Dec 9, 2011  •  In Entertainment, Personal, Relationships

The First Kiss

I always have a television show on queue to watch whenever I get some downtime and need to zone out, or when I am having trouble falling asleep.

And these days, that show has been The Wonder Years.

(image source)

(Never watched The Wonder Years? Go do it now. It’s on Netflix streaming!)

I have watched and enjoyed the entire series when it first aired between 1988-1993, and re-watching it now, twenty-or-so years later, I still love it the same for its nostalgia, sentimentality, humor, and ageless themes of love, friendships, and family.

I have rooted for Kevin and Winnie as a couple since I watched my very first episode, and remember being sorely disappointed to discover that, on the very last episode, they ultimately do not end up together. 🙁

But nevermind that. Because their relationship is one that spans the entire six seasons of this classic drama. It is one that started as childhood sweethearts — one that you can’t help but want to see work for its feel-good values.

(image source)

It is one that started with a first kiss at the age of 12, which seems to be about the average age at which most of my friends experienced their first kisses too. An age when holding hands in the hallways at school was the most that couples did, and even the mere mention of going past “first base” would be met with astonishment.

(Yes, I know that things are different now, that many kids are already having sex at the age of 12. But bear with me here as I take a trip down nostalgia lane…)

However, I am saddened to say that this wasn’t the case with me.

My first kiss was not until the age of 17. With a boy who charmed me probably just to get in a make-out session, who cut off contact with me not soon after.

(But I have to admit that he was damn cute. 😉  A young boy whom I had met at the mall where I worked, he looked like the Filipino version of a young Robert Downey Jr.)

And because my first kiss arrived so late, at an age when many of my friends had progressed way past the kissing-only stage while some had even lost their virginities —

At an age when even an ounce of child-like innocence was long gone —

I am sorry to say that I never experienced this puppy love phase. This “Kevin and Winnie” phase.

Sometimes I look back and become sad that I never did. I almost feel like I missed out on an integral phase of childhood/early teenage years.

But at the same time, I am glad that I didn’t have a relationship to distract me from my overly ambitious studies and extracurricular activities, because otherwise, I probably wouldn’t have been able to have gone to a good school.

How about you? When was your first kiss? Did you have a childhood sweetheart?

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Dec 8, 2011  •  In Apple, Funny, Gadgets, Geek

Siri Now Tries Too Hard to Help People Get Abortions

Regardless of your stance on abortion, you can’t deny that these mock-ups, created in response to the reports of the iPhone 4S digital assistant’s inability to find abortion clinics, are pretty damn funny. 🙂

Via Happy Place.

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Dec 7, 2011  •  In Aerin, Motherhood, Parenting, Personal


On the eve of my thirty-first birthday, I wished that Aerin would go to bed easily for the night and stay asleep for at least three hours.

But her witching hour had seemed to shift forward by about 3 hours. For at around 9pm, she became a whiny, crying, cranky mess…

And stayed that way until exactly 11:59pm —

When she projectile-vomited all over herself and our bed.  😥

Happy birthday, mommy.

I didn’t even know her little stomach could hold that much.

My husband and I ended up spending the first moments of my 31st birthday cleaning up our second child, ripping off our sheets and loading up the washer so that nothing stains, unsuccessfully looking for clean sheets (we currently only have dirty ones in the house as we’ve just changed our sheets), giving up, and resorting to sleeping on the bare mattress.

Oh, and trying to put Aerin to sleep once more. She’s still not asleep. I am typing this as she lies awake, eyes wide-open, seemingly content for the time being on the swing.

The mini-cupcakes that J had surprised me with earlier in the night, minus the birthday
candle and minus one cupcake (which was in my tummy when this picture was taken).
Fact: this was the very first time in the history of our 8-year relationship that he was able
to surprise me. I was so proud of him! 

My thirtieth year on this earth was the most trying year of my life.

It also held some of the most memorable, and joyous occasions.

Parenthood will do that to you; didn’t you hear? 😉

If anything — with two kids just 13 months apart — I expect this year this to have even lower lows.

But I am hoping, and praying, for higher highs as well.

Happy birthday to me.

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Dec 6, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Marketing/Advertising, NYC

Tiffany & Co.’s Spectacular Winter Window Display

In my pre-baby days, when I worked full-time as a marketing coordinator, my office was just one block from the famed Macy’s in Herald Square. Sure, I hated the extra tourist traffic and the madness that ensued every holiday season, but I sure loved peeking at its beautiful window displays with each passing month.

