Nov 4, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Motherhood, Personal

Life with Aerin: Day Four

As a testament to how uncomfortable I was in the weeks leading up to the birth of my second child, I felt as light as a feather and wanted to do cartwheels down the maternity ward just hours after delivery.

Even day two, when I felt my worst, was far better than my last month of pregnancy.

This is not to say that I’m feeling wonderful at the moment. I am still bleeding profusely, I have Shrek feet, and it hurts to get up and down and walk around. But this recovery seems to be a lot easier than the one I experienced with Claire.

Aerin, on the other hand…

Now, don’t get me wrong. She is perfectly healthy and we can’t help but be amazed whenever we stare at her little face and body. But if these first few days are any indication of things to come, we are in for one hell of a ride.

After my breastfeeding experience with Claire, I had been hoping and praying that Aerin would be a good nurser. Well, I should have been careful what I wished for, because not only is Aerin an excellent nurser (she latched on right away and has a very strong suck…I can’t remember Claire ever sucking this hard), she wants to nurse ALL THE TIME.

Like, every hour since she was born.

It’s not that I’m not producing enough breastmilk either — my milk came in on day 3 from our marathon nursing sessions.

Aerin is just a very hungry baby. Even the night nurse at our hospital got annoyed, because I overheard her telling another nurse as they switched shifts, “And this baby literally wants to eat every hour on the hour!”

I know that breastfeeding is not supposed to hurt if done correctly. But having a baby suck on your nipples for up to 45 minutes at a time, only to start again after a short 15 minute break, is leaving my nipples raw and sore, and this mommy simply worn out…I am patiently waiting for the day when my body will get adjusted to this new regimen.

Aerin also seems to be a poor sleeper. From the moment of birth, the longest stretch of sleep she has gotten is 30 minutes. And she will not sleep by herself either — she has to be held in order to sleep.

Additionally, my little girl is still at the point where she is most comforted by the smell and sounds of her mother. As such, no one else can calm her down — only I can.

Needless to say, I am exhausted. 🙁 I can only pray that things will get better soon.

I hope this post doesn’t come off as whiny; it is intended to give you an update on our new life. And an explanation as to why I may be MIA for the next days/weeks/months.

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Nov 4, 2011  •  In Apple, Gadgets, Geek, Guest Posts

Guest Post: I’m a Mac. No, a P.C. Neither? Both?

The following post comes from Nodakademic, a blogger-wife-student-professional (yeah, I don’t know how she does it all either) who resides in the chilly state of North Dakota. I really enjoy her blog and I think that we can be friends in real life if we didn’t live so far apart. Isn’t it funny how blogging can help form relationships with people you would otherwise have no clue of their existence?

In this guest post, Nodakademic writes about the great geek debate: P.C. or Mac?

I, personally, am a Mac girl but I agree with her that the quality of Apple has gone downhill in the past few years. (And I probably would have switched to P.C. or Linux if I don’t have all this expensive Mac software!) Another interesting fact: the picture of her from the launch of Mac OS X Panther? The launch of Panther was the first geek-related launch party I attended, and the first tech product I ever stood in line for!

I hope you enjoy this post, because I know I did! And I hope that you’ll leave a comment below weighing in on the Mac vs. P.C. debate!

I was a techie kid in the sense that only mid-90s kids can be techie. Armed with my Angelfire and Geocities homepages and my ICQ account, I was pretty sure I knew everything there was to know about computers. I got in to the field a wee bit too late to make millions in the boom (and then lose those millions in the crash), but I was a teenager at probably the only time when teens really did know much more about computers than anyone else.

When I turned 15 I got a job at a repair desk working on IBM and Dell laptops for a local college. I replaced screens, hard drives, motherboards. I saw the aftermath when someone’s toddler jammed half a sack of skittles in to their floppy disk drive (sticky), when someone spilled coke and tried to dry their keyboard with a hairdryer (sticky, melty), and when someone ran over their laptop with their car (sticky, shardy). And OF COURSE I knew that Windows ruled. Macs were just those dumb computers I had to use in my junior high keyboarding class.

When I went to college I got a Gateway laptop. It was problematic and glitchy, but that was clearly Gateway’s fault, not Windows 2000’s! I majored in computer science. I failed at it because apparently, I do *not* actually know everything there is to know about computers. Apparently people who want to know that stuff actually listen in class. And let’s face it: most of them didn’t grow up in rural northern Minnesota surrounded by sugar beet fields, as long as we’re talking odds. (I did finally graduate by the way, with a minor in computer & information tech and a major in *groan* political science.)

