Oct 5, 2011  •  In Aerin, Personal, Pregnancy

36 Weeks

There is now officially less than a month remaining until my due date.


I also had a minor freakout last night, when I discovered that Bee, whose due date is a few days after mine, went into labor and had her daughter early in the morning. As happy as I am for her and her family that both mom and the baby are doing well, I couldn’t help but FREAK OUT over the announcement, knowing that my own BebeDeux can come at any moment.

I barely slept last night. And BebeDeux didn’t help either — she was kicking up a storm, as if to tell me, “Mommy I want to come out NOW!”

(On a related note, my mother had the chance to feel my stomach when BebeDeux was in one of her tumbling-like-a-maniac modes. “How do you sleep at night?” she asked me. I replied, “I don’t!”)

The good news is that BebeDeux continues to remain healthy in there. My OB appointments are now once a week, and the doctor informs me that even if I go into labor this second, there is very little chance of complications and that the baby is simply thriving. “Just keep doing what you’re doing,” she added. “You’re in the home stretch!”

I also asked the doc yesterday if second-time moms tend to deliver before their due dates. “Not necessarily,” she said. “From my experience, there’s still a good chance that you might go over your due date. However, I can tell you that if you have delivered vaginally before, your labor will probably be much easier than the first time!”

This has been confirmed by my neighbor and my cousin, both of whom have recently had their second children, and both of whom delivered their second babies in literally three pushes.

“Don’t worry about the delivery at all,” my neighbor told me. “Your body just remembers. I pushed for almost three hours with my first — I couldn’t believe how easy it was with the second!”

My labor with Claire was freakishly easy: she was out in just 12 pushes, or 5 minutes. Now I’m wondering if delivering BebeDeux will be tremendously difficult, to “compensate” for my easy first, or if BebeDeux will come zipping out of my hoo-ha as if on a water slide.

But then again, labor & delivery is not the part that worries me. It’s what will come afterwards that has me losing sleep at night.

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Oct 5, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Food, Funny, Geek, Video Games

Video Game Character Butchering Charts

Today, I am the featured blogger over at the BlogAds Blog! I have never been interviewed for anything like this before so I’m pretty excited. Click on over to read the interview — including the one thing my readers do not know about me — and a discount code for 50% off my regular ad rates!

Artist Jude Buffum created these humorous butchering charts for some well-known video game characters. Although the thought of a Yoshi Tongue Stew makes me a bit queasy, you can’t help but wonder what the various meats would take like!

Via Geek Tyrant.

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Oct 4, 2011  •  In Entertainment, Movies, NYC, Personal, Sports

Celebrity Sightings and Meetings

I just finished watching the season premiere of Dexter and was surprised to see that Colin Hanks would be playing this season’s villain. Don’t get me wrong — I know that he is a great actor and would probably knock the role out of the park, but having met him in person, it is a bit difficult to imagine this outgoing, easily likable young man portraying a sinister character on screen.

Thinking about the contrast between Colin Hanks’ character on Dexter versus what I knew of him from our encounter made me consider all the celebrities I have ever met, and (if they are actors/actresses) how they contrast from the roles they play, as well as their public perception.

Having lived near NYC for the majority of my life, I actually have NOT met a lot of celebrities. I have friends who seem to run into stars on a regular basis, but being a hermit who, when going out, prefers to haunt safe and tried spots, I have only met a handful of famous names compared to my friends.

My very first celebrity sighting is definitely one of my most memorable, because he is one of my all-time favorite basketball players: Allan Houston! You can read about my encounter here, and the biggest thing I can take away from our meeting is that he actually seemed a bit goofy and clumsy off-court! (But then again, I have heard the same of many professional athletes — that they seem awkward and unnatural out of their natural elements. ;-))

Then there was the cast of Gossip Girl. The show had just started to become popular, so I had no idea who they were at the time — all I knew was that J and I were about to shoot our engagement pictures, and they were creating extra traffic and commotion that interfered with our plans!

(You can read more about it here. And on the subject of celebrities, random tourists started taking pictures of me and J that day after seeing our photographer follow us around — they thought we were celebrities!)

