This video made me crack up and tear up at the same time. Coincidentally, the video is celebrating the couple’s third anniversary, and it has been eight years since they first started dating…just like me and J!
Via Nerd Approved.
This video made me crack up and tear up at the same time. Coincidentally, the video is celebrating the couple’s third anniversary, and it has been eight years since they first started dating…just like me and J!
Via Nerd Approved.
J and I are both sick.
I only slept two hours last night from raging migraines (years down the road, I think I may remember this pregnancy as “the eternal headache”), dizziness, and nausea.
J seems to be coming down with a cold.
We have been taking turns napping while the other watches Claire. I feel bad that both her parents are feeling so crappy and cranky today, and as I put her down for her afternoon nap just now, I couldn’t help but be thankful that she seems to be taking our less-than-stellar attitudes well. How she keeps me humble by reminding me that there’s always someone more important than me.
But most of all, I am thankful for her health.
At 7 months old, Claire has not been sick once since being born. Sure, she was at risk of jaundice at birth but was never officially diagnosed (her bilirubin levels were just below the cut-off) and got better within just a few days without any special treatments. There were the first few months of her life where we had to clear her nose every day due to excessive boogers, and I can’t forget her stubborn bout with thrush (which I’m told, in fact, do not bother most babies at all).
But aside from that, she is one of the healthiest babies I know. She never suffered from reflux — she actually rarely spit up and I can probably count on one hand the total number of spit-ups we suffered since birth. She has never had a bad reaction to soap, shampoo, wipe, laundry detergent, etc. She is doing splendidly with solids and does not seem to be allergic to anything.
She is, as a matter of fact, a lot healthier than me.
Maybe it is the three months of breastmilk I was able to provide. Maybe it’s just good genes. Or maybe it’s just dumb luck.
But you have no idea how grateful I am to have such a healthy baby.
Claire has a difficult personality — there is no doubt about it. She has made us endure a month+ of colic. She put us through another month+ of hell while she was preparing to sprout her first teeth. She doesn’t like to sleep, and can’t sleep well in places aside from her crib. She is stubborn, vocal and high-spirited. Strangers regularly tell me that she seems to be an “intense” baby.
Even before learning any words, she has learned to say “no” by shaking her head side to side (she does this all the time these days whenever she’s the bit displeased about anything).
But these are all personality quirks, and not related to health at all.
They say that you can’t have everything. So perhaps her good health is the universe’s way of compensating for her difficult personality?
And while I know I complain about her difficult personality — and I confess that sometimes I wish she were more laid-back, more happy, and just an easier baby in general — I know without a doubt that if given the choice, I will always take a healthy baby over an easy baby.
…Saddens me a bit.
Not because I am mourning the death of a great person. Not because I am a supporter of terrorism or any of the other horrible things he has done in his lifetime. Not because I do not still cringe when I think about 9/11 or the thousands of lives of the troops who have given their lives because of his actions.
I am saddened because of so many people’s reaction to it. How happy and celebratory they are.
Let’s get one thing straight. I believe Bin Laden was not a good person. He has caused much pain and suffering and his name will go down in history with the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc.
But I do not believe ANYONE‘s death is one to be celebrated.
I wouldn’t wish death upon even the murderers of my own family. Capture and/or punishment (excluding execution), yes. But death? No.
Perhaps it’s due to my belief that everyone will meet their TRUE justice after death. I hold life to be sacred and I believe that EVERYONE’s life on this earth — no matter how heroic or villainous, no matter how short or how long — is worth something.
And let’s not forget that God loves even the lowest scum that has ever walked this plant. Even Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and Bin Laden.
I know that my belief is in the minority (someone has even de-friended me on Facebook) but I implore my readers to at least realize that, as my friend Teyah said, “Two wrongs don’t make a right and victory dances on the man’s grave would make us no better than he was and won’t retract all the horrible things he did.”
And I can’t blame them. Carrie Fisher looked fantastic in that outfit.
Via Geeks are Sexy.
P.S. — See the inspiration behind Princess Leia’s iconic bikini here!
And here I thought Cranium went all-out when they replaced pictures with clay.
Check out the product page here. It seems a bit pricey at $34, but I’m sure that wouldn’t be a problem for Lego and/or boardgame enthusiasts.
Next up: a Pictionary game with origami (I kid).
Via CrunchGear.
I wasn’t planning on waking up at the crack ass of dawn to watch the royal wedding, but apparently my cranky daughter had other plans by waking up with a screamfest at 4am and refusing to go back to sleep.