At the end of my sophomore year, while flopping around trying to decide on a major, I applied for and got a job at the campus bookstore. I was stationed in the electronics store (any UO folks out there ever shopped at the Digital Duck?) and I was hired because I knew about Windows computers. They needed someone who could enthusiastically sell one, because apparently most of the other employees there were Apple fan-boys. (Literally ‘boys.’ I was the only girl there for a while.)

Me in 2003; I believe this was the night OS 10.3: Panther was released.

Long story short, it turns out Apple computers had changed a little since the grey-screened little candy-colored monsters my high school kept locked in the smelly lab. They were… nice. Sleek. Sharp. Quick. They had software, and that software worked well. They worked with printers and mice and keyboards and drawing tablets (but I had heard Macs don’t work with ‘anything’?!).

And the iPod. Oh, the iPod. How freaking cool was THAT? I was working for the store at the very time that iPods caught steam. Those iPods were over an inch thick, weighed half a pound and could hold 5 GB of music, but that was so small and that was so much space.

I guess having a Windows person on staff didn’t work out for the store: I was a convert. Within 6 months I owned a Powerbook and an iPod. Windows sucked. Windows was slow and sluggish and just generally shitty. Windows was dead to me. I became pretty addicted to having the latest-and-greatest products, which means I also became quite good at eBay.

I have lost track of how many Apple computers and iPods I owned in the 7 years since I bought my first, but it’s over a dozen laptops, 2 desktops, and probably more than 20 iPods. I kept and used each item for 4-6 months before selling it online and buying a new one in the store. I rarely lost more than $50 on an upgrade, though we did not receive an employee discount. (Told you: I was good at eBay.)

For about 5 years now — since I finished my master’s degree and started a real job — I’ve been using a PC at work. It was fine, but I still had my precious Mac at home. With no time to be constantly buying and selling, and without the tax-free benefit of living in Oregon, I settled in to a nice, loaded MacBook Pro. Then my workplace offered to get me a laptop to use for work, and said I could choose Mac or Windows — score! I chose a Macbook, but whomever ordered it misunderstood my request and ordered a loaded MacBook Pro. Uh, I’ll take it! After a few months of having *two* Macbook Pros in my home (wow) and mainly using the work-owned one (since it was a few years newer than mine), it occurred to me I ought to sell my old one and use the money for something useful. So I did.

And for nearly 2 years, this techie, gadget-loving Mac fan-girl did not personally own a computer. At work, I used my desktop PC. At home, I used my work-owned Macbook Pro. Finally though, it started to weigh on me that I was using work property for personal use. It’s not like I was using it to make money or anything, but it still didn’t seem totally kosher to me. Time to get my own computer again. The problem, though, is that I lost my faith in Apple along the way. I still love my iPod, but I barely use it since my commute is about 5 minutes and I no longer go to a gym. I don’t have an iPhone — iPhones were not available in my region of the country until a few months ago (no AT&T coverage) and they’re still only 3G-capable (Verizon). I don’t have an iPad either because I’ve yet to find a reason.

And honestly, the last few Mac laptops I’ve dealt with have been disappointing. My work-owned Macbook Pro is pretty good, but my parents have owned 2 Intel-based Macbooks and they were both crap. And the service sucked too — when these machines broke down under warranty, my parents were told to bring it to their closest ‘Genius Bar,’ which for them was over 4 hours from their home. My dad bought a Sony Vaio instead. Hah. (My own closest ‘Genius Bar’ location is 300 miles from my home, by the way.) What ever happened to that great mail-in service Apple used to provide?

Again, to make a long story a little shorter, Apple has disappointed me as of late. Additionally, my husband is a very techie guy and isn’t tied to Mac or Windows or Linux or any OS in particular. He’s tied to whatever is efficient and works best for the tasks, and at the best price. I can’t even list all the types of operating systems running now in our home. (Oh, and it also is worth noting that my Mac software products were pretty out of date, so I was not tied to a particular type of computer due to owning a lot of expensive software.)

With that in mind, when I had all but decided on a 27″ iMac, he found me the Lenovo IdeaCentre B520 All-In-One. (That means it’s like the iMac — all of the ‘guts’ are built in to the screen.)

