6, 2012  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Home, Motherhood, Personal

A Day in the Life… (Part Two)

Welcome to the second half of my “Day in the Life” with a 18-month-old and a 5-month-old. You can go here to read the first half. When we left off, the girls were both napping while I was enjoying some alone time…

1:45pm: Both girls wake up from their nap at the same time! (This is very unusual.) However, I must note that Aerin did not sleep the whole way through — she woke up a couple of times, but I could tell that she would be able to sleep more if I let her, so I just popped the pacifier back into her mouth, turned on the mobile, and left the room. And both times, she had fallen back asleep after a few minutes of fussing.

(I would also like to say that Claire’s nap usually lasts 1.5 hours. Everyone told me that when your child transitions from 2 to 1 nap per day, he/she will sleep 2.5-3 hours…yeah, that did NOT happen with us. She’s always been a crappy napper, so I can’t say that I didn’t expect it.)

When both girls wake up at the same time, I usually go tend to the one that is crying first. (If both are crying? I go to Claire first, because they say that you should always go to the older child first in cases like these.) This time, Aerin is full-on crying while Claire is just babbling, so I go to the littler one first. I change her diaper and lay her on the playmat while I go to Claire. I change Claire and bring her out to the playmat too. Aerin doesn’t seem that hungry yet, so I leave her on the mat so that she can continue playing with her feet while I start feeding Claire. She finishes half a bowl of the seaweed porridge and a third of the sweet potato.

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Apr 5, 2012  •  In Blogging, Bloggy Thursdays, Finance, Personal

Bloggy Thursdays: (Not) Raking in the Moolah

Welcome to this installment of Bloggy Thursdays, where I share with my fellow bloggers tips and tutorials to maximize and better your blog. While I do not consider myself an expert, I do like to think that after 10+ years of blogging — in addition to my technical knowledge — I know more than the average blogger when it comes to making your blog more appealing to readers.

Do you have any comments, questions, or topics you’d like to see covered here? Please send me a message via my contact form. Enjoy!

Today’s Bloggy Thursdays will not feature a tip. Rather, it will answer a question…

The second most popular question I get asked about blogging is: “How much money do you make from blogging?”

Last August, I had posted my revenue from the first month of monetizing this blog. (If you are too lazy to click over, the figure was $307.24.) The sum should have gone way up since then, right?


Well, not entirely. The actual answer is more complicated than that. Because, in a nutshell, life happens. Page views will not always go up. Advertisers will come and go. Your life outside of blogging may make an unexpected turn and you may not have the time or resources to devote to your blog as you did before.

What good is a blog post about making money from blogging without a clichéd picture
to accompany it? Continue reading »

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Apr 4, 2012  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Home, Motherhood, Personal

A Day in the Life… (Part One)

Ever since I became a mother of “two under two,” I have received a few requests for a “Day in the Life” post, detailing what a typical day is like for me.

Better late than never, right? 😉

This post chronicles the first half of Monday, April 2, 2012. Claire had just turned 18 months old, and Aerin 5 months.

(Please excuse the poor quality of some of these pictures as they were all taken with my phone and I usually only had one chance to get a shot!)

6:54am: Aerin wakes up, which means that I must also get up for the day. I keep her sound machine on so that there is less chance of our waking J, and quietly change, feed, and play with her, waiting for the rest of our family to awake.

8:15am: Claire wakes up. She usually wakes up between 7 and 7:30, so she’s slept in a bit today. I leave Aerin in the Bumbo on the floor of our living room while I prepare Claire’s morning bottle (yes, we know we should wean her from this) and go say hi to my firstborn. She giggles when she sees me and throws her arms up so that I will pick her up. I change her while she drinks her milk.

8:20am: J wakes up. He takes over for a bit while I brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I entertain the girls while he gets ready for work.

8:45am: J leaves for work. Claire calls out “Bai!” while waving a hand.

9:00am: It is time for Aerin’s first nap. I turn on Ni Hao Kai-Lan on Amazon Instant Video (we have a computer hooked up to our TV) so that Claire can sit still while I put Aerin down. Luckily, it only takes 5 minutes for Aerin to fall asleep.

9:05am: I prepare breakfast for Claire and I: scrambled eggs and yogurt. I also make a cup of coffee for myself, and we eat — or rather, I eat and feed Claire— while sitting cross-legged on the playmat while watching Kai-Lan solve yet another problem her friends have caused. (Rintoo is a jerk, Tolee is a wuss, and Hoho is just plain annoying.) When we’re finished eating, I continue to keep her entertained with books, toys, and stickers.

