Via Geekosystem.
P.S. — There are still a few hours left until my Amazon Giftcard Giveaway closes! Click on over for a chance to win $100, $50, or $25!
Via Geekosystem.
P.S. — There are still a few hours left until my Amazon Giftcard Giveaway closes! Click on over for a chance to win $100, $50, or $25!
Have I mentioned lately just how much I love my geeky husband? As a former employee of the big G, he was one of the first in the public to get an invitation to Google+, and as soon as he was able to send invitations himself he passed it on to me. 😀
My first impressions of Google+? No, I do not think it is a “Facebook killer”…at least not for the time being. Even now, over a week after its launch, I think most people are still getting used to the idea of another social network and just how it could be fully utilized. (Even the Google+ team seems to not yet have a concrete plan on its capabilities.)
But this post is not a Google+ review. There already exists numerous reviews on the ‘net, and if you are curious you can simply do a web search.
This post celebrates the images that have already gone viral in the Google+ world. So sit back, relax, and prepare to laugh (at least smile).
And, because this video is too good not to share with this list…
Immediately after watching this, both J and I created circles called “Circle of Trust.” 😉
P.S. — When Google+ opened up its invites for a brief period last night, I posted it to the Geek in Heels Facebook Page and was able to get some readers invitations. Please add your name to the thread if you would like an invite also!
P.P.S. — There’s still plenty of time to enter my Amazon Giftcard Giveaway! Head on over for a chance to win a $100, $50, or a $25 Amazon giftcard!
Digital Photography School has sparked another Canon vs Nikon debate by posting the following infographic earlier today:
As much as I would’ve liked to see more technical data, I can only assume that the resulting infographic would be about 5x larger due to the wide range of products each company provides!
On a more personal note, when I purchased my DSLR two years ago, I was leaning a bit more to the Nikon side solely based on the fact that my favorite photographers seemed to prefer Nikons over Canons.
However, J strongly encouraged me to try them out in person first (my choices at the time were the Canon T1i and the Nikon D90) and once I held each camera in my hands, played around with the controls and took some test shots, it was clear that I was a Canon girl.
Why? The body felt more natural in my tiny hands and the controls more intuitive…all completely subjective opinions.
Now I’m more than happy that I chose the Canon route, because J shoots with a Canon and I can use his lenses! 😛
Do you prefer Canon or Nikon, or another brand altogether? What made you go with that brand?
P.S. — In related news, a film industry vet is asserting that flying with your digital camera may damage its sensor. It is a questionable claim, but may have some merits all the same.
We took Claire to the pediatrician for her 9 month checkup this morning…and it was awful.
Don’t get me wrong — she was declared perfectly healthy and we were told not to worry about a thing.
The awful part was that I had never seen my baby girl cry so much at the doctor’s office before and it just broke my heart. (You know how I mentioned earlier that I have physical reactions to her cries? Yeah. My heart is still pounding up in my throat and the tightness in my chest hasn’t gone away.)
J and I had expected this visit to go along the lines of all her other “wellness” visits (which is what our pediatrician office calls these regular checkups): weighing and measurements, brief physical examination, questions, shots, and done.
What we hadn’t expected was that this visit also included — in addition to the above — hearing and vision tests, as well as a blood draw.
The hearing and vision tests were actually pretty cool. The hearing test involved a nurse sticking an electric probe into her ears, which measured…something. All I know is that she printed out a reading and told us that her hearing was within normal range.
The vision test was a lot more complex. The nurse took us into a separate room where she attached three wires to different parts of Claire’s head. She then put an eye patch over one eye and had Claire look into a screen which emitted various images, colors, and motions. After a few minutes of this, the nurse switched the eye patch to the other eye and repeated the test. The wires apparently measured Claire’s brain waves as she processed what happened on the screen, and as a geek I couldn’t help but be fascinated by the entire procedure. I really wanted to take pictures, but the room was dark and I didn’t want to be known as the weirdo mom who takes pictures of her crying baby hooked up to wires.
(Later the doctor told us that this test can only approximate her vision. At this age, it is better used to see if both her eyes are within the same range, and luckily they are.)
While I was absolutely intrigued by these tests, Claire hated them. At 9 months old, she is now more aware of her surroundings than ever before, and as I have stated before, she is a very cautious (and sometimes fearful) baby. She is also full into her stranger anxiety phase, so she hates being handled by anyone who is not familiar.
So yes, she cried almost the entire time. (Except when the vision test was actually happening. She loved staring into that screen.)
She also predictably cried when they drew her blood and gave her her last vaccination of the first year of her life.
She continued to cry during the doctor’s physical examination.
The good news, as stated at the beginning of this post, is that Claire is perfectly healthy. We were asked to fill out a short questionnaire regarding her milestones (again, this was something new for this 9 month visit) and the doctor told us that Claire is right on track for most of her stuff, and even advanced for her fine motor skills.
When we asked about crawling, the doc told us that he doesn’t consider that a milestone anymore since many babies skip it altogether.
And when the question of whether she can support herself standing while holding onto a stationary object came up (because we had never seen her do this before)…
The doctor stood her up and supported her with just one finger hooked to the front of her shirt. 😯
I immediately lunged forward and placed my hands in a protective halo around her, but the doctor laughed and said, “See? She’s standing up just fine! Her muscle tone and control is excellent! She will start walking when she is ready.”
Thank you. But can you give this poor mama a warning before you do anything like that again? 👿
The doc also added, “Claire also has a larger head in proportion to the rest of her body. This means that it requires more work for her to hold it up, so it’s only natural that she might fall behind on some of her gross motor functions. But she’s on track for now!”
Oh, that. The big head. Let’s see how she measures up now…
Height: 26.5 inches, 15th percentile
Weight: 18.8 lbs, 47th percentile
Head Circumference: 46.5 cm, 96th percentile (!!!)
I’m still not that worried about Claire’s giant head. I figure she still has lots of growing to do, and that she has plenty of time for the rest of her body to catch up to her head. As for the height-to-weight ratio? Once again, we figure that her large head is a big contributing factor to her weight.
Here’s a picture of my Claire Bear on our way home from the pediatrician’s office. She was so exhausted that she almost fell asleep with a Mum-Mum in her mouth.
Claire was running a slight fever by the time we got home, so I was naturally a bit concerned. However, she went down for a nap without a fuss and slept an hour and fifteen minutes straight, which is THE most she’s napped with me in months.
By the time she woke up, the fever had disappeared and she was in considerably better spirits.
Admittedly, the map seems a bit centered around New York, but hey, it was created for the NYTimes Magazine!
As I rolled out of bed this morning, I almost collapsed to the floor in a ball of agony. “Hello, pregnancy hip pains,” I muttered to myself. “Now I remember you!”
Hip pains and crotch pains. Hip pains from my hip joints loosening (I was not officially diagnosed with Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction in my last pregnancy, but it was still bad enough that I couldn’t exercise for all of my third trimester) and the crotch pain from the increased bloodflow to the pelvic area.
If you weren’t around the first time I was pregnant, the hip pains feel like my right hip joint is about to pop open with every step or movement. Crotch pains feel like someone’s been repeatedly kicking me in the groin. You’re very welcome for the visuals. 😉
In addition to my physical ailments, I have been crying on and off the entire morning. Yes, I am sure that some of it can be attributed to pregnancy hormones, but the majority of the tears were shed for my family. I won’t get into details, but I do want to say that my family — specifically, my father, mother, and sister — can all use some prayers right now.
I love, LOVE this paper cut out collage by Megan Hughes:
It is part of a new Harry Potter Tribute Exhibit at Gallery Nucleus in Alhambra, CA. The exhibition opens this Saturday and will run until August 1 — can any of my readers go for a visit and tell me how they like it?
There’s still plenty of time to enter my Amazon Giftcard Giveaway! Head on over for a chance to win a $100, $50, or a $25 Amazon giftcard!
Growing up as a book worm, I loved me my classic tales from Hans Christian Andersen and the Brothers Grimm. While it’s true that these stories have been through multiple translations, reinterpretations, and even censorship, I believe that there are too few things from our childhood that can equally transcend both culture and language.
A new compendium of the Brothers Grimm’s most popular fairy tales is set to be released by Taschen this August and I can hardly contain my excitement. Because not only does this edition bring together 27 of the most beloved Grimm’s tales, each story is accompanied by some of the best vintage illustrations that have been issued with the fairy tales from the 1820s through the 1950s.
This collection also contains new silhouettes designed and created especially for the book, in addition to an introduction to the Grimms’ legacy, brief introductory texts for each tale, and extended artists’ biographies in the appendix.
What are you waiting for? Go pre-order your own copy today!
Via Flavorwire.
No, not for me. I wish I could go on a business trip. I was only sent on 1-2 trips per year when I worked, so I actually quite enjoyed them and would LOVE to go on any sort of trip right now.
The business trip is for J, who will be shipped off to Silicon Valley next week for three days.
I hadn’t realized that “mid-July” is literally next week, so I had been putting off on making any sort of plan for our household while my better half is on the other side of the country.
Option 1: Stay home and stick to my normal routine as much as possible. Comang will have to be walked while I push Claire in the stroller (I hate doing this because he likes to be extra difficult when the stroller is out with us) and I may have to forgo a couple of showers. Also, I tend not to eat much when J is not here (I sometimes forget to eat. I know, it’s bad, but he has to constantly remind me to eat.) which could be a blessing or a curse. J might return to find our condo in disarray, with an attention-starved dog and a stinky, skinny wife.
Option 2: Ask our part-time nanny to come in for some overtime. However, this will depend entirely on her schedule.
Option 3: Go stay at my parents’ for the duration of J’s trip. While I would appreciate the nighttime help (as both of them will be at work during the day), I’m still pretty iffy on whether Claire will be able to sleep away from home. Take yesterday, for example. Girlfriend refused to sleep for seven hours while we were there. She needs her crib to sleep well.
What would you do?
Update, 7/6/11:
Thank you to everyone for your input. A new situation has arose which will not allow me to take Claire to my parents, so it’ll have to be option 1 or 2 (our nanny has yet to get back to me on her schedule).
To my fellow Americans, Happy Independence Day!
As usual, the web is filled with Fourth of July celebrations and dedications. My favorite for this year is Code for America’s Tweets and Stripes:
The site aggregates twitter avatars from users who tweet about #July4 and beautifully mashes them up into a mosaic representation of the stars and stripes–again representing the diversity and unity of the original flag.
The best part? The ever-changing mosaic is interactive in that when you mouseover an avatar, the user’s tweet is nicely displayed, as such:
Coincidentally, one of my first mouseovers displayed the above Star Wars-related tweet.
I hope everyone reading this is having a great Fourth and that you’re enjoying your holiday weekend!
Via Boing Boing.
I know that I certainly do. The past week hasn’t been the easiest on me, mentally as well as physically, and today I felt the accumulation of the stress come crashing into me with the force of an eighteen wheeler.
Here’s to hoping that the next week will be better. And that whoever’s down in the dumps with me will appreciate and benefit from this video as much as I did.
[vimeo video_id=”23607973″ width=”500″ height=”281″ title=”No” byline=”No” portrait=”No” autoplay=”No” loop=”No” color=”00adef”]
Via Mashable.