I call it ‘Lenny.’ Here’s how the comparison (versus the iMac I liked) broke down:

  • Lenovo is a 23″ monitor; iMac is either 21.5″ or 27″
  • Lenovo comes with Intel i7 3.4 GHz cpu; iMac 27″ has the same i7 3.4 GHz cpu
  • Lenovo: Windows 7; iMac: OS X
  • Either are (or can be selected) to 8 GB of memory
  • Either come (or can be selected) with 2TB hard drives
  • Either come with wireless keyboard/mouse, built-in speakers, and built-in webcams
  • Lenovo is a touch screen.


  • Lenovo: ~$1,300 (sale from 1800, plus Mr. N found an additional 10% off coupon on top of the sale)
  • iMac 27″: ~$2,600 (but with larger screen/resolution)

Hell yes. Powerful, loaded, relatively inexpensive. I knew from experiences at work that I did like the Windows 7 interface, and Lenovo is my favorite Windows-computer brand too. Sold!

It’s been about 2 months, and I love Lenny. It can do anything. It’s fast and awesome. That 27″ monitor might have been nice, but honestly, 23″ is huge! Especially if you’ve been staring at a 15.4″ laptop screen for years and years. I might get an iPad in the future for portability, but I haven’t decided yet. Right now, I just love having Lenny set up in my office. It is perfect for my dissertation writing, photo editing, and pretty much everything else.

So now I’m a P.C. But I could still be a Mac. I guess I’m O-S-bidextrous. Which way do you swing?

About the Author:

Hi! I’m Nodakademic. (That isn’t my real name though; that’d be a way weird name.) I’m a late-20s academic nut from the always-windy and often-cold state of North Dakota. I blog about my life at I’m also Mrs. Mary Jane on Weddingbee; that’s how I came to know Jenny, though I actually read her blog long before I even knew what Weddingbee was.

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Nov 3, 2011  •  In Geek, Guest Posts, Video Games

Guest Post: Guilty Pleasures

Amanda hails from one of my favorite home decor & renovation blogs, Love & Renovations. (I swear they’re going to be the next Young House Love!) I was extremely excited when she agreed to write a guest post…and was very pleasantly surprised to discover that she is a closet video game geek!

Here, she writes about three of her favorite video games, the last of which I have never heard of and am quite tempted to play myself after reading her glowing review! Enjoy!

When Jenny first said she was looking for guest bloggers while she was out having her baby (!!), I immediately jumped at the chance. I’m completely addicted to Geek in Heels and love reading, so I was honored to have the chance to write a post for her blog.

Of course, once I got over the excitement, I quickly realized that I write a blog about home decor and renovations — not exactly Geek in Heels material! I spent some time looking through some of Jenny’s past posts and while I was noticing all of her references to old-school video games, inspiration struck.

You see, I’m a total geek when it comes to video games. It’s not something many people know about me, as I don’t play them often. But, when I am hit with the mood to play, it hits me hard. I have some serious love for some seriously geeky games, and I never really get a chance to parade my geek love around on my own blog. However, my video game love is a pretty big part of me, so I’m excited to get to share it — and hopefully find some people who share the same video game addictions that I do!

All three of these game addictions started when I was in elementary school, and they never quite went away. First up? My absolute favorite game ever created:



Oh, Link. Didn’t every little girl grow up with a major crush on him? Just me?

I love this game more than I can say, and I’ve honestly lost count of how many times I have played it. Ocarina of Time is one of those games that just never gets old, and is completely addicting no matter how much you grow up. My favorite part is still the moment when you steal Epona from Lon Lon Ranch, and the boss at the end of the Water Temple will always make me shriek when he pulls me underwater as I am trying to beat him.

This was the first Zelda game I ever played, and it sparked an addiction that will never end — I have played every Zelda game that has come out in the years since Ocarina of Time, and I’m anxiously awaiting the release of the new Zelda game this November.

This next game is one that I’ve played on and off for as long as I can remember, and is a game that I (embarrassingly) still buy every expansion pack for as it comes out.



I know very few people in my generation who were not addicted to The Sims at one point or another. Who doesn’t remember killing off their sims by trapping them in the pool, or spending half your day trying to make enough friends in order to get that promotion you’ve been working so hard for? My favorite part of The Sims was always building houses — I could spend half a day building and furnishing a house for my sims, which probably explains my unending love for renovating and decorating my own home now.

I have vivid memories of my cousin and I playing hours upon hours of the original Sims game at my grandparents’ house when we were kids. I’ve kept up with this game over the years and still have the most current one — and I still play it more than I would like to admit! Of course, now that I have a 10 year old niece who loves the game as much as I do, I have slightly more of an excuse when she comes over to play it with me. 😉

And last, but absolutely not least, is a game that’s not nearly as well-known as the last two, but is just as amazing.