9:50am: Aerin wakes up. I give Claire some Korean shrimp-flavored crackers to munch on while I go tend to the youngest member of our family with a diaper change and a bottle.

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Cool Tool Tuesdays: Camera360

Welcome to today’s installment of Cool Tool Tuesdays, where I feature a favorite item from my life and spotlight it so that others who are not familiar with the product may also benefit from it. A cool tool can be any book, gadget, software, hardware, material, or website that I have personally tried and love.

Do you have any questions about today’s cool tool? Would you like an item featured in the future? Please leave a comment to this post, or send me a message via my contact form. Enjoy!

Do you know any iPhone users from our generation who do not use Instagram? Because I don’t.

Ever since its launch back in 2010, Instagram quickly became one of the most popular photo-editing and photo-sharing services for mobile devices. And while the company has recently announced that an Android version will be released “very soon,” Android users have been without the ubiquitous app for years.

I considered doing a round-up of all the best Instagram alternatives for Android, but I didn’t want to insult the intelligence of my readers.

Instead, I’ve decided to highlight my personal favorite photo app for Android: Camera360.

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Apr 2, 2012  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Motherhood, Parenting, Personal

More Difficult Than Twins

The first few weeks without J’s parents weren’t too bad. I really thought that I could do this.

But in the past week, Claire has started to act up.

My parents think that it’s because up until now, Aerin was still a young infant — just kind of there, taking up room and requiring only the most basic needs met. But now that she is really starting to become interactive, not only demanding more of my attention but also garnering more from others as well with her smiling, cooing demeanor, Claire has begun to take notice.

And she does not like it.

Before, she wouldn’t mind if Aerin would play with her toys or her old baby products. She wouldn’t mind to see Aerin strapped to my chest, just as long as I was still paying attention to her too.

But now, she cries when she sees Aerin lying in her old activity gym. She demands to have Sophie back (even though she has never taken much interest in the popular teething toy). And whenever she sees me with Aerin in the Bjorn? She will whine for me to pick her up too.

She has even begun to hit me and her little sister!

This was what was the most upsetting out of the numerous things that went wrong last week: knowing that Claire — now a year and a half years old and at a stage where she requires much love and attention to thrive and be happy — is not receiving nearly as much care as she deserves.

There is also the fact that Aerin, who is now 5 months of age, needs a lot more from her caretaker(s) as well.

J and I have decided that I need help. But finding a part-time nanny to lend me a hand will also require a lot of work on my part, which I am already reluctant to do because I am so. Damn. Tired. ALL. THE. TIME. Continue reading »

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Mar 31, 2012  •  In Baby, Motherhood, Personal

Why, Yes. I *Do* Feel Like an Asshat!

As stated in my last post, this past week has been a whirlwind of sh*tstorms. Suffice it to say that the past few days have probably have been my most trying as a mother of two. Maybe I’ll write about the events that transpired in a future post, but there is a chance that I may need to erase from my memory banks these occurrences and my resulting feelings and reactions from them — and leaving them written out on a public blog may not be the best way to go about accomplishing this goal.

I have recently re-read Tina Fey’s Bossypants because it is a quick and funny read that does not require much thinking. I laughed out loud as I read the below passage:

I learned how long a morning can be. If you’re at work at 5:30 A.M., five hours go by and it is 10:30 in the morning. (I didn’t experience that again until I had a newborn baby. It does make you feel like an asshat for all those college years when you slept until 12:45.)

My mother told me yesterday that my life will never be as comfortable as it was when I was in college. I disagree, because I hated school and I hate being dependent on others — even my own parents at that young age — for money. For me, it was better when we were DINKs (double income, no kids), because at least we could sleep in on weekends and our combined income which supported two people was more than what J’s single income now supports for four.

But having less (in time, money, and other luxuries) does make me so much more appreciative of the little things; I am so much more thankful for what I do have, as well as what I had. For instance, I can’t believe I used to b*tch about getting “only” 5 hours of sleep the night before. Or spending $700 for a wallet and not batting an eye when a $100 handbag seems like such a luxury now. Continue reading »

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Mar 29, 2012  •  In Claire, Cute, Funny, Motherhood, Personal

Mommy’s Diapers

After a visit to the grocery store to stock up on feminine supplies, I had my back turned for 5 seconds while taking Aerin’s jacket off and Claire got ahold of my box of Always Overnights with Wings.

(The rule of thumb with toddlers is that they will cause the most mischief when you have your back turned for 2-5 seconds — no more, no less. Like last night, when Claire tried to get into the tub by herself during bath time and FELL IN HEAD FIRST into the almost-full, soapy tub with all her clothes still on and her stuffed giraffe in her hands. Trying to calm down a hysterically crying toddler — a soaking wet, hysterically crying toddler, while she clutches her dripping-wet, now-weighing-5-pounds stuffed animal in her arms, was the highlight of the week.)

