Oct 24, 2011  •  In Asian, Personal

The Death of Yue Yue: Another Perspective

Last week, audiences all around the world were shocked by the viral video footage of a 2-year-old girl, Yue Yue, who was run over twice near a hardware market in Foshan, China, only to be ignored by as many as 18 passerbys before receiving help.

(image source)

Yue Yue remained in critical condition for the next few days, but eventually succumbed to her injuries and died on the 20th.

I could not bring myself to watch the video because I knew that I would get overly upset and shed bucketfuls of tears. (Ever since becoming a mother myself, cruel and heart-wrenching stories of babies and children have always had this effect…and I’m sure that I am not alone.)

Today, I read that the two drivers responsible for the hit-and-run have been arrested. And while I am grateful that justice is being served, and still remain angry at those who chose to ignore the injured child, I could not help but think back to the conversation I had with my in-laws regarding this tragic event…

Upon first hearing of the 18 people who walked past Yue Yue without helping, I experienced a mixture of fury and sadness at the human condition. I was reminded of Kitty Genovese and wondered how the bystander effect could apply to even a 2-year-old child.

But when discussing the story over dinner last week, my in-laws told me a couple of things that set things in perspective:

  1. Due to the underdeveloped legal infrastructure in China, there have been many cases in the past where a good samaritan would step in to a stranger’s aid, only to be blamed and charged with the crime they had never committed.
  2. Additionally, local laws dictate that if a person is found guilty of devastatingly injuring another person(s), they are responsible for all of the medical bills and expenses for the rest of the victim’s life. This, coupled with the fact that the majority of the Chinese population — especially in poorer regions like Foshan where Yue Yue lived — would not be able to afford to financially provide medical care, leads people to leave victims for dead rather than help. That is, they would rather go to jail for manslaughter than be in debt (and become a burden and embarrassment to their families) for the rest of their lives.

This isn’t to say that I — or even my in-laws — believe what the 18 passerbys did was right. Neither am I justifying their actions (or lack thereof, in this case).

But now that I have been informed these cultural factors, I can better understand what had happened.

One sad result of Yue Yue’s case has been the finger-pointing and blame that has been running amok in the various websites and news outlets that have run the story. “This is why I hate Chinese people,” is a common one. But I hope that at least one person who has felt the need to blame an entire city, state, or race for the tragic event will read this post, and realize that things are not always so black-and-white.

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Oct 24, 2011  •  In Funny

Vampires vs. The One Percent

Via Pleated Jeans.

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Oct 23, 2011  •  In Asian, Entertainment, Korean, Personal, Web

Because Apparently, We All Look Alike [Hulu Fail]

Dear Hulu,

Thanks for even having a Korean Dramas section. I really appreciate it.

And thank you for spotlighting the Korean Dramas genre on your front page today: 

But wait. Something isn’t quite right.

Can it be that the first “Korean” drama you featured is The Legend of Bruce Lee?

Just to make sure, I clicked on over and watched a few minutes.

I was right. It clearly is a CHINESE drama.

Look, I have nothing against the Chinese. Heck, I even married a Chinese guy.

But as someone who grew up with numerous people asking me, “What ethnicity are you? Chinese?….No? Japanese?…No? Then what ARE you?” I can’t help but laugh at such a high-profile company making such a mistake.

Can’t you make a better effort?



A Loyal (Korean) Hulu Plus Customer

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Oct 23, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Food, Home, Personal

Vanishing Fruitwash Labels [A “Why Didn’t I Think of That?” Invention]

One of my biggest pet peeves is the annoying labels that grocery stores stick on their produce. I get that there needs to be a way to label the items. But they just seem so wasteful and bothersome…and it’s the worst when they are difficult to remove, sometimes even leaving behind a sticky residue!

Enter designer/inventor Scott Amron. His Vanishing Fruitwash Labels are simply ingenius: they “dissolve into an organic, fruit-cleansing produce wash that helps remove wax, pesticides, dirt and bacteria.”


That’s right. Just like regular labels, they display PLU (price look-up) codes and can be peeled off…but if they are washed or rubbed with water — they are water-resistant to a degree — they dissolve into an organic produce wash!

Unfortunately, these labels seem to be in the initial stages of production. The good news is that Amron is currently seeking investors via a 10% stake in the Fruitwash Label Intellectual Property (patents). For more information, email support-at-Moq7-dot-com.

Via Core77.

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Oct 23, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Entertainment

Fantastically Realistic Illustrations of Disney Princesses

Finnish graphic design student Jirka Väätäinen has been creating a collection of illustrations that gives us a vision of what Disney princesses would look like in real life. These have to be the best I’ve seen over the years, as they look lifelike while staying true to their animated selves (e.g., Belle’s cocked eyebrow).

Via Neatorama.