I don’t remember exactly how or when I got hooked on this game, but I recently re-discovered it on Amazon and eagerly snatched it up. It took several days for my husband and I to figure out a way to play it on our computers, since the software is so outdated that our computers weren’t even sure what to do with it. Luckily, my brother-in-law owns his own computer repair company and had an ancient laptop sitting around that he let me borrow.

I must have played it more than I realized as a kid, because even though it had been at least 10 years since I had played the game, I could still quote along with most of the characters you talk to throughout the game, and could navigate my way around the ship with my eyes closed if I needed to.

Titanic is one of the most complex games I’ve ever played, and also one of the hardest. You’re plopped down in the ship on the night of its sinking, with a mission to recover a priceless book. You can wander around the (extremely detailed) ship and speak to many different people, and the game has several different outcomes depending on how well you do on your mission. It’s one of the most well-created games I’ve ever seen, and I’d recommend it to anyone who is as geeky when it comes to these old games as I am.

I have to admit,  I feel a bit silly sometimes when I have to admit to my friends that I still play the same video games I played when I was 12, but I’ve learned to embrace my geek-dom. Of course, it helps that my husband is a complete enabler and is more than happy to spend an afternoon on the couch with me navigating the town of Hyrule or the decks of the Titanic.

Do you still play any of the games you played growing up? Are there any games that you miss?

About the Author:

I’m Amanda, a newlywed and brand new homeowner from Austin, Texas. I love to renovate old furniture, update my home, and blog about it all along the way. I (and sometimes my husband, Corey) blog over at Love & Renovations about our homeownership adventures, and all of the little tweaks we’re making to our home.

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Nov 2, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Personal, Relationships

Claire Meets Aerin

She was not very amused. If anything, she seemed a bit scared and intimidated.

And when she saw me holding her little sister for the first time, she started to cry. 🙁 Her grandfather had to take her away and distract her with some ballons so that she wouldn’t throw a fit right there in the hospital room.

Ever since I got pregnant with Aerin, people have been telling me that our two girls will grow up to be the best of friends. I can only hope and pray that they are right.

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Nov 1, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Personal, Pregnancy

Introducing Aerin Isabel…

Aerin Isabel was born 11/1/11 at 9:20am, weighing 6 lbs 11 oz and measuring 19.5″ long.

Delivery was remarkably easy and complication-free (she was out in three pushes!); the baby very healthy and alert. I feel incredibly blessed that both Claire and Aerin made their entries into this world so smoothly.

My first thought upon seeing Aerin for the first time was that she looked EXACTLY like Claire when she was born — they even have the same dimple on the left corner of their mouths! But now, a few hours after delivery — with her features becoming more defined and less flattened — she is beginning to resemble her dad.



The pictures above were taken just moments after birth. I will try to update with newer photos, but blogging is admittedly difficult on a cell phone. As was the case last year when Claire was born, guest posts will start to go up shortly, and I will do my best to pop in as much as possible in-between bonding with Aerin and getting used to being the mother of two little girls.

Thank you all so much for your continued support and prayers!

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Nov 1, 2011  •  In Aerin, Personal, Pregnancy

7 Centimeters

I continued to have mild contractions for the rest of yesterday, and tried my best to go to sleep despite the discomfort. At around 3am, the contractions started to become quite painful and I began to time them using a contractions app I had downloaded for my phone.

About 45 minutes later, I finally woke up J and we called his parents to come watch Claire so that we could head to the hospital. I was a bit scared that we would be sent back home, because that is what happened last year when I went into labor with Claire — my contractions were not yet regular and I was not dilated enough to be admitted.

But this was the real deal, as my contractions were coming every 3-4 minutes and I was 4cm dilated! I was admitted to labor & delivery at 4:30am this morning.


It is true what they say about subsequent labors tending to progress faster than the first — within just an hour, I was 6cm dilated and in A LOT of pain.

Luckily, the candy man (aka the anestheseologist) soon arrived and I was administered an epidural. The on-call doctor from my OB practice broke my water, and I am currently writing this on my phone, 7cm dilated and awaiting further progress.

I’m having a baby today!!!

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Oct 31, 2011  •  In Books, Funny, Geek, Home, Personal

The Great Pumpkin Massacre [à la Calvin and Hobbes]

Calvin and Hobbes is my all-time favorite comic strip, and I still count The Complete Calvin and Hobbes to be one of the best presents J has ever gifted me. I seriously can’t wait until our children are old enough to start enjoying these comics!

