Jul 2, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Books, Cute, Entertainment, Funny

Harry Potter Characters, South Park Style

deviantART user Sam Frank has painstakingly re-drawn every major recurring character in Harry Potter in the style of South Park. I especially love Moaning Myrtle — I immediately knew who she was at first glance!

Via Bit Rebels.

P.S. — Have you entered my Amazon Gift Card Giveaway yet? You can win $100, $50, or $25!

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Jul 2, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Motherhood, Parenting, Personal

9 Months & 22 Weeks

This past Thursday, Claire turned 9 months old and I became 22 weeks pregnant with BebeDeux. I feel that we’re due for an update, yes?

First up: my Claire Bear.

I haven’t been keeping track of Claire’s age by weeks, but according to BabyCenter she is now 39 weeks and 2 days old. I gave birth at 39 weeks and 5 days…which means she has now been outside the womb for almost as long as she was in. Crazy, I tell ya!

My firstborn is certainly starting to become more fun now that her personality is really shining through. More difficult to manage, but more fun. 😉  She LOVES her umma (the Korean word for “mommy”) and we’re pretty sure that she is starting to understand what it means, as she only tends to say the word when I leave the room or when she is in distress and is calling for me.

But, of course, her second favorite person in the world is her baba (the Chinese word for “daddy”). Ever since I got pregnant with BebeDeux, he has taken over the night and early morning shifts with Claire and they have really bonded as a result. I often catch her glancing over at him whenever she seems confused about something.

Claire is one of the most cautious babies I know — whenever she is met with a new object, place, or person, she will not proceed until she is certain that it poses no danger. For example, while most babies will grab and tear at flowers and plants, she will stroke them gently, little by little…and only when she sees that they pose no threat (in addition to looking over at one of us for an approving nod), she will touch and play with them. She has, in fact, been doing this since she was about five months old.

Despite her reluctance to proceed with new objects and people, she is also curious and inquisitive. You can tell that even though she is fearful of the unfamiliar, she still wants to partake in these new experiences and learn from them.

The girl LOVES her books and as a bibliophile myself, I am truly thankful for this. She loves being read to and to play with her books, babbling to herself (my parents say that she’s reading already  :roll:) while flipping through the pages. Here’s a short video J took of her with his phone:

Claire continues to do splendidly with solids. Starting just a few weeks ago, I started to prepare jook (congee, or rice cooked in a lot of water) for her and she devours it like there is no tomorrow. At first, I started out with chopped up veggies with chicken or beef stock, but we have since advanced to more ingredients, including actual minced meat.

The very first bowl of jook I made for her.
She liked it so much that she cried when we were done.

This weekend, I plan to give her some Korean traditional soups like miyukgook (seaweed soup) and galbitang (beef short rib & daikon soup). I feel very blessed that she does not seem to have allergies…but then again, neither J nor I have any food allergies so we were never too worried about this.

We have also started to teach her to use a sippy cup for the past two weeks. The biggest challenge in getting her to use a sippy cup is that she doesn’t like to hold the cup herself. (She refuses to hold her own bottles too. Believe me, we’ve tried.) She will either open her mouth wide and expect us to hold it for her, or she will slouch down as far as she can in her high chair and tilt the cup against the table to drink from it.  😡  Last weekend, whenever J and I refused to hold the cup for her, she would throw the cup to the floor and glare at us. (Now that I think about it, she throws a lot of stuff when she gets angry.) It took quite some tears, but she is finally starting to get the hang of it:

And, because no mother can resist posting embarrassing pictures of her child:

Now, on to BebeDeux.

BebeDeux is VERY active. I thought that Claire was active when I was pregnant with her, but looking back I was a naive first-time-mom who just didn’t know any better. Claire would roll around lazily inside my tummy, but BebeDeux seems to be training for MMA. Even J gets amazed at how strong and active she is already because her movements keep me up every night.

I haven’t had any bleeding since those two scary weeks, but I haven’t been feeling any better. The second trimester is considered “the honeymoon trimester” because it is usually the easiest (and this was certainly the case when I was pregnant with Claire), but with BebeDeux the second has been worse than the first. My energy level remains at an all-time low and I still throw up almost every day. I remain plagued by insomnia. My sole consolation remains in the fact that my migraines have started to lessen in frequency.

I seem to be on the same track, weight-wise, as my pregnancy with Claire. This time I am not sweating it as much because I know that my body is just doing what it needs to do and I’m pretty sure I can lose most of the weight as easily as I had the first time around. Everything else seems perfectly normal and healthy, and even my blood pressure remains exactly the same at 100/60 for every OB visit.

Here is the obligatory belly shot. It’s true what they say — you really do get bigger, faster, with subsequent pregnancies. The picture on the left is of me, 22 weeks pregnant with Claire. The one on the right was taken earlier today at the worst possible time of day to take a picture (when the sun was at its brightest), with no makeup or retouching. I really must be getting lazy these days.