What stands out the most about seeing Serena et al. that day was that they all seemed super nice. Every time that the director yelled, “Cut!” a gaggle of screaming fans would swarm over to the stars. And while the weather was chilly that day (and the female cast scantily clad), the cast ignored the assistants hovering nearby with warm coats and heaters, and instead took time to meet with the fans, sign autographs, and take pictures with them.

I also have a former co-worker who had drinks with Chace Crawford at the height of his Gossip Girl stardom, and she recalls that he was a total sweetheart who was not pretentious or stuck-up at all. Definitely an improvement over their television characters!

My third celebrity sighting came when I attended the New York premiere of The Great Buck Howard (see my post about it here). This was where I met Colin Hanks, in addition to his father, Tom Hanks (!!!), John Malkovich, and Emily Blunt.

The cast of “The Great Buck Howard” on the night of the premiere I attended (image source)

As stated at the beginning of this post, Colin Hanks was very personable and friendly. I unfortunately did not get to talk with Emily Blunt (Who knew her career would skyrocket since then? Or that she would end up marrying my TV boyfriend?), but I definitely enjoyed meeting Tom Hanks, who was nothing like I had imagined. Based on his film roles, I had expected a goofy-in-a-charming-way personality. But he was an extremely gregarious man whose booming laughter would fill an entire room. He clearly loved being the center of attention and you can just feel his charisma lighting up everyone and everything around him.

But the biggest surprise was John Malkovich. I thought that he would be an eccentric, slightly crazy fella, just like the roles for which is most famous. But in real life, he was extremely polite and dignified, well-spoken and a bit reserved. He actually left the party early to go home to his wife!

The next, and last celebrity sighting I had was director Spike Lee. I had always seen him at his usual courtside seat at Knicks games, but I have never seen him up-close, until last summer, when J and I practically walked into him on a sidewalk in SoHo.

(image source)

And for once, my perception of him was right on target. He was lively, energetic, and talking about — what else? — the upcoming NBA Playoffs and how much he despised Boston.

Have you met any celebrities? Were they different from what you expected, or were they exactly as you had imagined them?

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Oct 4, 2011  •  In Books, Entertainment, Funny, Geek

Harry Potter vs. Lord of the Rings

My Harry Potter vs. Star Wars post has been one of the most popular to date, garnering over 3,000 “Like”s on Facebook alone!

Today, I share with you the Lord of the Rings version. And I gotta admit — Harry Potter seems to have more in common with LOTR than with Star Wars. Enjoy!

Via Reddit.

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Oct 3, 2011  •  In Cute, Funny, Geek, Parenting, Star Wars

Boy’s Awesome Reaction to Finding Out Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker’s Father

J and I still haven’t quite agreed on how we will break THE news to our kids.

Of course, “THE news” I am referring to is the fact that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker’s father. 😉

But after watching this 4-year-old boy’s epic reaction, we can now agree on one thing: we will definitely be recording that moment!

How do you plan on revealing the ending to The Empire Strikes Back to your children?

Via Geekologie.

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Oct 3, 2011  •  In Blogging, Funny, Geek, Giveaways, Personal, Reviews, Shopping, Web

Giveaway: Win a Halloween Costume from HalloweenCostumes.com!

This giveaway has closed. Congratulations to Kelly Stadium, who entered by commenting! Please stay tuned for more giveaways in the future!

It’s October! The weather has cooled down, the leaves are changing colors, Starbucks is serving Pumpkin Spice Lattes again…

…and we are nearing one of America’s favorite holidays.

That’s right — Halloween is coming up in just a few short weeks! And if you do not yet have a costume, I have great news for you!

HalloweenCostumes.com has graciously offered to give one reader up to $75 worth of FREE costumes!

Their site, which is organized by sex, age, size, and even themes, features hundreds of costumes in all price ranges and tastes.

Have a little one in the house? Why not try the Baby Costumes section? Are you a history buff? Go check out the Historical Costumes! Of course, this post would not be complete without my mentioning the Star Wars Costumes or the Video Game / Toy Costumes sections. I am also loving the Wizard of Oz Costumes, and if my due date weren’t literally days away from Halloween you know I would be sporting something from the Maternity Costumes!

