Apr 5, 2011  •  In Claire, Funny, Web

Baby Got Back for a Reason!

Redditor cbexton asks,

I like big butts and I cannot lie, but is there some evolutionary reason as to why?

Which gives rise to perhaps the greatest Reddit thread ever. Take a look at some of these hilarious responses:

When a girl walks in with an itty-bitty waist and a round thing in your face you get vital evolutionary information that acts as a fairly accurate indicator of overall health. And sprung. You also get sprung.

My anaconda don’t want none unless you have a high likelihood of producing healthy offspring with a minimal chance of genetic disabilities, hun.

So ladies (yeah!) ladies (yeah!) You wanna advertise fertility? (hell yeah!)

Then turn around, stick it out, even other women have to admit that you appear to have the necessary physical attributes to produce many healthy offspring.

Cause I’m long, and I’m strong, and I have a genetic impulse to pass my hereditary traits on.

I can keep going and going but I’ll stop here.  🙂 Go check out the entire thread if you’re in need of some laughter.

P.S. — Did you know that when Claire developed colic, my first successful attempt at calming her involved my playing “Baby Got Back” loudly, rapping and dancing along while bouncing her to the rhythm of the song?

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Apr 4, 2011  •  In Baby, Claire, Parenting, Personal, Reviews

Our Favorite Baby Items

I’ve been meaning to do this for quite some time now, and I’m happy to finally cross it off my to-do list!

I think that every mother has different products they consider “must-haves,” in addition to some on the “don’t bother” list. So I want to preface our lists by saying that every family — and every baby — is different, and while one product may work wonders for one family it may only collect dust at another household.

Now, on to the lists!

First up: our favorite specific items for Claire. In other words, our favorite items that we’ve found to be better than their competitors:


1.  Amazon Mom. I have written about this amazing service before, and it’s quickly become my all-time favorite baby “product.” Not only does Amazon consistently have some of the best deals on the web, Amazon Mom makes it so darn easy. After just a couple of months into the program, I had accumulated enough “points” for a full year of Amazon Prime (which is free 2-day shipping) and I can use this benefit on any Amazon purchase — not just the baby ones. Additionally, with the combination of Amazon Mom and Amazon’s Subscribe & Save, we save 30% off diapers every time. In the long run, I have found this to be far cheaper than Diapers.com or even places like Costco/BJs. And with Subscribe & Save, I can choose to delay shipments or have one sent immediately, change the frequency, etc. and cancel anytime. Seriously. Amazon has been a lifesaver for this busy mom.

2.  Bumbo Baby Seat. A popular favorite among mothers. I don’t think I need to say much more about this.

3.  Nosefrida Nasal Aspirator. Another favorite item among mothers. Claire seems to have inherited J’s ever-stuffy, ever-running nose, so for the first few months of her life we used this every day. (Now we’re down to every 3 days.) That being said, for us the Nosefrida did not work well by itself. We always need to use saline drops in conjunction with the Nosefrida in to get all the boogers out.

4.  Dr. Brown’s Bottle Brush. Maybe it’s because we use Dr. Brown’s bottles, but I’ve tried practically every bottle brush out there and always find myself returning to these.

5.  Mustela baby products. I’m pretty sensitive to smell, but I love the scent of Mustela items and people are always commenting about how great Claire smells. The two that I’ve included in the chart above are the 2 in 1 Hair & Body Shampoo and the PhysiObebe. The latter was a godsend in the beginning when we weren’t allowed to bathe Claire, then too scared to actually dunk her in water. We’ve used the 2 in 1 Shampoo ever since we started to regularly give her baths, and it’s worked great for us thus far.

6.  Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit. I mentioned the Magic Sleepsuit in my sleep-training post, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to all new mothers. In the past couple of weeks we have actually transitioned Claire out of the Sleepsuit for her nighttime sleep, but we have found that she still needs it for her naps. We have two Sleepsuits now: one to use while the other’s in the wash.

7.  UPPAbaby Vista Stroller. This is probably the most expensive baby item we own, and we’re very thankful that J’s parents offered to gift it to us. (That being said, we got 20% off the retail price by using a Bed Bath & Beyond coupon at BuyBuyBaby.) Some parents complain that it is too wide, too heavy and too unyielding but I have not found that to be the case at all. I love that I can fold it/expand it with one hand, and that I do not need to take apart anything in order to do so. We “test-drove” various strollers before deciding on the Vista, and found the Vista to have the best handling and maneuverability. I can easily move the stroller with one hand which I know will come in handy as the weather gets nicer and I start to take Comang on his long walks again. Additionally, we live in an urban area where the sidewalks are not in the best of condition and this stroller has handled everything just fine…it even endured 8″ snow! For the first few months we used the carseat adapter (sold separately) and just placed our Chicco Keyfit on the frame of the stroller, but now we’re actually starting to use the stroller seat more.

8. The First Year’s Infant to Toddler Tub with Sling. I know that the Puj Tub is a popular choice among many moms I know, but it wasn’t a choice for us because the only sink in our home that is deep enough is the kitchen sink, which is usually full. Additionally, all our faucets are really low which worried me that the baby would bonk her head on the cold hard steel. We decided on this tub instead solely based on its popularity and we’re completely happy with our choice. When Claire was younger we used the sling/net attachment and now that she has better control and balance we just let her recline on the molded seat. My little girl LOVES bathtime, and we give at least some of the credit to this tub.

9.  Dr. Brown’s Bottles. I have written about how we came to choose Dr. Brown’s bottles. Once we switched from breastmilk to formula, we also traded the Dr. Brown’s Wide Neck bottles for the regular ones, and Claire made the transition just fine. As Claire got older and no longer suffered from gas pains, we tried other brands again…and I immediately noticed that tons of foam (ie, air) would gather inside the bottles as she drank from them. This is a problem that Dr. Brown’s claims to alleviate and it was clear to me that it was true. And while Claire didn’t seem to have much of a problem with the extra air in her bottle, it really bugged me and so we decided to stick with Dr. Brown’s. We still handwash all our bottles, so the extra two parts are not much of a pain for us.

10.  Chicco DJ Baby Walker. My mother insisted on buying us a walker this past Christmas, and I’m so glad that she did. Claire loves, loves, LOVES this walker. She loves banging on the removable toy tray (which make music, sounds, and lights) and although she can’t quite “walk” in it yet she tippy-toes herself around with glee.


My next list is our favorite generic items for Claire. In other words, we love these products but another brand, or something similar would suit just fine:

1.  Graco Sweet Slumber Sound Machine. As stated in my sleep-training post, many parents find sound machines to be an essential element to sleep. I personally did not like the Cloud b Sleep Sheep because it would turn off automatically, and this Graco one was the most popular baby sound machine on Amazon.

2.  Summer Infant Day & Night Handheld Color Video Monitor. Before becoming a mother I thought that any baby monitor would do, and registered for a cheap, sound-only monitor. I am soooo glad that I changed my mind and decided to switch it out for this video monitor, because this is definitely one item that we use multiple times, every day. We had chosen this Summer Infant one because it was one of the cheapest and most reliable video monitors, but there are tons of video monitors on the market today, including those that can be hooked up so that the live feed can be viewed online. A friend even has one that can rotate, and zoom in/out with a remote control!

3.  Fisher-Price ‘My Little Lamb’ Cradle Swing. J and I do not know how we could’ve survived those early months without a swing. What did parents do before baby swings were invented? Not only did a swing help calm our colicky baby, it was the only thing that she would sleep on for a couple of months! That being said, if I could do it all over again I would choose a swing with an AC adaptor (like the Fisher-Price Starlight Papasan Swing) because boy do swings gobble up expensive D batteries! And there have been a few times when the batteries died in the middle of the night and we didn’t have any replacements, forcing J to go out at 2am for fresh batteries.

4.  Baby Einstein Neptune Ocean Adventure Gym. There are many activity mats/gyms out there and most babies will find them all pretty amusing. I had chosen this particular one because it had the best reviews on BRU, and it featured the brightest colors which I’ve read are the best for infant stimulation.

5.  Crane Adorable Penguin Cool Mist Humidifier. Claire was born in autumn. Add that to the fact that our condo tends to be on the dry side, so a humidifier was a must. The one bad thing about this humidifier is that it collects calcium deposits like no other. Maybe it’s just our water?

6.  Itzbeen Baby Care Timer. As brand new parents J and I used the handy Baby ESP Android app which was super useful in keeping track of how much and how often she ate, slept, peed, pooped, etc. It even had features for medicine, reminders, and charts…and we were able to share/sync it between our phones. But once we started to get the hang of things and became more comfortable with parenting, we began to use the Itzbeen timer instead for its simplicity.

7.  Kiddopotamus SwaddleMe. Many parents will tell you that swaddling is essential to a calm, happy infant. At first, Claire HATED being swaddled…but when she turned 2 months old she began to take a liking to it. We personally did not like the Halo Sleepsack Swaddles because the zipper seemed to irritate her neck and chin. We also didn’t like the Miracle Blanket or the Aden + Anais Swaddle Wraps because they were more complicated than the Kiddopotamus SwaddleMe with its simple velcro system. But all of the swaddle wraps/blankets mentioned in this paragraph are ones loved by moms, and I would say that you should find one that works for you and stick with it!


What are your favorite baby items? Do you strongly agree or disagree with any of the products on our list?


Note: most of the products above are linked to Amazon via my Amazon Associates account, which means that if anyone chooses to purchase an item after clicking on the link, I will receive a small percentage of the item’s sale price. I have not been compensated in any other way for writing about these products.

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Apr 4, 2011  •  In Funny, Infographics, Travel

The Pedestrian’s Guide to US Cities

I’ve been to every city on this chart with the exception of New Orleans…and I have to say that it’s true! Passerbys gawked at me in horror when I attempted to jaywalk in Seattle, DC crosswalks can get confusing, and my LA friends drive everywhere. Don’t even get me started on NY.



Via Bit Rebels.

P.S. — did you know that in Korea, cars — not pedestrians — have the right of way?

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Apr 1, 2011  •  In Funny, Geek, Personal

It’s April Already?

April may be a month known for its vast precipitation, but it has always been my favorite month of the year. It also doesn’t hurt that our wedding anniversary falls this month.  🙂

That being said, HELLO? Can we please get some sunshine and weather above 50 degrees? While my west coast friends have been bragging about all the good weather they’ve been having, we here on the east suffered even more SNOW this week.

I am so sick of this seemingly unending winter. I used to love cold weather and the snow, but the older I get, the more I crave warm, dry weather.

But yes. April. April Fools’ Day, as a matter of fact. Was it just me, or were the internet jokes this year kinda lame? Some were okay, but not nearly as great as ones from previous years.

Have you seen any good jokes? Care to share?

The best that I’ve seen today is ThinkGeek’s line of gag products. What they did isn’t new, but you gotta admit that some of these items look mighty awesome. I’m especially diggin’ the PLAYMOBIL(TM) Apple Store Play Set, Star Wars Lightsaber Popsicles, and the Angry Birds Pork Rinds.

Go vote for your favorite here. Who knows? Your product of choice may end up becoming real, just as the Canned Unicorn Meat did.

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Mar 31, 2011  •  In Cute, Funny, Geek, Video Games

Angry Birds Solved

Or, this is what you get when you mix Angry Birds with The Muppets.

Via Cannot Unsee.

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Mar 30, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Blogging, Infographics, WordPress

The Ultimate WordPress Cheat Sheet

I know I haven’t written anything in my WordPress for the Everyday Blogger series in a while, and for that I apologize. I promise I’ll get crackin’ on the next post soon!

To tide you over in the meantime, here’s a fantastic cheat sheet I saw over at Bit Rebels today. The WordPress Codex can be daunting for some — heck, I admit I have been overwhelmed quite a few times — and this looks to be the perfect one-look solution for any WordPress theme creator, modifier, or even a blogger. Enjoy!

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Mar 30, 2011  •  In Baby, Claire, Motherhood, Parenting, Personal

Six Months

My little girl turns six months old today!

On one hand, I can’t believe that it’s already been half a year since she entered our lives.

On the other, I can’t wait for what’s to come. I’m eagerly awaiting her first steps and first word. I’m even looking forward to the teenage years, if you can believe it.

(Toy courtesy of the super-thoughtful package Other Pieces of Me sent us soon after Claire was born)

I thought that Claire was still behind on most of her developmental milestones, but upon more careful examination of the chart, it seems that while she is behind on some (eg, she has not rolled since the day she rolled twice, and she has yet to roll front-to-back), she is ahead on others (she’s been pulling/dragging objects toward herself for a few weeks now).

She is also doing great with solids. She doesn’t care too much for veggies but LOVES fruits and sweeter vegetables (like sweet potatoes). Her face lights up whenever she sees her spoon, and gobbles up her purees like there’s no tomorrow. She now has two servings of solids a day: a 2-2.5oz serving of fruit or veggies in the morning, and half a cup of rice cereal in the afternoon.

She naturally weaned herself off an additional night waking last month and has been only waking up once a night since. She will usually sleep 11-12 hours a night, waking up at around the 8th-9th hour mark to eat, then sleep for another few hours.

And last night, she hit another milestone…


I have read that sleeping through the night — not the technical definition of sleeping 5 hours straight, but a good, 10-12 hour stretch — is more of an emotional milestone than a physical one. Because once a baby starts eating enough to physically sustain her, all that is standing in her way is that emotional/mental hurdle.

This is the longest that Claire has ever slept, so we are thinking that it was a fluke…at least for the time being. And I actually didn’t sleep well last night because I kept waking up to make sure that she was okay.

But the event makes me happy all the same, because now I know that she has the mental capacity to sleep a good, 12-hour stretch at night. Which means that she’s growing and maturing just fine.

We will be going to the pediatrician next week for her 6-month visit and her next round of vaccinations. I’m interested to see if her height-to-weight ratio has improved.

Later today my mother will be coming over to watch the baby while I take a trip to the dentist. I’m horrible about going to the dentist and normally would put off a visit as long as possible, but a crown fell out and needs replacing. I’m pretty sure I have at least one cavity too. It should be a fun (and expensive) afternoon.

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Mar 29, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Funny, Marketing/Advertising


MTV Germany has created a series of comic-style ads to humorously deliver their “safe sex” message.

Remember, kids. Sex is no accident.

Via Zevs.

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Mar 28, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Books, Entertainment, Funny, Movies

Rumors I’ve Heard About Anna Wintour

It’s confession time, boys and girls!

I don’t particularly like the book The Devil Wears Prada. I don’t think the movie was that great either (despite the oh-so-fab outfits). So why is it that I’ve read the book numerous times, and watched the movie more times than I would like to admit?

Are there any books or movies that have the same effect on you?

Anyhow, the reason I bring up this guilty pleasure of mine can be credited to an artist named Lisa Hanawalt. She has created a series of illustrations titled Rumors I’ve Heard About Anna Wintour, and it’s pretty damn hilarious if I do say so myself.

Click on over to the link for more so-insane-it-must-be-true rumors about the petite fashion icon!

Via NOTCouture.

P.S. — Did anyone watch the movie The September Issue? Was it worth 90 minutes of your time?

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Mar 28, 2011  •  In Baby, Claire, Motherhood, Parenting, Personal

Preserving Naps and Bedtime

I wish my daughter was one of those babies that can sleep anywhere. I wish she were a naturally good sleeper. But she is neither of those things, as she is a highly sensitive child who is always so transfixed by the world around her that she needs to be in a dark, quiet room free from stimuli (and in her own, comfy crib) in order to fall asleep and sleep well.

And I am pretty certain that this isn’t something that you can “train” a baby to do. I am a firm believer that every baby — every person — is different, and as a result, some are naturally more sensitive sleepers than others.

Take my sister and I, for instance. When we lived in Korea our house was attached to a manufacturing factory. I can’t recall exactly what they made, but I do remember that it was constantly noisy with machines running all the time.

Having grown up in such an environment I should be able to sleep through anything, right? Wrong. I have been an extremely light sleeper ever since I can remember and can’t sleep well anywhere aside from my own bed.

In contrast, my sister can sleep through natural disasters. Seriously. She almost slept through a fire in our building when we were little. She was sleeping even as the fireman carried her down the fire escape!

I’m surprised my sister is not sleeping in this photo.
(Yes, that’s me in the background, rocking the red bikini.)

Before I became a mom I swore to myself that I would not be one of those parents who lugged their ill-behaved kids around everywhere, annoying patrons of restaurants, theaters, airplanes, etc with my children’s incessant crying.

Heck, even as a parent now I still refuse to fly with Claire unless it’s absolutely necessary (and if such a thing exists, I would happily pay more to fly on a child-free flight if I were traveling without my children).

And because Claire cannot sleep well outside the house — and because she becomes a cranky mess when she does not sleep well — I am, for the moment, tied to the house and to my daughter’s sleeping schedule.

I have a 2-hour window of opportunity between the moment she gets up to the time she should be sleeping next to run errands, go to the grocery store, etc. And keep in mind that I would still need to change her and feed her during this time, which usually takes about 30 minutes.

Claire also needs to be down for the night between the hours of 6 and 7pm.

So between her naps and her bedtime, there remains very little opportunity for this mommy to have a social life.

Which is perfectly fine with me. After all, I was the one who signed up to be a parent.

The problem arises when we have to cater to other people’s schedules. When there are family events. When there are birthday parties. When there are friends visiting from out of town. Because, you see, these all almost always require us to be out of the house for more than a couple of hours at a time, and/or they run past Claire’s bedtime.

Claire is a giggly, happy baby WHEN she sleeps well.

Why don’t we just bring her out? Like I said, some babies are just fine out in the adult world. My daughter is not…at least not yet. Not only would I feel bad for the other people who would be exposed to a crying baby, my own stress levels would rise too and I would need to make an early exit after apologizing profusely.

Why don’t I just leave her with a babysitter? J has issues leaving our six-month-old daughter, dog, and our household in the care of people we do not know very well. And while we have family members who can watch the baby, they have lives too and can’t always be expected to drop everything to babysit.

I feel bad refusing invitations. I feel bad making people come to us, rather us to them, so that Claire’s naps and bedtime will not be ruined. And I feel bed ducking out early out of the few events that I do attend.

I’m sure some people are reading this and thinking that I’m being too neurotic. And I’m sure that some of those people include parents too. But apparently I am not alone. Reading threads like:

reminds me that I am not alone.

Surely at least one of my readers feel similarly?

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