Via Reddit.
If Movie Hotels Were Reviewed on TripAdvisor
I still say that the best TripAdvisor review — real or fake — is that of Schrute Farms of Honesdale, PA. 😀
Via Screen Junkies.
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Fail Whale (Not the Twitter Kind)
Unless you have been living under a rock for the past 24 hours, I assume that you have come across the latest internet-slash-iPhone craze: the iPhone Whale Text.
Haven’t seen it yet? Here it is, in all its glory:
Apparently people are already starting to get sick of the iPhone Whale, because I came across some hilarious variations on Reddit today. And because my mind is too overcome with fatigue to write another post of substance, and because I know the end of the work week is near and everyone can use a good laugh, I decided to compile a list of my top ten.
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The Potential for Disaster
I think it’s safe to say that my body has been plagued with health issues throughout this pregnancy. In addition to the everyday stuff like vomiting (still!), migraines, insomnia, and major hip pains, I have had three more major issues since the first trimester:
- Two root canals
- An eye infection which required a visit to the E.R.
- An emergency appendectomy
And in order to treat these ailments, my body — and the baby as a result of being dependent on my body — has been subjected to the following:
- dental x-rays
- dental Novocain
- prescription steroids
- prescription antihistamines
- various antibiotics
- Tylenol-Codeine
- repeated injections of Morphine over a 12-hour period
- an MRI
- general anesthesia
- abdominal surgery
- two weeks of Percocet
Granted, these drugs and procedures were all administered with the approval of my OB (and in the case of the dental x-rays, they covered me with 2-3 layers of the protective lead coverings) and I needed them in order to be free of excruciating pain, temporary blindness, and/or death.
But you can’t deny that these could not have been good for BebeDeux.
Lately, I have been plagued with nightmares and visions of our second child being born with severe deformities. A third eye in the middle of her forehead. A fifth heart chamber. Gnarled and twisted fingers. Extra fingers and toes. Skin ailments that are not detectable on ultrasounds. The list goes on.
Remember the baby from the 70s horror flick “It’s Alive!”? *shudder*
I know that these are fears typical of any mother. Heck, I had them with Claire too, and she was born perfectly healthy. And the doctor tells me at every appointment that BebeDeux seems to be doing just fine.
Even so, I’m scared.
And I feel that I have good reason to be, when I look at the list above.
I try my best to remain hopeful and continue to pray for a healthy baby.
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First English Words
I love this, because it’s soooo true.
Fact: when my family first moved to the U.S., our parents actually encouraged my sister and I to watch TV so that we would be more immersed in our second (and very foreign) language. I am happy to report that Jem, Thundercats, and He-Man were my best, and favorite ESL teachers. 😛
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The World, According to an Alcoholic
I’m disappointed that Korea and its ubiquitous drink, soju, have been ignored. Didn’t ya know that we are Asia’s biggest boozers? 😉
Via Laughing Squid.
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The Boob Juice Dilemma
I do not consider myself a breastfeeding failure. Yes, I struggled tremendously with breastfeeding. Yes, it is true that I was “only” able to provide my firstborn three months of breastmilk. And yes, Claire has been exclusively formula-fed ever since I decided to quit.
But I do not consider myself a failure. Claire has never gone hungry. She has never been sick — not even common baby rashes like eczema or a diaper rash — nor does she suffer from any allergies. She is smart as a whip and she is, simply put, thriving.
What more can you ask for in an 11-month-old?
But with all this being said, I do want to give breastfeeding another go with BebeDeux. J remembers the hardship we endured with Claire, and tells me that it is entirely up to me, that he will support whichever decision I make. And as I recall the horrendous physical pain (I had recurring mastitis and thrush infections), the endless hours I spent pumping when I could’ve been bonding with my little girl, as well as the dietary restrictions put on nursing women and the elimination diet I endured when we suspected Claire was having adverse reactions to my breastmilk, I am tempted to go straight to formula with BebeDeux.
But I do not want to fall into the trap of not providing for your second (and subsequent) child the same — or at least as similar as possible — attention, effort, and conditions as your first.
…And I confess that a small part of me wants to successfully breastfeed this time around because I could not with the first.
Looking back, I now realize that there were four main obstacles standing in the way of a successful breastfeeding relationship with Claire:
1.) She had, and continues to have, a weak suck.
I did not know this at the time because I did not have other babies to compare her to, but even when I look at newborns now, I am amazed at how strong their sucking reflexes are compared to my daughter’s.
Only recently have I come to read about a physical condition called abnormal attachment of the maxillary labial frenum (via Fearless Formula Feeder) which may lead to difficulty in nursing…and Claire definitely has this “bump” in the middle of her top gumline.
(image source)
We will definitely be bringing this up at Claire’s next pediatrician appointment, and will be checking BebeDeux for this condition as well.
2.) My in-laws were around all the time.
And while I was — and continue to remain — grateful for their help, I am a very private person who is uncomfortable exposing my bare chest in front of my own mother. This time around, I will not be afraid to speak up if I feel suffocated…I may even ask them to leave at times!
3.) I was tied to the pump.
Like, for the majority of my waking hours.
And while I knew that I had to pump if I wanted to nourish my daughter with breastmilk, I only now realize that this severely interfered with precious mother-child bonding time in addition to making me miserable because I literally felt like a milking machine.