They even have a great selection of Couples, Groups, Plus Size, and even Pet costumes!

Here are a few of my personal favorites…

This costume can fit both kids and adults!
Mario Kart Costume, $19.99


I confess: I have always wanted to dress like the Princess of Power.
She-Ra Costume, $48.99


I have been telling J for ages that with our height difference,
we would make the perfect Spartan Cheerleaders couple.
Spartan Cheerleader Costumes, $27.99 each (female and male)


For more great costume ideas, be sure to check out the HalloweenCostumes.com Facebook Page! (You can also receive 10% off your next order by “Liking” the page!)

Now, on to the rules for this giveaway!

Each reader is eligible for up to three entries via the following methods (each method will grant a separate entry):

  1. Leave a comment to this post, telling me about your most memorable Halloween costume.
  2. If you haven’t done so already, go to the Geek in Heels Facebook Page and “Like” the page. Then click on the Halloween Costumes Giveaway link (located right under the profile picture, or just use this link) to enter the sweepstakes.
  3. If you haven’t done so already, follow @geekinheels on Twitter and tweet exactly the following: I just entered for a chance to win $75 worth of Halloween costumes via @geekinheels at http://bit.ly/ptvj1m and you can too!

Please do not leave extra comments here if you enter via Facebook or Twitter.

You can increase your chances of winning by using all three methods of entry. There is only one entry allowed per person, per method  — for a total possible number of three entries — and any additional entries will be promptly deleted.

This giveaway is open only to U.S. residents.

For the complete list of rules, go to this link.

The giveaway begins as soon as this entry is published — October 3, 2011 @ 5:00pm EDT — and will run until October 7, 2011 @ 11:59pm EDT. The winner will be announced here on October 8 and will also be notified by email (so please use a valid email when entering so that I can contact you if you win!) or via a Twititer DM.

Good luck, and thanks for reading! 

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Oct 2, 2011  •  In Funny, Web

Pride Goes Before a Fall [Web Edition]

Via In web we trust.

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Oct 2, 2011  •  In Funny, Gadgets, Geek

Modern Doorbell

Hey, it’s better than just honking the horn, right? 😉

Via Miss Cellania.

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Oct 2, 2011  •  In Baby, Claire, Motherhood, Personal

Claire’s Dol (First Birthday Party)

Last night, as I looked at the pictures from Claire’s dol (first birthday party), I started to cry.

You see, in Korean culture, a dol is one of the most significant birthdays in a person’s life. It is, in fact, THE most important birthday in a young person’s life…all the way up until they reach the age of 60! I wasn’t kidding when I stated in a previous entry that I have friends who have spent tens of thousands of dollars for their children’s dol‘s. You can see how all-out some Koreans go at Korean 1st Birthday Blog.

So as I flipped through the pictures, I couldn’t help but shed some tears. Because there were so many things I wanted to do, but did not pan out. Because I knew that my daughter deserves so much better. Because I felt that I had failed her as a mother.

Don’t get me wrong. I am so, eternally, words-can’t-fully-describe grateful and thankful that my mother and SIL volunteered to organize the party. My mother, who still works 70-hour weeks doing manual labor. My SIL, whose life is hectic enough preparing a move to the other side of the world. Without them, Claire’s dol probably would have been nothing more than some store-bought snacks and a birthday cake.

I knew that the party would be small and relatively low-key. I know that a kid’s birthday party is rarely perfect. And I know that Claire will not remember her dol.

BUT there were some things I wanted to happen, which did not…

1.) I wanted some family pictures. With my sister about to leave for Paris for 3 months, and my BIL & SIL moving to Shanghai in less than a month, this will most likely be the last time that the entire family — both my side and J’s — would be together for a long, long time.

Not only did we fail to get ONE family picture, we didn’t even get pictures of me or J — the guest of honor’s own parents! — with Claire. 🙁

2.) We had originally wanted to have Claire’s dol on a Sunday afternoon for two reasons:

    1. It is the most convenient day due to my parents’ hectic business hours. Additionally, we knew that other guests would be free too.
    2. Claire does not like to nap outside our home. So we knew that the later the party, the more tired and crankier she would be.

However, we were not able to have the party today because J had an out-of-town trip planned. We could not hold it yesterday (a Saturday) either, because Saturdays are the busiest days of the week for my parents. So we settled on 5:00 on a Friday evening — my mother left work early to finish preparing the food, and my father left work early too in order to attend. Both J and his brother took the day off from work. As for the small number of other guests? They all arrived when they were able to, meaning that they all came hours late, at different times.

3.) I had not slept well the night before, my hips were acting up, and I was throwing up everything I ate. Either BebeDeux was intent on making me be miserable for her older sister’s party, or my body just wasn’t cooperating (or both). By the time the guests started to arrive, I was exhausted, cranky, and all I wanted to do was lie down and take a nap. I could barely keep a smile on my face, let alone gather people up to take family pictures.

In spite of all this, the guests seemed to have a good time. My mother had volunteered her house and prepared the food, while my SIL took charge of the decorations. The best part was that Claire was not quite as cranky as I had feared she would be…but then again, this might have to do more with the fact that at least one person was holding her and carrying her around the entire time. 🙂

Now, on to some pictures…

My SIL really outdid herself with the decorations, don’t you think?

These dol towers are traditionally made with rice cakes, fruits, candy, and beans. They can get pretty expensive to rent or buy, so my SIL made them herself! The one furthesr to the left says “Congratulations on your first birthday” and the one next to that has Claire’s name in Korean. Meanwhile, the dol tower on the far right is Claire’s name in Chinese. As for the tiger? It’s because Claire was born on the year of the tiger!

My SIL also hand-made the birthday banner. I can’t even imagine how much work went into all this. (Be sure to check out her craft blog for more goodies!)

There were stuffed giraffes on either side of the table, because Claire’s lovey is a stuffed giraffe (which can be seen here) and so we like to think that the giraffe is her favorite animal.

Coincidentally, the cake that my mother got for the party — which is not a traditional western cake but rather a rainbow dduk (Korean rice cake) cake — had a giraffe on it too! She didn’t plan with this with my SIL at all. In fact, she said that she thought the design was a pony. 🙄

At first, Claire started off wearing a silk floral dress I had purchased for her earlier in the week (here she sits with J’s parents)…

But soon, she changed into her very first hanbok (Korean traditional dress) which, once again, my very generous SIL gifted us.

Claire with my sister. I love this picture.

Claire with my BIL and SIL. (Seriously. She looks more like their kid than ours!)

With my in-laws…

And with my parents.

Soon, it was time for doljabi, a short game that is played on a child’s first birthday. Traditionally, three objects are placed on the table in front of the child: a brush, money, and string/yarn, and whichever the child picks up first is supposed to predict his/her future. A brush means that the child will become a scholar. Money is supposed to lead to wealth, and strong/yarn represents long life.

(I picked up the brush at my dol, and my sister chose money.)

In recent years, more items have been getting added to the doljabi, such as stethoscopes, toy golf clubs, calculators, and such. We decided to keep it simple and play it traditional. However, we did not have traditional calligraphy brushes in the house, so we substituted pens instead.

What will Claire choose?

She didn’t even hesitate — girlfriend went straight for the money!

Lastly, a picture with my doting mother:

Now that I’ve calmed down some, I am feeling better about Claire’s dol. So what if we didn’t rent out a party space or a banquet hall? So what if we didn’t hire a photographer, a party planner, or get everything professionally catered? Just look at the love and dedication that pours from these pictures, not only for Claire but also for her heavily pregnant mother, me.

Beisdes, I think what upset me the most is that we were not able to get more photos, specifically, of me and J and Claire.

(J says that we can dress in the same outfits again and take pictures, pretending that they were taken on Claire’s birthday. Right, buddy. That’s not exactly how it works.)

But when you really think about it, photos are just records of memories. Yes, memories fade and pictures may be all we have to rely on years down the road. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t make more, better memories, right?

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Oct 1, 2011  •  In Funny, Gadgets, Geek

What a Difference 10 Years Makes…




Via this is not that blog.

P.S. — Claire’s first birthday party was a great success! I promise I’ll post pictures as soon as I find the time to sort, edit, and upload.

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