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Jul 1, 2011  •  In Funny, Twitter, Web

If Celebrity Tweets Were Honest

Via Cool Material.

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Jul 1, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Books, Cute, Funny, Marketing/Advertising

Everybody Reads the Same Story Differently

Barney: Hey, The Karate Kid’s a great movie. It’s the story of a hopeful, young karate enthusiast whose dreams and moxie take him all the way to the All Valley Karate Championship. Of course, sadly he loses in the final round to that nerd kid. But, he learns an important lesson about gracefully accepting defeat.

Lily:  Wait, when you watch The Karate Kid you actually root for that mean blonde boy?

Barney: No, I root for the scrawny loser from New Jersey who barely even knows karate. (Rolls eyes.) When I watch The Karate Kid I root for the karate kid, Johnny Lawrence from the Cobra Kai dojo. Get your head out of your ass, Lily.

As the above scene from HIMYM illustrates, not everyone has the same point of view when reading books or watching movies.  😉  Even I find myself rooting for the supposed villain or the lowly sidekick on occasions.

This is exactly the premise behind ‘Everybody Reads the Same Story Differently,’ an advertising campaign by Y&R Bogotá of Colombia.

Can you believe that the ads are for an office equipment company? It makes me want to take a highlighter and start highlighting all the little things that are so easy to miss in life!


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Jul 1, 2011  •  In Blogging, Giveaways, Personal

Celebrating 100k+ Visitors with an Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!

Update: the giveaway is now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered! I will post the winners shortly.

June 2011 was a big one for this blog.

We started the month with a site re-design and I began my efforts to monetize my site.

This has also been the biggest month ever in terms of traffic.

Back in April, I received a little over 95,000 unique visitors and so had set a short-term goal of 100,000 visitors per month by the summer’s end.

Well, as of 12:00am this morning, I had received…

105,785 visitors for the month of June 2011.


Thank you, thank you, thank you all so much for supporting this blog and continuing to spread the word about it!

And, as a token of my appreciation — as well as a celebratory gesture — I have decided to host a giveaway from my favorite online store: Amazon!

The best part?

I will be giving away not one…not two…but THREE gift cards!


ONE lucky winner will receive a $100 gift card:


A second winner will receive a $50 gift card:


And a third winner will receive a $25 gift card!


I must admit that I have an ulterior motive for hosting this giveaway.

You see, I have created a Facebook Page for this blog, and I would love to gain some new fans to the page.

So, as an added incentive, you will automatically be entered to the drawing three times if you “Like” the Geek in Heels Page on Facebook.

Of course, there are other ways to enter, but they only grant you one entry each.

Here are the four ways to enter this giveaway:

  1. Leave a comment here telling me how you would use your Amazon gift card (one entry)
  2. Tweet — and leave a comment here saying you did so — the following (one entry):
    I just entered for a chance to win a $100, $50, or $25 Amazon gift card via @geekinheels and you can too! http://bit.ly/lbUolr
  3. “Like” this post using the Facebook “Like” button at the bottom, and leave a comment here saying you did so (one entry)
  4. “Like” the Geek in Heels Facebook Page (three entries)

There is no need to leave a comment if you enter using method #4, as everyone who “Likes” the page will be automatically entered in the drawing. (But please note that if you are the winner, I may try to contact you via a Facebook private message.)

Obviously, you can increase your chances of winning by using all four methods.  😉

Please leave a valid email address (which will not be published or shared) when filling out the comment form so that I can contact you if you win.

The giveaway will end next Friday, July 8th, 2011 at 12:00pm EST. The winner will be chosen by a random number generator and be notified via email or a private Facebook message.

Thanks for reading, thanks for all the support, and good luck!

Edited to add, 7/2/11:

There have been quite a number of people who are commenting multiple times in hopes that this will increase their chances of winning. Since this is the largest giveaway I have run to date, I am being extra careful and have been keeping careful tabs on ALL entries (and yes, this includes IP addresses). Multiple/duplicate entries are immediately deleted, so these people are only wasting their time. And to those who are playing fair, thank you!

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Jun 30, 2011  •  In Funny

How to Irritate All Kinds of People



Via Reddit.

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Jun 30, 2011  •  In Blogging, Personal, Web

Online Handles

I saw an article titled “How Dumb Was Your First Online Handle?” yesterday on Gizmodo and I couldn’t help but let out a small giggle. It sure brought back some good memories…

The year was 1996.  Everyone was talking about the wonderful new invention called the internet.  AOL was starting to gain in popularity, especially among the 15-30 crowd.  And, in the usual Hwang family fashion, our parents only surrendered their credit card number after all our friends were online.