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Oct 22, 2011  •  In Aerin, Personal, Pregnancy

Another Discussion About My Boobs

So last night, after my freak-out, I tried my best to calm my nerves by doing what comes most natural to me at 2am: surfing the web.

And by the dim light of my laptop, I noticed something interesting about my nipples.

(I have been sleeping topless for the past month or so, because this is the most comfortable in my heavily-pregnant state. Don’t judge. :-))

The skin on very tips of my nipples was flaking.


So of course I had to carefully grab a piece of hanging skin and pull…and it came right off.

I then grabbed a pair of tweezers to continue peeling off every last bit of the flaking skin. For a moment, I reminded myself of Goldmember, except with humongous, pregnant boobs. (Oh, and I didn’t eat the skin.)

(image source)

I remember the bleeding, cracked nipples from breastfeeding. And I remember the skin on my nipples regenerating itself over and over again to compensate for the bleeding and cracked nipples.

As such, I can only conclude that my breasts must be readying themselves for the new baby. Because the new skin that now covers my nipples? A bit tender, but pink and new, as if to say, “I’m ready for some sucking action!”

Has this happened to any other moms? Or are my skin-shedding nipples just abnormal?

In related news, now I am craving a shot of buttery nipple. Damn you, pregnancy cravings…

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Oct 22, 2011  •  In Aerin, Claire, Personal

Aaahh Freak Out! (Whereupon Le Freak Ain’t So Chic)

So with two weeks left to go until BebeDeux’s due date…

  1. We got a flat tire on our only car. And we discovered the tools needed to replace a flat were missing from our trunk.
  2. J’s company essentially screwed him over and the raise that he was promised came to be a lot less than what he was told.
  3. Comang’s annual vet bill came out to be more than twice what we had been expecting, which made us re-evaluate our budget for about the millionth time this month (note: new babies will always cost more than you expect).
  4. Claire got sick for the very first time. And while her fever’s been down for the past couple of days, tonight she broke out in a rash all over her body and we had to rush her to the doctor’s office. They’re still not sure what prompted the rash (Was it the amoxicillin? The preservatives they added to the baby amoxicillin? The food she ate for dinner? One of those, or a combination of them along with her compromised immune system?) and she is too young for an allergy test, so they prescribed us an alternate antibiotic and some Benadryl to help with the rash. I seriously thought I was going to into labor tonight from the stress and worry the rash has caused me.

And as I lay in bed tonight trying to sleep, the stress of the past few days, along with the realization that soon, I will be the mother to a newborn and a 13-month-old  — in addition to the fact that come March, my in-laws will be returning to Hong Kong and I will be ALONE with a 4-month-old and a 17-month-old — HIT ME LIKE A TON OF BRICKS and I suddenly had trouble breathing.

I can’t go to sleep. At least not right away.

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Oct 21, 2011  •  In Personal

Don’t Be an A$$hole Driver

A few months after I first received my driver’s license, I tried to park my car in a very tight spot and ended up scratching the adjacent car.

The scratch was barely noticeable: two faint lines just 2″ long on the corner of the bumper. I am pretty sure that if I had tried to buff it out, or even rubbed some dirt on it, the owners of the car would not have noticed the scratches for up to months after the event.

But I was riddled with guilt. So I left a note.

And my family ended up paying $500 for their new bumper.

Because leaving a note is what I have done, and because — despite my often-pessimistic outlook on life — I still like to believe that we should all treat others as we would like to be treated, I have always assumed that this is the norm.

But the past 15 years of my being a licensed driver have led me to believe otherwise.

This Redditor took advantage of free business cards and had these
“You Park Like an Asshole” cards printed.

Since that fateful day circa 1996-1997, I — or more specifically, my cars — have been the victims of no less than THREE hit-and-runs. One of which left very significant damage costing approximately $6,000 in repairs. (Fortunately, my insurance picked up the majority of the tab. But they also increased my premium as a result.)

Just a couple of weeks ago, my SIL came for a visit and in the hour or so that she had left her car parked just outside our condo, someone hit her car and drove off, leaving serious damages to the left side of the vehicle.

In all four cases, no trace of a note could be found anywhere. And in my SIL’s case, it was obvious that the other driver had taken some time to check out the damages, because the side mirror was pushed in without any hint of damages on or near it.

I also recall one night back in college, when my drinking buddies for the night began to brag about their own hit-and-runs.

“I figured that if the other driver can afford a Mercedes, they could afford to pay for the repairs.”

“I called my dad and asked him what to do, and he told me that if no one saw me doing it, then I should just leave…so I did.”

“The other driver took up TWO SPACES in a mall parking lot during holiday shopping season. So I keyed the car.”

Okay, so that last one was not technically a hit-and-run. But still.

None of them had left notes. And the worst part? None of them seemed to feel any guilt. If anything, they seemed PROUD and RELIEVED that they were able to get away with these offenses.

Oh, and we can’t forget about the douchebags who pretend to leave notes containing their contact information, but are only scribbling nonsense so that they look good in front of others who have witnessed the event.

What the heck happened to common courtesy?

All I know is that when my children get old enough to drive, I will be telling them this story and instructing them to do the right thing. That I would be proud of them if they were to to wait for the other driver to arrive, or at least leave a note with their contact information.

Have you ever been the victim of a hit-and-run?

Have you ever hit or scratched a car and just run off? If so, do/did you feel any guilt about it? (Don’t be afraid to comment — I promise I won’t judge.)

Today is the last day to enter my ONA Roma Camera Insert giveaway! Have you entered yet?

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Oct 20, 2011  •  In Claire, Funny, Geek, Motherhood, Personal, Science


Claire seems to be doing much better this morning. Her fever is gone, she no longer cries out from pain, and she is finally eating.

I did not sleep a wink last night from worrying over my sick daughter. Since my in-laws have arrived early this morning to help with the baby, I will now attempt to get some shut-eye…

But before I do, as Gandolf powerfully proclaimed to the Balrog at the Bridge of Khazad-dûm, I would like to roar to this ear infection, “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!”

And in the spirit, here is a clever physics problem that incorporates that famous scene:

Physics was my worst subject in school, so I have no idea how I would even go about attempting to solve this problem. But taking into consideration the epic geekery of this question, I wonder if I would have fared better with instructors who were as creative as this…

Via Reddit.

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Oct 19, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Motherhood, Personal, Pregnancy

An Ear Infection, and 38 Weeks

Our Claire Bear has an ear infection. 🙁

She woke up several times last night, which we had attributed to teething, and this morning flat-out refused to eat. Then, she woke up from her morning nap with a fever and proceeded to just cry and cry.

Coincidentally, Claire’s 1-year pediatrician visit was scheduled for later today. I called the doctor’s office and they told us to bring her in right away.

Our pediatrician prescribed us some amoxicillin, advised us to administer ibuprofen if the fevers persist, and told us not to worry too much.

(image source)


Thanks to the ibuprofen, Claire’s fever is now down and she is starting to smile again. But she still refuses to eat, and although we’ve put her down for a nap so that she can get some rest, she is fussing in her crib. (We cannot hold her or carry her to sleep because she has not been able to do that since we sleep-trained her at 4.5 months.)

This is the first time that Claire has been sick. I know that I should feel lucky that our daughter has not fallen ill for the entire first year of her life, and that I shouldn’t worry too much since ear infections are one of the most common illnesses among babies. But I can’t help but be overly concerned — I have been reading up on ear infections as soon as we returned from the doctor’s office — and I have even shed a few tears, just thinking about the pain and discomfort that my daughter must be going through.

If any parents can chime in on what has helped with your children’s ear infections, I would greatly appreciate it!

Now, onto BebeDeux…

I can’t believe that there are only two weeks left until BebeDeux’s due date! There isn’t too much to write in terms of an update — I am still feeling very uncomfortable — and while at this point of the pregnancy with Claire, I couldn’t wait for her to come out, I am hoping that BebeDeux stays in there for as long as possible because I’m still scared sh*tless about becoming a mother to two children who are just 13 months apart.

I had my weekly OB visit yesterday, and it was a memorable one because my doctor asked if I would mind if a medical resident joined us for the exam. I agreed, and as the doc began the ultrasound (I get one every visit because our OB practice has a small ultrasound machine on premises), he began a little lecture:

This patient presents a special case because she was diagnosed with acute appendicitis during her second trimester and had to have an appendectomy as a result. Can you tell me what to look out for with appendicitis in pregnancy?

Additionally, the doc would point out specific things on the ultrasound, ask further questions, and so forth…heck, even I learned quite a few things!

And the entire time, I couldn’t help but be extremely fascinated, because it felt exactly like I was a patient on one of my favorite medical shows, like “Scrubs” or “Grey’s Anatomy”!

(image source)

Once again the doctors couldn’t find anything to be concerned about — I have tested negative for all possible infections and complications, my blood pressure remains normal and steady, there still remains plenty of amniotic fluid, and BebeDeux remains head-down and rear-facing.

I asked the doctor if second children usually tend to be larger than the first, because that’s what everyone’s been telling me, and he said that this is another widely-believed myth. He took BebeDeux’s measurements and estimated that she will probably weigh in the 6-7 lb range, just as Claire was at birth (she was 6 lbs 7 oz).

He offered to do an internal exam to see if I am dilated or effaced at all, but I refused. Remembering my experience with Claire — I was still only 1cm dilated and 30% effaced just 12 hours before going into labor — I know that these numbers really can’t predict much about when the baby will arrive!

One last thing about the exam: when I told the doctor that I am hoping for a 11/1/11 birthday but how J wants me to go over my due date so that BebeDeux can come on 11/11/11, he laughed and said that if I do go a week over my due date, he will schedule me to be induced on 11/11!

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