(image source)
If BebeDeux turns out to hate drinking from the breast as much as Claire did, I will not be afraid to supplement with formula, and only pump enough to give her half-breastmilk.
4.) I just did not like breastfeeding.
There. I said it.
Even on the times that Claire was sucking on the boob, I never felt the rush of endorphins other moms describe. I never felt like it bonded us more than when I was bottle-feeding her. In fact, I actually liked bottle-feeding better, because I could look directly into both of her eyes.
I hated how my boobs leaked all the time, how horribly large and unwieldy they were (they were an E-cup when I was breastfeeding…not very proportionate on a 5’1″ girl whose breasts normally hover between a B and a C), and how my back and shoulder constantly hurt from my oversized, swollen breasts.
And because I hated breastfeeding, I felt even more like something was horribly wrong with me. Which added to the stress, which lowered my immune system more, which continued to contribute to my recurring infections. (And I am sure that this also got in the way of my bonding with Claire.)
I am not sure if I will feel the same way about breastfeeding when BebeDeux comes along. They say that breastfeeding gets better past the newborn stage, but I also know that breastfeeding is not for everyone. I guess we’ll just have to see on this one…and if I end up hating it as much as I did with Claire, I will stop after 3 months, just as I did with Claire.
I am now 32 weeks pregnant with BebeDeux. And despite my weekend puking marathon (I am feeling much better now), she remains as strong and active as ever. It’s incredibly scary and exciting to know that in as little as two months, we will have two babies in our household.
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The Marketing Styles of Tech Companies
Hilarious! And especially time-appropriate given the recent HP TouchPad debacle. 🙂
Via Bonkers World.
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Puke, and Moms
How is everyone’s Labor Day weekend going? For me, it looks like this:
I’m not sure if it is food poisoning or just a bad case of pregnancy-induced nausea, but I have thrown up everything I’ve eaten for the past 48 hours. I feel so weak and — believe it or not — hungry, but nothing seems to be staying down. 🙁 It’s not bad enough to warrant a visit to the ER, but if I am not feeling better by tomorrow I will definitely be seeing a doctor.
J and I were planning on taking Claire and Comang to my parents’ today for some holiday BBQ, but we’ve canceled due to my condition and my mother has come here instead. She brought over various types of jook (rice porridge) in hopes that they will help settle my stomach, and is currently preparing a huge pot of samgyetang (chicken and ginseng soup) while Claire naps so that I will have something healthy and nutricious to eat tonight and tomorrow.
My mother has also brought with her tons of fish pancakes and even pre-marinated bulgogi so that J has some of his favorite Korean dishes to eat while his wife is sick. And while I lie in bed writing this post on my phone? She is looking over the simmering samgyetang while cleaning the entire condo.
I am by no means a slave driver…in fact, I keep telling my mom NOT to do these things, ESPECIALLY since she works so hard at her store and this is her vacation too. But she insists on it, saying that this is what makes her happy. And this is how she has always been — forever doing so much for her family yet still wanting to give more.
I hope that I can do half as much for my children as they get older.
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It’s September Already?
Thank you so, soooo much for all the supportive comments and messages regarding my last post. It really warmed my heart to know that so many people care. 🙂
I spent the past few days enjoying some extra time with family. I know that I must be extra vulnerable and emotional due to the pregnancy hormones and the events of the past week, but I can’t appreciate enough how great of a family I have and how lucky and thankful I am to have these people in my life. So if you are reading this, thank you.
One of the bad pieces of news I received was of financial nature, and so we’ve decided to wait a few more weeks to buy my replacement laptop. BUT the good news is that I received my new phone — the Motorola Droid 3 — on Wednesday and I love it!
As you can see, even the weather was agreeable
when I set up my new phone. (J’s name blacked out)
Granted, I was upgrading from the original Droid so there was a BIG jump in all technical specs. But people! I can run apps like Words with Friends again! (Anyone care to play? My username is geekinheels.) I can have “live” wallpaper without the entire system crashing! I can video-chat, and even take 1080p HD video!
I can also finally run many of the great photo-editing apps that are out on the market today, like BeFunky:
This picture melts my heart. J loves his daughter SO much.
In more Claire news, I only just realized today that she will be turning 1 late this month — September 30, to be exact — and I couldn’t help but be a teensy bit proud of my little girl. (I’m also somewhat proud of myself for keeping a human being alive for this long. 😛 ) She’s still not crawling and still not showing any interest in walking, but she is maturing in other ways I previously didn’t believe to be possible at just 11 months old. For example, this past week she has started to turn her books rightside-up when “reading” them (how does she know which way is up already?), and she continues to share her snacks with Comang, as evidenced in this movie below:
Traditionally, Koreans tend to hold big parties called dol for a baby’s first birthday. I have friends who have spent tens of thousands of dollars on their kids’ dol‘s! But as I am uncomfortably pregnant, and as we believe the first (and probably the second and third) birthdays are more for the parents than for the babies themselves, we will be having a small family get-together at my parents’ house instead.
It won’t be a total washout, however. My mother and my SIL are adamant about having some traditional Korean dol decorations, and Claire will be donning her first hanbok (Korean traditional dress).
I’m kinda glad that the Chinese don’t have big first birthday celebrations. I can only imagine the chaos if we had to choose which traditions to pick over the other!