If you are also a fan of C&H, you are probably well-aware of Calvin’s creative (and oftentimes morbid) imagination being played out in the form of snowmen. Fans all over the U.S. re-create Calvin’s snowmen each winter, with snow sculptures, props, and productions becoming more and more elaborate with every snowstorm.

This Halloween, Elle of The Erratic Project Junkie has decided to mesh Calvin’s snowmen with this October holiday to create a pumpkin version of the winter meme. The results couldn’t have turned out better — wouldn’t you agree?


Via Reddit.

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Oct 31, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Blogging, Claire, Personal

Happy Halloween!

Psst! I’m guest blogging over at She Likes Ruffles, He Likes Truffles today! Head on over and say hi! And be sure to check out rest of Katie’s blog, which is always filled with great anecdotes and eye candy in the way of food, fashion, and life in sunny Florida!

Happy Halloween, everyone! Seeing as I’m about to pop out a baby any second, we are not doing anything to celebrate this year. (We don’t even get any trick-or-treaters here!) To compensate, here’s a picture of Claire in her Princess Leia costume, taken 4 months ago:

Speaking of Claire, she has been acting differently for the past few days. While she has been a very good sleeper since she was about 7 months old, she has started to fight every nap and bedtime tooth and nail. She has started to wake up at least once a night and the only way we can get her to go back to sleep is by J cuddling with her in the rocker. (We have not seen this behavior since before we sleep-trained at 5 months.) She normally loves bathtime, but she has also started to cry every time we start the bath — and will usually continue to cry and resist through the bath — because she knows that baths are part of her bedtime routine.

Her ear infection cleared up within just a couple of days, and so did the rash, so we’re really not sure what is prompting the change in behavior. We’ve made a possible list of causes:

  • We had coddled her quite a bit while she was sick — did she get used to this treatment and now expects it?
  • She is going through a growth spurt. Contrary to what I had believed prior to becoming a mom, babies do not grow gradually but in spurts, and some of them can be quite painful on their bodies.
  • She knows that a big change is coming and is acting out as a result.

Can anyone think of any other possible explanations for her sudden change in sleeping habits?

Our 12-month checkup, which has been delayed an entire month, is later today so we will definitely be bringing this up to the pediatrician.

In BebeDeux news, I think I have started to have some minor contractions today. I know that it may still be a while before I go into full labor, so I am not too worried…just very, very uncomfortable because they feel like period cramps!

BebeDeux has also been moving a lot less today, and I have been pooping like crazy — sorry if TMI —which are both signs of impending labor, so D-Day (“D” for delivery) may be very near! So if you haven’t entered the baby pool yet, today may be the time to do it!

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Oct 30, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, NYC, Personal, Pregnancy

BebeDeux Baby Pool [Win a $60 Gift Certificate to Artisanal Premium Cheese!]

The BebeDeux Baby Pool is now closed. Congratulations to Kristin, who guessed 11/1/11, 9:00am, 6lb 3oz, 19.5″!

Tick, tock, tick, tock, the time is near! With just a few days left until my due date, I thought it would be fun to create a baby pool.

The best part? The winner — or the person whose guesses come closest to the actual date, time, weight, and length — will win a $60 gift certificate to Artisanal Premium Cheese! (Certificate expires 11/29/2011.) They are located in Manhattan, but offer overnight delivery within the United States. And you can read some great reviews about their cheeses and services via my friend Serena’s blog at Big Apple Nosh. 🙂

Entering the baby pool is easy: simply fill out the Google Docs form below!

[This poll is now closed.]

Some facts that may help out with your guesses:

  • BebeDeux’s due date is 11/3/2011
  • Claire was born 4 days before her due date, on 9/30/2010 at 9:35pm, weighing 6lbs 7oz, and measuring 19″ long.
  • My OB guesses that I will have “another 6-pounder” (but then again, doctors have been known to be off by as much as 2lbs!)
  • I have no idea how much I am currently dilated or effaced.

Good luck, and may the best guesser win!

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Oct 29, 2011  •  In Entertainment, Funny, Music

The History of Rap, Part 3

If you’re in the middle of Snowtober 2011 like us, you’re probably taking it easy this Saturday night.

And if you’re looking for something to occupy yourself — even if for just a few minutes, I’ve got just the thing for you. 🙂

Presenting The History of Rap, Part 3, starring Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake!

And just in case you missed the first two…


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