You guys, I think I may have a future princess-wannabe on my hands. Or at least one with 공주병 (gong-joo-byung, which literally translates to “princess disease”), because the little girl was simply ENTHRALLED by the wedding proceedings and would not take her eyes off the TV.
When J woke up at 7am, I held her up to him and said in a little girly voice, “Daddy when I grow up can I be a princess too? Can I marry a prince? Can I wear a dress like that and wear a tiara too?”
“Of course you can!” J replied as he scooped her up in his arms. “You’re already my little princess. I’ll go buy you a tiara right now if you want.”
Obviously someone is trying a little too hard to win his daughter’s affection. 🙄 (Methinks it’s because he knows that I’m her favorite.)
While the wedding itself was very beautiful and rightfully fit for the royal family, I couldn’t help but be a bit underwhelmed by the whole thing. Additionally, while I agree with the majority of the population that Kate Middleton looked beautiful on her wedding day, I personally liked Grace Kelly’s dress better.
Then there were the hats.
Ohhh my the hats!
Obviously the ones that stood out the most were those of Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice of York:
Heck, Princess Beatrice’s hat has already sparked an internet meme, with Facebook fan pages, Tumblr blogs, and various other internet shrines erected in its honor.
Go check out this Buzzfeed page for more amazing hats. The whole concept makes me want to move to England just so I can wear crazy hats on a regular basis.
And just so you don’t think this post was a total waste of internet space…
Announcing the winner of the Smashbox Perfectly Polished Lids makeup set giveaway —
The winner is:
Commenter Jen, who won by “Liking” the post on Facebook!
Please be on the lookout for an email from me so that I can send you the makeup set!
Thank you all for entering!
Stay tuned for more giveaways in the future! For example, if I ever do get 100,000 unique hits a month (it was soooo close last month with 95,000+), I have decided that I will give one lucky winner a $100 Amazon gift card. So keep reading, keep sharing, and please keep coming back!
I first saw this book on Boing Boing two days ago, and while I found it to be hilarious, I hesitated in sharing it here. Because as funny as I — among others — may find this book, I’m sure that there are parents out there who would find it horrifyingly inappropriate.
My dark side won out once again. Go the F**k to Sleep is a supposed-bedtime story book that touts itself as “the most honest children’s book ever written.”
According to its Amazon product page:
Go the Fuck To Sleep is a bedtime book for parents who live in the real world, where a few snoozing kitties and cutesy rhymes don’t always send a toddler sailing off to dreamland. Honest, profane, and affectionate, Adam Mansbach’s verses and Ricardo Cortés’ illustrations perfectly capture the familiar—and unspoken—tribulations of putting your little angel down for the night, and open up a conversation about parenting in the process. Beautiful, subversive, and pants-wettingly funny, Go the Fuck to Sleep is a perfect gift for parents new, old, or expectant. Here is a sample verse:
The cats nestle close to their kittens now.
The lambs have laid down with the sheep.
You’re cozy and warm in your bed, my dear
Please go the fuck to sleep.
I’m pretty sure that the book is not meant for kids, but more as a means for parents to (jokingly) share with each other a hardship of parenting.
Go the F**k to Sleep is not yet released, but from buzz around the blogosphere, I’m certain that it will be a hit when it hits the shelves.
P.S. — Did you enter to win the Smashbox Perfectly Polished Lids makeup set yet? If not, go do so NOW — the giveaway ends tomorrow at noon!
Ever since Claire first started teething I have been examining her mouth and gums with care every morning.
Well, last night she woke up at 3am and refused to go back to sleep. J stayed up to take care of her until 7am when I took over so that he can get in a power nap before work. Then my breakdown happened. So my usual morning routine was a bit off…
Little did I know that after more than a month of hardcore teething, my daughter had FINALLY sprouted her first teeth overnight!
Yes, you read that right — TEETH. Her two bottom middle incisors, to be exact. And I am pretty certain that her top incisors are about to break through soon too as her gums look painfully swollen.
She remains cranky. Drinking from a bottle seems to bother her, so I’ve been feeding her tons of purees. She keeps running her tongue over her gums, as if wondering what the new additions to her mouth could be. She refuses to keep her mouth open for a picture, and because I have been shoving my finger in my mouth all morning to make sure that the teeth are definitely out and here to stay, she now refuses to open her mouth, period. (Poor thing, can you blame her?) So for the time being you guys will have to settle for a picture of her other end:
They say that the first tooth and the last (the molars) are the most painful. I am praying that the ones in-between will be less bothersome for my little girl, and that she will return to her usual sweet — yet still demanding 😉 — self soon.