I also remember hopping on the subway on my lunch break during the holiday season in order to take a short stroll down midtown Fifth Avenue — where all the luxury stores reside — so that I can check out their fantastic window displays while munching on a bag of roasted chestnuts.

(In an alternate life I would have liked to be a store window display decorator. In a city like New York where there exist occupations for practically anything you can imagine, I know that such jobs are out there but are few and far between, and are only available to the best of the elite. I’m pretty certain that my creativity would be far outstripped by the masters of the field, but hey, I can dream, right? ;-))

Every year the stores seem to outdo themselves, and this year was no exception. Just take a look at  Bergdorf Goodman’s wild windows, or Saks Fifth Avenue’s 3D video projection!

But my favorite this year is Tiffany & Co’s carousel-themed creation, prominently on display at their flagship Fifth Avenue store…

According to My Modern Met:

Using nearby Central Park as its reference, Tiffany has managed to make a miniature wonderland anchored around a carousel theme. Tiffany’s did a great job drawing you in by featuring a three-dimensional representation of the carousel built out over the sidewalk. The carousel animals, including zebras, lions and giraffes, take off in the Christmas Eve sky to deliver holiday gems to girls and boys. Filled with exquisite jewels, this year’s magnificent windows are unlike any other we’ve seen.

What’s more, the theme is designed to tie in with Tiffany’s new children’s book which tells the tale of a boy and his grandfather, who discover a secret carousel in Central Park. (You can read/listen to the story here.)

Take a look at these pictures, which beautifully capture the miniature scenes that incorporate dazzling pieces from the famed jeweler:

I am not much of a jewelry person, so I can say without hesitation that I much prefer these jems as part of this display rather than on a hand, neck, or ears. 🙂 What can I say? This display is simply magical.

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Dec 4, 2011  •  In Funny, Geek

Quite Possibly the Highest Ever Scoring “Words With Friends” Move


Your move, MansieSeds.

Via BuzzFeed.

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Dec 3, 2011  •  In Cute, Entertainment, Funny, Movies, Web

The Circle of Life

Okay, fess up. Who hasn’t picked up a baby or a pet while singing “The Circle of Life”? 😀

(And I personally fell in love with Modern Family after watching Cameron do this with Lily on the pilot episode.)

Via 9GAG.

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Dec 2, 2011  •  In Baby, Cute, Funny, Wishlist

Backwards Cape [Adorable Baby Bib]

Must…get…this…for…Aerin! (Not because I favor her over Claire, but because Claire doesn’t need bibs anymore. 🙂 )

Get your own at INKtastic!

Via Laughing Squid.

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Dec 2, 2011  •  In Aerin, Claire, Motherhood, Parenting, Personal

Letting Go of Control

Yesterday, I had noted that Aerin generally seems to be an easier baby than Claire.

I now have another theory as to why may be so: it’s because as second-time parents, we are much more relaxed about EVERYTHING. For example, for the first few months of Claire’s life we religiously tracked her every breath with the Baby ESP app. This time around? We haven’t used it, or anything similar to it, once.

Earlier this week, Jenn of Orange You Sweet wrote about giving up control as a first-time mother. The post really resonated with me, because with Claire, I had practically driven myself crazy — and even made myself physically ill several times — because I had refused to give up control. I wanted to raise the perfect baby while maintaining the perfect household and keeping my husband perfectly happy.

And when I couldn’t maintain control? I made myself feel like a failure.

But the thing is, once you have children you are bound to lose control over at least one aspect of your life. You are no longer solely responsible for just yourself — you are also in charge of an entire PERSON’s life. And as much as you want every little thing to go perfectly with your child’s life starting day one, things are bound to go wrong because hey, it’s life.

So this time around? Who cares if the house needs to be vacuumed? Who cares if the kitchen is a mess? Who cares if you haven’t brushed your teeth in 2 days and showered in 3?

…Okay, I still care. A little.

But the point I’m trying to make is that I force myself to forget these things when there are more pressing issues at hand, like when Aerin needs to be nursed. Or when Claire is throwing a tantrum. Or even when I want some cuddling time with the little ones, or if I want to nap an extra 5 minutes.