The hardest part about setting up the account was the username.  It had to be something unique.  It had to be something that represented me.  And I had to choose fast, because my sister was waiting for her turn.

I quickly entered every possible choice after choice.  It soon became apparent the immense number of AOL members.  Either that, or I wasn’t very creative.

I then remembered a character in an Ann Rice novel — a teenage vampire who burns alive.  Baby Jenks.

Unfortunately, BabyJenks was not available.  But BabyJenk5 was…and 5 kinda looks like an S, right?

Thus BabyJenk5 was born.

I continued to use BabyJenk5 for ten years. On AIM. Message boards. Shopping sites. Even my first blog at Xanga.

What was your first online handle?
Are you now embarrassed by it?
Or do you still use the very first handle you chose?

As much as I grew attached to BabyJenk5, I never loved it because it seemed too cutesy for who I really am as a person. So when a close friend first referred to me as a “geek in heels,” I immediately loved it. I knew that I was ready for a change, and that Geek in Heels was it.

When I first registered this domain name, there was no one else using “geek in heels” or the “geekinheels” moniker on the internet — at least not according to Google. And last year, when I wrote about possibly snatching up some popular top level domain names for this blog, most of my readers seemed agreeable to the idea.

…Except I was too lazy and never got around to registering those domains.

Recently, it has come to my attention that numerous others have been using this handle — there now even exists a geekinheels.net and a corresponding Facebook page for that business! I had told myself that I would think about creating a Facebook page for this blog once it grows a bit more, so I was a bit disappointed to see that facebook.com/geekinheels is no longer available.

There is also a geekinheels Tumblr blog, and various forms of the name are being used all over the Twitterverse and other popular web services.

I know that I may not want to stick with “Geek in Heels” in a few years, as my friend Eva pointed out. However, I became unnecessarily paranoid and proceeded to snatch up the rest of the popular top level domains for geekinheels, in addition to registering for various popular web services with that handle.

I was able to get these domains for a pretty good price via Name Cheap,
which was voted Lifehacker’s Best Domain Registrar last year.

Once again, this may strike some people as being unnecessarily paranoid. But as a SAHM who is finally starting to generate some moola via her blog, I figure that I better protect my investment…wouldn’t you agree?

P.S. — Today is the last day of the month, and as I checked my site stats this morning I was pleasantly surprised to see that I may just hit 100,000 unique visitors for the month of June! Loyal readers may remember that I had promised to do a big giveaway in celebration if this happens…so keep your fingers crossed (and maybe share some of your favorite posts with your friends?) and you may become eligible to win a pretty nice prize!

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Jun 29, 2011  •  In Funny, Geek, Infographics, Star Wars

The Jedi Trainer’s Guide to Employee Management [Infographic]

Thoughtfully compiled and utterly hilarious. You know I can never get enough Star Wars!

Via The Next Web.

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Jun 29, 2011  •  In Aerin, Claire, Comang, Parenting, Personal, Relationships

First Child Syndrome

Lately I have been losing my patience with Comang. So much so, that the thought of giving him away has entered my mind on more than a few occasions.  🙁

Our beloved shih-tzu has a classic case of first child syndrome. He is insanely jealous of the attention that Claire receives and is adding undue stress to my life.

Please don’t get me wrong — he has never acted out against Claire and I am certain that he won’t. Instead, he acts out toward me, his mommy and his favorite person in the world.

Whenever I am sitting anywhere with Claire, he will try to squeeze himself between us. When I am doing something with Claire that requires most of my attention, such as feeding her, he will scratch at my legs and endlessly bark.

He has even become destructive of our property, which he has never done before.

I try my best to discipline him with a stern “No!” whenever he does these things. And when Claire is napping, I head over to him, ready to shower him with attention…

But at these times, he will plain-out ignore me, perched on the couch and staring longingly out the window with desolate sighs.

A shot of Comang during one of his melancholy moods

It really isn’t that bad. I know that many dogs choose a more terrible path when babies are introduced to the picture, and I am thankful that Comang hasn’t been horrible (yet?). But I feel really bad for the little guy, knowing that he once had a more enjoyable life.

At times like these, I can’t help but wonder if he would have a better life with another family.

J has brought up the idea of getting another dog to keep Comang company so that he is not so lonely. I am not sure this is the best course of action, especially with BebeDeux on the way.

And speaking of BebeDeux, I now fear how Comang will react to yet another baby in the household, one for whom he will undoubtedly have to sacrifice more of my attention.

I am also scared that Claire might react similarly to how Comang has when the second baby arrives.

Do any of my pet-knowledgeable readers have any advice?

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Jun 29, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Funny, Geek, Web

Organizational Charts for Tech Companies

Designer Manu Cornet brings us a funny take on how some of the biggest tech companies must be organized. I would say that it’s pretty accurate — do you agree?

Via Business Insider.

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