I just had a mommy breakdown.
J was about to leave for work when I burst into tears. He decided to work from home this morning and ordered to go get some rest.
But how could I, when I am surrounded by a thick fog of guilt? How could I, when there are dishes to be done, tables to be cleared, and laundry to be put away?
Oh, yes, and we can’t forget the crying baby.
Let’s back up a little here…
Claire has also been extra fussy, extra needy, and extra cranky for the past month or so. She even cries when I hold her tight, which she hasn’t done since she had colic. We can only blame it on teething, because we haven’t changed her diet, routine, or anything else.
Her sleep has also returned to her pre-sleep-training days. She will fight bedtime tooth and nail. She used to love getting baths but now she will cry through bathtime as well because she knows that it is part of her bedtime routine. She will cry an hour or so nonstop as soon as we start to put her to bed.
She has also taken to waking up several times a night again and refusing to go back to sleep.
All the methods that we used for sleep training the first time seem to have little to no effect on my baby now. I have tried extending the length of time between naps, shortening them, cutting out a nap, and/or instituting an earlier bedtime. No help. Additionally, how can we bear to go through sleep training again when we know that she is in so much discomfort from teething?
Other moms tell me that their babies became extra fussy a week before cutting their first tooth. Some, just a day or two. Well, we’ve been going through this for over a month now and it’s driving me absolutely insane. Yes, we still have our moments when Claire is happy and giggly again. But these are far and few between and I can’t help but wonder if Claire will remain this way until she has cut all her first teeth (which means another year and a half of this torture).
Last week, Girl on the Park was visiting New York and I attended a brunch in honor of her visit. The Zhukeepers arrived with their adorable son in tow, and throughout the duration of the meal I couldn’t help but be amazed at how— for lack of a better word — chill their son was. How he didn’t mind that strangers were holding him. How he fell asleep without a fuss in his stroller. How happy he seemed.
Now, I consider Laura a friend and I am genuinely happy for her and her husband that they have been blessed with such an amazing kid. At the same time, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy. I couldn’t help but wonder to myself, ‘Is this how babies should act?’
And when I came home to my own cranky mess of a baby I couldn’t help but wonder if I were doing something wrong for her to act this way.
The guilt continued to pile on for the rest of the week as I poured over various parenting boards and talked to friends and realized that Claire was still behind on most of her milestones. Was I doing something wrong in this regard too?
It’s because I stopped breastfeeding her. It’s because I don’t give her 100% of my attention ALL the time. It’s because we don’t feed her organic food. It’s because I was given morphine while I was pregnant with her. It’s because I had an epidural. It’s because…
That’s what J said as he tried to console me this morning. “STOP thinking you’re a bad mom. STOP comparing. She is perfectly healthy and perfectly normal.”
Then he sent me off to bed. (I still ended up doing the dishes first.)
And here I am, blogging about what happened.
Maybe Claire is the normal one, and I am the overworried, oversensitive, neurotic mom.
After visiting Harry Potter: The Exhibition in person, AND knowing that the final movie is due to be released in theaters in just a couple of months, I have slowly started to re-read the entire series again (probably for about the sixth time).
I don’t know what it is about J.K. Rowling, but that woman can write. There is just so much to love about each book and I discover new things every time I re-read each title. I am usually not one to go with the crowds when it comes to current popular culture (I wholeheartedly agreed with Stephen King when he said, “Both Rowling and Meyer, they’re speaking directly to young people…. The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can’t write worth a darn. She’s not very good.”) but the HP series is one that I will gladly endorse and love over and over again.
For other HP fans who are eagerly awaiting the second part of Deathly Hallows, I invite you to take a look at these comics by illustrator Lucy Knisley. She has created poster-sized comics which chronicle abridged versions of each Harry Potter book. The Half-Blood Prince and The Deathly Hallows seem to be still in works, but the first five are cleverly rendered in a hilarious manner — or, as Nerd Approved puts it, they are “the fastest way to catch up on Harry Potter.”
The first three posters are available for purchase in Lucy Kinsley’s online store for $10 each. Click on each to view large, and enjoy!
The Sorcerer’s Stone:
The Chamber of Secrets:
The Prisoner of Azkaban:
The Goblet of Fire:
The Order of the Phoenix: