Oct 23, 2013  •  In Entertainment, Geek, Movies, Star Wars

Star Wars MBTI Chart

By now you’ve probably seen the viral Harry Potter characters’ Myers-Briggs types chart. When I first happened upon it last month, the timing could not be more uncanny; a friend had mentioned that her personality type had changed drastically over the years, so I had just taken the test again myself.

Is it more common for your type to change over time, or to stay consistent through the years? Because for me, all three times I have taken the full test — over the span of about a dozen years — I have received the same result: ISFJ.

(So according to the Harry Potter chart, I’m Neville Longbottom. Perhaps I too, will have an unforeseen moment of kickassery one day? 😉 Also, if you don’t know your type, you can take a test here.)

I know that the 16 Personality Types is not a perfect system — some people even liken it to astrology — but I think it can be informative and fun nonetheless. For example, I was driven to tears when I read the Portrait of an ISFJ and ISFJ Profile because it so accurately described what I had been struggling with at the time. (Don’t judge; I was having a tough week!) I also found it amusing to ask close friends’ types and to read up on them, to see how closely they match these archetypes.

I also came across other psychological type charts like the Harry Potter one mentioned above: Avatar, Star Trek, Kingdom Hearts, and even My Little Pony!

So of course I had to look for a Star Wars one…but I couldn’t find any. 🙁 There were tons of sites discussing the possible psychological personality types of the various Star Wars characters (with a few actually getting into heated arguments!), but no chart. At least, none that I could find.

So I decided to create my own. What do you think?


And because this is the World Wide Web and I am posting this on a public blog…

…and because this is Star Wars and we fans can get pretty intense…

I am not a psychologist and reading about the 16 Personality Types is just a passing hobby.

I’m a huge Star Wars fan, but I do not know every nuance about the films and the characters in the extended Star Wars universe. My methodology for choosing each character was:

  1. Brainstorming (i.e., what name comes up first as I read each personality type description?)
  2. Scouring to web to see what others think
  3. Picking what I believed to be the best fit based on what I read on these sites and what I know of the characters

I’m well aware that there may exist other lesser-known characters who may fit some of these archetypes to a T, but I decided to go with the more popular ones because I’m a sellout not everyone is a big Star Wars fan (yeah, I don’t get why either) and I wanted the chart to be more relatable from a pop culture standpoint.


Update, 11/9/11:
I was contacted by a rep who kindly informed me that the original post, and the accompanying chart, is in violation of copyright and trademark regulations. I have updated both the body of the post and the chart in accordance with their request. I have done my best to preserve the message and mood of the original — sorry to anyone who finds this an inconvenience.

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130 Responses to “Star Wars MBTI Chart”

  1. serena says:

    Noooooooo I don’t want to be Palpatine! Hahahahaha.

  2. kimberly says:

    I’m definitely Obi-Wan Kenobi. I like it!

  3. Joyce says:

    This is so cool…wonder how you have time to do this! Will share it on FB if you don’t mind…all credits to you of course! 😉

    • Josh B. says:

      Thanks for deciding to create and contribute!

      It is not unusual for people to receive different Types on even the same indicator, over time. (Whether their Type changed or their answers did is another matter.) To say nothing of the fact that nearly everyone who “took the test” actually took some random online test, which are useful but less reliable, as opposed to the official MBTI, which is a psychometric instrument that has been tweaked for decades to improve re-test reliability. Despite this, I have found that it is also not unusual for ISFJs to type the same every time until they’re 95. And the personalitypage portraits have made many go “Wow”, so no surprise you cried. You did as good or better a job with this chart as the Harry Potter one, so good for you.

    • Haha, it was done over the span of about a week….whenever the girls were napping and late into the night! It was one of those things where I couldn’t believe one didn’t exist already so I got it into my head that I HAD to make one asap. 🙂 Thanks for the share!

  4. Diane says:

    This is awesome! I’m also an ISFJ (pronounced “Is Fudge” :)). This apparently makes me the world’s best assistant and everyone’s straight man. I can live with that. I remember the first time I took the test, I lied to myself a bit and came out with a result that didn’t sound anything like me. I did some soul-searching, was more honest about who I am, and retook it, and am more comfortable with the outcome. That was the benefit of the test for me: helping me recognize my true character 🙂 And if my true character is a pedantic bronze android, well so be it!

  5. dsrtrosy says:

    Well…pretty sure Chewie is an F. 100%….maybe even off the charts F. I’m giving that slot some consideration. I’m also not convinced Vader is an E, but I need to think about that some more.

  6. Rose says:

    A friend posted this Star Wars chart on Facebook and I have to tell you how much I love it!!! It is so creative and spot on. Had me laughing, plus it’s super cool that I’m married to Han Solo. Thanks for creating it! My husband and our boys are huge Star Wars geeks. Thanks!!!

  7. Carl says:

    I LOVE THIS! Though I am extra excited because I am the same as Luke Skywalker. Not surprised at all that you rated him an INFP though–I’m pretty confident everyone would. I’m a bit skeptical of Jung in my own field (mythology), but I am addicted to the Meyers-Briggs personality stuff that came out of his work–spent most of my time going over the short free MBTI tests and descriptions online as self-therapy while spending a week in the waiting room at Stanford cardiology (sister was in ICU for a while). Apparently obsessing over finding your “true self” is also kind of an INFP thing…
    Anyway, thanks for putting together my favorite MBTI character chart yet!

  8. Lou says:

    This is awesome! Thanks. I’m ENTP. R2D2!

  9. Deb Roby says:

    It is totally normal for a woman ‘s personality to do a 180 during/ after menopause. But not all the time!

  10. Sour Grapes says:

    I am Palpatine and Draco Malfoy. Kind of explains my nasty personality…

  11. Indubitably says:

    I’d say you fared better than most (the typings from the Harry Potter meme you mentioned were… unfortunate), but it’s important to keep in mind that very few movies will feature a cast of characters that spans more than half of the 16 types, and that there is no shame in putting something together that features characters from more than one series. I’d probably steer clear of Keirsey’s type descriptions for that matter too, since they’ve been sanitized for public consumption to such extensive degree that they just plain don’t hold up outside of an office setting, and tend to give people the misleading impression that “niceness” is something type specific. The wikipedia type descriptions actually aren’t all that bad for the most part, but even they are going to blow a lot of smoke up your ass, so you’ll want to focus mostly on the cognitive function breakdown at the bottom of each profile.

    You might for instance be surprised to hear that emperor Palpatine is probably much closer to an ENFJ than anything else. When people first read the type descriptions it is common to associate Fe (extroverted feeling) types with kindness and consideration, but Fe isn’t so much the “fuzzy puppy dogs and love” function, as the “projection of personal values onto objective reality” function. This is why Fe dominant types are so well known for their ability to “read the room”; judging the state of the world according to their personal impression of what the world should be, is their greatest strength, but that is no guarantee that they will always use their powers for the greater good. ENFJs are almost invariably creative, charismatic, and personally attentive, which often does make them visionary leaders, but they can also be very cruel, self righteous, and manipulative individuals. If you think about it, although Palpatine is a gigantic steaming turd of a human being, he is undeniably a “people person”. He’s an incredibly compelling orator, prefers to accomplish his objectives with social or emotional manipulation and has absolutely unquestioning faith in the righteousness of his convictions.

    An INTJ would find that sort of deliberate emotional manipulation horrifying; hell, you probably couldn’t pry emotional disclosure like that out of an INTJ with a crowbar. Pretty much the only thing that Palpatine has in common with an INTJ is that INTJs tend to be cast as villains, but INTJs are much more Magneto-ish villains, and tend to look more Gandolf-ish when they’re the good guys. Granted, it’s not like anyone else making these meme really seems to have figured it out yet either, but I’d say the trick to successfully typing fictional characters is to use characters that are very well developed and to make sure that you are well acquainted with what each type looks like when they “go bad”.