Claire’s personality is like mine in that she has trouble letting things go. As such, I have found that if she becomes fascinated by something she shouldn’t be playing with — like my menstrual supplies — it is better for me to show her how BORING and UNEXCITING the object in question is so that her curiosity will be satisfied and I will not have to deal with a tantrum when I eventually take it away.

So per my usual fashion, I unwrapped one of the pads and showed her what it is, flipping it front to back so that she could examine it, saying stuff like, “Oh, this is not fun. It’s so white and plain! Mommy’s bored with it already. Mommy’s going to go play with that toy over there now.”

And because she is such a bright, curious girl, I like to tell her what the objects are for, too. So in this case —

“These are mommy’s diapers. Just like the diapers that you and your little sister wear…”

I was planning to go on by saying, “But yours are so much prettier! This is nothing special.” when I saw a lightbulb switch on in her head.

And she immediately grabbed the pad from me and stuck it on my butt.

I wish I could have taken a picture of me standing there, mouth hanging open with a pad stuck to the butt of my pants, but before I could make a move she ripped it off and stuck it on her butt. And, as expected, she left to go check herself out in the mirror.

I did, however, manage to get a very blurry shot of her coming out of her room, the pad in question now in her hands:

Unless we’re going out, I usually keep the girls in the PJs the entire day.
(The grocery store doesn’t count, because I walk there and we go practically
every day.) Don’t judge — they’re too young to care and it cuts down on
laundry as well as the need to buy more clothes.

P.S. — I will return to my regular blogging schedule next week. This week has just been…a whirlwind of sh*tstorms.

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Mar 28, 2012  •  In Blogging, Personal


I have been forced to take a short break from blogging due to the horrible migraines I have been experiencing in the past couple of days. I am almost certain that my migraines are hormonal, as I have never gotten one before I got pregnant but regularly suffered them through both pregnancies. And now that I am no longer pregnant, I only get them when I am PMSing.

(Apparently, hormones can play a big role in headaches and migraines. I know this because the interwebz has told me so.)

My migraines — like practically all other physical ailments — are exacerbated by fatigue and lack of sleep. And hey, guess what! I have a 4-month-old and a 17-month-old and I think that the last time I got a good night’s sleep was when I was still pregnant with Claire!

From past experience, the best way to deal with my migraines is to lie in a quiet, dark room with a cold towel over my eyes. Obviously I can’t do this in my current situation, so I just keep popping my Butalbital-APAP-Caffeine pills because they help me to at least get through the day.

I can’t remember the last time I this anxious to get my period.

P.S. — Today is the last day to enter my “My Little Geek” ABC Book Giveaway!

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Mar 26, 2012  •  In Aerin, Baby, Parenting, Personal

Sleep-Training Aerin

I am by no means an expert on baby sleep, but the (very) general sleep pattern that my girls seemed to have followed is:

  • 0 to 2 months old: sleeps most of the day, but also wakes up often. She is still getting used to being outside of the womb.
  • 2 to 4 months old: the sleepy newborn stage. She is finally used to the outside world and is “resting” from the trauma of birth. (Did you know that oftentimes, being born is much more difficult than giving birth? Think about how traumatizing it must be for the little guys!)
  • 4 months onward: sleep goes to crap again, otherwise known as the 4-month sleep regression. She is starting to discover the world and is simply overwhelmed.

We sleep-trained Claire at 4.5 months because not only were we, as her parents, dead-tired and cranky, she was also miserable from the lack of sleep. Getting her from waking up 5-6x per night to 3x a night took about a week, and getting her to nap more than 20-30 minutes at a time took about two months. I used Dr. Weissbluth’s extinction method in both cases, and while sleep-training was one of the toughest things I did as a parent, I also believe that it was also one of the most worthwhile — Claire is such a happier child when she is well-rested!

With Aerin being a more laid-back, happier baby who slept better than Claire from the get-go, we had been hoping that we wouldn’t need to sleep-train her. And as she neared 4 months of age, I kept my fingers crossed that she would skip the dreaded 4-month sleep regression (as some babies do)…

But no such luck. Aerin’s sleep regression hit a couple of weeks before she turned 4 months old, and it progressively got worse. At one point, she was waking up every hour! She also seemed to have the same trouble that Claire had with naps, waking up just 20-30 minutes into her nap just as the deeper, more restful sleep cycle begins. Continue reading »

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