Because now, I look back to a year ago and ask myself what in the world I must have been thinking when I chose to go do the dishes rather than spend the time dozing off with little Claire in my arms.

And for that, Claire, mommy is truly sorry. But I am learning. And I promise to get better.

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Dec 1, 2011  •  In Asian, Education, Funny

The Asian Grading System

Atypical of Asian parents, mine weren’t too strict about grades growing up. In fact, they bribed us — we would get $20 for every A on our report card! (And yes, even A-‘s counted.) So whenever I got straight A‘s, my wallet would be fuller by $120. Not bad at all when you’re a kid.

What about you? Did your parents offer any enticements for good grades?

Via 9GAG.

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Dec 1, 2011  •  In Aerin, Claire, Motherhood, Personal

The State of the Union, 1 Month

Today, our Aerin Isabel turns one month old.

And because I know my sister — who is currently living in Paris(!!!) for 3 months — is always begging me for pictures of her nieces, here is the latest of Aerin:

One of the most common questions I hear these days is: how is everything going? In other words, just how in the world am I surviving motherhood with two babies that are just 13 months apart?

The answer is simple: one day at a time.

That, and wonderful grandparents who are doing everything they can do to pitch in so that I can get some rest here and there.

As previously stated, Aerin has finally started to sleep in 2-3 hour stretches. But her day-night reversal has not improved and she fell victim into the dreaded “witching hour” at only 2 weeks of age. As such, I look to the hours between 12am ~ 3am with great trepidation every night. What usually ends up happening is that I will hold her and bounce her around the house for up to 3 hours at a time, because HEAVEN FORBID that I even sit down while holding her…she will start screaming her little head off! (And we can’t have her waking up Claire, who will surely take a while to fall back asleep, or J, who has work the next day.)

That being said, Aerin generally seems to be an easier baby than Claire. I am not sure if this is because she is the second child and we know what to do and expect, or if it’s really because she is an easier baby. (Neither J nor I can accurately remember how Claire was at this age.)

Speaking of Claire…I had failed to mention on this blog that she has been pulling herself up into a standing position for over a month now, and even took her first unassisted steps a few weeks ago. However, our overly-cautious little girl is still too scared to transition fully into walking. We’re in no hurry and are letting her do things at her own pace, but I think it’s safe to say that she is now a toddler. 🙂

With toddlerhood comes all the frustrations of this stage, which mainly stems from not being able to physically accomplish everything they want to do — including communication. This, in addition to her new life as a big sister (where she is no longer the center of attention at all times), has led to an increase in tantrums and other unpleasant behavior, such as throwing items on the floor. And if you can believe it, Claire has started to talk back to us! Most of what she says is still gibberish, but the tone and attitude — including gesticulations! — are definitely already there.

This is perhaps the most difficult part of my new life: attending to a newborn while tending to an oftentimes frustrated toddler.

Once again, one day at a time.

The upside to Claire’s maturity is that she is learning, and absorbing lessons at an unprecedented rate. I am proud to say that at 14 months of age, our eldest already knows 3 letters of the alphabet: O, R, and S. 😀  This is mainly thanks to my cousin’s wife, who had gifted us the LeapFrog Fridge Phonics Magnetic Alphabet Set — although this toy is marketed for those who are 2 years of age and older, Claire has loved it since day one and plays with it all the time. Additionally, we all continually point out different letters of the alphabet in books and anything else with large text — this is something even the grandparents, whose English is not too great, can help with since they all know the English alphabet.

As for mommy — myself — I am happy to announce that I seem to be back to my pre-pregnancy self in terms of how I am physically feeling (aside from the typical new parent fatigue). I have lost an additional 5 lbs since my last update, bringing the total weight loss to 30 lbs in 1 month, and am hopeful that I will lose the remaining 20 lbs in 2 more months, as was the case the first time around.

I will also be turning 31 next week, and have decided to keep it low-key by celebrating it with a lunch-and-movie date with J. And although he wanted to take me to my favorite steakhouse in NJ, I insisted on Red Lobster instead so that we could save some money.

Is this a sign of old age? Not being excited about birthdays anymore, and insisting on cheap(er) celebrations? And we can’t overlook the fact that most of the items on my Amazon Wishlist now consist of things for Claire and Aerin!

…Does anyone have any suggestions on what movie we can watch on my birthday? I hardly watch television anymore, so I have no idea what’s even playing.

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