    • Jonathan says:

      I struggled with the characterization of Palpatine as a T, but I think it makes sense, in that he would likely prize Order over Harmony. To be sure, the Sith draw their power from deep emotional sources, but that’s not the same as being a ‘Feeler’ rather than a ‘Thinker’. As a (professionally-diagnosed) INTJ, I recognize that my own, underdeveloped F can be a liability when out of control.
      To my mind, the definitive INTJ villain is Hannibal Lecter.

      • Indubitably says:

        Well, that’s kind of what I’m getting at here, people tend to look at Fe and think, “it’s all about the harmony, and puppy dogs, and love” or look at Te and think “it’s all about being practical, and having no emotions, and getting things done” so they must be “likezomgtotesopposite”, when in truth they serve much the same purpose. They’re both judging functions (as opposed to perceiving functions) that are oriented towards the object (as opposed to the subject), the only difference are the criteria that objective success is measured against. For Fe-Ni / Ni-Fe it’s more about “actors” and what roll they will each play in the grands scheme of things as the NFJ’s script unfolds, where as for Ni-Te / Te-Ni it’s a more a question of just exactly when and where certain “events”, “states”, or “environmental conditions” will be satisfied. Granted, any of these conditions and situations may well serve in some capacity as signposts on the road to realization of a desired objective, regardless of which type we’re talking about, but Fe and Te will each have their area expertise and their own way of evaluating progress.

        I suppose, in a sense, the word “harmony” works for NFJs, but you have to think of it in a much more abstract sense than “everybody getting along”; NFJs aren’t simply “tuning” the mood of the room, they’re tuning “reality”, in the sense that often times what people perceive to be reality, might just as well be reality, for all practical intents and purposes. Generally speaking, both NFJs and NTJs are going tell you that perception is key, but for NTJs it’s less about the people, and more about the circumstances. I think you could probably make a case for count Dooku being an INTJ (although I did get more of an Si vibe off of him than an Ni vibe) in the sense that he’s much less concerned about bringing reality into line with his vision via altered perception, and more with bringing reality into line with his vision through directly manipulating his environment. Granted, he does run through the whole power-of-the-dark-side spiel with Yoda, but it’s more like he’s gloating, or trying to rationalize his beliefs after the fact. He’s smart enough to appreciate the importance of keeping up appearances, but he doesn’t really expect Yoda to be convinced; he expects Yoda to be crushed. Palpatine on the other hand, is really going for the hard sell pretty much every time you see him. When he’s not conning Padame into believing that he’s a sweet harmless old man, he’s conning an intergalactic congress into believing that he’s the victim of a diabolical Jedi plot, or convincing Anakin that the dark side is his true calling in life. In the end though, it’s that shit eating “I’m going to get my way one way or the other and you know it” grin that I think really seals the deal. If Palpatine had spent the entire movie trying to burn a hole in the backside of someone’s head with his eyeballs (instead of lightening bolts) I might almost consider the possibility that he was an INTJ, but he’s just way too damn giddy about this whole darkside thing for me to buy him as a non Fe personality.

        As for Hannibal, I’d like to type him as an INTJ, and I can certainly see where the idea of throwing off the shackles of social convention would appeal to an INTJ, but he’s a little problematic on account of being a bit of a whack-job, and despite what the populous at large may believe, INTJs are not sociopaths (in fact, I’d say that tertiary Fi predisposes them to far more intense feelings of guilt than the average Joe might experience). I suppose you can make as good an argument for him being an INTJ as anything else, but at the very least, he is by no means a typical example of an INTJ even for a “villain”. At the moment, I’d have to say that my favorite cinematic example of what an INTJ would really look like in the role of “villain” is Gustavo Fring from Breaking Bad. He’ll wear the “good citizen” mask when he must, but he never revels in his deceit the way that a character like Palpatine does. Plastic smiles and false pretenses clearly repulse him, but he understands that there are times when you have to swallow your own pride in order to move forward, and if he must bare the indignity of a disingenuous appearance in order to achieve his objectives, then so be it.

    • lelnet says:

      Well, I guess I can take being Seven-of-Nine, if nothing else.

      To be fair, though, it’s not too common to find INTJ heroes depicted in visual media. (Nate Ford on Leverage is the only good example I can think of at the moment…at least the only one who can’t reasonably be argued to be something other than one of us.) The sort of people who tend to get jobs in movies and TV usually don’t understand us well enough to make a character like us sympathetic. So we end up as caricatures. (With some credibility, a few folks — occasionally including myself — would also claim Sherlock Holmes for our ranks. But note that although he’s been made into movies and TV on many occasions, his native medium is print. This is not, I think, a coincidence.)

  12. Ramona says:

    I’m Padme! Thanks…I feel validated!!

  13. That’s so awesome… Athough as an ISTJ, I think I was much cooler as Snape than Owen Lars. ^__^;

  14. Scott says:

    You totally nailed the IN’s I’m Palpatine and nailed my own character having took this as a challenge I tried to peg the characters myself without looking at your result I nailed all the IN’s Owen Lars and Bail Organa everyone else I biffed but looking at some if them I could go either way on several but please C3PO is not introverted . Also I can see Leah a T and J but definitely not an N the N’s in Star Wars are all the ones who were more removed from the force and while Leah has the potential she ultimately was a product of her empirical upbringing and was much closer to Han solo’s character who are both ES’s for sure. Further Darth Vador who is really Anakin is one if not the most emotional characters in the whole saga that needs to be rethought. I can live with some of the other decisions.

  15. Jeremy says:

    I always knew I was Luke

  16. I'm Yoda says:

    Wise you are!

    • Jenny says:

      Another yoda! yea! Females who are INTP make up about 0.33% of the general population. Are you female? would you like to get chat? I have found one other, and she is about 50 years older than me! lol. It’s so awesome, b’c when we get together and chat, the similarities in the way we think are so much bigger than the differences in our ages!! Anyway, reply here if you’d like to email 🙂

  17. This is wonderful – thank you for putting in your hard work. Passing it on!

  18. Small Wanderer says:

    I was just thinking this morning that Padme is an ENFJ! I was thinking about when she reveals her true identity in PM. She had clearly prepared a speech ahead of time for her handmaiden, but once she got there, realized it wasn’t going to work. So she came up with a new plan and acted decisively – very ENFJ, in my opinion.

  19. K says:

    My Thought Process: “Star Wars and MBTI–two awesome things combined?! This is my lucky day! La la de da. (10 seconds later….) JAR JAR?!?

    In all seriousness though, this was fun and I totally agree with all of your choices. I hated the Harry Potter MBTI chart that was making the rounds on Facebook a few weeks ago because I thought a lot of them were so off-base, but you’re spot-on with these! Thanks for making this!

  20. Peter Ll says:

    As one who has done the MBTI several times over many years, I can testify to the accuracy of this characterisation from a galaxy far, far away. The test has repeatedly revealed me to be on the cusp between INFP and INFJ, and once just on INTP. This makes me a perfect mix of Obi Wan, Luke S and Yoda. Works for me. 🙂 Seriously, you’ve done a fine job with this, thank you. Next task: the Enneagram. You’ll need 27 characters for the nine main types and then the 18 type-with-a-wing categories.

  21. […] Star Wars MBTI Chart from Geek in Heels. It’s no surprise to me that my Myers-Briggs personality type is Obi-Wan […]

  22. Tobi-Dawne says:

    Luke here. No shock. LMAO
    I’ve changed slightly over the years. As a teen and young adult I was an ENFP… but now, well into my thirties, I’ve become an INFP. Some people never change, but some do experience slight changes over time. To completely flip from one to another though? I’d never heard of an individual going through that type of transformation.

  23. C says:

    Personality Typing based on Jungian types have a lot of draw backs, Myers Briggs is no different. The tests are the most useful when dealing with the extreme ends of the spectrum. So if you are a very strong ISFJ you are less likely to change, and the test results would be more applicable.

    Most people aren’t over the 60 weight in all 4 categories though, and tend to get results that vary based on recent life events. Also, there is a statistical test fatigue for people that have taken the test over a certain number of times and it interferes with the results which makes evaluating change over time difficult. MBPT just doesn’t hold up as a useful scientific tool.

  24. Shannon says:

    I love it so much! Do you have a way to upload a larger image so I can read your paragraph descriptions beneath? When I try to make it bigger it is too blurry. Thanks for making this; it combines two of my favorite things. 🙂

  25. Jesse says:

    I like your chart. I’m certified to administer the MBTI (the real one, not the free ones online). Personality preference is inborn but can be influenced by environment. So the theory is that it is impossible for your preferences to change. However, it is possible for you to get to know yourself better as you grow older, and for your answers to be less influenced by family, peers, cultural expectations, etc. So as you retake the inventory throughout your life you may see changes in the results. This is simply because you have lived longer and, therefore, are more certain about your preferences. In your case, it sounds like you have always had a strong sense of your personality preferences.

    Also, since you are so interested in the MBTI, you might want to look into the MBTI Step II. It gives more detailed results because it breaks down each of the MBTI categories into 5 subcategories. A sample of an MBTI Step Interpretive Report is linked below. You can see that it goes into far greater detail than the simple MBTI Report.

    • heather says:

      I was going to give a similar comment. Your base type does not change in your lifetime — unless in extreme cases such as brain trauma. However, one theory (which seems validated from my observations) is that as you go through different ages, you “develop” different aspects of your type. Your dominant is developed first — obviously — but in your next stage of life, you live more in your auxiliary as it gets more development, etc. So your expression of your type can vary somewhat, but your base is still the same.

      Also, people test differently in different environments. One experiment showed that military personnel tested pretty uniformly — I think as ESTJ — the ‘ideal soldier’ type, when on base. But at home, relaxing, they tested in a more normal distribution of different types. When we’re in certain situations, we can unconsciously test out as who we are *trying* to be, rather than as who we *are*.

      Also, someone mentioned in another comment that they’re “on the cusp” between INFJ and INFP. That’s actually not possible. The ‘I/E” and “J/P” indicators are not actual personality elements – although many online descriptions would have you believe they are. Only N/S and F/T are personality elements (“functions”). The J/P indicator tells you which of your functions is extraverted — either your Perceiving function (N/S, how you take in information about the world) or your Judging function (T/F, how you make decisions based on that information). And the I/E indicator tells whether your Introverted or your Extraverted function is your Dominant.

      So you cannot be ‘borderline’ J/P because either your perceiving function is extraverted or your judging function is extraverted… there’s no gray area.

      But you can *test* on the borderline because of inaccuracies of the details of the testing. That’s where the step II can help. The thing is that the tests generally ask questions that relate to common J/P dichotomies — do you like closure, do you like schedules, etc — that really have nothing to do with which function is extraverted. They tend to be accurate for people whose dominant is their extraverted function (any type that starts with E). But if your dominant is your *introverted* function, then your auxiliary function is the one that is extraverted and thus shown to the world. And that throws everything out of whack. Basic tests will measure certain elements from your auxiliary as being more important because they’re more “out there” even though it’s not where you live, so to speak.

      So it’s actually really, really common for INFJ’s to test as INFP’s. But it’s a weakness of the test (especially basic ones online) and not an *actual* borderline personality. 🙂

      • Jesse says:

        I had similar thoughts about the influence of context but didn’t want to go into that much detail. This is why I also coach people to not consider context when answering the questions. One should not think about how they act around family, work, church, etc. Neither should they consider cultural expectations. Rather they should just choose the answer that would make them feel the most comfortable; the one that seems right. “Feeling” people especially seem to have a hard time with this idea because they generally make decisions on how they will affect others. However, I think that approaching the inventory this way does result in more accurate results.

        Also, I completely agree that it is impossible to be “on the cusp.” I think this idea comes from a common misunderstanding of the chart that is presented with the results. Based on that chart people will often make statements like “I’m a very strong J” or “I’m a low E.” However, that chart has nothing to do with strength of preference. It is simply showing your level self-awareness that you have that preference (you are the one who answered the questions, after-all). So you may have a higher/lower strength of preference but that is not measured by the MBTI.

        Finally, it’s not a “test.” The MBTI a fully researched psychometric inventory that, contrary to another poster’s comments, has proven to have high external and internal validity.

  26. […] you ever taken the Myers-Briggs?  I am assuming you probably have. So I offer this to you from Geek in Heels as a way to hopefully offer some light hearted fun in the midst of your […]

  27. D-Rail says:

    I like it, but the only problem I have with it is that the first two columns are Guardian (SJ), Artisan (SP), Artisan, Guardian.
    You have the Idealists (NF) and the Rationals (NT) in their own columns but not the Guardians or the Artisans.

  28. Uhmmm this makes me deliriously happy. And I’m not sure I would’ve pegged Qui-Gon for my ENFP doppelganger, but now reading the description I totally see it.

  29. Aleta says:

    INTJ female here. I’d say you did a much better job than the dreadful Harry Potter one. Nothing quite like repeating over and over to friends “No, Malfoy is nothing like an INTJ.” Palpatine may not be perfect but he’s at least in the ballpark. Think of us as the annoying people who can see where a movie or book is going way before most people. We are the people who can destroy the balance in a table top rpg by seeing and exploiting flaws that no one else realized were there. We gather and selectively disseminate information because it’s fun. Lol, I actually have my type and a link to info about it on my Facebook page as fair warning to anyone who wants to friend me. :p

  30. Matt says:

    ENFJ here. I think everyone agrees that this is better than the Harry Potter chart. Really good stuff.

    My two cents:

    1) Is Qui-Gon quirky and light-hearted enough to be an ENFP? He does catch Jar-Jar’s tongue during dinner– but INFJs can be playful once in awhile, too.

    2) Is Padme sufficiently visionary and charismatic to be ENFJ? Remember that her vision of the future is to be back home on Naboo. It’s easier for me to see her as a more of a dutiful, nurturing ESFJ type.

    3) Some forums have Han as an introvert, and I’m on the fence. His last name is “Solo.” He’s arguably most comfortable when he’s fixing the Millennium Falcon. He avoids relationship entanglements. Finally, look at how he dresses. Is Han flashy enough for an Se hero? Lando, by contrast is a clear-cut ESxP. Impeccably well-dressed. A flashy charmer; more playful and seductive than Han. Han’s a flirt, for sure, but even Han doesn’t lay it on as thick or as quickly as Lando. (See from 1:30: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbH_w52gK5E ).

    4) “Indubitably” makes an excellent case for Palpatine as a classic ENFJ. The ENFJ tendency to self-righteousness and manipulation is dead on. However, I would disagree that ENFJs are prone to “cruelty.” If an ENFJ is going to be cruel it will usually be out of spite, because their vanity has been wounded. Otherwise ENFJs usually care too much about other peoples’ opinions for outright cruelty–it’s harder to be cruel if you’re not willing to be cold. And ENFJs are too invested in everyone liking them to be cold. So, I’m on the fence with Palpatine as ENTJ or ENFJ. It’s certainly possible that the depiction of Palpatine isn’t fully coherent.

    5) RE: Scott, I don’t think that Anakin and Darth Vader are the same type, (even though they obviously should be). ESTJ for Vader seems right, but I’m most persuaded by Anakin as wounded, lover-boy xSFP: http://personalitycafe.com/guess-type/27579-what-anakin-skywalker-k-darth-vaders-type-12.html.

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